STS first time!

Good mostly sunny windy morning! If it feels and looks like spring....
Mary, so great to hear from you! What an entertaining story. I can't believe dd turned it around in 2 hrs! So impressive! She must be feeling so accomplished, between finishing vball, going to her senior prom, being all set with her college early (Brown, at that!), coasting till graduation!
How's other dd's diabetes? In equilibrium?
I loved BS and miss it so. I had a painful night (I didn't do anything to it, not even my PT exercises!) with my shoulders and despair that it will ever improve. Oh! Maybe it was me picking up all the branches in my f-i-l's yard yesterday!
Yesterday at the last moment we decided to take my mom out in the evening for Mother's Day. We pulled it off and 9 of us got together for sushi. The food was great and we even had a room to ourselves for a while. Ate too much, but it's par for the course. Next weekend ds1 finishes up for the semester and he and I will only have a few days before our trip, so it'll be frenetic.
Jean, tell me how you like that movie. I can't stop thinking about it. I loved everything about it. The plotline, humor, actors, scenery, accents! Yes, it is an English movie and it was utterly charming!;)
Need to cut ds' hair (if he ever wakes up) and pay the bills. Yard work would be nice too.
:eek:It's clouded over and sprinkling! Waaah!
Dh just dangled a carrot in front of ds--go out for a haircut and he can play video games after homework.:mad: Once upon a time ds would not have taken that up!

Knock knock. Hello! Is anyone home?
Good evening fit friends!!!!

Mary....I did not go to my prom....Tim and I were dating for almost a we just did our own thing as I'm not one to get dressed up.....but I can't believe she pulled it off in 2 Hrs....omg....I would have been a wreck!!!! Super fun times!!!!

Okay....I've been busy....Thursday night I came home a went out to do my sprints workout.....Tim was not home yet, like always.....and we do live in the I was about a mile and a half from home....and some truck pulled off another rd and was creeping and watching scared me so bad....I ran so freaking hard home...luckily when I was almost home Tim pulled on our street.....I was about let's just say ....Tim said NO more....there are too many sick and twisted people in this we went treadmill shopping this treadmill was really for walking as the treadbelt was not long enough for running.....I did run on it but it was I got a new treadmill....I'm so excited....its so awesome!!! Just ran 3 miles on it and I was drenched...

Bootcamp tomorrow so I must go to bed soon.....

I tried posting several times Saturday but for some reason my phone would not connect to forum.....hmmmm.....

Hope everyone has a nice Sunday evening!
Oh Missy that is so scary! I couldn't imagine the fear. Your heart was pounding enough from the running not to mention adding in that fear along with it. What a creep! I'm happy you got a treadmill. Much safer option!

Speaking of scary, Carolyn, how crazy about the student with the gun. How disturbing! Seriously scary! I have considered homeschooling for those reasons.

I had a great weekend although I didn't get to pick up any doubles. The hospital had a low census. Darn people staying healthy ;) I'm afraid my plan may not always work out as I hoped darn it. I can always pick up during the week though when Tony is more free in the summer without school though. On the plus side I was on the mom baby unit. I love love LOVE it :) I want another baby! I'm sad that I'll only be pregnant and go through all the firsts once more :( Two kiddos is the limit. DH would be happy with one but I really want B to have a sibling.

DS and DH were still at his mom's when I got home so I did x10 step and core 1. I also got my UY in this week. My hard workout was TTM. My fun workout was PRS1. Betty I thought of you :) I forget what else I did, not that it matters.

Mary- That's great that DD was ready in 2 hours for prom. What a rockstar! Not sure I could have pulled that off.

Hi Jean and Colleen :)

Ok so we had pizza for dinner. Oink! In my defense it was from Trader Joe's and had a multigrain crust and was topped with asparagus and tomatoes. I want chocolate now. We bought some ice cream at Target this evening and I can't stop thinking about it.
Hi ho. Just decided on tomorrow morning's workout--CSS.:p
Hi Marie! Totally can sympathize with the ice cream calling you! You work out hard, so indulge in a scoop. A small one, though.
What is up with combo #5 in PRS 1??
I eat pizza and don't feel guilty but should.:eek:

Oh Missy, so many sickos out there. Be safe. Great job being vigilant of your surroundings. Glad you can do your running in a new treadmill. They delivered right away!

Carolyn, your day sounded absolutely fun! I pictured you doing yard work all day!:p

Jean, waiting for that movie.

Must head to bed.
good morning!!! Just got back from bootcamp.....omg...awesome ass kicking I got this morning!!!!

5 min Run...

1 minute of the following x3

Dumbell swing alternating arms with 15 or 20 pd weight
Plank rows
Lunge with back leg on high step and lateral raises with 8 or 10 pd weoghts
Jump rope

Then we went outside.....
Ran for 5 minutes....increasing speed every 1 minute....
100 tricep dips on bench
10 tire flips

Repeat 3x

Went back upstairs and did 3 min planks....

Awesome!!!! I am toast!

Betty.... yes my delivery man...was tim...and he put it together for me.... he is such a sweet husband...he your safe in our home....♡

Marie....when do u plan to have next baby???? to shower.... have a wonderful monday!!!!!


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Carolyn....we were posting at same time! Good morning to u too! We will be good together today....I just ate some protein cereal!
Good sunny morning, fit friends!
My shoulders were uncomfortable overnight but feel fine when I got up.

Missy, that's a beauty of a treadmill! Enjoy! Boot camp sounds kicka$$!

Carolyn, thanks--of course I didn't remember there were all those floor exercises until I got there. I avoided them and subbed kickbox moves.
I'm going to have to do 40-45 min workouts (or less) on workdays. So CSS fits perfectly.
Try growing asparagus anyway and let us know!

Marie, how unusual that the hospital had low census. Temporary, I'm sure.

I better move faster to get ready for work.
Hi ladies!

I have been getting out most days for a nice 2 or 3 mile walk. I really enjoy being outside. And this morning I did Legs&Glutes.

DD's diabetes is ok. We had a rough week or 2 where her levels were really high and we couldn't get them to come down. When they are high she turns into another person, constantly wants to argue, and it is very difficult. Actually it is exhausting. But her dr. adjusted her insulin and they started to come down, so it has been ok. I love her so, I just want her to be the girl I know, and to be healthy.

Oldest dd had fun at the prom, but she was so tired yesterday from being up all night and then she had to go to work. I hope to get more details later from her.

Missy your boot camp class sounds fantastic. How are your hamstrings holding up? I used to do a bootcamp class at lunch, I would go back to work all red-faced. And that was scary about the truck, so glad you are ok.

Betty I am sorry you are still in pain with your shoulders. I know how discouraging it can be, but don't lose hope. Do you have confidence in the PTs you are seeing? I had never been to a PT before and thought the first place I went was fine, but I am doing so much better with this new one.

Carolyn, good job on the healthy eating!

Jean I recently watched Philomena too. I enjoyed it but was bothered that no one told the Mom about things when she met them. Don't want to say more in case anyone else is going to watch.

Hi Marie! Its good to hear from you!
Hi ho. Just decided on tomorrow morning's workout--CSS.:p
Hi Marie! Totally can sympathize with the ice cream calling you! You work out hard, so indulge in a scoop. A small one, though.
What is up with combo #5 in PRS 1??
I eat pizza and don't feel guilty but should.:eek:.

Oh the lovely combo favorite one!!!! Wish they were all that fun. They are very close though lol. LOVE that workout!

I did have ice cream and I wish I could say it was a small scoop. Oops ;)

I did Rockout Knockout this morning. B got up just after they warm-up finished so I moved upstairs and he joined me. Had to pause a few times as he needed more water and then an apple slice. He is SO cute! Points at the apples on the counter and says "apple" then signs please :) Such a doll!

The little guy is napping now. Dh is home. Walk to the park later.
good morning!!! Just got back from bootcamp.....omg...awesome ass kicking I got this morning!!!!
Marie....when do u plan to have next baby????

Sweet workout Missy! You rocked it! 3m planks oh my!

LOVE your treadmill :)

Dh graduates next May so we will start trying then. I'm not getting any younger so I feel we maybe should start sooner but I really enjoy just my one baby for now :) We are best buds!
Hi guys, feeling the pressure of things to do before my trip comes, next next Wednesday.
Work was insane again. I can't get any work done peacefully because the phones keep ringing and I have to help answer them, plus I am so easily distracted by all the talking around the office, which is pretty small. I have to share a space with the woman owner and she is super loud. She also asked me to work this Thursday because they are going away. I will, of course.
Managed a half hour walk with my neighbor. I can't remember the last time I did that this spring!:eek: I don't even have the desire to!:eek:

Mary, what sort of job does dd have?
I do have confidence in my PT. I've only been going to the one I like, once a week. Tomorrow is my orthoped appt, which I'm anxious about.

Oh Marie, I'm so jealous of the youth of your baby! When they're young they are simply too adorable for words!

Carolyn, what willpower with a few almonds and cottage cheese! High five! I've never had the latter!
Jean, I don't think I have a limit on PT visits; only my wallet and guilty conscience. And dh's outrage at the cost being billed to insurance, as if it's his pocket.

Ugh, I just realized how much planting I need to do before I go away. I haven't bought anything yet! No flowers or veggies.:eek:

Better read my book. Good night!
Good morning.....just finished my workout my trainer sent me to do today....I am drenched...yeah!!!! Tonight I am walking with a friend I haven't seen in about a that should be fun!

Betty....good luck at the ortho.... let us know how it goes.... and I can totally understand the phones....we were so busy yesterday I answered phones all day.....I got nothing done....hoping today is calmer!!!!

Be back after I shower....I'm stinky! Lol
Good sunny morning!
Making my oatmeal now. Need to leave in less than 1.5 hrs.
Anyone watch 24? We've recorded it.

Missy, you def are killing the workouts. Way to go! You are being whipped into shape!

Carolyn, my posture stinks too. I notice I perennially scrunch and lift my shoulders, esp when I'm at the counter prepping veggies.:confused:
Hi friends,
I made it to my appt, after feeling frantic that I might have missed the bldg altogether. I rarely venture that far out in that town. First thing: they sent me to an xray. They asked which side hurts more so they could xray that side. I am not in chronic 'pain' so I chose the left side, with the frozen shoulder. The results were quick, and soon enough I saw the specialist. My official diagnosis is adhesive capsulitis (no tendinitis), as y'all read in the link I posted last week. It can suddenly come on and women around menopause are more prone, usually hitting just one side. Which makes me think I precipitated it with the exercise, but he couldn't say for sure. He wants my PT to be heavy on soft tissue massage and stretching, and absolutely no strengthening (which I've not had anyway). Of course he recommends that x-ray-guided cortisone shot but I told him I'll think about it. This condition usually takes the form of 3 stages, the final being the thawing out process. I am midway between 2 and 3. It can take up to 2.5 yrs for me to be back to normal.:confused::eek:

Carolyn, enjoy your appt! Close to bliss.
It's funny how we wash our hair before going to a hair appt, less it's too messy or dirty.

Jean, I do (slightly) regret the job but it's the proper thing to do, and there's no turning back. I agree that I should be out with people.
I'm leaving a week from tomorrow, and reading The Hit by David Baldacci.
I officially crown thee a history major.;) Hitler was some piece of work.
Treat yourself to something special for your own Mother's Day.

On the drive home it clouded over. Even though it was in the low 60s with the sun out, the car felt so hot and reminded me of much warmer days.
Good Afternoon.... tired!!! I want to take a nap! It is really warm outside.... 89 degrees.... and sunny!!!!

My trainer...I turned in 4 or 5 days of meals.... she asked me if this is how I eat or did I just change it? I told here this was how I ate.... that I eat pretty healthy cause I see death on a daily basis...and I watch people eat thereselves to death....and I did not want that for me! She said my diet is right one.... even down to the snacking...she believes you eat 5-6 small meals/snacks a day....smaller portions than just 3 big meals..... she also is a firm believer in water only....which I do...cause unsweetened tea is basically calories!!!! She was impressed! ;)... I told her my goal was to lean my thighs back down....that is wear I gained my weight from stopping running....She says sprinting is one of the best ways to do that...and long strides....the longer the stride the leaner the leg she says!

This morning I did the following on the treadmill:
5 min warm up

3 min moderate pace
1 min intense pace
1 min recover
5 min moderate pace
1 min intense pace
30 sec recover

repeat 3x

Cooldown and do a good stretch!


I do feel very hungry now that I have increased intensity of workout!

My hamstring is feeling really maybe it is gaining muscle again.... my knee was okay....its a little touchy this morning....but feels fine now~

My friend rescheduled our walk tonight, she had to go pick up her grandchild....oh well... I will go home and rest!

I hope yall are having a lovely day!!!

Tonight, I will watch excited....what are we going to do when we have to wait till next season.....OMG...I just cant think about it!!!!! :mad:

Be back!
Betty...we were posting at same time.... I guess that is good and bad.... meaning its not a bad injury....but at least you are doing the right thing with therapy.... do consider the shot, if it will help! I am not big on stuff like that either....but I would consider it if it would help!:p

I wish I could retire....I am tired of working! HEHEHEE.... I keep telling Tim he needs to find the big ticket and make enough for me to stay home and watch my soaps!!! LOL:p... he tells me to continue dreaming!!!! :eek:
The shot would loosen the frozen aspect and enable your arms to stretch past their limitation without pain (to the extent it lasts), so yes, you can say that it would speed up the healing.
I spent some time planting a few veggies in the garden. Kale and some sort of squash. And the strawberry plants my neighbor dug up from his yard and offered to us.
I definitely like the idea of focusing on LB. Time for LL&A tomorrow.
I can't wait for CA!;)

How did your hair come out, Carolyn?

Missy, I bet you must be ravenous all the time!:eek:
89 is ewwww!

I snacked like an oinker this afternoon. Disgusting.:confused:

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