STS first time!

I'm so insanely busy that stuff is piling up at home. I haven't even been able to sit down and order my pulley thing for PT. When it rains it pours. This week's 5 days of work (which I dread), along with the running around for PT, and a dozen dvds to watch in one week, and all the home stuff I haven't been able to get to yet, is frustrating the heck out of me!:mad:

At PT, I used a seated elliptical powered with legs and arms for a few minutes to warm up. Then I used some other gadgets to warm up my arms. And also got the stretching, massaging, light therapy, and icing. Felt great.

Signing off. I'll feel better in am.
Rise and shine!!! Its tuesday morning and its wrt rained all night....I drove home in the down poor....we have had enough rain!!!!

Last night I did flex train.... felt great!!!

Now...I'm on treadmill....I didn't do elliptical for several days and my leg pain went away.....did elliptical yesterday and my leg started hurting again.... thinking back....I hit elliptical all last month every other day....and my leg was killing me so bad....I was thinking I needed to see a dr..looks like my leg does not agree with the action of my elliptical.....hmmmmm......

Tonights workout is hard strikes....but I think I will do rockout its a tad bit more joint friendly!

I may have to take Mr boots to dr.....he seems to be licking his tummy so bad that the fur is gone in one spot...and he seems to be having trouble pooping the last few poor boy.... will soon get in a me.....I work 8+ hours a day....its tough just have to figure out a routine....I have mine down to a t..... that's why some people laugh at me...cause I'm so Ocd..... I schedule everything.... but that is how I can get everything done and my workouts!!!!! I'm so proud of you for still maintaining your workouts....keep it up my fit friend!!!!!

Be back...gotta pick up my speed.....
Watching the weather....said we got 4" of rain last don't need sure has been a wet spring so far.....

Btw....yesterday.....after having a few days off....I wanted to was so nice being home....why oh why do I need to work???? Lol
Good rainy morning! My arms were aching yesterday from SC, before the added PT. Stupid of me to do even the slightest weights with SC. It was a lot of moves; I'd forgotten the workout. I definitely avoided the floor stuff. I'm going to take today and Thu off from UY and just do my home PT exercises.

Crockpot dishes sound great except I need to prep them the night before and I don't have my act together enough yet! Especially when at night we're cramming television in!:p
Hi Girls. Today is cloudy and kind of warm. My w/o was disc 7 ch, sh, bi.
Yesterday my Mother fell walking to the bathroom and my sister called the ambulance. They took back and head x-rays but they looked fine. She is in a lot of pain though. The Dr. wants to see if a brace helps her with the pain. My sister and I are hoping they send her to the Nursing center for a few weeks until she is pain free. That is a lot of responsibility for my sister on her own. So we will see. But luckily she didn't break anything.
Today I got a call that my bedroom draperies are finally ready for install. I have been waiting almost a 8 months. I wanted yellow and white striped draperies and the decorator found one fabric that matched my bedspread. Every time the fabric came in there were flaws in it . So they kept re-ordering. So I am scheduled for install on April 15. I am so excited. Those draperies were the main thing I wanted in my bedroom.
Our pavers are supposed to be delivered today so my husband is just waiting for that.

Betty what kind of pulley do you need for pt? You certainly are busy. I don't think I want to be that busy anymore. But you are still young and can handle it. This is just a crazy week for you. Housecleaning can wait till next week. :D

Missy I hope you find out what is wrong with Mr. Boots. :( Let us know. I hope he is alright.

I need to work on my laundry room so I can finish this paint job.
Jean.... I gave him some milk last night and this morning...and right before I left for work...he was able to go to the bathroom....he does not drink alot....and I think that is his I need to find ways to get him to drink.... hmmm.... with horses you give them salt or electrolytes.... but not sure for cats.... I have a phone call into the vet.... His licking issue he has had for awhile.... normally cause of his urinary issue...which he is on prescription food for.... All I know is animals keep your guessing as they can not talk to you!!!! :confused:
Not yet....Carolyn.

As for Bermuda shorts....I think the style is now short shorts again....and I'm just not comfy with that! Errrr....

Jean...time sure has flew....8 months....omg!!!!! So happy for you....soon you will have your home just perfect!

Carolyn...those laterns sound cute for around the pool....

Btw....I better get busy....I still have to do our taxes!!! Hehehehe.... I always wait till last minute as we always owe! the vet called me... they said I could try some cat lax paste you put on there paw and they will lick may help....or I can bring him in to see if maybe his urinary issues are bothering him again due to his tummy licking.... so I may may him an appointment within the week.... i have to check my work schedule and make sure i dont have anyone off...and when she called I was driving down the road....always the way!

Jean...thats great you dont have to pay federal. Tim and I always have to pay.... we have not received a refund in so long...I cant remember.... Its total B/S! I work my ass off and pay all these certain people to sit home and do nothing but make babies...and then I have to pay for them! WTH???? I always get in these angry moods when I have to think about tax time! LOL

ERRRR....... :mad:

Let me tell you something really funny.... I had to go to the feed store to get some sheath cleaner for the "male" horses.... and I got busy looking at different nutritional values on different cat foods.... (i wanted to do a comparrison on the prescription food) and I left the store...drove half way back to work and realized I didnt get not I have to go back on my way home.... Tim of course said that was old age catching up with me! hehehehe... :eek::confused:

be back!
Thank you Tom and ladies for your support. Turns out dd was coming down with a stomach bug but we did not know it and her levels spiked higher than we have ever seen. We worked with Joslin to adjust everything and things look good now except she just isn't feeling well, but her diabetes is being managed ok. It was very stressful, but I finally feel like I can breathe again.

Jean I hope your Mom is ok. When my father was having issues and went to the hospital they would send him to rehab before going home, it really helped my Mom. Being a caregiver is so much work.

Betty you will get your routine down soon and be able to handle everything. You went from not working at all to working 5 days this week, that's a huge change. I find now I actually get more done when I have less time because I have to plan everything out.

Carolyn those lanterns do sound pretty, especially around your pool area on a warm summer night. I got an email from AT Loft and it showed pictures of longer length shorts, but I would wait for a sale.

Missy I hope your cat is feeling better. I have the same problem with jeans, gapping at the waste, I usually try to find a curvy fit. I have some Lucky brand skinny jeans I got at Marshalls and they fit really well.

Our power went out at 6am this morning. I was already awake but it was tough to get girls ready for school in the dark.
Jean- So sorry to hear about your mom :( Hope she feels better soon.

Missy- Poor Mr Boots :( Keep us posted.

Mary- Hope your daughter feels better soon. Illness does cause higher blood glucose at times... so does stress. Some of my patients experience higher levels than usual when in the hospital. Take care! You're doing a great job!

I did AT this morning then ds and I went swimming at the community pool. He's definitely a water guy.

Nap time for him= laundry time for me.

Enjoy your Tuesday everyone :)
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Hi friends. Worked an extra hour today and then went home briefly before I left to go meet my mom to read her mail. On the drive home, it occurred to me to wonder if ds remembered to walk the dog in his rush to come home and take a nap. So now, 2 hrs later, I walked the dog.:mad: Ds never gets enough sleep so I let him nap on. He owes me.:mad:
Can you say humid??:p It reached 66 today with mainly cloudy skies. The rain stopped by mid-morning.
I don't think I want to know what sheathing a horse means.:p
Bathrooms do get so disgusting! How about the hair that accumulates like mad??

Jean, I'm so glad your mom didn't break anything! How fortunate. She must have been pretty banged up to still be experiencing pain. I hope they treat her for it, and give your sister some assistance in a visiting nurse or sending your mom to rehab.
Your draperies sound so pretty. Some years back I found some yellow and white striped ones from PB Kids and they hang on my DR patio doors, the same curtains that are in my CA niece's bedroom.
I can't believe it's been 8 months--in paradise:p!!!
Mary, how tough for dd to be going through a stomach bug! Just stinks! You must have been so anxious for her. Breathe and continue some form of workout to keep your sanity. What trying times for you. Keep hanging on.

Carolyn, ahhh, how lovely the lanterns will look on a summer evening!
I would love some tapered, petite, cuffless, bermuda shorts. Usually what I find are wide and are hideous on me!:confused:
I have quite a few short-shorts that you can only wear in scorching weather. I waffle back and forth between :eek:they're so short and :cool:heck, I work out!

The ringing phones at work were horrendous yesterday, but a little better today. I'm getting better at it, but still have so much to learn.
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Jean, this is the gadget they want me to get. I can't tell the shipping cost but the item is so inexpensive. I'm trying to figure out if I should get a foam roller from here. Need to ask them tomorrow if I need one.
Stretchwell, Inc. - StretchRanger
Missy, do you know this website?

The grass is finally turning green here.
Morning fit friends.....

Too funny Jean and Betty.....I do not do the sheath cleaning....I just buy the cleaner and put timothy to

Betty....I've never been to that site....I will check it out today!

This morning at 8:10.... I have a gyn dr appt.... I've been having on and off low abdominal pain and cramping and I'm not due for period till late next week...I am also having pain with gotta go get checked to make sure I'm okay. Wish me luck!

Then I have computer people due in my office at 10..... lots to do....

Betty....I hope ypu jave a lovely day today and hope those phones slack off today....I sure understand the phones....ours ring all day and we all just want to strangle the people on the other

Hope today is back soon!
Have anybody heard of the magazine.... Strong??? It comes out every other month..... just curious....I love receiving magazines about fitness....hmmmm......
Hi ho. Good sunny morning! I did XT Legs earlier. In my rush I forgot to check premixes; there prob was barre, right? I'll see if I can get to it later. I'm feeling overburdened-tired, and I don't even work full-time:p.
Have PT right after work.

I've not heard of that mag, Missy. But then it's specialized and I'm only familiar with ones like Shape, Fitness, Women's Health.

Carolyn, what set dd off?
Got me there about dh:p, except he does not multi-task. He focuses on his job. Period.:rolleyes:

Better go. Have a great morning!
Well the alarm went off at 5:30 this morning for me to get up for my workout. Unfortunately the touch screen on my phone was acting weird and couldn't get it shut off right away so it woke b up. No workout for me, we just had a chill morning.


Just pulled up to open gym play time and this is what I see :)
Good Afternoon.... been super busy today....

Marie....too cute!!!! Your little man is just so precious!!!

So I went to dr.... and they ordered ultrasound...which I had today.... and I had a ovarian cyst rupture.... so I am in a bit of pain/discomfort.... with a little bit of nausea.... which I have been for several days.... they want to to consider birthcontrol to shut my ovaries off...since I battle with pain....

Not sure what im gonna do yet.... all I know is I don't feel very good.

Be back in a bit....:confused:
Sorry to hear that Missy :( Hope you get better soon.

Carolyn- Maybe your dd would like to hang out with b. Certain days I tell ya. Today being one of them. He is usually such a good boy but the tantrums are constant today.
Hi girls!

Carolyn OMG. You DD sounds just like mine. She has carried on that exact same way. It's exhausting.

We took DD to CHOP yesterday. It could be pre celiac based on her labs and it could be acid reflux. She is starting meds to see if it is acid reflux. if it does not help then she will have to go in for an endoscopy. We are not allowed to change her diet other than cutting down on diet.

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