STS first time!

Happy Friday . Today is partly sunny and 60. It is so good to see most of the snow has melted. Todays w/o was UY Mountain pose , pranayama and meditation. I am doing laundry today. Hopefully next week I can start doing some yard work and planting some trees.

Carolyn It has been so quiet with you not feeling well. I am happy to hear that you feel better today. I wonder what is making you feel bad.

Missy Don't you have another 5K tomorrow?

Betty Don't get any steroid injections. They hurt terribly. My Dr. wanted me to get one for my shoulder but I refused. Plus they are only temporary relief. Have a nice day at work.
Hi ho. Happy Friday and TGIF. A drive-by check-in. I'm off work but need to run to get ds and drive him, so I'll be back in later in aft.
Did TTM this morning, skipping the pushups and such.
Carolyn, I hope you're doing all right.
Good Afternoon....

Jean...Yes I have a run tomorrow morning at 8 am...which means I must wake up early.... gotta be there at 7:30 for registration.... and I live about 30 minutes from there...:confused:

Have you gals that like barre.....seen these DVD's??? Barreamped (there are 2 dvds) I hadnt heard of them...but came across them earlier today. I have this lady that always comes in my office once a week to drop of home health orders for the hospital....she is very nice....but she is not an exercise person at all.... but her daughter likes to she is always chatting with me about different stuff.... well I gave her some ideas for home health order forms and helped the hospital with my "brain".... and she brought me a present today.... a $30 gift certificate to longhorn steakhouse.... that was so nice of her!!!! I was shocked!:eek: Moral of my story.... is sometimes being nice and helping others pays off!

Carolyn...I have been having terrible lower abdominal cramps too... I think its ovulation....but I dont know for sure.....B/S!!!! All these female issues we have! LOL back in a bit!!!! :eek:
I wholeheartedly agree with you Jean about no steroid injections!

Carolyn, how fun that you went to antique stores. That would be such an alien concept for my dh. Does your dh like to do that?
I used to have endom too but no more after ds was born.
It's troubling how painful what you experienced was for you.

Missy, it looks like BarreAmped is by Suzanne Bowen Fitness and Colleen was doing her workouts. Tempting, but just pull out your Zuzka.;)

Omg, I'm soooo drowsy right now. Going to close my eyes for a bit as I sit here...... are too funny.....yes Zuzka will kick your butt for sure!!!! We got off today at 4.... so kind of our docs!!!! So I can home and did leans total body ballet body!

Now off to shower and go out to dinner.....where are we going? Not sure....its up to timothy!!!!! He he he

Be back!!!!
A hot bath can soothe all kinds of aches and pains.
Dh and I were on the road for forever going back out to get ds. Ugh, evening traffic. Very late dinner after.

Never even closed my eyes earlier.:confused:

Missy, have fun tomorrow!

Carolyn, the Beamfit will still be there when you go back.
Good morning.... well it was storming really bad thunder and I stayed in bed with my love! I look at it like this....the race was to benefit sexual abuse to women....which I hold very close to my heart....its never easy going through life after such abuse....not all can make it without being mentally it was my donation to help women in need. So they race did go one....but I'm not running in looting rain.... no thanks....expecially with a touchy knee....

Carolyn....get to will still be there.....

So...Tim has now left to go check on mill and possibly run a I'm cleaning house!!!!

Happy Saturday!!!! Just watched weather another batch of thunderstorms is on its I sHall postpone grocery shopping till later or tomorrow!
Good Morning. Today is very rainy and 60 degrees. Just doing some cleaning today. With Verizon Fios your first movie rental is free so I think I will rent "The Book Thief" today since I am reading the book.

Missy That is a shame you couldn't do your run today. I know you were looking forward to it. How nice of that lady to give you a gift certificate .

Carolyn I hope you are feeling better today. :D

Betty Since you are now a "working woman" you don't have much to say.
Did you make brunch today? It always sounds so good.
Good morning! I just woke up not too long ago and am oil pulling! I was so tired last night, but still didn't go to bed until nearly midnight. Ds had his club meet to go to early this morning, but thankfully his friend's mom drove.
My shoulders were in such pain overnight, so achy. I need to just rest them. I held 3#ers yesterday during TTM, but the achiness started from the doc having me test my strength the day before.
bbl. Need to get bkfast going.
Jean, I've not been motivated to make any brunch 'bread' these past few weeks. Today I toasted frozen waffles!:p (I guess doing it weeks on end makes me tire of it. I'll get the excitement back soon.) We also had eggs, hash browns, blueberries and banana. To have with my decaf DD coffee, which I can NEVER seem to perfect. Dh is using a bag of Turbo DD, which is too strong, so I haven't been enjoying one when he brews it.
Yesterday it reached 60 here! What a treat. It's supposed to rain all weekend, but just cloudy so far. The week's forecast predicts normal spring temps, thank God.
Carolyn, what's your take on what's going on with your body? Rather troubling to me.
Another dull weekend here for me. Week after week, and now spring is here.
Good Evening. I watched the movie today and of what I have read of the book , the book is better and more thorough. But that is to be expected. It was still a good movie. It is still raining here.

Betty Your breakfast sounds really good. I like hearing what you make for brunch. A place where I live sells a coffee called " Wake The F*** Up". I can imagine that is strong.

Carolyn Don't you hate having to find new Dr's. I made a Dr. appt here with a practice a lot of people in the community use. I didn't get an appt until May. I hope I like them.

Well that's all for here. I can't wait for nice , dry weather.
Hi ho. Just watched Gravity. It was veddy good.
Carolyn, stop taking that stuff for a while and see if your symptoms go away. I never seem to take anything daily.
The rain started in the afternoon and won't let up for a while.
Hi ladies! My sis is visiting us for the weekend so trying to spend time with her along with all the usual stuff we do. We got in a nice walk yesterday and also poked around some stores downtown. DD has a volleyball tournament today but luckily it is in NH so I will bring her up this morning, watch a few games, and then DH can take over.

We watched The Book Thief last night, I have not read the book but enjoyed the movie and thought it was well acted. Very sad story though.

Carolyn I hope you are feeling better, no good to be sick. I find stomach illnesses to be the worst.
Good morning! Rained all night. Yard is flooded-looking.
Making pancakes right now.

Mary, you were up really early for a Sunday!
How marvy your sis is here. The one from CA? Not great weather for her at all, but maybe she's tired of all that CA sunshine!:p

Jean, that strong coffee would make my heart pound and head feel funny, I'm sure. Imagine ordering it?

Carolyn, it has been a while since I've heard you guys playing good ole-fashioned (non-electronic) games. I don't even have Chinese checkers. Not sure if I remember how to play.
Ooh, hangman is really good for her spelling, vocab, reading! Nice going with the old-fashioned games. I get a look when I suggest playing any with ds2.:confused:
Odd symptoms for a stomach bug--those of a healthy person, perhaps?
Have a load of laundry going, a batch of banana-blueberry-bran muffins in the oven, and must go practice....
Hi Girls. It is still raining and 50. Next week is supposed to look up. Today's movie was "Griffin and Phoenix". It was a sad love story but very good. I did some cleaning today. My husband is starting to complain about his job. This morning before he left he mumbled " Another Endless Day". So I told him if he doesn't like the job , then quit.

Carolyn How fun to give your children ingredients and have them make something. Do you really choose which one is better? Does one get their feelings hurt? Anyway It sounds fun. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. Hopefully that is not your new routine before your period. :mad:

Mary Enjoy your sister. :D
Carolyn I will probably watch WD tomorrow. Rick is going to be on Talking Dead tonight so you should watch that also. I am so sad that we will have to wait until Oct. to watch it again. :( That is my favorite show.
It sounds like the cook off was a lot of fun. It's always nice when the loser thinks the winner did better.
I know you are trying to lift your butt , but do you still have a little loose inner thigh meat? I know you used to complain of that. You probably really have nothing to complain about your legs. :p
How many bathrooms do you have? Do you have a master bath?
It's prohibitively expensive to travel anywhere during school vacations.:mad: Not to mention crowded if you go to places like Disney.
Good morning....up amd on treadmill....I was bad this weekend...I made homemade cookies and ate a bunch of them!!! Errrr....what did I do that for???

Help me out.... what rotation should I start? Low impact, xtrain, or one with newest workouts??? Any a ideas???????

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