STS first time!

Good Evening. The weather is getting warmer but the days are beautiful.
Today I cleaned the house , sprayed more weeds. I put a roast , carrots and potatoes in the slow cooker. It was so tender. I haven't watched my movie in 2 weeks so I made sure I watched it today. Today's movie was "The Way Way Back". That was really good. I believe that was one of yours Betty. I am hoping to go to the pool tomorrow.

My friend does live in Maryland. She is divorced and no children. When I was growing up , my Mother worked evenings like 5 pm to 11pm. She would take a nap every afternoon before work. My friend always skipped school when we were in High school. She would go over to my house and take a nap with my Mother. My Mother would have beat the crap out of me and my sister if we skipped school. So she is like a sister.

Happy Birthday Marie.

Carolyn sorry about your race . Maybe you can get your daughter out on weekends and teach her to run. I know it takes time to work up to a 5K. She just needs some practice . The next one will be better. I never liked running when I was young.
Hiya, all. Ptly cloudy and near 90 today, but no humidity, thankfully.
We headed out a half hour+ away for a ramen lunch earlier. Separately, I tried an almond milk cafe mocha--yum! Never tasted that good when I made it!

Jean, I had to look up the movie. It seems ages ago!:p. Did you say you saw Enough Said already? Just watched that last night and it had scenes where the daughter's friend would nap with the daughter's mom. Sweet, really.
Did I mention Top of the Lake yet? I have that now and it's a New Zealand/BBC co-produced miniseries.
Try spraying weeds with straight vinegar; it does the job.

Enjoy your day, all!
Hey girls!

Quick check-in. I've been working like crazy lately. I worked 12 hours today. Getting off very soon, just waiting to give report to the evening nurse.

Workouts during my work days are walks of course. Steps steps steps :)

Thanks for the birthday wishes! I had a great day. I worked on the mom baby unit which is always fun :) Then dh and I had a date night while my mom watched ds. Mexican food. Mini golf. And frozen yogurt! YUM! It was a good day.

Dh got me a mirror for my workout area! Eek! So excited! He knows me well :)
Can't wait to use it!

I work tomorrow on mom baby and then I'm off Tue, Wed and Thu. Time off with ym 2 favorite boys :)

Have a good evening everyone!
Good Evening. Today I did a lot of watering of grass and plants. Then I went to the pool for 2 hours. There were so many people and children there. I had to wait for the children to get out so I could get in the shallow end. :rolleyes: The pool is a good place to meet neighbors. My 68 year old neighbor was there with a one piece on and the skin on her legs and arms was very wrinkled and loose. I hope I see her in a 2 piece. She makes me want to workout even harder. I did nothing last week so I must w/o this week. We had leftover spaghetti squash and garlic bread for dinner.

Betty I put "Enough Said" on my Netflix list. The other one has multiple dvd's and I hate to get into a series. I am going to do vinegar on some of my weeds. I read up on it and it sounds like you have to be real careful with it. So the weeds near my plants I will use roundup and vinegar in the area I don't care about. Do you add dish soap to yours? That is supposed to do something also. They say don't use salt because that stays in the ground and makes it hard to grow stuff there. Plus vinegar is a lot cheaper than roundup. Thanks for the idea. :D I will let you know how I like it.
Today is the big day! We have an awards breakfast this morning, and graduation later today. Very emotional day for me!

I did XT bis and tris this morning. I feel so stressed with everything going on, I don't know how I would make it without exercise!

Happy belated bday Marie!
Mary, huge congrats to dd and your family and (((hugs))) to you! A very special milestone indeed!

The humidity has crept up and it's a cloudy day.
I did XT Legs, the standing and barre sections. It took 45 mins. Loved it. I hadn't done that in a while and parts of it made me quake.

Jean, thanks for the additional info on vinegar for weeds! I had no idea!

Just once, I'd like to not be rushing to get ready for work. Even though I wake up at 6:30 it's not enough time. I'm also always rushing out the door at 8:59 1/2!:p
Have a fab day, my friends!
Mary- What a big day! Congrats to DD! You have raised her well. She has a bright future. Sending hugs to you and your family. I could imagine the emotion you're going through right now. I dread the day that DS leaves for college although of course I'll be very proud but the thought of not having him around all the time would be so hard. You're an awesome mom!

Well no work for me today. Staffing called me at 5:45 this morning and cancelled my shift. Of course I went back to bed and then woke up to a phone call at 7:30 asking if I could come in because they made a mistake. I didn't answer. Our staffing department has issues and makes lots of mistakes. I would have gotten up, gotten ready and been stuck in traffic, not to mention late starting my shift and then all behind. They canceled me at 5:45 and I was officially off the hook at that time. I feel sort of bad for not going in but it was their mistake so I'm enjoying the day with my boys.

Trying to decide which workout to do. I did GG on Friday. Which size dumbbells do you ladies use on that one? I feel like the 8's are too light so I always increase to 12's. Maybe there's a theory behind using the lighter weights but I just feel like I'm not working as hard as I could be. Who knows!

I still need to pre order. Not sure why I haven't yet, I am interested in this new series so I should just get it over with and order.

Jean I envy your pool time. Sounds so relaxing, minus are the kids lol.
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Happy Monday Girls. Today's w/o was Disc 13 ch , sh , tri. I kept picturing my neighbor and worked really hard. Thanks Marie for the reminder to pre-order. I just did that plus ordered Great Glutes and Lean Legs and abs. I used the 20% coupon also. I am hoping I find those leg dvd's enjoyable. :confused: Today I am going to the grocery store. Today is cloudy with a chance for rain. It is going to be hot.

Mary congrats on your daughter graduating. That is a major milestone. Is she up for any awards? Enjoy your day and let the tears flow. What grade will the twins be in next year?

Marie Is you husband done with school for the summer? He seems to have a lot of home time. Enjoy your day off with your boys. What is the weather like where you live? I never pay attention to that part of the weather.
Hi ho. Got off after 2. Was productive in many ways. Had no billing to do. I brought a little paperwork home to do in the quiet. I can't concentrate there.

I still haven't pre-ordered either. Jean, you will not regret those two LB workouts! There is zero dread factor! Which is why I was feeling guilty after doing those two for so long that I pulled out XT Legs (dread factor is not bad at all here either)--there is nothing like the Dixie cups! I want to get those 2 workouts for friends. What did they come out to, cost-wise?
I also previewed a qigong dvd I got from the library the other day. It's by Lee Holden and called Qigong for Self-Healing. The instructor (good-looking tall man) is very informative! You would like this one.
Incidentally, I've not heard of using salt with my vinegar. I use it straight up!

Marie, enjoy your bonus day! I would have done the same. Their mistake. And loss.
I use very light weights with GG with my limitations right now. So I'm no help.

Better go start my dvd mystery series before dinner prep...
Hello!!!! It has been a day...this is my first chance to check in....

This morning I got up @ 4:40 and went to bootcamp.... went out back door to water everywhere as we had a Tim started working on that as I left at 5:10.... I got home from bootcamp....and received a text from a weird was tim....letting me know he forgot his phone in his truck at truck I quickly showered and got ready for work, ate my oatmeal...and left the house 15 minutes early...went got his phone and took to him.....then I pulled into work right at 8:30....hehehehe..... then it has been a busy day at the office....absolutely crazy!!!! Looking forward to going home...Im exhausted!!!!

So...not sure if I told yall......I got a patella strap to wear when I run....and I ran 4.5 miles Saturday morning and my knee was nice to me!!!! Super excited!!!! This means I will be running a 5k on 6/21!!!! So excited!!!! Carolyn...I know you will understand....I just have this "need" for my runners high!!!!

I will be back to read.....after dinner!!!!! Just wanted to say hi!!! ;)
Betty My total was $106.72. My discount with the coupon was $9.19 and I didn't have to pay tax or shipping. The 2 dvd's were $29 a piece.

This evening we went down to the bay and there was one female horseshoe crab and 10 males in the water. One male was attached to her and she was burrowing herself in the sand laying her eggs while he fertilized them. Then all these little fish appeared around her. I guess they were eating the eggs. I have only seen dead horseshoe crabs laying on the beach so this was so interesting. Now I have to research and learn about them. One lady that was there picked up one of the males and turned him upside down so we could see his legs and underside. We also have an Osprey nest at the beach with 2 newborns in it. If you have binoculars you can see the babies. We were riding our bikes down there and a blue Heron flew low over us and went to the bathroom. Luckily he missed us. We also have 2 fox dens . One is pretty close to our house. I will have to check that out tomorrow. This place is so different than where I lived in Maryland.

Time to put clean sheets on the bed.
Good morning!!!!

Jean...sounds like you have a beautoful beach to go too.....I would love riding my bike by beach!!! We live hours from we may visit beach maybe once a yr...but when we lived in florida we were right on water...... I don't miss the storms though!!!!

I'm exhausted....and I haven't even left the house yet.....oh boy....means its gonna be a long day!

Hope everyone has a nice day!!!!!
Missy, I hope you slept in and had a rest day. The Energizer bunny needs a down day too!;):D

The humidity has latched on.:confused::(

Jean, why did LL&A and GG come out to $29 a piece? It must be a typo since they normally cost in the low $20s? Maybe you mean for the two together.
How amazing your beach and local wildlife sound! You're fortunate to be able to see them!
We watched the movie The Details, a dark comedy. You'd like it.

Carolyn, we're losing your frequent voice!:(

Off to exercise. Btw, my Dixie cup doms are wicked today!:D:p
Jean, that's before the discount, right?
Just finished PRS#2. It was fun. Time to take a break from this one too. I had, but not long enough. I really should do abs but there's usually a lot UB involved. Excuses.
OMG, the humidity is such a nightmare when you are hot and sweaty.:confused: Can you say, hate summer?!:eek:
Betty my total before the coupon should have been like $115.91. That is for the 2 dvd's and the pre-order. Then I used the Save20 coupon which took off $9.19. So my total is $106.72. We don't pay sales tax here so that saved me another $5 .
Today's w/o was UY Gentle. That was my 1st. time for that. I was scheduled to do Mountain pose but I felt like I wanted a little more than that.
Jean- That beach sounds lovely! I love seeing nature! What's UY Gentle like? I put it in for like 2min one time and wasn't impressed. Maybe I should have given it longer. DH is off school and work for the summer. He worked for the school so they didn't need him over the summer. Hence the reason I've been working more....trying to pick up the slack ;) He was going to get a job but we figured it'd be more lucrative with me working. It's nice to have him home but I miss my alone time with B. We try to do a couple mommy friend playdates each week and we get the mornings alone too which is nice.

Carolyn- I like that posting. It really is a good workout to be n the pool. I have always wanted to get into swimming laps. I remember one time I was getting kind of into it and swam 40min. I'm not a swimmer so I was quite impressed with myself. I got swimmers high :) I would have totally been pissed about the field trip thing. Your kids must be done with school soon right?! My nieces are done in Wed.

I did High Reps is morning. Here I go trying to get more lifting in. Everyone says the older you get the more you need it so I better start now. My thighs are out of control. I love my new mirror in my workout area but dear god looking at my thighs is not the most pleasant thing. Hopefully it will motivate me.

Playdate at a super cool park today with friends. It was wall-to-wall kids when we left. Too crazy for me!
I went to the pool from noon to 2 today. The most people at one time was 4. I felt like I had my own pool. One of my neighbors who is 70 was swimming laps for 30 minutes straight. I was so impressed. I have never seen anyone do that. I think he does it everyday. Marie you should swim laps while B has his swimming lesson. If you are pretty much the bread winner for the time being , you may as well let Tony have some B time alone too. That is nice when the parents can work out an arrangement where the child doesn't go to a sitter. Next year you will be pregnant anyway :p so let Tony have his fun now. UY gentle was a lot of stretches that you hold around 10 seconds. A lot of the same stuff but a few new things. I was still sore from yesterday's w/o so it was just what I wanted. If you have ever done Mountain pose , it was more than that but less than strength or cardio.
Our neighborhood kids are done tomorrow with school.

Carolyn That is too bad the school didn't inform you sooner. Now he has to stay home again on Monday.

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