STS first time!

Good morning! Raw and damp. Have prepped pancake batter. Mid-aft I will go to yoga with some other gal pals and then dinner.

Carolyn, I couldn't wait for my kids to go back to school after vacation!:eek: They need the structure!
I second a humidity-less summer.:p
How's your back?

Enjoy your day!
Good morning! What a dreary day, I want to crawl back under the covers!

I did TBT Upper from LIS this morning. That is quite a change from gym styles, and I enjoyed it.

Carolyn, I am so glad ds is feeling better, how yucky.

We had a nice day in Newburyport. It was a little chilly but we had lunch and poked around all the stores. Too many sweet shops there for my liking though, we don't need the temptations.

Carolyn, we have to head to Marblehead next Sunday for dd's volleyball tournament, any good shopping around there?

Betty your day sounds fun, enjoy!
Hello...been so swamped this weekend!!! In process of putting up pool, cleaning up outside, cleaning house, cooking, horse chores, laundry....and lots more! And trying to get my workouts in!today is a rest day from exercise, since tomorrow morning I start boot camp!!!! We shall see how this goes....I have to get up at 4:40..... oh boy!!!!

Tonight I must go to bed by 9.... he he he

Be back soon to catch up!
Hello...been so swamped this weekend!!! In process of putting up pool, cleaning up outside, cleaning house, cooking, horse chores, laundry....and lots more! And trying to get my workouts in!today is a rest day from exercise, since tomorrow morning I start boot camp!!!! We shall see how this goes....I have to get up at 4:40..... oh boy!!!!

Tonight I must go to bed by 9.... he he he

Be back soon to catch up!

Have fun at Bootcamp Missy! Sounds like the perfect class for you. Wish I could join you :)
Hi Marie
Sounds like you had a great week. Are you enjoying your new schedule?

I have UY Crosstrain still in its shrink wrap. I wonder how it differs from the one in the set?

The game is in overtime. DS is going to be wiped out tomorrow.

Had a fun girls night out with dd. Got some great bargains.

My new schedule starts this week :) So excited! I'm a little nervous about my double shift but I know it will be worth it to have the extra days with my guys.
This weekend went quick. I was so busy at work. Fri I was on Substance Abuse, Sat was Med/Surg and today was Cardiac. Love the variety!

My workouts this weekend was walking. I took two breaks each day and walked for about 25 minutes during each one. Sat I took another walk after I got home from work with my mom. We took the little guy to the park.

Off to bed soon for me. Must get a real workout in tomorrow ;) but not at 4:40. Missy, I'll be thinking of you. You'll going to feel great when you're done :)
I may have missed this discussion but is anyone signing up for the on demand streaming that Cathe is offering? Sounds tempting but I just don't think it's for me. I'll stick to the DVDs or as Carolyn calls them tapes ;) I love it!
Yoga (1.5 hrs, heated to 80 degrees) and dinner (more than 2 hrs) were fun. I avoided any painful poses.
I'm thinking HiiT in the am? Idk about getting up at 6 though....

Marie, double shifts are tough. You're on your feet all day! Take it easy. You need to be well-rested before those shifts.
I pictured that huge smile B had when he had that chocolate.
I'm not for streaming; give me my beloved dvds. I don't even want the downloads.

Jean, I have wanted winterberry for ages. It looks stunning in the winter. You'll have to post pics when it's covered with red berries against snow.

Missy, good luck getting up so early. It's an ungodly hour.:eek:
Good morning fit friends!!!!

Bootcamp was awesome!!!!

Here is the workout we did today:
5 minute run
2 minutes of burpees

Mat work:
Downward dog push ups
Push ups
Squat and hold it for 1 minute

Then....we did 29 squats and a sprint around warehouse (which is a long ways when your exhausted) about .25 mile
Repeat this 7x

Monkey pull ups...where you sway from side to side using one arm to pull yourself up!!!

Another round of mat work!

Of course we stretched befote and after!!!

Lets just say I was drenched in sweat....but it was a blast!!!!
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Good *sunny* morning. I didt 30 mins of DWP HiiT. Was almost drenched. Certainly dripping.
Poor dh is having a banner month. Just going down our street this morning he got another flat!:mad: Our street is being scraped in prep for paving. I hope I don't hit whatever it was.:mad: Last time it was something on the highway though.

Missy, high five! You're awesome! I know I can't do boot-camp style workouts. I loathe that kind of intensity and pace.:eek:

Carolyn, have you gotten thee to the basement?? Back to your routine, girl!

DWP is not step. It's the one out of 3 that's not step. At least one other HiiT uses it (from the pic). It's a lot of jumping around:confused:.

Missy, I saw your description of what you did this morning. Nightmarish:eek:. Those would slay me.

Jean, never stop asking.

I've been texting on my tablet with my sis and s-i-l since I've been home from work. Shame on me.
I do Facetime and Skype every so often. They are a super neat invention!
I just lit the fire myself. It has clouded up and is chilly.

Carolyn, you do need small snacks. Gone are the days when I would starve myself till dinner. I have totally wimped out and feed myself at the slightest twinge:D.
I can picture the girls moaning. Been there, done that. Well, with boys.;)
Rise and shine....I'm up and on treadmill!!! We have bad storms rolling in this morning.....hoping thegy are gone by 5..... cause my workout for today per my to run/walk 3 miles today and let her know my time! She also has me writing down my food log for 2 she can look at it and see if I need to change/add anything. I am so excited!!! Yesterday she texted all of us (bootcampers) at 2:45....said good workout this morning and to compliment our hard work with good nutrition and to stay hydrated!!! Hehehehehe..... then last night she texted me my workout for today..... so....basically I have a couch/nutritionist/personal trainer..... I get nutrition advise, bootcamp 3x week/ home workouts, and if I'm training for any event....I just let her know and she will get me there!!! Super excited!!!!! She is aware of my previous injuries....and wants me to progress slowly....due to my hamstring....push myself...but be careful....PERFECT....finally somebody that can help me! I'm just so excited....I am finally where I need to be!

Onto today....hoping my receptionist comes to work yesterday she called in sick...I have so much to do....

Have yall ever tried Dole fruit smoothie shakers??? The mixed berry is delsih!!!! Comes in a plastic cup with tiny fruit and yogurt peices in therw frozen then Just add juice and shake and its the perfect fruit smoothie!!!! No blender needed....I was amazed it turned out so good!!!!

Check back in a bit!
Good cloudy cold windy morning. I have plenty of fresh veggies and leftovers so I don't need to go food shopping so I'm thinking of a workout shortly, instead of tomorrow before work.

Missy, that support sounds amazing! Food and fitness go hand in hand, right? How fab to keep you on track.
When we were in SF a couple of summers ago, Dole was handing out samples of those smoothies. They were delish. I haven't bought it at home though.

Carolyn, how did you stretch your back? Great job!
I did all of PRS#1 and Ab Circ Yoga! I was chugging along on the step, until combo #5. That one is maniacally deviously fiendishly spinny:eek:. Combos 1 and 5 are new to me, plus the warmup.
OMG, Carolyn!!! That's insane!:eek: Kids have such crazy thoughts in their heads! What about his parents?? The ones who keep a loaded gun at home!
Omg..Carolyn...that's terrible...those parents should be punished....hell...we have no children...and still don't keep our guns loaded....I would definately want to home school too after this incident!

So glad your back is feeling better!

I still have a pinched nerve....I think! But trying to work past it.

Todays lunch was.... pepporoni sandwich slices and provolone cheese slice roll ups with cottage cheese and pineapple...yum!

So I'm keeping my log...wonder what she will think of my eating habits! I will let yall know tomorrow!

Its raining and I'm not happy about it....just hope its gone by 5....
Today after my shower, I saw my reflection on the mirror and noticed that the top of my right shoulder, normally supple, showed a hardened cap shape!:confused:
I've done nothing today. I've been laying around with a stiff neck and heavy head. Need to go file now...
Oh how nerve-wracking that the boy was in ds' bus!!!
Jelly beans add up to 25 cals, I'm sure;).
Do you not think it's calcification of my shoulder?? Your version sounds better.

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