STS first time!

Feel so weird to have it be so quiet in the house. No boys here for two nights. I miss them both like crazy but I must admit it is kind of nice to have time alone. That never happens! I feel guilty for thinking that way though :(

I got home last night at midnight, showered and then watched a rerun of Parenthood. I ended up falling asleep on the couch soon after I started though. I woke up at 7 but then went back to bed until 9:30. I never sleep in that late and it felt great. I had a chill morning drinking coffee and obviously spending time on the forums as you can see from my numerous responses ;) I'm about to head downstairs now and do Step Moves and then a UY.

Be back later. Hope everyone is having a nice Saturday morning!
Good morning! It is gorgeous out, as usual.
Marie, I know you miss the boys but enjoy every minute of your alone time! Do something for yourself. Many things. You will all benefit from being away from each other. It's so nice that dh takes ds and spends time with ds' grandparents. We never overnighted.
My sis goes to a studio to do the Megaformer. It's so neat. I enjoy those workouts but I don't know when I'll do them again. She and I walked 3.6 mi last evening to go to a pastry shop:p.

Jean, your mom is amazing. 95!
Jean, it's great to hear your sunny voice again. Your weather sounded like ours. So beautiful!
Omg, what you did, calling a long lost friend, sounds so amazing! To reconnect after all these years! Was it like you picked up where you left off? There's nothing, I mean nothing, like a girlfriend you click with! I love that you will call her again! Good for you!
Actually, my sis and I walked to get pastries for her kids, but of course we picked up goodies for ourselves. But, we only took bites.
Today we went to the zoo. Ds was probably bored out of his gourd.:p
I don't think I crack dh up.:p
Didn't do my 2 sets of exercises. It will be just one, after I wash up.
Jean, 10 dozen cookies!:eek: That's a ton!
Earlier in the day we went to a farmers market. You'd think I had died and gone to heaven. The vast amount of fresh-from-the-farm produce!:eek::p
Today was sunny, breezy, NO humidity (as usual), and high 70s/low 80s. Gorgeous.
It was a crazy busy night here on the cardiac unit. Thought I'd check in real quick before giving report to the night nurses. Yesterday was busy too so I never had time to check back. I ended up doing Amy Bento Advanced Step Challenge 5 instead of Step Moves. I opened my drawer of DVDs of it was starring at me. It was the first time I've attempted it and let me just say my step ego was ripped to shreds and I loved it :) I felt like I had 2 left feet. There is a preview section but I thought, nah I don't need that. Umm so wrong! I ended up doing the preview section today and then a premix that had 3 of the 5 combos. It helped a ton but I still don't have it down pat. I love it though and can't wait to master that baby. Yesterday I also did UY Detox and today was UY Vitality. Jean- What do you think of the fire breathing? Not sure I like it. I do it but it feels awkward.

I work tomorrow evening but in the morning my boys and I are going down to dh's brother's houseboat. Should be fun although I would sooner be selfish and have my boys to myself since I haven't seen them in 2 days. I can't wait to get home tonight and peek on my baby sleeping :)

Alright that's all for now. Be back tomorrow :)
Just got back from an evening walk with sis and ds. 2.6 mi, baby:p. My waist flab needs all the help I can give it.:rolleyes: Just sobered up thinking that after the long weekend is over, I only have one full day left here.:(
Marie, you're so good to do both UY and a cardio! High five!
Enjoy Monday, df (new term! dear friends!):D.
Good morninf!!! Happy Memorial day!!! Just got home from since it was a holiday....we did class at 7.... it was a blast.....very tough!!!! At the end of our workout....we had to do a 5 min arms were trembling....crazy!!!!

Today I renewed....month 2 of bootcamp!!!! glad you are enjoying your sister time!!!

Carolyn....I am always bisy....but my husbandbloves that I chat with yall....sometimes I will ask a question...and his better ask your fit that!!!!

Off to back soon!
Oh, Happy Birthday, Missy!!! Many happy returns to you!
A 5-min plank is super impressive. High five!

We just got back from a family hike. 5.6 miles! Woohoo!
Happy Memorial Day, everyone.
Thanks my fit friends!!!!

Carolyn....that's a lot of work....I would consider that a work out!!!! I had birthday brownies!!!! I'm not big on cake....but love love love my Timmy made me brownies!!!! He he he

Just got my evening text....2morrows workout is 4 mile run and 75 wall balls, then stretch!!!! Omg!!!!

I have been extremely good today except for my brownies!!!!

America ninja warrior comes on tonight.....he he he....gonna watch it!!! Be back soon!!!
Hi :)

Crazy shift again tonight. My first 4 hours was on surgical and then I came down to medical. I got an admit on each unit. It was insanely busy but boy does that makes time go nice and fast. I'm so excited to have to the next three days off. Our only plans are a playdate with friends on Wed and then our niece's band concert on Thu. Can't wait to have my boys all to myself.

Today we decided to not go to the houseboat to see dh's brother. Ds really needed a nap. I was happy to skip. I did half of YU Flexibility. I only did half because I made a deal with dh that if he joined me we would only have do to do part of it. We started with YU Gentle but two minutes in neither I or him were impressed. Jean or anyone have any details on that one? We opted for Flexibility but dh was not impressed. I think so many people think yoga is a relaxing workout. Not UY lol, well at least not most of them. He ended up laying down on his mat while I did it. It was kind of hard to get into the breathing while knowing he was just laying there lo.l. Oh well.

Ok time to give report. Be back tomorrow :)
I need motivation too Carolyn. Lazy morning...loved it but time to workout now.

Hi Betty!

Ok did you ladies see the announcement about the new series? Eek! Excited!!!! DVD series!!!! So pumped .......I'm freaking on top of the moon with excitement!!!!!

Carolyn....BTW...get moving....not sure I can say much...I've yet to workout....was thinking maybe a 2 pm workout....after the soaps....yet before Dr oz! He he he
Carolyn....yes fall..... are you doing the 5k too???? If very very careful....I just ran 3 miles....but had to stop every mile and roll on my foam roller as my knee still bothers me a lot....modifications!!!!!

Jean...yes wall ball is a medicine ball throw high on wall catch it and squat down..... I use a pilates ball at ball at bootcamp....just so I don't have to hear dog barking from the pounding on again....slight modification. Hahaha

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