STS first time!

Hiya, all! Omg, SO excited! Of course I'm going to pre-order!:D:p
Yes, Fall 2014!
Last gorgeous full day here.
I'm not one for heavy lifting. Heck who am I kidding, I can't remember the last time I did an all weight workout. Cardio is my love lol. I'm hoping I can get motivated to lift with this new series. We should all plan on doing a rotation when it comes out. Whoever is down of course :)

I did Amy Bento ASC 5 again and I'm finally getting better at it. It's a freaking blast. Can't wait till I don't have to think about the steps and instead just let them flow.

Lazy day today. My boys and I are just laying around the house. Of course this also means I can't stop eating. This is bad, very bad.
Great choice on the leg workouts Jean! They are good, no dead workouts. Flextrain is mostly lifting from what I remember. I've done it twice and liked it. X10 is awesome. Love the premixes! And that they are shorter workouts, all less than a half hour. My mom does them 4 days a week :)
Jean....I really love those....lean legs and great glutes!!! You definitely need those! I also love love love flex train....I have only done x10 a couple times....

My vacation has come to an end.... :(

I wish I could retire or work part has been so nice to be off for 5 days.....I am so rested and I must go back to hell tomorrow!!!!

So...I have a mild confession....I think yall all know I don't have a good relationship with my mother.....I haven't seen her in 9 yrs....I do talk to her when she calls aunt told me her pic was in paper a few weeks I reasearched and found it....she is so is depressing.....just makes me work harder in the not turn into her.....I hope this does not mean I'm a horrible sad of what she has become....but the other sad side is why doesn't her loving husband an adodpted kids do anything???? Thats why we cant be on phone longer than 3-5 min...cause i always speak the truth...oh well..just thought I would share! This will only push me more....just glad I have a supportive husband!!!!

Chat to shower!!! you have high step training???? Its one of my all time favorites! An oldie but goodie.....she will have your legs screaming!!!!!
Good morning! Home from bootcamp!!!! It was an intense workout!!! Now I must go back to work today....why oh why do I have too????? I would rather stay home!!!!

Jean....thanks!!! You always have such kinda words.... my mother and I have never had a good relationship....even when I was a small child....we just have nothing in common....complete opposite people.....we have a lot of issues that I will never forget....even though she acts like they never happen and doesn't want to discuss them.... when I lived near her...I would go visit her every weekend and try to fix the relationship.... it just could not be fixed....I have a very strong personality....and I am very honest and open....she can't stand that....she gets so mad at me for speaking the truth about her weight and health problems.... she is 56.... and in horrible health...or so she says....but it all revolves around obesity.....not sure her weight.....but 250 +... maybe even more....I don't know???? She always lies to I'm not sure of anything with her???? Oh well....I just know I will do everything not to be her when I get older....

Onto good things.... tim and I will be together 14 years saturday!!!! Omg....that's a long time!!!!

Be back...gotta get dressed!!!!
Hi Everyone!

We had a great time at the Cape. The temps were cool, but I got alot of walking in. My girls were disappointed that it was not beach weather, but I am getting away from wanting to sit on the beach anyways.

Being away from formal exercise made it that much harder to get up in the morning and do Cathe! So yesterday I did most of Legs&Glutes and this morning most of XT Ch-B-Sh. Trying not to be too hard on myself.

Missy, it actually sounds like you have a healthy attitude towards your Mom. You keep in touch but limit it for your own health. You have tried to have a good relationship with her but it hasn't worked out, so unfortunately there isn't much you can do. Best of all, you have Tim!

Carolyn, I thought sciatica ran down the back of the leg along the nerve? Good idea to see chiro anyways.

I think I am the only one not excited about the pre-order. I wanted more weight workouts, but I already have so many cardio workouts I can't/don't do. I never even did x10.

Gloomy and cool day here. Betty, hope you had a good trip home!
Hiya. Sitting at SFO and waiting for boarding time. Got here rather early but don't mind it. I got on a security line that all they do is swab your hands and scan the results. No removal of shoes, belts, jackets; no bins; no taking anything out. Awesome. I'm not sure who can and can't go in it. No obvious signs.
I land pretty late.:confused: I'm prepared to be warm when I land. Jeans, fleece, scarf.

Carolyn, bummer about that pain in the butt. Keep rolling it, and use a tennis ball too. I could picture you working your yard this past weekend. Sounds like a ton of stuff you got accomplished. (All you ladies!)

Jean, your size 2 neighbor has no flab or muffin top?:p
Nice job with the trees.
Hope you had luck finding a bathing suit.

Mary, the new dvds will fulfill half your wish. It'll have 2 new core workouts!:eek: And any HiiT sounds fab, with shorter workouts for working women!

Missy, how great you had a super long weekend. The daily grind is back; bummer. Congrats to you and Tim and for such a loving marriage.

Marie, a family nap!:)

See y'all on the other coast!;)
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Good evening!!!!

I survived the day!!!! Busy busy!!!!

Betty....have a safe flight!

Carolyn....I may have to go to chiro also.....thinking my hips may be misaligned again....cause my left side is hurting from neck to ankle....but mostly knee....its really bothering me this afternoon.....we shall see!!!! I was showing Tim some of my workout from this morning.....he said I see my your knee is hurting....he he he

Jean....I hate hate hate bathing suit shopping....did I say hate.....I wish to never have to buy them....its too hard....shows too much of my flaws..... I sure hope you have better luck in that dept than I do!

thanks to everyone....for all the kind words!!! Truly means a lot!!!!
Hi ho. My plane was so delayed. Got home super late. Did prs1 earlier. Eating my scrambled eggs. Need to get ready and do errands. Bbl
I brought the good weather back! It's a lovely cool spring day.

Carolyn, what a super witch!:mad: I would have had the same thought process and stewed but not walked off without my stuff.

So yesterday I was sitting at the designated gate number shown on my boarding pass. I kept wondering why no gate agents were there. When I first got to the gate, a plane was parked, then later I noticed it was gone. I continue sitting, reading, texting. Then at some point I hear some muffled announcement about Boston, but it's not made by the people at the gate I'm sitting in. It made me wonder why there would be two flights to Boston leaving so close together. I get up to go investigate. Two gates down I look at the screen and it's a flight to Boston. I checked my pass to see the flight number. It's my flight!:eek: Pre-board, and groups 1/2/3 have already boarded:eek:! I, of course, get to the back of group 5, dismayed at my stupidity, and worrying whether there'll be any overhead room left. Not to mention that I can't lift my suitcase. The gate agents saved me the trouble and gate-checked the luggage in my group.:p
My plane sits around for another hour! There were only 2 operating runways at SFO! For all arrivals and departures!!!!:mad: I landed at 12:30 AM. Then, there is a traffic jam at 1 am in the tunnel! I didn't get home till almost 2!:mad:

The farmer's markets are so exciting in CA! Sooo many organic options! Not as prohibitively expensive as it is here. The array of merchandise offered is amazing! I am in hog heaven when I go. I swear to you I'm going to move out there one day!:cool::rolleyes::p:D;) From my mouth to God's ears!

Never made it to a massage.:( We missed out on one Groupon and try as we might we couldn't find another suitable. But sis and I would spend over an hour every night doing our stretches/exercises. On Tuesday I met up with a woman who we used to hike with who had alternating frozen shoulders.

I think Cathe likes to film in the summer so that everyone has the summery glow to the skin, not the pasty white of winter.:D

Jean, you're lucky you found a bathing suit at M. Sometimes one doesn't because it's so hit or miss!
We're getting your rain tomorrow.:confused:

Yup, back to work tomorrow. I wonder if they noticed I was gone!:eek:

Better get some stuff done.:p
Good morning. Oatmeal time. I finished a premix of GG. No floorwork or chair since 45 mins is optimal in time-crunched morning. I should do later. (Jean, I just love this and LL&A. You will too. They are so cleverly effective.)
Sunny spring morning so far.
Work soon. TGIF, everyone!
Good Morning fit friends!!! Bootcamp was freaking awesome!!! I just love it! It was 75 minutes today!!!! She always like to kill us on Fridays! hehehe

Last night it stormed so bad at our rained so hard, for so long...we had massive water.....too was ankle deep in our yard....good thing we have a small boat...for my kitties to get in....everytime it rains they always get in the boat!!!! hehehehe.... We lost power at 6 and it didn't come back on till 9:45.... good thing we have a grill....once rain stopped at 8 oclock...we cooked dinner on the grill...cause I was not going to town in the nasty wet conditions!

BTW.... I feel great now that I stopped taking my pill.... Sunday was my last day....I am on my period...which is no fun...but I still pushed though bootcamp....and now I am just high on endorphins....:D

So glad its Friday!!!! Yippeee!!!!!

Cant wait to pre-order our new series....hehehehe....then it feels so real....
and we wait impatiently!!! :eek: Fun FUn!!!!

At work...and I have to work front desk this afternoon...I better get busy...check back in a bit! ;)

Hello everyone!!!!! Have a great day!:)
Hello. Work was nice and calm. The 3 managers were out. I didn't even need to bill today.
My PT lady stretched me past pain!:confused: Yowza. And I arranged to meet the splint guy afterward, but he came into the PT area and set my splint up. What a contraption. I'll upload a picture.
Now it's almost 5. Where did the day go?? I should finish the leg exercises.:rolleyes: Don't know if I will.

Jean, I had a celebrity sighting too.:cool: Mark Zuckerberg.:eek: His wife was on Today, maybe this morning?

Carolyn, glad it's isolated! Isn't it amazing how everything is connected? My sister's friend last week mentioned qigong and I was so intrigued. She then gave me a dvd set. I'm going to try to incorporate that. The practice massages and moves your life energy in and out of your body.
Here it is. You won't be able to figure it out by looking at it but it's an interesting sight!


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Sorry, I should have explained that the contraption has a stand leg. (I barely made the height and size for this thing; any smaller and it wouldn't have been for me.) My arm rests on it in a rigid cast and I adjust two buttons for abduction and rotation. The object is to eventually get my left arm to the goal-post shape, which is a real stretch right now. Pun! Get it?:D

Jean, have you mentioned qigong before, now that you mention it? My master is Hui Liu, and it's Dayan or Wild Goose qigong. Here's a link that I was looking at before I received the dvd set: Dayan (Wild Goose) Qigong
Here's the one on my master: About Wild Goose Qigong - Wild Goose Qigong * * * * * * * * * ** Portland, Oregon
That's what I like about you--you're intellectually curious!
Hi everyone, where are y'all?:p
It's a gorgeous spring day, coolish. I assume you're out enjoying it. Dh is doing yard work and I'm doing paperwork.

Carolyn, did you delete a slew of your original posts back when we first met? I noticed that our number of posts shrunk big-time.
Hello and happy saturday....I slept till 8 this morning....omg...that's late for me...then I got busy doing laundry and cleaning....then I left and went to town.....took a picnic lunch to tim since he had to work today.....then went grocery shopping....came home and doi g more chores....think today will be my exercise rest day....and tomorrow I will wake up at 7 am...and hir the ground running!!!! Hehehehe soon as I saw pic...I knew it was a medical devise...but wasn't sure as to what it

Carolyn...I hope you have fun on the boat....its really hot and yucky here....

Tonight...were having grilled chicken and squash and onions...yummy!

Then we have to go to lowes....tim has to get a thermostats. ..thingy for the water heater...its not heating properly...?????...all i can say is I'm glad my husband is a jack of all trades...cause its always something!

Be back in bit....

Oh...question....I like pumpkin pie...can I mix it up and poor in pie dish with no crust and bake???? I never eat the crust???? Just curious? ??? Hmmmmm......

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