STS first time!

Good morning! It's so dark out and we're supposed to be getting downpours but none in sight! Better not skip over us!

Rest the knee Missy. I agree the spin bike is bad for knees, even though people say the opposite. I've always felt it on the knees. Weights stoke your metabolism so you can't go wrong if you choose them.

Carolyn, I think your kids learn from those around them to stick up for themselves, in a good way hopefully. Don't worry.
Hope your chiro does his magic. Me, I would never go near one.

Marie, it's so cute that B loves the water. Enjoy your day!

I did AOLIH. Not as enjoyable when there's a perennial time crunch. This one was a nice short 38 mins. Not enough of a cooldown though.
Lately, I keep mulling the idea of selling some of my Cathe that I will never do, the ones I don't really like.....
Hehehe....get off that computer and bust a move! Lol

I love chiro!!! I would never go to ortho unless I absolutely had to! we can tell....I have massive knee troubles...but I think I can treat myself! Ha!
Good evening.... its homemade pizza night!!!! Mmmmm......

Jean....I sold the elliptical and spin my knee could not handle them.....i would be in severe pain I finally had to sell them...cause I couldn't stay off them....he he he are you feeling????
I OD'ed on tv today after work:eek:!
We had intermittent downpours today. Very humid but cool. I wonder if we'll get Jean's weather.
I miss UY Yin!
Carolyn, you never even complained to us about the excruciating pain.:cool:
You know, I don't even know any of those muscles/joints/body parts you're talking about:eek:. I'm totally clueless.
When you gals who go to a chiro talk about cracking, it gives me the heebie jeebies. Doesn't sound very safe. It works for you guys, so I guess ignorance is what scares me.
Goodness, by Fridays, I sure feel the cumulative fatigue. How do full-timers do it??:p:eek::confused:
Lunch tomorrow with my friends.:). Good night!
Oh Carolyn, if you can't complain and whine to us, who can you to? We are here for you, dear friend, for good or bad! I can't imagine the pain you must be going through! Does a massage or heat work? How did the chiro treat it? My boss has been experiencing something similar with her ribs, like she pulled the left area, has been in very bad pain, and going to the chiro. She was carrying around some electrical stimulator gadget.

So far, same weather hanging over us.
Good morning....I did css this I'm off doing several items with timothy....getting truckload of driveway rock...too fill in holes in driveway.....then will will go home....get my car...and go to valdosta ga for lunch and little fun!

Did I tell yall we are buying a motorcycle???? Yep....tim wants a toy....but it would be for us to go for a ride on the backroads on weekends....something to do.... NO HIGHWAYS!

Rest up Carolyn.....

Betty....have fun!!!

Jean....I hear ya with the rain....we have so much water from all these thunderstorms....its crazy....we actually killed 2 cotton mouths moccasins thursday night.....scarey!!!

Hello Mary and Marie.....

Have a lovely day!!!!

Working the mom baby unit today :) Always fun! Awww they are just so little and cute!

I walked twice today- that's my workout. 2- 30m walks.

Carolyn- Feel free to tell whatever you want. We love to hear any and everything. Hope you feel better soon.

Ok off to delete posts.....
Still here at work. I picked up an extra 4 hours so I'm here til 7:30. Pretty much just waiting for the clock to hit that time and then I'm out. I had 2 mom/babies left and they both discharged. Nothing to do now but wait for the clock.

Jean- You would love this unit. It seriously does not feel like work. Sometimes I think of trying to transfer to the mom/baby unit at a hospital 10 minutes from my house. I drive 30 minutes to work. I do love the variety of float pool and the people I work with though. It's a smaller hospital which I like too :) Who knows! My future goal will be the bigger, closer hospital though.

I got one more 30 minute walk in :)
Good Tim and I went to lunch and shopped....I got as new pair of them!!!!

Jean...tim is very responsible. ...and we would only ride back rds....sometimes we never even pass a car on these rds... very pretty country! I didn't want him to buy it...but I've come around to the idea....

Carolyn. ...that's exactally what my chiro does to me....I really hope your back gets better quick....I was so bad off once I couldn't pick my feet up off floor....and tim had to help me up stairs and he had to get me out if bed....I would just be in tears....and with time and lots of sppts....I was back to norma l!

Marie....enjoy the baby floor....sounds like fun!
Oh ga .... you have to wear s helmet...its the law!!!!

Not sure why half my post posted and the posted full post????? Hmmm.....
Oh, Carolyn, so sorry for your pain!:confused: Is it a little better?
That's a great description of what your chiro does. I always think of 'cracking' and it just seems so bad for you, but now at least I have a little understanding.
That gift sounds fabulous! So different! I'm sure dh will love!:D

Marie, the mom/baby unit sounds heavenly, so happy and full of life! So opposite to the sickness in the rest of the hospital!

Missy, it sounds fun to sit behind Tim, hang on, and just enjoy the ride and the countryside!

Jean, those weeds are goners!:D

I had seafood pasta with my friends, then we sat at a Starbucks and chatted, following which we hit a fairly new Home Goods. I was looking for a bathroom backless seat or something that I can put my clothes or magazines on, and sit and blow-dry my hair. We've been using a kiddie step all these years. I found a Broyhill one. A little more than I wanted to spend and maybe a smidge too big but I like the shape and the wood. Hmm, let me check Wayfair.
The sun started to come out later in the day and it's slowly drying up, humidity-wise. It feels nice right now though it's not breezy.
Happy Father's Day to all our guys!
GORGEOUS day here! Enjoy!
I did look in Wayfair. Everything costs about $130, teak anyway. Mine is some sort of hardwood.
Happy Father's day to everyone!

Can you believe my dh bought 23 yards of wood chips??!!!!! He said he measured, and now we have a huge mound in the driveway, and I can't figure out where it is all going to go. So that is how we are spending the day, everyone is helping move wood chips around. I think it will take all week. We have dd's graduation party next weekend so we have lots of work to do on the yard.

I did Legs&glutes today, trying to get my legs in shape. I still have twinges in my hamstring and hip and I'm trying to keep up with my pt exercises.

Carolyn, I do hope you are feeling better, your pain sounded awful.

Marie, working on the baby ward sounds wonderful.

I also do not like motorcycles, although I have never ridden on one but the thought scares me. I'm thinking of highway driving, but my work friend rides one with her boyfriend on the weekends and they go on country roads. Missy it sounds like a good way for you and Tim to spend time together.

I'm starting to get sunday-itis, worrying about work tomorrow and all that needs to be done. Yuck.

Ok, being paged to go back out, enjoy the rest of the day!
I would love to assist with the birth but haven't been trained there yet. Usually float pool only works with post partum...meaning after baby is born. One day I would love to do everything OB :) Labor and delivery, special care level 2 nursery and postpartum.

During nursing school I got to see a c-section for twins. That was so cool! Wow what an experience. I also got to be there when a family friend had her baby girl. It was a vaginal birth. I got to hold her leg while she pushed. Another great experience. Such emotion overcomes me. Heck, even when a mom breastfeeds and such I have to hold back my emotions. It is just so beautiful!

Today was kind of boring. I had 2 moms and no babies. Their babies were in the level 2 nursery.

Half hour to go for me.

2- 30 minutes walks today.

Boring post lol.

Off to delete some posts.
Hello friends....I've been busy today....doing lots of yard no workout....just yard work!!!

Then tonight...I was outside and we was buring all the limbs we gathered....Summer (dog) was on her rope tied to tree...cause she would run full force if we let here loose...and her leg can't handle it....speaking of injuries....after her knee surgery no more running wild...or she can put pressure on leg for modifications....anyways....I got tankled up in her rope....and I have rope burn from hell on my ankle.....


Looks like tomorrow will be an upper body only workout....

Carolyn...I saw that table set at tractor was so cute!!!

Glad everyone had a nice fathers day....we went to tims dads house up driveway for dinner and tim grilled chicken..we also went yesterday and got rock and filled in all holes in his driveway...2500 pds of gravel.....that was a upper body workout shoveling it out of back of truck!!!!

Resting with foot propped up...have a nice evening!!!!
Wow, Missy! That's quite some rope burn! And you are one strong woman, shoveling gravel.

Wow, Mary! That's a lot of wood chips! Holy Toledo! It'll look amazing though.

Carolyn, fab job finding that for dh!;)

Jean, I've seen that movie.

Marie, pat on the back for bringing home the bacon.;)

Good night, all.
Ouch Missy! That looks painful, please take it easy. How is your knee?

I did MMA Boxing this morning. I am easing back into the cardio workouts, but it felt great to be able to do one I have not done in a while.

As expected, hardly a dent made in the pile of wood chips!

Have a great day!
Good glorious morning! Sunny and low 80s today.
I pulled out a workout I forgot all about--Turbo Barre. Did a premix this morning. I SHOULD come home and do the abs portion of it. Hold me accountable.

Mary, so happy to hear you happy and doing some workouts you had to stop before!:)

Dh's Canadian cousin is coming in tomorrow night, so a little bit of quiet for two more days before the entertaining begins.

Have a great day, friends!

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