STS first time!

Carolyn, how do you do your panko fish in the oven?

I hit TJM to look for the half-size foam roller I saw last wk. Of course both are gone.:confused:

Missy, I had yet another Nike dri-fit skort in my hands. But I put it back.:rolleyes:
Betty....your too funny!!! I actually wore mine this morning... it was super comfy!!!!

Question....what protein powder do yall use????
Hehehehe....I was walking around drug store....and wanted to ask you girls about country did I sound......y'all. ...heheheheh

I want to start incorporating protein shakes with this I love to lift heavy....but I am always so hungry post workout....I think carolyn is having a protein shake!

Advise please!!!!
I need to stop snacking with my hot tea.:rolleyes: veggie straws and pirate booty

I just did Yin Yoga. Better go bake a cranberry apple cobbler....
Hello ladies!

Busy busy! Had a nice visit with my sister although the weather was yucky! Tried to squeeze in some short workouts while she was here but did not stress about it.

I have been so careful with driving but last night ran over a deep pot hole and got a flat tire. Luckily I was close to home, because when I got there I could hear the air coming out of the tire. DH put on the spare but today I had to get 2 new tires for my car. I would rather have gone for a walk.

DD having a tough time with her diabetes, as am I :( . Wish I could wave a magic wand and make it all go away.

Colleen, I hope your dd is doing ok.

Carolyn I'm so glad you are feeling better, must have had some kind of bug.

I could not get into Mr. Selfridge but I did enjoy Call the Midwife. Anybody watch that? I wish they would have another series like BroadChurch.
Oh, Mary! I'm so sorry about yours and dd's tough time with the diabetes. Sending comforting hugs to you and her. And what a stinker about the flat tire! I've been reading that this has been one of the worst years for potholes and flat tires!:mad::mad::mad:
I'm patiently waiting for my turn in the queue for Broadchurch. Technically, I'm the first in line since I suggested the purchase to the library.:p
I've caught glimpses of Call the Midwife but didn't get hooked.
I'm definitely craving English period dramas right about now.
Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein by Optimum Nutrition at - Lowest Prices on Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein!

Missy This is the Whey that I use.

Well we got our taxes done. I am glad that is over. I have to go back on Friday because I forgot my bank acct info for direct deposit. I sure miss my lady I used in Maryland.

We went to Lowes and I bought some Lily Of The Valley bulbs. That has been my favorite flower since I was a small child. I have a lot of shady areas in front of my house to plant them in. I hope the squirrels don't dig them up.

My neighbor (who is Jewish) invited us over on April 19 for Passover Seder. I started reading about it and it sounds very interesting. It sounds like I will have to drink 4 glasses of wine and I don't drink so I guess I will be getting drunk. :rolleyes: I just hope I don't have to eat Gelfite fish. :confused: But it is a whole thing of reading and eating matzo. I think I will really enjoy it.

Doesn't that FitBit measure your good and bad sleep also?

I rolled the puff pastry. It is really easy to make.

Do any of you deadlift twice your body weight?

Mary that is too bad you got a flat tire. At least you were close to home. I have never heard of the Midwife . I will have to look that up. I'm sorry that your daughter is having a bad time with her diabetes. I was hoping she would be leveled out by now. But I really don't know too much about it. I hope things go better for you and her.

Carolyn the watch belonged to Herschel and gave it to Glen.
Maggie was wearing the poncho.
Glen was wearing riot gear and gave it to Eugene and one of the guys at Terminus was wearing it.
I am going to watch it again "on demand" to catch all this stuff. What a good show.

Time to eat and then go play Canasta with my "homies".
Jean, I love how open-minded you are! I find that so appealing in a person.
Does Lily of the Valley spread?
Twice my body weight?? How could I ever accomplish that? I'm a weakling!:rolleyes:
You crack me up--Canasta with your homies:D:p
I live among many Jewish people but have never been invited for Passover Seder. My boys have been to a few bar mitzvahs though. I've never had Gelfite fish, matzo, etc. I do love challah bread though, and use that for my french toast.

Marie, my Costco finally offers the power greens you've mentioned. Kale, chard, spinach, etc, in a bag. I'm trying it tonight.
Good evening! Just finished lean legs....whooohooo!!!! That's what my goals

Dinner tonight was old fashioned....meat loaf, potatoes, green beans.... I normally do. Not eat potatoes....but I did tonight!!!! :-( sorry to hear of the diabetes struggles....I sure hope things turn around!!!! Just know were here for you!!!!

On to research protein....that's for the suggestions!!!!

Be back.....
Hi Girls. We played 3 hands of Canasta and lost . :( It was a lot of fun. One of my neighbors used to live and work in New York and said she was looking out her window and actually saw the 2nd plane hit the Tower. I can't imagine. :eek: She worked in banking and was present for 3 bank robberies and one of them she had a gun held up to her head. I would have died. I don't get a lot of time to talk one on one with the neighbors so Canasta is a good time to learn about people.
I also learned that we have a new neighbor family in their young 30's . The husband is the captain of an oil rig or some boat. He is home 3 weeks and gone 3 weeks. She is home by herself with a 6 week old baby , a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old , plus 3 dogs , a cat and no fenced in yard. I would slit my wrists. :rolleyes:

Missy I had your same dinner 2 weeks ago. I love mashed potatoes. I love anything that involves butter. :D

Lily of the valley does spread and can become invasive. I just have a few shrubs where I am going to plant it so I don't care.

Well enough blabbering for tonight. Tomorrow the community has a man coming to look at our waterways and trees and talk about getting rid of the phragmites. That is at 9:30 so I better hit the sack.
Rise and shine!!!! Its hump day!!! Hehehehe

So I watched bates was good....getting deep!!! Norma is getting herself in a mess again!!!

Tonights workoit is x10.....yipppeeee!!!!

Hope everyone has a lovely day!!!

Be back in a bit!
Good Afternoon....OMG!!!! I have been in a panic....I couldnt talk with my fit friends!!!! I felt like something in my day was missing!!!! hehehe :eek:
Hi friends, I'm home from work and walking the dog. Need to finish what I couldn't finish this morning, the floor portion of GG Extreme. Then a snack of some sort.:eek:
It's mild but cloudy. Pleasant enough.
Wassup, everyone?:p
Hello Betty.... Did you finish your workout?

Tonight is x10 for me....cant wait to go home and tackle it! LOL
Good Afternoon girls. Today is mostly sunny and 60. We did out community walk/meeting today. He had a very knowledgeable guy come today and he said he wishes he could live in our community. So that was good to hear from Natural Resources guy. He was with us around 3 hours.
Then we went and voted on building a new school. We voted no because it will increase our taxes. We went to a few stores also but didn't buy anything.
Hello hello!!!! Sched had x10 on it....but I did x58 (no step)

I had never done that workout...and holly was a workout!!!! I thought the warm up was intense!!! And then the workout began!!! Hehehehe

Time to make dinner.... we are having breakfast tonight......
Carolyn I have given up on The Following. I started watching it and 5 minutes in I gave up. I cannot watch torture . My husband said he will let me know what happens. But I have given up.
I watched Bates Motel tonight. It is getting good.
Has anyone taken piano before, young or otherwise? I've been practicing daily, yet when I sat down tonight you wouldn't know it.:confused: My fingers are all over the wrong keys, forgetting everything. I am very slow at it, as I've always feared, but I do enjoy it, and my teacher is great. Many evenings I've been practicing but I should do it when there's natural daylight. I feel the evening darkness and the yellow bulb in the room makes it otherworldly.

Jean, I'm glad to hear you've stopped watching TF. Will it keep longer than an episode?:D I can't stomach such sick minds. (Carolyn, when will it be the straw that broke the camel's back for you?:p)
I found the last episode of Downton on my dvr last night.:D I forgot I had it.
I'd want to live in your community too. Is there a name for it? Maybe there's one near me by the same developer.:p

Missy, great job. X-whatever is not easy! I've avoided the fat burning and some other jumpy two segments.
I did indeed finish the pizza press portion.;)

Time to make smoothies.
Good morning! Sunny but there must have been a slight frost overnight. Should hit 50 today.
Carolyn, great memory! My eval is today. Hopefully they do some exercises as well?? I'm so tired of the pain and limited range of motion.:confused:
I'm losing definition all over.:confused:
You haven't done HoCo in forever!

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