STS first time!

Good Morning!

This morning was Legs&Glutes. There are only a couple of exercises on that one that I can't/won't do, like one-legged deadlifts, so I definitely have made hamstring progress.

Last night I did a few upper body stretches from the Lastics dvd. As I did them I could feel my upper back and shoulders release, but today I have doms. So wierd to get doms from a stretching dvd.

Missy I am so glad you are enjoying your boot camp class.

I hate this humidity! I think that is why I am dragging today, I didn't sleep well last night and I feel gross when my hair frizzes up.

Betty, sounds like you are busy out there, did your whole family go or just you and ds?
Good morning! Thought I would sleep a little later but children practicing music has woken me up. My sis is going to Pilates and I can't join:(. My shoulders have been so achy because my handbag is heavy. Just realized I've been carrying my camera in there.

Missy, that bootcamp sounds so killer!:eek:
How great you met a likeminded friend. So much to discuss!

Jean, how did the dog family react to being around each other? Do they realize they're related, I wonder?
I think Boston will get your rain over the weekend.

Mary, congrats on your progress! So happy for you! The Lastics sounds great too. Backs and shoulders get so weighed down with everyday activity.
Yikes, humidity! I feel lucky not to be there. It's so dry here that I feel the need for more lotion (though not as dry as Calgary); at home I moisturize anyway.
Hello. Exhausted. Had cajun boil for dinner. Yum. But also Oink. We walked for 40 mins/2.3 mi afterward.
My shoulders are in pain from constantly banging them. I get in and out of the car many times a day and that's one reason. Here we thought I'd be resting them.:rolleyes:
Hope y'all had a nice day.
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Quick check-in before giving report to the evening nurses.

No workout today but I did get in 2- 30min walks during my breaks :)

Chilling with my boys tonight but first we are going to visit my niece. It's her 14th birthday today :)
Hiya. Beautiful weather today. Sunny, dry, low 70s or so.
Can't shed my overcoat here. All this hitting these great food places, plus trying cookies.:eek: The other day we bought some delish ricciarelli (Italian almond macaroons) which I must have one of a day:p; they're almost gone. And I had to try my sis' very large choc chip cookies. There's no curbing my appetite here.

Carolyn, I hear you big time regarding the handbags. I carried a crossbody one for a few years before I met you guys. I try to switch sides.
My sis has a massage chair so I've been taking advantage daily.
I am so sleep daily. I feel so old trying to keep up with my sis' family. It's ridiculous!
Jean, I can't wait for you to see the red berries in the winter against a backdrop of snow!
That will be a big break for your sis. Hope she goes hangs with friends, shops, dines, etc.
What is Ambrosia? A drink?
You hit a big-time (good) nerve with me--hoping for ds to move here after college:p;) but I'm not influencing him one way or another. Depends on where his job offer comes. He will indeed start on Monday and live with my sis for the summer. I am the oldest and she is my second youngest sis.
We did have a quiet aft and evening. Even went on an evening walk; so gorgeous. Her neighborhood is so beautiful.
My sis and I watched About Time. What a charming movie. She enjoyed it a lot.
I'm up way past my bedtime! Good night!
Hi Everyone!

What a beautiful weekend it turned out to be! Oldest dd had a race yesterday in Lowell, and younger dd has her end of season volleyball picnic today, and at one point it looked like all would be cancelled.

I did XT Legs this morning, I had to modify a few things but overall got a great workout. I definitely need to rebuild my leg muscles.

Betty that is exciting for ds, sounds like a great opportunity.

I need to figure out something to do outside today, hope to fit something in in between driving everyone around. Have a great day!
Oh, Carolyn, so sorry about your fall! You poor thing. Have someone give you a neck massage. It could have happened to any of us. Now that I am approaching (or at:p) middle age, I fear putting down the foot wrong and twisting or falling.
My niece and nephew have PB bedroom furniture and it's gorgeous, esp the beadboard white ones.
You're dead on about the bonding time. My kids haven't spent any extended time with anyone except MA sis, even grandparents. Another bonus for ds1!

Jean, safe travels! Your sis appreciates it very much, I'm sure.
I'm not sure I know that movie. I'll need to put it in the queue.
I totally agree with you about not being a traveler!:rolleyes: I long for the comfort of home, and am a total homebody, the older I get. Although my sis' house is so luxurious I could stay forever.;):p

Mary, I'm so happy to hear you doing a leg workout with no agony. It has been a long road. (I so look forward to getting there myself.) Take it easy. Has PT told you how to avoid repeating the injury? Do you know what might have done it?

Heading to SF for dinner.:p:cool:
Hi all-

I am working and just waiting for the clock to hit 7:23. That's the soonest we can punch out that rounds to 7:30. I have been here since 7am but picked up an extra 4 hours. I'm on a roll picking up. I worked 36 hours this week oh my! Too much for me but like I said before the extra cash will be nice. I sure miss my boys though. DH texted me a picture of ds taking a bath. I wanted to give him a bath lol. I need to let go though. I just want to do everything and not miss anything but I know this father/son time is good for them both.

Workout today was 3- 30m walks outside :) It is so nice out. Not too hot, not too cold.

Tomorrow we have a playdate with friends. I think we are going to walk at the nature center near her house if it's nice out.

Hmmm not sure what else except for that I'm hungry...again lol. I ate good all day but now I'm sitting and bored so all I can think about is food.
Good Morning!!! I HAVE BEEN SO BUSY...omg!!!! Now...its crunch time at work since Im gonna be off Friday-Tuesday!

Hope everyone is having a lovely day!!!

I ordered a new foam roller since I just love love love the ones I have...I have a firm and soft.... but I got once with nubbies/soft...says it massaged deep in the muscles/tissue.... excited.....

I will check in later...Im on the phone with Medicare....which is NO fun at all!:mad:
OMG..Carolyn...I just read....I hope you are okay...that's scarey....I am very accident prone.... but I normally fall up the steps!!!! I hope your neck feels better!
Eek Carolyn hope you're ok. Thank goodness you didn't break anything.

Betty Here's my review of PRS1 :) Combo five is my fav :) The whole thing is so fun though. I honestly love the music and the groovy moves. I literally smile on and off and sing along during the workout. For those who have trouble with the steps, break it down. Remember everything is in counts of eight. Honestly do one combo at a time. Rewind till you perfect it. Omg it's SO worth it to learn it. It's so beyond fun.

Hi to everyone!

AT today :) LOVE that one! I didn't do my yoga last week so I much make sure to get that in this week. Jean- I'm thinking Vitality...never done it.

I'm sure you ladies have seen the clips of Cathe live. It looks amazing and I'm super tempted. I like that you forever have the workouts archived. Ten bucks a month for four new workouts. I used to LOVE classes when I was at a gym. It motivates me in a whole new way. Ten bucks seems a great deal. Ugh I don't know. I am the queen of indecisiveness. I have an iPad and I think I could hook it to my tv in the basement to stream that way. Who knows though. I know nothing about technology. Ok I'm rambling. Off to play with my boys :)
Hiya. Somewhat sunny and totally breezy, with temps in 60s. Perfect.
Marie, I can't believe how fun the moves are! Is it combo 6 with Earth Wind & Fire? Love them! The counts of 8 tip really helps; I didn't know! Mambos really mess me up! But these ones are ok. I'm a long way from getting 5 though. And the finished product is not as good without the original music, which proves what a diff good music makes!:cool::eek:
Cathe Live seems like a great deal. I didn't know that the clips are archived for you.
I'm the queen of indecisiveness too!;)

Carolyn, use the foam roller on your side; that will be good for it.

Have you heard of a massage stick? Or massage cane? Those seem cool.
Good morning! Having my oatmeal.
Got in two walks yesterday but still feeling like a cow!
Wassup, all?
Jean- Glad you arrived safely. That is great news about your mother. It is so nice when they are at least out of their room and enjoying others' company.

Betty- Enjoy every second of your trip. I believe that is combo 6 yes. Once you get 5 I know it will be your favorite. All this talk of it, I think I'll pull it out tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'm going to cave on Cathe Live. The workouts are Thu at 9:15 so because of ds's schedule I won't ever be able to do them live but that's ok. I was already prepping dh that I'll probably be going for it. He of course doesn't care but rolls his eyes knowing I usually buy everything Cathe :)

I'm working today. I feel like I live here lately. Good thing I like my job but I missed out on swimming with ds and dh this morning and that makes me sad :( I'm on Geri Psych today and it's pretty slow. All the patients are behaving so I guess that's good ;)

2- 30 minute walks today----that was my workout!
Trouble getting on this a.m. Anyone else?:mad:

My IT band is killing me. I feel like my entire right side took the brunt of the fall. I need to foam roll.

I did Leaner Legs from CTX today.

Was beautiful out, and now it looks like ti could rain.

Leaner Legs- I don't have that one. But speaking of lean legs I haven't worked mine in awhile. Maybe I should do LL&A tomorrow. Too many decisions.

Hope that foam roll is helping your pain.
Hiya. Another pleasant weather day. Ho hum;). Nope, not taking anything for granted! I must be gaining a lb a day!:eek: Went for a 3-mi walk today since the try-everything-while-I'm-here eating continues.:eek::p:confused:
Sis and I hit a few M/TJM. I didn't get much, just a pair of slingbacks for a future wedding. Been looking for shorts for ds.
Ds is enjoying his new job.

Carolyn, I had trouble getting on last night.:mad:
I hope you foam rolled a lot. Maybe dh can also use his hands and massage it. Just to diffuse the bruising. Sis bought a massage stick and one of those knobby foam rollers.

Marie, I'm sure I'll like combo 5 too. Just so hard to get right now, and as she says, the left side is confusing.:eek:
Geri Psych, your old haunting grounds.:) Your paycheck must be nice.

Jean, your voice sounds less light when you're there. I know you miss home. You'll be back before you know it. Do you play board games and cards with your mom? Can you go out for short walks, or sit outside?
Betty- Sounds like you're having a nice vacation! Don't feel bad about the eating. Enjoy yourself :) If it makes you feel better I had a strawberry milkshake last night and enjoyed every sip :)

Carolyn- I hate when my exercise schedule gets off too. Hope you get a good workout in later today. Enjoy your day at the school!

So I got home yesterday DS and DH brought his mom's house so I figured I'd take advantage so I did LL&A. This morning I woke up and did Rebecca Small's Step 2 Success. Betty I think you should check this one out :)

Both my boys are still sleeping. It's almost 8 o'clock here and I seriously can't believe B is still asleep. Makes me feel like I've almost should've taken advantage and slept myself but it feels good that my workout done.

This shows one combo and how she breaks it down. Love her, but not as much as Cathe of course ;)
Hello Ladies!

I have been going for a 3 mile walk every day at lunch, the weather is so beautiful I just have to take advantage of it. Sounds like we are due for some rain after today.

No issues with the leg workouts I have been doing, which is good news. I'll keep adding things in a bit at a time so I don't overdue but definitely making progress.

Carolyn, I do hope you are feeling better after your fall. How scary! I always had a hard time foam rolling my hamstrings and hips, it was hard to get in there. But I figured out how to lay flat with a tennis ball in my glutes and hips and was really able to release the muscles.

Jean I hope you can enjoy the time you spend with your Mom.

Marie, sounds like you have a great schedule with your work and spending lots of time with B.

Betty, don't worry about the eating, you already have muscles and you are walking, and most of all you are on vacation so enjoy yourself! You deserve it. How are the shoulders?

I think tonight is the last softball game and track meet. Seems like it just started. DH and I are splitting events.

We are going to the Cape this weekend, I have so much laundry to catch up on before we go!

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