STS first time!

Hiya. Work wasn't too bad. I left at 1:30. Quiet and calm enough for me to do my usual work, and even finish up loose ends, and program speed-dial on three of the phones. Yup, you heard me right. Exciting, isn't it?!:D Kidding aside, the people at work dial our plumbers dozens of times a day, so I thought, let me program their #s so that it's a one-button dial.:p;)
It's cloudy and misty and I'm so tempted to light my fireplace!:rolleyes: And curl up with a movie. I'll do the latter after I catch up with you guys.;)

Marie, I had a split-second blip at the very end of the stretch in Tabatacise, but it seems like a bad edit job rather than a scratch.

Carolyn, Tabatacise isn't too bad at all, if you want to do all those jumps. I imagine it's the intensity of Missy's boot camps. (You and Jean sound like you like that sort of intensity. Me? Slow and steady all the way.) I must remember to do this more often when my arms are back to normal. It's probably not as hard as X10.
I'm so glad dh made time for you. Especially this time of the year, nearing Mother's Day. You're special.:)
I think I know what you mean about a muffin top on your backside. I've got them in the back of the love handles area.:confused: I have Klondike bars calling to me nightly.:confused:
Love those zillion step-ups!

Jean, my boys haven't shown any indication of crushing on girls yet. If I even mention it, they get all embarrassed. I was fawning over boys beginning in middle school. I said to ds1 last week, have you met any girls yet? Typically you could meet your future wife in college.:p He probably rolled his eyes.
Ds1 seems to be developing his own sense of style. Last week I was shocked to see him wearing Sperry TopSiders or whatever they're called. His entire life he has worn athletic sneakers daily.
I can't wait to do UB. Must remember to do Meso 2. Sadly I've not pulled out STS after that first use!:eek::confused::rolleyes:

Missy, your arms look fantastic. You do too! Keep up the great work! Just be careful not to injure yourself.
Jean, ds1 has never had a girlfriend or dated, being an extreme introvert, and shy to boot. He went to the senior prom with his friends. That's how the kids do it nowadays, just go with their friends.
I watched The Best Man Holiday. It was an African-American/black movie chock-full of gorgeous actors in obscenely wealthy surroundings.
Is your book non-fiction? I really don't like history, biographies, or other non-fiction, unless it's self-help.:p
That's how to liven up the tedious office drudgery, don't you think?!

Carolyn, never any Prana around here. You seem to find them on a regular basis.
I have stuff that I bought that I can't decide whether to keep, so it's just been sitting there for weeks. Big glass jars for flour and other pantry staples. Since I couldn't find two of each, I have been in limbo. I've been on a get-rid-of-as-much-plastic-as-possible kick. I'm sure dh just cringes.
I'll be doing my fill of TJM/M with my CA sis! We love it! Returns at Walmart are way worse than at TJM/M. At TJM/M I get in line twice; I prefer to return my things first.
My idea of bkfast is not a chicken salad.:p Give me eggs and bacon, pancakes and waffles! Oink.

Washing and folding the laundry. Leftovers for dinner. I've been very bad with practicing piano.:eek:
Good morning! It showered overnight.
Got an extra hour of sleep. Thought more but didn't go to bed till part midnight.:confused:
French toast, hash browns, sausages, eggs for brunch.
Wassup, everyone?

Carolyn, one of these days it will click with dd. Either she'll mature and/or she'll be self-conscious. Ds2 used to pronounce his Fs by baring his bottom teeth, not by puckering his lips.
I take the cranberry pills very so often. God forbid if I feel a UTI coming on, I would pop those pills frequently.
Omg, it's so warm and humid out!:confused: Close to 80 now. I was overheating in my skinny jeans and black cotton hoodie! Yuck.:p
Dh and I went to a nearby farm to buy some veggies to plant. The stuff we started from seed is super puny. I bought lettuce, grape tomatoes, butternut squash, peas. My pathetic soil will prob kill these plants.

Jean, for me: Mediterranean, yes. WWII, no.
Never made the French toast. There's always tomorrow. And I say that Cathe's workouts keep my metabolism burning 24/7.;)
Enjoy those twins. God, I love babies!

Dinner at a friend's house tonight. Beef stew. Yum.
Carolyn, loved how descriptive that was. Maybe now I can be more aware of all those glute muscles! You're definitely making progress with the shelf! Nice job!!!
Have fun tonight! Getting together with girls is chicken soup for the soul.
Good Afternoon....

Marie....have fun with the 5k.... are you walking or running? I am thinking of doing one next weekend...17th....but not sure yet????

We are walking. It's so crowded that it'd be near impossible to run. Honestly it's crazy! I get anxiety just thinking of it. I am only doing it because it means so much to my mom :)
Good Afternoon. It is cloudy and warm today. The sun will not stay out. Todays w/o was UY Mountain pose. After that we went to the boardwalk and I got Fries and my husband got fish and chips. Then we walked along the ocean. Then I had to go into the shops. I bought a really pretty seahorse pendant and chain . Then at one of the cheap beach stores I bought 2 bracelets and a seahorse statue. Happy Mothers Day to me. ;)
We just got back from walking the dogs. I'm really trying to enjoy this nice weather.

Marie Enjoy your family. "The Boy" should have fun with his cousin. I hope your back can hold him. Did you try cleaning your disc? That could make it skip.

I did try cleaning with no success :( Thanks for the suggestion though.

What a lovely day you had :) Walking along the ocean is the best!

What's UY Mountain pose like? I'm working my way through the series. So far I've done Crosstrain, Cardio and Strength. I look forward to this weeks whatever it may be.
Happy Mothers Day to everyone as well!
Ate too much at dinner. Including dessert. Two skinny servings.:confused::eek:
My contacts felt like they were an oil slick in the evening:confused:. Awful. Hope they feel better tomorrow.
Ds1 comes home tomorrow!
Happy Mothers Day!
I have a crazy day tomorrow and am not sure if I will be able to pop in!

Thank you :) And Happy Mother's Day to you all too and that includes Missy being a mommy to her animals :)

We have the 5k planned and then home to have an Easter egg hunt with the kids. My mom wanted to wait until my sis and niece were in town. Than work from 3-11:30 for me. Half hour of work left for tonight and it can't come soon enough. I'm so tired!

No workouts for me this weekend although my mom and I did walk to Target and then the park yesterday and tonight I took a 30m walk during my break. Every little bit counts right but my oh my do I wish exercise was 70% and diet was 30%. So unfair!
Happy Mother's Day! I hope you are all out enjoying this beautiful day. Oldest dd had a regatta so we went to first race in the morning, and then the rest of us went to Rockport and poked around. Beautiful but so hot!
Happy mothers day to everyone!!! Hope you are having a relaxing day.....

I have been super busy since I got uo friday.....I worked front desk...then came straight all animals feed and ready for then as soon as tim got home from work we went racing...there was a big race about 1.25 hrs from out house....we went.....did not get home till legs hurt so bad...from massive workouts and we walked miles that night....I did nothing saturday (exercise) it was my rest day.....I just cleaned my house and grocery shopped...and layed in recliner watxhing tv and or netflix!

Today I started my day with a 3 mile run on my treadmill.....and just hung out with Tim...since he worked all day saturday....he has been working like 65-70 hr weeks....I miss my man!!! He is now relaxing in bed watching some tv.....

I'm about to go night night....since my alarm will wake me at 4:40.....bootcamp here I come!

Chat tomorrow morning!!!!

Hugs to us all!!! For being such awesome moms!
Hiya! Today was SO gorgeous! Sunny, breezy, no humidity, 70s. So perfect!
Dh moved ds1 home. We are a complete family again, for 2.5 days! Then they tilled the veggie beds and added some of my compost. I'm so glad about the compost pile being used. It is an orb that was meant to be rolled, but after a while it gets too heavy so we've stopped. You just keep adding on top and it is hard for me to turn it. Anyway, we planted the veggies we bought yesterday. The only thing I don't have yet is flowers, but I don't have time to buy and plant them. Oh well.
Ds1 and dh cooked dinner, while I made a huge welcome-home brunch of bacon, corned beef hash, tater tots, challah French toast, fried eggs, sliced pears, fresh coffee!

Jean, I'm so glad you loved the movie too! Didn't you just love the boy's family relationships? Loved the humor too! Love the English! I'm going to watch it again with my CA sis this week!:D When I originally watched I was on hold with the DMV for 1.25 hrs. It was so distracting!

Work and PT tomorrow! And perhaps GG in the morning. PRS#1 Tuesday morning.
Hiya. What a warm day! Sunny. Big drop in temps tomorrow.
I did GG Extreme minus the floor stuff. Your faves, Carolyn--pizza presses.
I worked till 2:15 to finish up so I can go on vaca with a good conscience.

KMarts around here were such unpleasant shopping experiences! I don't miss them.

I can't picure the peepers sound. We only hear crickets.
Wow, you loaded up on the arms!

PT at 3:30. She'll measure my arm progress, literally.
I did CSS this morning and then went for a walk at lunch. Felt like summer! Sounds like it will all change tomorrow.

We have peepers in our area as well, and when we first moved here I thought they were bugs, not frogs!

Betty are you leaving tomorrow? How long will you be there? I am envious, have a great time!

Carolyn, yay on sis coming up for graduation!

Missy, hope you enjoyed boot camp.

Hi Jean!
Had a great weekend. The 5k was really fun! My mom got pretty emotional toward the end, as my grandma passed away from breast cancer. She was so happy to be able to walk it with her daughters and grandkids. It was a great day.

No workouts this weekend except for a quick few walks here and there. Excited to get back to working out tomorrow.

All of our company is officially gone. Dh is driving my sister to the airport as we speak. It was a great weekend but I'm excited for some of just me, dh and b time.

Jean- Mountain Pose sounds great. Thanks for the info. I'll have to check it out. I've tried to meditate on my own but just can't seem to stay focused so I look forward to seeing what it offers.
Hiya. I feel like a cow. The 4 of us went out to eat as a family before we split up again for the summer. Oinko.
It hit 88 degrees here!:p
PT was vigorous. She stretches me way past pain! When she measured me, the left side has improved by bits, and the right has gotten stiffer.:confused: Same as a few weeks ago. Disappointingly, improvement is very slow. They want to get me a dynamic splint.

Marie, that was a special walk you ladies did. How nice to remember your grandma that way, and it benefitted your health too.

Now you guys are making me so curious about the sound of peepers!
Carolyn, is dh watching Bruins?

Mary, my flight is at 8 am Wednesday. I find plane seats so uncomfortable, and the 6+ hrs creeps by. I cannot sleep longer than 20 mins at a time, if at all.
Actually, I have noticed my right side has worsened because I've been having a tough time reaching the overhead showerhead, the laundry rod, and the hook to hang my workout clothes.:confused:
After seeing the orthopedist, I wasn't swayed by the possibility of the shot. It sounds painful too. It might help though. The idea is to ?numb and un-inflame the area, then yank/push your shoulder past the present sticking point.
I get to sleep a little later tomorrow. Ds2 has a late start to school. Yay! Then I'll enjoy PRS #1.
Need to pack tomorrow, in addition to hitting the grocery stores. Haven't done a thing yet.
Omg, I'm so hot!

Carolyn, sweet dreams and a long, restful sleep.
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