STS first time!

Rise and shine folks!!! Bootcamp was awesome today!!!!

Its national running day!!!! Make sure you get a run in!!!!

Hope everyone has a lovely wednesday!!!!

Carolyn...when is the 5k????
Good showery morning!
Making my oatmeal after doing LL&A (minus the standing portion) with barre.

Carolyn, you have had bizarre and freaky things going on near you.:confused: Thank goodness it has been resolved.
The contraption is, well, I'm unsure. I do it but it's hard to tell. PT this afternoon. Prepare for pain.:confused:
Have great fun with your sis. May you score lots.:D
Work at 9.
Carolyn, my dh was in your neck of the woods last night for a meeting, he said police cars were everywhere. And I also saw it on the news. I saw they caught the guy back at his house? Crazies.

Rest day today. I took dd to Joslin on Monday and her levels have been high so they adjusted her meds again. Then last night they went too low and we couldn't get them up, so we were all up every hour. I called Joslin this morning and luckily her dr. was the one on call. Poor dd is so tired, I let her stay home from school. It still feels overwhelming, and being so tired doesn't help.
Mary, I'm sorry for what you guys are experiencing! It'll get better soon. Just keep hanging in there. Do the doctors say it's typical to have this wild adjustment period? Exercise keeps your sanity. How is dd coping?

Jean, wassup?

Colleen, we still think of you. Hope all is going swimmingly.
Uh oh, more deleted posts, I see.:( It's ok. I understand. Though the reader and journaler in me feels sad.:confused:

It's cool and cloudy, which is plenty fine by me.

PT was more of the same. I'm dismayed to get out of there in 50 mins now.:confused: What's the norm? Is it one hour, or did they spoil me early on?
Dh gets practically daily notifications of my PT charges and he always makes a comment, and it makes me feel so guilty. You'd think it was coming out of his pocket. But I need to double-check how many visits are covered for me.

Carolyn, enjoy your sister time. It's so special. Shopping, eating together, exercise talk. Can't get any better.
No more running for you.
Jean, I watched Osage County and Philomena. The latter was great.

I must say today was the first time I did abs in a long while.:eek:
Good night, all.
Good morning....

Today and tomorrow I have to work front desk! :(

Carolyn....why don't you call ortho and ask if u can go back to therapy.....they may okay it over phone???? Its worth a try????

mary....I'm sorry to hear your daughtet is still struggling....I wish u the best....good luck....I hope things start tonlevel out for her! Hugs my fit friend!!!!

Am I the only one who hasn't deleted any post???? I just have no time.....

Be back soon.....
Good morning! The humidity is so pervasive.:confused: Fog and showers this morning. Heavier later.
I just finished qigong. I love the self-massage and stimulating my circulation and organs. Need to understand all the meridians and their connections in the body.
I have to go out for errands after my oatmeal.

Carolyn, nice that your knee is back to being good!
Crossing my fingers for you for a rainout.
Good luck at the outlets. My sis wanted to do Merrimack the other day but I didn't feel like it. Are you going to Kittery? The tax on everything is painful.
Carolyn, that stinks for your sis and niece! What a pain for them to endure while visiting. (Just thinking about the drive to Logan gives me anxiety, and they had to drive from NH.)
The qigong program is indeed on a dvd; my sister's friend gifted it to me in CA.
Enjoy Scrabble.
You gals should check to see if the favored stores are also in Merrimack. Maine charges 6% on clothes.:confused:
The humidity is through the roof!:confused::mad: Raining heavily for several hours now. What's the weather like in NH? I feel like a nap right now.
I finally have a chance to sit down after errands, prepping a split pea soup for the crockpot, walking the dog, and starting a load of whites. Still need to file, practice, drive ds to the store after school. It's just endless.

Jean, what's going on? You've been absent.
Good Evening. Nothing new here. No exercise. I have had a lot of morning things to do . I do ride my bike in the evenings and walk the dogs during the day. I went to the pool on Tues and Wed.. I am getting a good tan. I usually go from 2 to 4 . I got a mammogram and blood work on Tues. My husband had a physical today and had his prostate checked. :eek:

Betty I am excited to hear you enjoyed qigong. I really have to look into getting it.
Jean, you can't not check in for a few days!;)
What an interesting social life you have!

Carolyn, it's demented that baseball was still held. Maybe you guys didn't get as much rain as we did. I sure don't miss those days of spring basebal!
Piano is still going. It's not uncomfortable. (But I simply don't have the time to practice daily. With work, arm exercises, PT, piano, I feel like all my free time has been sucked out the window. It's so insane.) Work and piano do probably give my shoulders the same type of tenseness though.
I feel healthier with a light baselayer of color too. It's probably both physical (vitamin D) and psychological.
I would say the most people at the pool has been 10. Then a group will leave. Most people only stay a few hours. Most people are friendly and talk. Some just stay in their groups. I assume they are someone's company. I feel 2 hours is enough for me.

I feel like if I don't exercise I don't have much to say.

I'm sure that puppy was too cute. The furry ones are the cutest. I always look at puppies on the internet but I don't want anymore.

I'm kind of bored tonight. There is nothing on t.v.. I haven't watched a movie for the past 2 Sundays. I sure hope I can this Sunday.

Have a good night ladies.
Good morning! It's sunny, well, sometimes. Hope it dries everything up. It's so damp everywhere I could burst a vein.

Details, details! I love the details! Mercury for lunch? Salad? Chicken? I want to know!!! Right now I'm having oatmeal. No. Wait. It's quinoa and millet with no oatmeal. And a fresh cup of Dunkin Donuts.;) Cream and maple syrup and all.:p
When you eat out? I want to know what!
What you scored at TJM/M? I want to know!
Dinner? I want to know what you're making!
In other words just spew out what you're bursting to share.
You gals are my digital pen pals.:p

I did HiiT DWP this morning. A nice short 30 mins. Then I feel guilty it's not enough. I originally put in MMA KB then realized it's 53 mins, which I cannot afford!

What torture for ds! But yes, this family time can't be replicated, not this neat scenario anyway.
Is dear niece the one going to Brandeis? I can't remember.:eek: Time seems to have taken a different (and forgetful) dimension.

Work shortly, and I still have to dry my hair and put on my face!:D
Hi Girls. No w/o today. We took the dogs for a walk. We went to the community center to pay for the plants we got a few weeks ago. I sprayed some weeds. I cooked Spaghetti squash for dinner. My husband is at work. I have been doing a lot of reading lately. I think I am kind of bored.

Betty I saw a post awhile back where you had done 40/20 and 30/30 in the same day. I was so impressed. You need to do that on Tuesday. :eek:

Carolyn That is too bad you didn't go to the beach. I will be interested to hear how their day was. Is you husband and kids home yet? How was their day?

Missy Happy Friday.:D
I forgot to say TGIF, working ladies!

Jean, I was thinking of that day. It was a long time ago, I feel. I can't imagine cranking two of those out on a workday, not even on a Tuesday. But I have a Friday mentality today with the week's cumulative fatigue, so you never know.
So your community center coordinates all the buying of the plants? That simplifies things!
You're bored? Do you have too much free time?? What do you want to do? It's the right thing for me to get a job but boy, do I want the good old days back.;)

I worked till 2:30. I had sooo many invoices to bill! But at least the phones were rather manageable. I barely finished all my invoicing to leave at that hour. Needless to say I didn't get anything else done! I do have things piled up that I never seem to get to!
Got home for a few minutes, prepped my salmon, then left for niece/nephew's piano recital (my teacher). Dh went to watch this nephew play baseball, so it'll be a very late dinner. I've been snacking all afternoon.

Carolyn, does your sis not have a nearby beach in Georgia? I guess they're landlocked? I never want to go to the beach.
My long last friend that I called 3 weeks ago and I are still in touch. I called her last Friday and she called me tonight. She is so happy that I got in touch with her. So now we have a Friday night date to call each other. We just laugh the whole time. I am hoping she will come here for a visit this summer.
I think I am bored because it is summer and I live here and I feel like I should be out doing something. I definitely don't want a job. When I hear how little time you have Betty , it makes me not want one.
We have an Environmental club and they are trying to encourage the residents to grow native plants and get rid of some of the grass. One of the neighbors used to own a landscaping co. and has done a lot of the major landscaping around the area. He gave us a list of shrubs and we got them for wholesale. In the fall he is giving us a list of trees that are native.
I need to start remembering to get salmon. Here we live at the beach with all the fish that is local and I don't like fish. I guess I will put salmon on my grocery list.
Good sunny morning, friends!
Carolyn, are you at the race? Can't remember if it was a 5K. Have fun! Great weather for it!

Jean, your Friday conversations with your friend--how wonderful! It puts a smile on my face that you laugh the whole time. Does she live in Maryland? How many kids? Is her husband still around? Grandkids? Have you caught up on what you've each been doing the last many decades? You should definitely see each other. If she comes visit, your community and home are a splending vacation spot!
Happy borthday marie!!! Hope you have an awesome day!!!!

Carolyn....let us know how you did at your 5k.... I have one on the 21st!!! I'm super pumped!!! I went to our local run store yesterday and ordered nrw shoes!!! I'm so excited!!! Can't wait to get them!!!! Prob will be in wednesday!!! I also got a patella brace....I wore it this morning on my run...I ran 4 helped big pain!!! Whooohoooo!!!!

Tim and I are in!

Will catch up in a few hours!!!! Have a nice day!!!!

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