STS first time!

Jean, I noticed we had over 1000 posts the other day.
Chilly evening, but it's perfectly fine.

The other day I harvested a meal's worth of spinach and baby lettuce. I don't have enough to harvest every few days. I have to wait for these to grow out again.:D
Good morning fit friends.....up and starting the day!

Last night the storm rolled I waited to back my crust less its in the oven!!!! Yippeeee!!!!

Carolyn....I pick lettuce from bottom up as lettuce grows freshest leaves at top!

Betty...isn't going out to garden and picking veggies so much fun...I just love it....and it tastes do much better!!!! I just picked cherry tomatoes and tons of squash!!!!yummy!!!!

Carolyn...BTW...that makes so much sense on the posts....hmm...

Be back soon....I have a few things to do...then off to Lowes.....then tonight I am doing either CSS or lean legs.....:)
Wow, you guys, while I know the prudent reason for it, it's sad that I can't go back and read the posts for a certain period of time (who has the time??). I love that it's a diary, though, Carolyn, ds makes so much sense. I was fully conscious (and always leery and felt guilty too) of my daily postings, knowing that it's online for all to see, but at the same time, I always made them totally anonymous. Hence why I changed my username.

Carolyn, I cut the whole bunch out, just about the root/head of the lettuce plant (not knowing any different).

Missy, we are so far from having tomatoes it's sad. The plants I put out a few weeks ago are still about an inch tall!:confused: And something wiped out a butternut squash seedling I bought from the nursery.:mad:
Congrats on your pre-order!:p
Good monday morning!!!!

Just got home from was 70 minutes today!!!

Started off with warm up runs....4 laps.....

Plank with 8pound tricep kickbacks
Alternating lunge while holding 20 pd dumbell overhead
Partner.... forcefully pushing tractor tire at each other. ...tough....but fun
Running knee highs...and sprint back

25 wall ball with 10 pd med ball
10 tire flips
Run a lap

Run 1 mile
4 min plank

Tough but awesome!!!!
Just finished my oatmeal.... fat so good....I will let u know about noon....hehehehe. .... 12 d ays till summer vacation?????

Btw...I made my crustless pumpkin.....oh so yummy!!!! There 5 grams of protein in it....Hehehe
Good morning!
Hope your alignment kicks in, Carolyn!
Nice job with boot camp, Missy!
I did CSS. Off to work! Have a great day!
Hiya. It is indeed too warm out in the direct sun. Lovely in the shade though.
Work was insanely busy with phones ringing off the hook. Owners were still off.
So I went back and deleted a slew of posts too. Kind of sad.:(
Ds2 has 15 days of school left.
I better get some things done. Was chatting with a neighbor outside for a long time.

Too funny we both did CSS, Carolyn! I had put in Greatest Hits first then thought, ugh, no way, none short enough.
Jean- I had to check out that post about announcing my pregnancy. How fun! It was cool to read back :)

I think I'll do the same and go back and delete a bunch of posts. It'll be kind of fun to look back in time. It is kind of creepy that people can read our stuff. I feel like you are all such good friends and our talk is OUR talk. Oh well, I guess the forums are public so it is open to everyone.

I did AT this morning and then we had a playdate with some friends. Pretty warm here. I'm so glad that we use air-conditioning. They don't at the playdate we had today and it was so warm.

Busy weekend working. I was on my Mom Baby unit on Sunday so that was fun :)

That's it for now. Little man should be up from his nap soon :)
Marie, that unit sounds the best! OMG, newborns!
Warm enough for a/c is too soon for me!:eek::confused:
Kisses to B.

I was trying in the past to think of alternatives to our forum. Emails wouldn't work because they'd pile up too fast and it would become a mental drag.:eek::confused: Anyone have other ideas we could explore?
Carolyn, you're not deleting them as soon as the next day??:( I do go back and re-read posts searching for comments and things. Maybe that's why I'm feeling inexplicably glum. It's like I'm losing my best friends.:confused: Please don't delete your posts that soon. Why don't we go back toward the beginning of our forum and delete the old ones, like we've started?

Making smoky split pea soup. My house retains its coolness unless it's a prolonged heatwave.
I agree with Betty. Carolyn don't delete that soon :( I don't come on for days sometimes but I still go back and read what I missed.

I know there are private Facebook groups but I'm not too sure exactly how they work.
No way!:eek: It took forever to delete fewer than 20!!!:eek:
Jean, what a dreamy place you live in! So much fun!!! Anyone as exercise-minded as you?
Good morning! I'm sooooo tired.:confused:
Carolyn, I deleted early posts on the computer too but after each one, it goes back to page one; it's so time-consuming to page back to where I left off. Does that happen to you?
Did you actually delete 800 of them??
I found an early post of yours that mentions your sis' dh being a pilot. I don't even remember that!!! It's so cool and I have a huge respect for pilots of commercial planes:cool:.
What a perfect day for the beach!!! Flaunt your tankini, girl!

Jean, the only ab exercise I want to and can do is leg raises! Not the other stuff.:p

Hmm, what workout to do this morning....
Duh, why didn't I think of that?!
Is there another reason why you're concerned about the privacy? We are all anonymous, even to one another. I've taken great care not to mention specifics. Though maybe I wouldn't be hard to find if one were to Google 'person with driving phobia'!:D Granted the whole approach of the forum does feel very 'big brother is watching' once we started conversing daily.
Enjoy your sister time!

I went to check out a new supermkt. It wasn't very exciting at all, and I don't get all the hype. I left pretty quickly. Time to do the bills now.
Oh, I did PRS#1. I think it's time for me to take a break from that. Doing it too often trips me up; you would think I would get the moves more easily, but no! I'm almost getting combo 5, though, Marie.
Quick pop-in to say hello! I've had so much going on lately and I am generally exhausted.

I was reading what you all said about deleting posts. When I post I am aware that anyone can read it, and I have tried to not be too specific, but things build up over time and who knows, maybe someone can figure out more about us than we want. But once its out there, people can be making copies of it for all we know. Does that mean we just write what our workouts are and nothing personal? I don't think I would come here any more then.

Anyways, it has been very stressful at work as a both a respected co-worker (and the lady I walk with) and my manager gave their notice on the same day and their last day is friday.

DD's graduation is coming up and I find myself getting weepy. It will be such a big change to our family when she goes away to college.

Betty, I think I know what supermarket you are referring to but I have never been to one. There is one that is supposed to be causing traffic jams.

Yesterday I did Legs&Glutes, this morning was css. I don't like how hot it has gotten all of a sudden - my workouts are getting me sweaty.

Jean, I hope to find a community like yours when I retire.

Carolyn, I hope you had a good day with your sister.
Mary, I can totally relate about your family unit changing after dd goes to college. It'll be different for sure, but it'll be all right. Dd will mature more before your eyes, growing into the young adult you raised her to be. In the meantime, enjoy the summer together.
Too bad about your two coworkers. (Are they going to the same place??). Having a friend sure makes work tolerable.

Geez, Carolyn, at the end of your driveway?? Did you get to the bottom of it?
At best you forced us to deal with the issue of public posting. I've had a huge guilty conscience about it the entire time, preaching to my kids but at the same time doing it. I rationalized it below the radar. Think of what we collectively would otherwise have been doing with our time! But I don't regret one moment.
Good has been an extremely busy day.....

I am finally home...and relaxing outside with my kitties for a bit....then when tim comes home I will cook dinner and do house stuff!!!

I am so tired....not sure if I can make it till 9:15.....hmmm.....

I am a very concerned person too...about posting...but where else can we post???? I am in same boat as carolyn....I don't have many friends...and non of mine like to exercise now....there all duds! Lol I have my bootcamp people...but its hard to get in with the clicks....but I'm working on thing Is I am a home exerciser....I love bootcamp intensity....but how long can my knees take it????

Tim was offered a new job today.....outside of the company he works lots to chat about when he gets home....

Be back in a bit....gotta cook dinner!!!! u think it has something to do with the truck in your driveway???? Omg....scarey world for sure. ....

We actually went to dinner and I got a grilled chicken salad....yum yum!!!!

I am not planning on stopping bootcamp.....I just may have to modify somethings....which a lot of people do to there joints happy....hehehehe

Oh...and I just may have to go get adjusted at chiro.....I think that's my prob....did u call or go back carolyn????

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