STS first time!

Hi ho. So cold and cloudy. Finished work and having a tea with snack. PT at 2:30.
Mary, I'm so glad the tennis ball is helping your hip! How are you using it? I'm using one against a wall for my upper back. Not easy!
Fox will create an American version of Broadchurch called Gracepoint, with the same DI Hardy actor.
Carolyn.... I will have to leave my house @ 5:05... to be there by 5:30. Bootcamp is from 5:30-6:30.... So I will then go back home... be home by 7am... which is when I am normally getting off treadmill.... I then will do my normal routine.... shower, get ready, breakfast, take dog out, feed cats, and leave for work @ 8... Arrive at work @ 8:30.... feel like I already ran a marathon....and then put in a 8 7.5-8 hr day.... Sounds exhausting...huh?;)

Carolyn...when I do stay home from work...this is my sleepy time too...

Tim just text me and told me he is off tomorrow!!! Yeah!!! So he is gonna sleep in while I go do my race.....and then.....This means will will be going to Tallahassee for lunch at Panera Bread and then go shopping for a few exercise shirts.... most of mine are tiny low cut racer tanks(shows more than I would like in public) (boobs) :p
Carolyn....1 month commitment, and you renew every month. YEAH!!!! Don't forget, after I put in my 7.5-8 hr day, I come home and workout with Cathe and then cook dinner.... that's why after I have bath soon as my head hits the pillow I am out! Literally, within minutes! Tim is very good, and cleans the kitchen after I cook....cause I just don't have time in my schedule! He is always willing to help me, as I do so much!

That is why sometimes, I have to take time off and just stay home and rest...cause I get so run down! But, hey...I get my workouts in.....:confused:

Missy, that boot camp sounds fun for you! (That is WAY too early.) I'm glad you're so excited about it.;) Good luck with your race tomorrow and enjoy your day together. I heard Panera now makes a crunchy cinnamon bagel of some sort. It looks good in the commercial.:eek:
Your Energizer bunny-filled days sound exhausting.

My PT was great. I was measured again and my left side improved, a little. My right side shows none:confused:, and we may have arrested it from its way to frozen shoulder.:confused:
Today my therapist suggested I get a foam roller. A week ago I asked the other woman and she spouted the differences between a tennis ball vs a foam roller and didn't tell me to buy one. I'm going to avoid going to her.
You know what? I'm grateful I can still steer and drive with my arms.:p

Carolyn, dh raked last weekend and I did the same thing, stayed indoors. Like Jean says, it's therapy. For my dh, it's both being outside and getting the exercise.

Jean, I'm making the chickpea thing tonight. I soaked them last night but I better look into starting it pronto.
Happy Easter, friends! A lovely sunny spring day! Not that I've gone out yet.
Yesterday my shoulders hurt all day, likely from PT. I think I'm going to go mad, both from the chronic pain (something new to me) and the grim future with such an injury.:confused:
No foam roller at TJM yesterday.

Carolyn, try the dvd on a different player.
You sure have a lot of varied workouts!
Know what? I can tell that I get fuller faster because my metabolism isn't being stoked since I'm not working out.:rolleyes:

Jean, how is dh today?

Raking is in order.
Happy Easter!

Betty, do not get discouraged! I have felt the same way with my hamstring, not making progress and reading too much on the internet and feeling like it will never get better. But I think we have to adjust our expectations and realize it may take a lot longer than we would like. And this PT I have now is much better and I feel like she listens to me when I describe what is going on. Can you take ibuprofin or Aleve for the pain?

Missy, how exciting about the boot camp class! It will be great to mix it up, and I always liked working out in a group class, it made me work harder.

Jean, I hope dh's shoulder is ok.
Happy easter!!!! I'm still cramping like crazy and bleeding....this is day 6.... not normal for me..... was raining....but I still did my 5k....with my rain coat.....this was a walk....I did it in 39 minutes....not bad....since I couldn't go as fast cause road was so slippery....also in mile 2 I had to slow down....cause I started cramping so bad....I thought I was gonna have a flood....if ya know what I mean.....

Tim and I went to tally 2 shirts to wear to boot that makes 3.... and boot camp is 3x that's enough for 1st week to see if I like it! This week I will be running on treadmill in morning to get prepared for next week, kick my ass session at 5:30 in the morning.....

Jean....hope your hubby is okay!!!!

I ran 4 miles this now I'm gonna rest this I'm hoping these cramps go away!

Check back in a bit!
Jean and Mary, I forgot! Broadchurch finale. Who did it was disappointing! It almost has that perverted pedo angle. Their marriage was too good to be true! Too bad.

Mary, I could take ibuprofen but I'm stubborn and don't want to.:rolleyes:
Waaah, I want to get back to my workouts! My job is also cramping my style.:p

Missy, I give you so much credit for soldiering on with massive cramps!:cool: How ever do you do it??
Boy, do I ever know about those floods! I still get nightmares about them.:confused:
If the bleeding doesn't stop soon, you'll need to go see your gyn. Otherwise you'll get too anemic.
Happy Easter everyone!

I'm working but get done soon and then I'll head to my MIL's for some yummy dinner.

So I have to share.....the other day at our ECFE class the kids had an Easter egg hunt. B found his egg and there was a chocolate egg in it. He got the biggest smile on his face when I put it in his mouth :) Adorable!

I did the big 'ol calorie burn of CF on Thu, Fri was x37 before work and yesterday and today I counted my two half-hour walks during my breaks as a workout. I just didn't feel like getting up earlier for an official workout.

I've been eating fairly healthy but lately I've just felt so bloated and can't seem to lose weight. I really need to kick it in high gear because summer is coming soon. My walk outside today in the 70 degree weather reminded me of that. to give report to the evening shift nurses.

Chat soon :)
Thanks for your encouragement, girls! It helps! Sometimes I feel like a stroke victim with my arms' limitation:confused:.
Hmmm, maybe X37 (thanks, Marie) before work tomorrow?? I'll have to wait and see if I ache from raking....
Good morning fit friends!!! So I'm dragging my butt this morning....did not get up at 5:45..... I got up at 6..... so I lost 15 minutes of my morning cardio......but i guess 45 is better than none!

As for pushing on with severe menstral cramps....I had too at the race.....but normally if I'm at home....I will either do very low intensitiy or I will I am gonna be extremely busy at work....gotta get a laptop set up with all our office systems on it....due to my doc on crunches....he had surgery last thursday on his hip which was suppose to be minor and when surgeon got in they found it to be more now my doc is on cruches for 6 he cant carry his laptop from room to I must go buy another and then get everything installed....

I will check back soon!!! Have a nice monday!
Jean, thanks for being so descriptive on the Seder! Like I said, I live among many many Jewish people and had no idea what goes on. This was great insight. It sounds like such fun. The readings were all in English? I know during a bar or bat mitzvah, it's done in Hebrew, so my kids didn't know what was being said.
Do continue to tell us about your PITA neighbor. It's entertaining.:p

As for raking, it didn't hurt during, and today it doesn't hurt either. Thankfully.:eek: I am allowed to continue to do things as long as it doesn't hurt me.
I need to figure out the working out aspect on days I work. I feel like a maniac squeezing in a workout before work with not a minute to spare. Tues & Thurs I like to go food shopping etc, and working out and showering takes up so much time that I get a late start. Why, oh why did I think I needed a job??:p:confused: Carolyn, take heed!:rolleyes:
It is a beautiful spring day. I will pick a workout that won't be too sweaty. I don't want to shower again.
Then I need to practice.
I just did LL&A. I sweated.:p
I feel flabby all over, and tense all over (from the compensation of my muscles), and I'm sure the inflammatory properties coursing through my body are not good for me. I hope my exercise helps with all these.

Jean, your dinner sounds delish!
And how interesting all that went on during your Seder event.

Better go practice. I already skipped three days.:rolleyes:
Good I'm making me a salad gor dinner tonight...I just picked my lettace out of my garden....boiling some eggs right now to dice up with my veggies....

Off to workout....I am taking my kitchen timer with me so I don't forget about my

Check back in a bit!
How nice you had a family bike ride. We used to do that with the kids when they were younger. They don't care to much any more.
I totally agree that when dh is home, schedules are thrown out.
My arms feel all right today, and I feel somewhat caught up with things on my to-do list. Mainly I enjoyed the home time to recharge and regenerate.
Can sleep a tad later tomorrow.:p
Good morning, all. I slept a fragmented extra hour and a half or so. (I just loathe getting up early.) Nowadays between shoulder discomfort and old-age waking before the alarm, my sleep is not as restful as it can be.;)

Dropping off ds at a friend's at 11 and maybe doing some shopping. I'll see if I can do some Yin or some Gentle. I could use it.
Btw, I noticed yesterday during legs that my knees felt more cushioned and less pain, I think from consistently taking 2 Hydraplenish a day.:p

Carolyn, you're so right about the PT (and all the other things that seem to crop up around spring time that make this season so hectic). Now I've topped it off with a job.

Jean, I saw my neighbor (whose dog I walk) outside gardening yesterday. I noticed he looks 6 months pregnant too.:p
How is dh's shoulder?
What is it about our men who are SO resistant to anything that's good for them? I swear my dh digs his heels in more if I propose something. He refuses to try natural ways to treat an ailment. All I think is, WTFreak?!
Where are y'all??:p
It is a partly sunny and mild day here. Just lovely. Rain tonight and much cooler tomorrow.
I picked up a marked-down cacao nibs, but no foam roller, at TJM.
Having my lunch. Need to start laundry, some sort of yoga, practice, cook. It never ends....
I did UY Gentle. It felt so great for my tense-all-over body.
Speaking of which, a couple of friends, my sis, and I will go on Sunday aft to a studio for some gentlish yoga (I hope).
Three loads of laundry, a made bed, and piano practice is time to cook dinner.:rolleyes:
Knock knock!!!!! Is anyone home?? Anyone??:p

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