STS first time!

Good day, all! PRS 1 is beastly brilliant. Combo 5 is a killer.:eek: Thank God I don't have vertigo. I swear this workout can bring it on. And the Finished Product part uses different music, so I'm sometimes confused during it.:p If it weren't for Cathe's cueing...

Jean, thanks for the audio! Peepers must be the sounds we hear at night when we wonder why birds are out so late!:p

Have fun with mom, Carolyn!
I love SS. I have a soft spot for it since I feel it is easier than most of her workouts. But not three rounds!:eek: Haven't done that in ages, especially since XT and later stuff came along.

Missy, you ok? Have the boot camps done you in?;)
Have a great trip Betty! Is ds1 gone for the summer then?

Much colder today, I went for a walk at lunch and it started drizzling too. My hair just can't take that!

Is 24 a new show? I never watched the old one.

This afternoon is just dragging....
Carolyn, what did you get with your Mom?
Hi friends,
Sun turned to cloudy, and it is chilly! 50 degrees! Insane swing.
I have still not started to pack! I hate when it turns dark. Can't see anything! Anyone else have the old-age eye problem of being blind at night? Not literally, but sure as heck close enough to drive one batty.

Thanks, Mary. He will be gone till the end of August. It is a mess with his stuff everywhere right now. His room is jammed with his stuff. I told him he's got to clear it out. Dh's cousin is coming next month for a week and I'll put him in there.
24 was good the first couple of years. Then it was a repetitive bore of terrorism after terrorism plot. 4 years of a break later, it's still the same ole same ole. I won't waste my time. Dh and ds1 seem keen on it though.

Jean, this morning I returned the splint guy's call (I was unsure about getting it) and we met at a Trader Joe's this aft and he measured me. It should arrive here before I get back. Insurance covers 90% but I may still pay over $100:eek:.
Thanks, Carolyn! I will definitely enjoy EVERY single aspect of my 2-wk trip! Will be checking in with you guys, of course.;)
Your Brandeis niece is graduating? Or is it another niece, from high school?
Enjoy your sis!

The splint would look like this, I think:
My sis' town is experiencing temps near 100 today, Wed, Thurs:eek::eek::eek:. Omg.
Better go pack some more.
Thanks, Jean, I will!
I'm definitely going to watch that documentary. I LOVE that kind of stuff!

Marie, is your bday coming up? Or is it Missy? Someone is a fellow Gemini.;)
Morning friends....sirry I been mia.....busy busy....monday I didn't go to bootcamp as I was realky sick...or so I thought..... had hot/cold flulike symptoms with menstral up yesterday. ...fely okay...then mid day at work I would get really flushed and feel like I'm on fire....lasts a few minutes then cool back off...this was ongoing for several hours yesterday.... btw...I missed bootcamp so much I've been thinking I think this is hormonal....cause sunday and monday night I took sugar pill in my bc....and mon and tuesday I had hot flushes/flashes???? Thoughts? Can that cause this????

Btw...went to bootcamp this morning and it was a blast!!!! much fun!!!!

Be back! Gotta shower!
I just did Carolyn....I was working front desk yesterday....every time I tried to post...somebody would interupt me....errrr!!! But today I'm back in my office!!! Yipppeeee!!!!
Marie, is your bday coming up? Or is it Missy? Someone is a fellow Gemini.;)

Betty- You are so good! My birthday is June 7th. I can't believe I'll be 35. Time sure does fly.

I am at work right now taking a little break. I picked up a day shift. DH has finals this week and so his schedule is a little more free so he is off with the little guy. I so wish I was with them but I figured picking up an extra day here and there isn't such a bad thing.

Dh texted me this morning and said that ds woke up and asked for me. He told him I was at work and ds flopped himself face down on the floor and started crying. Awww he misses his mama :(

No workout this morning and I know myself and won't be doing one later tonight either. I did go on a 30m walk during my break this morning though. I'll hopefully get another in. I'm on the Substance Abuse unit so the patients are in group most of the day.

I was lazy as heck yesterday and didn't workout. Ds is getting sick I think. He has a runny nose. We snuggled lots :)

Baby shower after work today so it's going to be a long day. I'm sure it will be fun but I'm such a homebody and hate being away from my boys.

Ok back to my charting......
Hi ho. Landed safely with uneventful flight. So hot here! Showered, so now I feel refreshed. Run, run, run with my sis and her kids' activities!
Ds2 is coming down with something.:mad: He feels like crap. Like a bad bad cold with some nausea thrown in??
Gotta run
It is raining buckets here!!! Why oh why????

I just want it to be sunny and dry......:(

I got up this morning and tackled the treadmill.... but I am exhausted and this weather is not helping!!!! Cant wait till 5..... yall watch big band theory? I am so excited for tonights episode!!!!;)
Jean...I have been watching since beginning.... I just love it... Cant wait to see Sheldons face when Leonard and Penny tell everyone!!!! He will not know what to do without Leonard and their "room mate agreement" hehehehe :p
Good morning. Eating my oatmeal.
Couldn't get into TBBT. Didn't find it funny at all. Sorry.
Nothing new to report.
I'm at hell-mart....for office....I've been standing in line for over 10 min....errrr!!!

Yall are missing out on the big bang is so funny...but I'm a nerd
Marie, post your detailed thoughts about PRS1! Can we get anyone else to try step??:p
Had ramen for lunch, did some walking, niece's activities, enjoyable dinner and late conversation with bil's mother and cousin. Exhausted! So that's all for now.;)
Good morning and happy friday!!!

Bootcamp was a blast...we worked in partners...I paired up with a girl that has been doing bootcamp for 3 months...she is very shy...and doesn't really know anyone we got to know one fun...

Todays workout was 1.25 hrs.....

Ran 2 laps....

Lying sprints
50 tricep dips

Walking lunges...knee touch ground
Weighted over head press burpes

Abs towel pull in 30
Jump rope

Medicine ball throw...sprint
20 pd kettle bell swing


Run lap
3 min plank

Killed it!!!! ♥

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