STS first time!

Hi friends, 4 dentist appts today, then ramen for lunch. Ds1 overslept when we went to pick him up, so dh had to drop us off and go back to get him.:mad: I was nearly 1.5 hrs at the dentist and it wasn't my healthy gums causing the delay! I think we were too busy chatting!:eek: My hygienist recommends OP to those who ask.:p
Thanks for your understanding. I should do what some of you gals do--set my expectations to be so low as to be non-existent. But I'm a hopeless romantic, and every so often I get my hopes up. Shouldn't the person you fall in love with bend over, if not backwards, a little bit to please/surprise/satisfy/shock you?
For my college grad/birthday, dh got me an emerald ring. I loved it. One year when ds1 was much younger he surprised me with a sapphire ring. Loved that too. It has been too too many years since I've been surprised like that. Is marriage a disappointment? When it comes down to it, real life intervenes, warts and all.

Jean, I prefer colorful and beachie. I dislike black and sophisticated.
How exciting you'll be able to set out a bistro patio set on your patio and have your coffee and meals out there.

Missy and Carolyn, high five for wonderful husbands!

Missy, I love BM2. It's a 90-min workout and I used to do the 72-min premix. The step is rather high-impact.

Mary, sending comfort your way. Hang in there. It's only been a few months, but soon it will be second nature.

Carolyn, ironically, dh has that sloping butt naturally.
I've not finished the article yet but I think I know where she's leading. I'm in total agreement!

Quick question.... I struggle with finding jeans to fit me..... thighs are thicker(muscular) and waist is small.... so I find pants to fit thighs but the the waist i s too big....any suggestions????
Missy I have the same problem. I hate shopping for jeans. I had found a pair at the Gap in 1998 that fit perfect. Then they stopped making those jeans and now I just keep trying on every pair of jeans in whatever store I am in. If you have a Gap where you live , you might give them a try. Right now I don't have a perfect pair of jeans to suggest to you. Let us know if you find some. You could always wear a belt.

Betty That is a long day at the dentist. That is good you take the whole family in . You should get on that Oil Pulling forum in OD and tell them about your good experience today. When your husband proposed to you , get he get on one knee and surprise you with a diamond or did you pick out your own?

I finished painting half of my laundry room. Now we need to move the washer and dryer back so I can do the other half. It is very bright yellow. It is going to be so pretty when it is all put back together.
Hey all-

It's been too long. I miss you guys! Been busy doing what- I'm not sure lol. B and I have had plans almost every day and then walk to the park in the afternoons. However not lately since it snowed like 6 inches the other day. UGH! I thought I had out B's snowstuff away for the last time but we took advantage and played outside in the white stuff one last time. He is just so much fun to hang out with. LOVE love love being a mama! Next week our plays include a playdate on Monday, swimming on Tue, open gym with friends on Wed and then an afternoon walk around the lake with a group of moms and of course Thu is our favorite with our ECFE class :) He has not been napping super well lately so it's been hard to check-in. My new goal is reading more books so I've been trying to do that during naptimes which are usually only about 45 minutes. Silly boy just misses his mama ;)

On the job front- I'm here right now and waiting for 11:30 to roll around. Luckily my mom is in town so she will get up early with ds so dh and I can sleep in. I slept til 9 this morning and it was lovely. And most importantly regarding the job I got my .4 approved. So I'll be working Fri double, Sat, Sun and then the next week will be Sat. I'm so excited for the change.

My mom and I did Low Impact Hiit and Core one today. I've been sort of bad with my workouts latey. We walk almost every day but not enough official workouts. I got 2 new Amy Bento DVD's- Advanced Step Challenge 2 and 5. Haven't tried them yet. Shame shame lol.

Hope to check in on all the new postings soon. Just wanted to say a quick hello :)
Good morning!!!!

Its so good to hear from you marie!!! We missed you!!!! Enjoy your little he is growing up fast!!!

This morning I'm doing cardio (treadmill) and later is yogarelax! Following this rotation ..... today is one week down....3 to go!!! Loving it though....

After my workout and breakfast....tim and I have to go to favorite

Have a lovely day!!!!
Jean....I will try gap next time I go to tallahassee mall..... I've been wearing american eagle or areopostle...but I have to wear a my booty doesn't show....when I sit or so people can't look down my
tslop49, thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Something changed in the past couple of days and we are having a tough time managing her levels well. It certainly is challenging, and we are not even 4 months into this. But I am glad to hear that your ds is managing well, that is what I hope for my dd.
Hello friends. A gorgeous spring day today. Sunny and near 60. I made a huge brunch of bacon, eggs, hash browns & tots, muffins, fruit, coffee. Then we met our entire extended family (on my side) at the cemetery to pay our respects. Afterward, the 3 of us picked up KFC.:eek::confused:
I need to get off this computer and henna my hair. I'm so sick of seeing my whites.:mad: Need to practice too.

Jean, I caught a side glimpse of a plumber's crack Friday and quickly averted my eyes.:D
Dh did not propose on his knee but he did pick out the ring himself. I don't even wear that ring because the band is yellow gold and I prefer white gold at the moment. Sad, isn't it? He won't let me change the band on that one.

Carolyn, it's tough having to care for elders in addition to the full plates at home. Dh took care of his grandparents, and now his dad. Thankfully his dad is healthy and able and only needs infrequent things. His siblings don't help. Does your dh's sibilings help out? My siblings help with my mom, each in different things, thank God.
Sounds like a great idea for the 3 of us to ride down together to Glassboro and meet Jean, Marie, Missy, Colleen there. (Marie's the farthest.) I bet it's a 6-hr drive or something.:p

Marie, congrats on your job change!
I did see the news about the new snow in MN the other day.:confused: Winter's last hold.

Missy, I wear what I find at TJM/M. I currently have a Hilfiger, Gap, Abs, BDG skinny ones. (Carolyn, that's a smokin' deal you got!)
Hi Ladies. It has been a beautiful day . Sunny and cool. Todays movie was "12 years a slave". It was so good. It was very sad to see the way those people were treated. I didn't realize Brad Pitt had a small part. If you get the chance . It is well worth seeing it.
That's about it for here. I sure hope I get a w/o in tomorrow. I need it mentally .

Betty Your weekend breakfasts sound so good. I wish I had the want to make all that food. That's funny about the crack. You have been fully broken in to your new job.

Carolyn what are we going to watch tonight without WD.:(:(:(

Marie I'm glad to hear you got the hours you wanted at work. It does my heart good to hear you enjoy your son so much.
Carolyn, I just finished the article. I don't understand some of the terminology but I wholeheartedly agree with her! Cardio (and bingeing) isn't the end all. I love how lifting helps me thin out like cardio never did. And how it fires the metabolism. So this program is specifically designed to lift your bootylicious?
Next time you do GG, you'll have to distinguish for us whether it's GeGl or GrGl:D
Better go practice. Then PT exercises.

Jean, I just saw your post. I have that movie right now and am looking forward to it.

Carolyn, your dh is a keeper.
I feel oinky at the moment. I wish I had gorged on a cupcake instead.

Mary, I second what Carolyn says. Hang in there.
Does dd confide with her twin? Hope that helps.
sts first time

Maryk: Diabetes can be a real rollercoaster ride and I am sorry it is off to a rough start. It's really hard to change eating habits; for parents preparing the meals and especially the diabetic kids! We were lucky that our son was only 3...not too many eating habits established yet! Prayers with you and your family!! If I can help please let me know! Tom
Good evening....been busy today!

I just mapped how far glassboro is....and let's just would definitely have to be a plane ride....which I hate planes....I'm 15 hrs away!!!! Doesn't look like that's happening!!!! :-(

Just had a snack...raspberry jello...yum yum!!!!

I definitely need to go to tjmax and check out real closet is 3/4 workout clothes and 1/4 real clothes!!!! He he he I will go clothes shopping with a in tensions of getting some new clothes and I get in those stores hit the exercise section and then hit the home section...leave and then realize....damn...I forgot to look at real clothes!!!! He he he....
Carolyn if you go to google and type in Houzz then when you get there type in grey sofa , you will get a lot of ideas of how people decorate with a grey sofa. I love that website and get a lot of ideas from there.

Missy It sounds like your area is expecting up to 4 inches of rain. Is that correct?
Good morning!!!

Why did monday come so fast???? I sure dis enjoy my long weekend!!! But now I must go back to work!!! :-(

Jean....yes its suppose to rain like crazy today.....and we do not need it....we got a ton of rain last week....the farmers do not need the rain right now....they need there fields to dry out.....

Up and on the elliptical!!!!
Okay....a thought the roadtrip is we think we will be getting a new release of info on upcoming series/workouts???? I sure hope so.....I mean we all have enough workouts.....but who wouldn't like a few new??? Hehehehehe
Good Morning . Today is cloudy , cool and expecting rain. Today's w/o was UY Cross Train. It feels good to have done a w/o. I will be going to the grocery store today .
Alright everyone, Tony's off school today so I'm about to head to the basement to do the entire Body Max 2 workout. Wish me luck ;)

I as well am hoping for an announcement for some new workouts!
Good the storms should be rolling in soon...

Marie...enjoy body max 2....I did that one last week...lets just says I was drenched!

Im still waiting on my newsletter....must gonna have goos info in it!! Lol
Hi girls, crazy day today. I did SC before work, worked till 2:30 (I felt fried today), ran to PT at 4, then ran home to drive ds to his club. Watching tv with dh right now, so will catch up later.

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