STS first time!

Hi friends, got a couple of extra hours of sleep (a world of difference, no?;)), and it is a gorgeous day! I thought it was going to be cloudy, so what a bonus.

Mary, what's your anniversary day? Mine is the 10th. Happy Anniversary!!!!!
We have no idea what to do for ours. We had a row about it so my heart is not in it. What's the point? Ds was at his club meet till 6:30 and would have required a pickup and that would have put a wrench in dinner plans, but he just now texted and asked to leave.

Carolyn, I've already received some email from Sierra. I'm excited to sit down and sift through the sales at some point....

Enjoy this fab spring day, everyone!
Carolyn, we went out to lunch and then a movie.
A row is indeed an argument. It's probably a British English word. Sounds less offensive to me.
If the food you describe is falling off the wagon, then I do it daily.:eek: Dh loves buffalo chicken dipped in bleu cheese.
Yesterday ds & his friend had burgers. His friend had a bacon cheeseburger with mushrooms and sweet potato fries.:eek: I can't stop thinking about it. Must be a thousand calories. I do agree that eating-out food is so expensive and so not worth it. Fattening too.
I am aching all over. Maybe the pain is projected. Actually it's my lower back and whole shoulder area. PT isn't until Wed & Fri.
Yesterday, entering the restaurant, the door hit my right arm at an awkward angle, and boy did it kill! I saw stars for a while.
I think I'm going to declare this whole week rest week. I'll try to go outside for walks though. This is the best time of the year, after all.
I made Belgian waffles for brunch, then after, I put curried chicken ingredients in a crockpot. Following that I attempted to steam clean the floor but the electric mop seems to be broken. Probably because I added a little vinegar with my water into the reservoir and seared some heating element.:confused:
Hello! Signs of life out there, finally!
You are the most patient mom, Carolyn! Love the old-fashioned games. I can picture your dd in your vivid descriptions. Yours is a musical family. Ukele, guitar. My kids were taught recorder in 3rd grade. Not a string instrument in sight, acoustic or otherwise.
The mop has only a reservoir for clean water, which gets heated on the way out to make steam, which hits a mopping pad. Today there was not enough steam to wet the pad. Stupid me probably broke it.:rolleyes: In splurging for this I was trying to avoid using and thus pouring more Pine Sol down into the water stream. You can use it on all floors--I used it on hardwood and vinyl. I found it at Xmas Tree last year.
We went to see The Grand Budapest Hotel. It was oddly ?whimsical. I can't describe it. We should have gone to see Transcendence. Oh well. Perverse how the full week of work had caused all kinds of havoc, one of which I had no time to research movies and restaurants. The other of which, my shoulders are still just a-hurtin'.
Lucky you guys to get the rain. We got a few sprinkles every time dh went outside to rake. The sun came out in early afternoon. I should go for a walk.
Good job holding back on the ice cream. Lucky for the Title Nine timing.:p As for me, I see Klondike Bars on sale this week.:eek:
Good morning....I was busy as ever yesterday....I did no workouts or cardio....a complete rest day!!!! Wow!

This morning I'm moving pretty slow...but I'm at least walking on hip is still killing me.... I think I must have a pinched nerve??? Its okay....till I stand up from sitting and I can lay on is very painful....once standing I'm okay....just the movement to get from sitting to standing....its like a 90 yr old getting up....terrible!

Btw....I'm still searching for a barbell set.... I'm torn do I buy one with lots of weight...or go with something like troy lite or cardio pump sets that have 40 pds.... not sure....I cant put to heavy bar on shoulders due to bad back....but I can do heavier rows and such..... hmm.m..... any suggestions?
That's what I was thinking too....and I want more than 40 to do hip thrusrs too....just have not found a good set online yet....

Time to make my oatmeal.....

I hope my hip goes away too...its been hieting for a week....I ignored it last week with my other problems...but now that I'm not in girl hip is killing me....I just don't want to go to chiro....

Btw....I did our taxes saturday night....and lets just say....we were not happy with owe federal and state....absolute b/s.... we always owe...but it seems every y ear it gets to be more and more.....errrrr
Good morning, friends! Somewhat sunny and oh so mild! Near 60 already!
An exercise-free morning. My right tendon has been flaring up more and more. Like they said when they measured me the other day, my left improved a smidge (good for my frozen shoulder) and my right worsened. I've started taking Hydraplenish twice a day, hoping for synovial fluid improvement (whatever that means;)). Salmon oil too.

We seem to always get a refund, which means we over-withhold and lend the government and interest-free loan for a year.

I'd best get moving faster! Certainly shouldn't be on the forum!;)
Thanks, Carolyn! Owners are back today so it should be better (in some ways).
Carolyn...I will definately try that...

Betty....definately rest....your body needs it!

I'm at front desk...:-(
What a gorgeous warm day, but so windy! I went for a quick walk at lunch but stuff was blowing everywhere. And I did LL&A this morning.

And now in addition to my hamstring bothering me, my right hip is bothering me. It is so tight, I don't know what is going on. And I couldn't get another pt appt. til next week. Ugh.

Betty are both shoulders bothering you? Do you feel better after your pt appts?

Today dd has a softball game close to my work, so I will get to see some of it I hope. And I hope she gets to play, she missed quite a bit of it last week.

Missy, I hope the day goes quickly for you without being too crazy!
Hi ho. It's super gusty here too, but low 70s. Carolyn, I can't believe it's 80 there. Yuck! I'm so with you! Spring is the best season here but we hardly get any of it! Summer just swoops in with its gross humidity. It only takes a few days of warmth to remind me of summer here.:eek::eek:
I'm only taking 2 Hydraplenish, and 1 is bad enough! How do you deal with it? Take it on a hugely full stomach?
We have hardly any operable windows at work so the doors were all open today. It was sooo nice. At first. Then the gusts started whipping all the papers around, my hair in my face, and it became super annoying.
I got off at 1:30 and then ran to Whole Foods, and that took one hour round-trip. I feel like I hardly have enough time to do anything.
I have bilateral rotator cuff tendinitis, and since PT started, the tendon (as my doc said) flares up in pain, the right more. I received my stretch gadget in the mail so I'll try it out later. I'm bummed for how long this could take to resolve: up to a year or more!:confused::(
It's our school vaca next week too.

Mary, is Yin Yoga too strenuous for you to try for your hips? Otherwise, also do what Cathe does at the end of a lot of workouts: sit on floor ?Indian style and lean forward some, alternating the legs in front. Pigeon is good, too, no?

Jean, you guys didn't spoil Broadchurch for me since I can't remember what you said anyway!
They charged about $7 for shipping for that thing and all they did was slap on a couple of stamps on my package!:mad:
It's for stretching me and increasing my range of motion. Picture me holding it for a long stretch in a position my arm doesn't want to be.
I'm not sure how tendinitis is cured:(:confused:. I hope I am not hobbled for life!
I just keep thinking back to all those power yoga days, then I added arm stuff on the Megaformer, Cathe's burpees/pushups/mtn climbers, Cathe's GS, TRX. I was so doomed and didn't feel it for such a long time! Waaah...

Ooh, Jean, good for you! I have two rain barrels. I just read that rainwater is best for our veggie beds.

Better go to bed. ttyt
Good morning....the storm rolled in around had been thundering, lightening and severe down is still raining....Summer (my dog) was in a panic and had me up...she was its just pooring.....looks like lots more rain coming....just watched weather....and we have a huge red patch over us....hopefully is slacks up when I leave for work! Fingers crossed!!!!

not sure what is going on with hip....I really think its a pinched nerve.....

on back shortly! !!!

images-18.jpeg for taking more out of our check....I'd rather make the government wait on there money....they do nothing for why give more during the year? We know we owe every year.... and we always wait till last minute to write the just makes me angry.....
Carolyn....what cardio are you leaving off? Spin or all forms? Are you doing dvd that incorporate cardio with weights????
I agree it is too hot all of a sudden. I was sweating this morning doing GS B, Sh, & Bis.

I know I need to stretch more, I just can't figure it all out. My first PT had me stretching my hamstrings but I did not improve, and this one says do quick dynamic stretches, which seemed to help. But now my hip is acting weird, so I did do pigeon this morning and that helped for a little while. I am already cutting my regular workout short to do the hamstring exercises, and I am afraid it is the overall stretching that is getting cut out. I have avoided yoga because I am not supposed to do lunges or down dog.

We have extra taken out of our checks and we still owe more at tax time. And we're not getting any financial aid for college either. It is almost like it is better to only have one person working.

Missy, what can you do for a pinched nerve?
Almost forgot, I made it to dd's softball game in time to see her pitch! She has never pitched before (and needs to work on it quite a bit), but I was so proud of her! And I also spoke to her coach, she is actually more concerned about the diabetes than we are and is very aware of the signs and symptoms, and very sympathetic, so I feel my dd is in good hands.
I agree that only one person working doesn't help, with financial aid or paying taxes. For the former, in this country it seems like you have to be indigent to get aid from colleges. Otherwise, middle class or upper, you're on your own paying for college. And if you saved some money for it, well, that seems to hurt more than help when it comes to financial aid.:mad: It's all so infuriating.:mad:

Mary, how great that you saw dd pitch! Great timing! And it's so touching of her coach to be concerned! It makes for a great web of support out there for her and your family.
I do recall that Yin has the 3-5 min long stretches for hip and knees. It's supposed to release hyaluronic acid. I don't do it often enough to help my knees, I'm sure.

I did my PT exercises last evening, and this morning I am quite achy. But certainly my arms felt better after not doing a Cathe yesterday am.

It is cloudy with a few sprinkles, but the rain will come mid-aft. Still mild though, but I see the northern Northeast area might get snow tomorrow???:confused:

I need to go food shopping, then make dh's bday cake. (It's tomorrow.) When would I fit in going for walks?? I don't even feel like it when I'm so achy and tired.:confused:
Good afternoon....I have massive menstral cramps and I haven't even started yet....why oh why??? Errrrr.....

Btw...after thinking about all the tax talk...tim and I do claim single during the year so our work witholds more money...and its still not enough.... so I'm not giving any more....I will wait till tax time and then hehehehehe.....that's the red head attitude!!!

It is absolutely nasty rained buckets and is still sprinkling....and the tempnis dropping down to low 40s....not happy bout that....but should come back up pretty quickly...maybe a few days....

As for a pinched nerve....stretching, time, or a visit to chiropractor....and we all know I wait to see any dr till I'm in severe all cause after working in dr office for my entire adult life...we start to think were drs ourselves....hehehehe

Be back in a bit!
All right, my cake has been baked and is now cooling. It's the same one I made last year, a strawberry cream cake. My friend had even bought me an 8" pan so this year's will be more authentic in size. A stick of butter, anyone??:eek: I need to slice the strawberries and whip the cream for later to decorate.
When can I sit and watch Broadchurch??
The rain started already. Still super gusty, low 60s.

Jean, have you gone to your friend's for Passover Seder already?

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