STS first time!

My kale is about an inch high. The squash got super tall though. We started the seeds in an egg carton so I figure they would run out of nutrients soon. Kale is supposed to be cold-hardy. The tomato seedlings will have to wait a while.
I tried to get some soil out of my compost but it's nearly impossible. We keep adding on, I can't turn the stuff because the container is such a dumb shape, I don't have enough leverage from my height, and my tools are super heavy! I got very little out. Ideally, I'd like to rake some beautiful compost into my veggie beds, and loosen up the soil in the beds. That never happens.

Jean, a nursery trip sounds so fun. I have gone once or twice before I ever gardened. I think they have better options for uncommon plants. I've never seen winterberry at a Home Depot and such.:confused:
Your day sounded so fabulous!

Carolyn, I love your hair! It's gorgeous!
Morning fit friends.....todays bootcamp was insanely awesome!!!! My legs are so heavy.....I think I may not be able to walk it!!!!

Off to back in a few....
Good sunny spring morning, friends!
I did all but floorwork and abs of LL&A Extreme. Need to get to it after work before my 4:30 PT.
Enjoying some fresh-brewed DD coffee with my rushed oatmeal.;)

Missy, you crazy maniac, you!;) How fab!

Carolyn, wow, high five for finishing so early!

Enjoy your day!
I'm back!!!! hehehe :p

Carolyn...have fun at school today.....

Betty....have a nice day at work.... I am already running busy!!! These people are trying to kill me.... I have a nurse out today....I have to work front desk Friday!!! Errr..... Counting down days till the 23rd.... I am off 23rd-27th.... Friday-Tuesday.... long memorial weekend for me..... if I can make it! LOL

I am sitting enjoying my DD unsweetened tea!!!! Sip sip....yum yum!!!! :eek:
Hi friends,
My, it feels warm with a sweater and capri jeans on.
I am fried from work. Got off at 2:30. Barely any time before I have to leave for PT. Wondering if I should go to Trader Joe's beforehand. Which means I won't be finishing LL&A. I need to start dinner too. I hate how things are just piling up...

Jean, I haven't heard the kale story, so it's very interesting, including the fish head under tomato plants. I might have read that somewhere too, maybe my gardening book.
How fascinating re both your mom and Carolyn's dh's grandfather!

High five on resisting the cookies, Carolyn! I can't resist fresh ones though.:p
I'm too indispensable to be laid off!:p:D. But thanks for the understanding, truly!
Dh and I did a leisurely 27-min walk after dinner, in the waning daylight. That felt really good since I ate too much.
Good beautiful spring morning, friends.
I am so tired and it's only Thursday!

Carolyn, babble away. It's the chatter that I love.
CA sis and my dh walk like you. I'm a lover of leisurely walk. It amounts to 2.5 mi/hr. How fast do you walk?
Work, I fear, will be crazy all the time.:p:confused:
I half-a$$d the abs portion of LL&A. Didn't bother with the floorwork. The leaning is tough on my shoulders.
PT is the same every week. I wish they'd spend more time on the soft tissue massage and stretching--those two amounted to 15 mins! and I'm there 55.
I had this brilliant idea yesterday--asked my CA sis to look into a massage/facial, but that might be tough to squeeze in 2-3 hrs, so, instead, maybe two massages while I'm there. I need one SOOOOO badly, and have never been.
Have a great day!
Hello..... As I was leaving work yesterday.... my thighs were already very very sore..... So I went home and jumped on the foam roller....oh it hurt so good.... I woke up sore this I got on the treadmill and walked for 1/2 mile and then started my workout I was instructed to do.... 3.5 miles and 3 min plank afterwards.... lets just say I was dripping in sweat.... when I got of the treadmill I had to dry off and when I got done with my 3 min plank I had to dry off my mat as it was covered in sweat dripping...yucky...but awesome!!!!! husband will not walk with me much either...occasionaly he walks the dog, but says I go much faster than he cant keep up....sounds like an excuse to me....hahahaha

Betty....I can completely understand being slammed at work.....Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a job were I wasn't so busy..... hahahaha....that will never happen!!!!!

Today it is suppose to be 90 and sunny!!!!! But them rainy the weekend....why does it have to rain on the weekend????? That's when I want to be outside.....damn it!!! hehehe

Be back in a bit....:D
Good morning!

I had planned to take a rest day today because I was so tired last night, but I woke up on my own at the usual time so I got up and did CSS. It seems a little lighter in the morning so that probably did it.

I had PT on Tues., and she said if I can walk 3 miles without pain (which I have been doing), then I don't really need to see her anymore. She did a full analysis of me again and everything looks good, except my hamstring injury has caused my hip on that side to be extremely weak (which I had noticed anyways). So she gave me a bunch of exercises to do at home, and if I have issues call her and I can go back. I really need to take it slow and not push too much, and it may take a while but I do feel I have made progress.

Missy I can imagine that your thighs would be sore after those workouts! You will be so ready for bikini season!

Betty it sounds like your work is crazy. We are in cubicles here and if someone is talking too loudly I can't concentrate. I don't think I would get anything done if phones rang constantly. Why do you have to squeeze in a facial/massage in 2-3 hours?

Jean that is so interesting about your mother and her gardening tips.

I gave up long ago on getting DH to walk. He doesn't have the patience. Years ago when we were younger we ran together, but he gave that up long ago.

Have a great day!
Mary....that's what my dr told me too....walking with no pain...means I could start back slowly.....but he had me walking 5-7 miles....cause I wanted to go back to running.....

So excited for u! !!!

I am so use to being in an office by myself....when I work front desk....I struggle hearing and concentration. ....due to noise! Errrrr!!!!
Hi hi :)

The boy is napping and I'm chilling on the couch. I did UY Strength today. Ok that was kind of hard. I loved it though. I really look forward to my once a week yoga. I'd like to work it in more but like Missy and so many others, if I don't sweat I feel like I'm not working out. Yesterday I did sweat lol. I did Tabatacise. Oh my that is good! I've done it one other time. So it skipped big time at the end of tabata 3 to the beginning of tabata 4. I'm thinking of emailing and seeing if they could mail me a new one. Idk if they do that or not but I know I didn't damage it. It was a pretty bad skip our else I wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

My mom and sis are coming in town today so we will have a house full. We are doing the breast cancer 5k on Sunday. The kids will be in tow on our backs. Tonight is dinner at my dad's. Eek so much going on.Quite honestly I'd sooner just relax at home with my boys but what can you do.

I picked up tomorrow evening at work. I figured since I didn't work any doubles last weekend I better get in an extra shift this weekend. Eve shift Sat and Sun too.

I was craving something sweet so I just ate a sliced apple with almond butter topped with a teaspoon of mini chocolate chips and a couple pecans. The chocolate chips were gluten, soy and dairy free. Let's just say they were out of my regular Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips at Target the other day ;)
Hiya (that's how the people greeted each other in Broadchurch all the time!).

So many household chores all piled up. That's what I'm using my newfound time on. Work was calm and quiet, because the phones didn't ring that much, and the owners weren't around talking all over us.

Marie, definitely call customer service. It's a defect and they'll gladly replace it.
I too tend to prefer being at home but there's nothing better than your mom and sis and niece visiting. How fab you all get to do the 5k together!!! A rung added your fitness accomplishments.
Hmmm, maybe I'll to Tabatacise tomorrow morning....
You crack me up:D--the boy!

Mary, how fabulous of your graduation from PT. Huge congrats! It's been a super long haul for you! Remember to go easy.
My sis and I saw this Groupon for a facial and massage and one other thing, and with the 2 two of us, we would want concurrent appts. If not, imagine how much time it would take, and my sis hasn't a spare moment.
I literally cannot do a thorough and accurate job if there's too much noise and commotion around me, so I am constantly double-checking and hence why my head and eyeballs feel like they are spinning and fried.

Carolyn, I agree that the yard work on the weekends must be an added stress to the hubbies. It's a gorgeous day for it today. This time of the year the lawn needs to be mowed once a week.:eek: Dh will be very appreciative of whatever you do.
I'm the one who just randomly picks workouts with no plan in mind. Whoever mentions one might inspire me to do it the next day! You seem to have a consistent plan to me.

Missy, do you mean you hold planks for 3 minutes??:eek:
You can keep the 90 degrees.:p

Jean, wassup?
Good Afternoon....

Marie....have fun with the 5k.... are you walking or running? I am thinking of doing one next weekend...17th....but not sure yet????

Betty and Jean.... yes...hold plank for 3 is freaking hard.... but today I made it to 2 minutes, then took at 10 sec break...and then finished.... the workouts are very tough....I could have never accomplished this without Cathe though.... she is tough too.... but these are super intense with a lot fun! I have heard...sometimes she makes you do 5 min planks!!!!! OMG....that's crazy!

I am so freaking busy.....I just want to go home! LOL.... tomorrow Im working front desk...yuck!:mad:

Be back!:D
I'm home!!! Just washed and dried my car!!! Beautiful again!!!!

Carolyn....awe...I'm sure he misses just do not express thereselves like we do....if it is bothering you....tell he can try to make so extra time for "you"..... talking about it always helps!!!

So...I am so sore...I can barely walk down the stairs!!! Omg....this is awesome! I'm crazy.....I just am!
Missy hit it right on the nose--men don't express themselves. Just tell him. He is such a sensitive guy he'll remember to. My dh never asks about me or my day at all, even when I always ask about his.:mad: There's no point for me to ask him to think about me, since it won't make a difference.
Spring is a ridiculously busy time too; it will calm down soon and be less demanding of his time.
Whatcha think??? My arms are looking good.....yippeeeee!!!


Bootcamp was awesome! to shower so I can go tackle front desk today!!!! :(

I will check in from time to time.....

Hope everyone enjoys there friday and mothers day weekend! !!!
Carolyn....I'm trying hard too....cause my lower half is my trouble zones.... they say diet is like 70%....and fitness 30%.... why not the other way....and then we would be smokin hot in our bikini yr round!

But I guess that life....and it never goes the way we want.....

Btw....if you lived in my could have come to bootcamp....I get up at 4:40....hehehehe

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