STS first time!

He ended up waking up right after I hit send on my post, so a little after 8. Good timing that boy :)

We walked to the park and then watched the ducks in the pond, picked dandelions, leaves and sticks. Oh simple joys! The best, just the best!

Napping for him now. I just finished a salad. I have a ton of lettuce but no other veggies so my salad was kind of boring- lettuce, pecans, dill cheese and a handful of those dried snap peas from Costco....Yum!!! A little Italian dressing too. Hopefully I'll stay full for a bit. Yeah right lol. Ugh my appetite is put of control lately.
Hello...I have been slammed all time to do anything.....

I went and rocked Bootcamp this morning!!!! So much fun!

Friday is the last day of this session.... and I will renew Monday!!! Yippeeee!!!!

As for my health....I have come to the conclusion that I am coming off these b/c pills after this month is up.... I work my ass off....and I cant loose an ounce....I read about it on the internet and it is a side Im researching lots within the next 2 weeks....and when I am done with this pack that's it.... I am going all natural.... So I have been reading....and they say wheat, gluten, sugar, caffeine are all bad for endometrious.... so I think I may try to do away with wheat for a month and see what happens.... I am also gonna supplement the natural progesterone cream, with evening primerose oil and omega 3 to help with cant hurt.....I did call my dr to ask about the hot flashes and she said yes its cause of the just too young for I will take matter into my own hell with drs....they are just pill prescribers! So angry :mad:

I will try and catch up later....promise!!!

Counting down till Friday....Im off Friday-Tuesday!!! Yipppeeee!!!! I so need a break! :)
Hiya. Today's is my birthday:p. A big one, the number of which shall remain unnamed! Busy afternoon! bbl
One day to go at work....I sure need the break....and I'm very excited....I don't care if all I do is rest....I just need a break from work!!!! 8hrs to go.....

Going to chilis for dinner and then books a tally....yeah!!!!

Carolyn...I'm in the same boat with ya.... I gained back my 5 pds I lost prior to getting nack on this damn pill and I've been working my ass of.....changes are ahead....I will let you know how dr missy's treatment plan goes.....hehehehehe

Btw...bathing suit season is here.....I need to be in it now....they are predicting mid 90's this!!!!!

Be back in a bit.....
How I wish today were Friday! Took a rest day today.

Carolyn, I know I tried FT when it first came out and enjoyed it, but haven't done it in a while. Think I will do it tomorrow.
Hi Colleen! Hope all is well with your move!

Just had my hair done. My sis found a lady who uses Japanese all-natural products. Imagine?? And she charges so little.
I had planned for another color in July when I land for the wedding but she will be on vacation. So bummed.

Mary, my shoulders are plodding along. Trying to be vigilant with my exercises but sometimes it gets too late. My sis' friend out here had it twice, but she had to fly to Hawaii this week unexpectedly--I need to email her to commiserate. But she did say to do the exercises twice a day. I barely can manage once.:confused:

Jean, I hope all is going well at your mom's. Take her out for some walks in the lovely May sunshine. It'd be good for both of you.

My cake was delicious! I bought a single-layer small round cake at WF (if we buy bigger, we'll eat more:confused:). The inside was a moist, airy chocolate cake, the outside was whipped cream, and the sides were covered with chocolate shavings. I'd never had it before but it was fab!
I'm having desserts daily.:confused: My waistline might have gone past the point of no return!:confused:
Off to prep dinner.
Good morning!!!! My vacation has started....just finished month 1 of bootcamp!!! Excited to continue on!!!!

Question....what yoga dvds is it that yall d???? I read that the more flexible you are the less injuries....I also am on this kick of trying to get my girl troubles cured naturally which I will be starting Monday.... and I read where yoga 2x week can help.....suggestions please....we all know I have always overlooked yoga cause I feel its a waist of time...but Im gonna give it a try!

Hope everyone has a lovely day.....gonna shower and then go to town....I need a few items for the house! Gotta be back by 12:30....cause Im going to watch my soaps today and Dr Oz!!! Oh yeah....excited!!!!!

Be back later!
Yes Missy, enjoy your time off!

Carolyn, hope you rolled away your aches and pains.

I slept horribly last night. Lots of stressors at work, and of course they keep me up at night. So I did Flex Train this morning but I had to cut out the middle because I wanted to do abs and didn't have enough time for the whole thing. I forgot how much shoulder work there is in that one. And I attempted the move where she puts the weights on the floor and you squat down low, and I think I went too low. Hope I have time to stretch later tonight.
Good morning! The tennis ball is my new best friend.:eek: I'm not that comfortable with a foam roller yet.
Mary, so sorry to hear the stress is waking you up. The Cape will be the best antidote. Spring is the best time there! So beatiful with the freshness of it, plus no tourists and humidity yet.:confused: (My dh and ds are going too.)
Missy, enjoy your super long weekend. How fantastic.
Hiya. TGIF on a long holiday weekend!:D Hallelujah!:)
Marie, I watched a little of the clip. Rebecca Small is very tall! I don't like her funky studio or her workout clothes. I tend to dress like Cathe and don't prefer the 'street'-type exercise clothing. I didn't view the whole clip but most of the beginning she repeated similar or the same type of moves. It seemed that way to me anyway. Oops.:) Sorry to be so critical.:eek:
Is she Australian? The moves do look fun! Do you work up a big sweat?

My sis did Megaformer Pilates today; I sat and watched. Waaaaah! I took the opportunity to do my PT exercises while waiting.
We hit the outlets. I took Carolyn's advice and bought a cross-the-shoulder bag. But it's so big I'll just use it for traveling. It's a Baggalini so it's very lightweight.
So far so good today on the eating. See how long it lasts. Don't think I could last the whole day.
It's just so gorgeous today. Warm in the sun but chilly in the shade.

Jean, now there's your happy voice. I'm glad you're home. It's great your sis had a mental health break and your mom got to spend quality time with you.

Enjoy Memorial Day weekend, everyone.
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Quickie check-in before I have to give report to the night nurses.

I'm working the next three evening shifts too.

Workout today was UY Balance. Yesterday was UY Flexibility. I'm really getting into this yoga thing. I'm just afraid I'm not burning enough calories though. I also went for 2- 30min walks during my breaks.

Dh and ds are spending tonight at his mom's house and tomorrow at his dad's house. I have never been away from my baby that long. I'm so sad! I guess it will be ok to have some alone time but I'm going to miss him soooo bad, that cute little guy!

Ok be back tomorrow :)
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Minnesota's Favorite Cookie Recipe -

Marie Have you ever had these cookies? I am making them for a BBQ on Monday.

My sister is 14 months older than me. She was gone almost the whole time I was there. Walking with her girlfriend , Zumba and Fredericksburg , Va. with her man friend. I will go back in August for my Mother's 96th B'day.

Yumyumyum! Those look so good. I've never heard of them but since there are MN's favorite cookie I should probably try them right?! ;)

96! That's great! August will be here before we know it.
Hiya. TGIF on a long holiday weekend!:D Hallelujah!:)
Marie, I watched a little of the clip. Rebecca Small is very tall! I don't like her funky studio or her workout clothes. I tend to dress like Cathe and don't prefer the 'street'-type exercise clothing. I didn't view the whole clip but most of the beginning she repeated similar or the same type of moves. It seemed that way to me anyway. Oops.:) Sorry to be so critical.:eek:
Is she Australian? The moves do look fun! Do you work up a big sweat?

My sis did Megaformer Pilates today; I sat and watched. Waaaaah! I took the opportunity to do my PT exercises while waiting.
We hit the outlets. I took Carolyn's advice and bought a cross-the-shoulder bag. But it's so big I'll just use it for traveling. It's a Baggalini so it's very lightweight.
So far so good today on the eating. See how long it lasts. Don't think I could last the whole day.
It's just so gorgeous today. Warm in the sun but chilly in the shade.

Jean, now there's your happy voice. I'm glad you're home. It's great your sis had a mental health break and your mom got to spend quality time with you.

Enjoy Memorial Day weekend, everyone.

Sounds like you're having a good time Betty :) I've always been interested in Pilates but never really got into it. Does your sister have the Pilates machine at her house?

I agree that I'm not into Rebecca's clothing or workout studio. Cathe has way better style! I do like her choreography though. I probably should've mentioned that you should fast-forward to about 6 minutes 30 seconds. That shows the finished combo. She does do a lot of repeating and breaking down but once you get to know the combos you can just do the finished product while she breaks it down. They're pretty fun! As far as working up a big sweat I never really do with her stuff. I think she is Australian. I actually heard that she's married to another famous step instructor. Can't think of his name offhand though.
Hi Girls. I'm home. :D:D:D I'm so happy. There's no place like home. There was a lot of traffic coming home. All the vacationers are coming for the long weekend. I had a nice time at my sister's . I spent a lot of time with my Mother. She is hooked to oxygen with about a 60 foot tube that she has to drag around with her. The Dr. doesn't want her going out because of the pollen. So we just stayed in.

Happy Birthday Betty. Does you B'day age have a 1 in it or a 0 ? What a better place to have a B'day than Calif.

Mary have a fun weekend at the Cape.

Missy I am sure you will look great in your bikini. Have you thought about Tim getting a "V" so you can't safely be off BC? I got my tubes tied when I was young because I hated taking the pill and I didn't want anymore children. For Yoga I do Travis Elliott "Ultimate Yogi". Yoga really is not a waste of time. I feel great when I am done and I do sweat and it is hard. If you look at the people in the videos , they are all fit and can really bend. You should give Travis a try.

Carolyn Is your pool open for the weekend or is it too cold? Our pool opens tomorrow. I am excited. I love the pool. I am sure the water is too cold but I might just go up and sit . :rolleyes: I hope all is well with you. You haven't been writing a lot lately.

Happy Memorial Weekend everyone.

Missy- I'm so with Jean! Get Ultimate Yogi. It's the best! I have done it the past two days and am thinking of doing it again today! I never dread it! And like Jean said you feel so good afterwards.

Jean- I'm happy you got to spend lots of time with your mother. I'm sure she enjoyed all the quality time together. But yes there is no place like home :)

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