STS first time!

Today was a chill day that included a family nap. Little dude woke up with a fever :( I felt so bad for him but he was extra snuggly which I loved.

I did Cardio Leg Blast. Can't wait for the DOMS tomorrow!

Missy- Your poor foot. I really hope you can do your 5k but don't push it. I love that you made energy balls too. They will never die ;) I must admit I ate a few too many today. Oops!

Colleen- Glad to "see" you! Sounds like our all settled in your new place. Always a good feeling :)

Carolyn- Eek! Disc?! I hope not. Sending positive thoughts to you.

Jean- Hope you enjoyed the pool and your rib eyes. YUM! I was working on a medical/surgical unit. It's one of my favorites. Great variety, especially last night. I do feel pretty lucky I picked nursing :) I changed my mind a few good times while in school but couldn't imagine doing anything different.

Betty- Deleting is such a bummer right?! Such a process! Part of me wonders if its really worth it but I'm sure it is. Just so time consuming.

Orange is the BEST! DH and I are obsessed. We just finished the second season. Missy just wait til then it is good now but gets even better. Love it :)

Alright off to watch some tv and then bed. Day off again tomorrow :)
Hiya. LL&A premix. Running off to work. Long fun day of entertaining ahead for me and dh. I have PT after work. Have a great day.
Marie. I hope b feels better soon

Betty I hope you have a great day at work
Missy hope your ankle is doing better.

Carolyn hope your feel ok too.

Today was ballet body.

It's going to be a hot one today. Stay cool!
Good Wednesday Morning!!!! Last night I was doing awesome....could walk really good on my foot, then I was resting in recliner and when to get up and could barely put any pressure on foot again.... what the hell???? I iced it some more..... This morning, it is really sore till I get moving then its bearable.... it did bust back open and loss of liquid squirted down my foot....yucky!!!! Hoping that's good???? Another rest day....errr!!! :mad:

Marie...enjoy your day off and snuggle with your little man.... I hope he is feeling better today!!! And I am totally addicted to Orange...OMG....Im on episode 7.... hehehehe..... That's all I have watched for 2 days once I get home from work....what else do I have to do....its not like I can exercise...LOL

Hope everyone has a lovely day!!!! :eek: you still use you rebounder? Just one more day till your treadmill exciting!!!!! I just love getting new equipment!!!! And are you gonna pre order Cathes new DVD's???
Hi Missy. Yep I still use my rebounder. I am so excited for my treadmill. I don't think I'll be pre ordering the new cathe. I should give her workouts a try to see how my knee does. I've been thinking about doing after burn to see how my knee responds.

Sorry to hear about your ankle. That doesn't sound to good...
Good morning!

I did Supercuts this morning and Core one. Showered and now I'm enjoying a cup of coffee in complete silence. The boys are still sleeping. This never happens LOL.

Colleen enjoy that treadmill. I would love love love to have one of those. I love Cathe but sometimes it's nice to just take a break space out at the TV or magazine and walk.

Betty have a good day at work. Hope it goes quick.

Oops I hear the little one. Sorry to cut short.
Missy- I wanted to mention that fluid is good. It means your injury is healing. Part of the swelling is white blood cells going to the area to repair the damaged tissue. It's good! You'll be doing Cathe again before you know it :) Remember RICE. Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation. You'll be back to good before you know it :) Oh and make sure you're keeping it super clean too especially with an open cut. Ok sorry my nurse mode kicks in to the extreme sometimes.

Takes little dude a awhile to really wake up so I came back real quick.

Ok remember my Tabatacise DVD was skipping. I sent it back and got my new one in the mail just now :) Not as fun as getting a new Cathe DVD but still fun. Speaking of which I need to remember to preorder!
Thanks Jean :) It was taken on my birthday. You guys I'm so bad. That's a bottle he has at 20 months. It's only before bedtime though. It's just so cute how he asks for his "bobble." We snuggle and read books and he plays with my hair! I'm a sucker! Goal is to get rid of it before age 2.

Nice job on GG. I'm sure you'll be feeling it tomorrow. I thought of you the other day as I was thinking that I haven't done UY in a couple weeks. I hate that my yoga just tends to fall off to the wayside. Wish I was as good as you in keeping it in my routine.

Hmmm little dude was up I thought but maybe not. I actually just heard his Scout toy. It's a toy dog that sings. He must have rolled over him.
Good evening!!!! Weel its wednesday night....and I haven't done any exercise since saturday.....I feel like a fat mess!

So my ankle was doing really well all its swelling and painful. :( doc says its because its right on the tendon..... he says absolutely no running till its healed.....

So I lay here in recliner watching this show.....omg....I love it!!! Carolyn...I'm watching it on netflix.....not sure what channel it aired on..... the language is really if u do watch it...make sure your little ones arnt around.....

One more day....then I'm off for 3. .... I have an eye appt at 4:30 tomorrow I just need to make it till 4......

Have a nice night!
Good morning!!! Up amd getting ready for work!!! No exercise.....

Carolyn...I struggle when I don't exercise in the am too.... I feel like a lazy pos..... :( hoping I can attempmt a workout tomorrow....fingers crossed....cause I feel like I fell of the wagon cause I have done nothing.....errrr!!!! But....I can guarantee as soon as I can stand will all pressure and no pain....I'm doing an intense upper body workout....cause I need it mentally! hehehe

So funny....that we complain that we can't w/o... means we are truely dedicated! !!

Hope everyone has a lovely day!!!! Hoping mine goes quickly....I'm ready for a mini vacation!!!

Hi ladies!

Colleen, great to 'see' you back again! So happy for your new home!

This new job has me spinning, so much to do. It seems like being a manager is going to meeting after meeting and getting more work but no time to do it. Ugh.

I needed a quick stress reliever this morning so I did X10 Low impact. It was definitely doable but I omitted the switch kicks, it is hard for me to go so low. I can't believe people have done all the workouts on X10 all at once.

Missy, so true, I don't know anyone else who would complain about not being able to work out! Hope your ankle is improving.

Carolyn that sounds like a nice way to spend the evening, picnic and music outside with family.

We are so rushed these days, it is hard to enjoy. DDs have their last finals today and then they are done with their first year of high school. I truly wish we could just slow things down.

Betty, enjoy your company. Marie, I love your picture, so adorable! Jean, I'm glad you found leg workouts you like!
Mary, I so understand about management. Tons of meeting, work and no extra time to get it done! I hope you are enjoying the work.

Carolyn. Funny you should ask about my knee. It's been great. Since we've been preparing to move I have had a lot of cardio options so I tool up walking and get to back into running outside. My knee hasn't been better. Today I decided to do cycle max because it's was raining outside this am my knee is trobbing. I've decided I'm going to sell the bike. The treadmill and rebounder are what works best for me.
Hi friends, worked till 2 frantically yesterday, PT from 3-4 (measured again and I showed 30 degree improvements in L and R, in certain positions!), then ran home to hop on the T with sil to go into Boston to meet dh and his cousin who finished watching a Red Sox game. We headed to a sunset cruise on the Boston Harbor. It was so nice, and the speed was slow enough to be pleasant. Then we ate very late at the North End. Pasta, anyone? Then we hit an Italian bakery.:p
Today we all slept late since ds had no school and dh took off. We went food shopping and soon will be heading to sil's for lobsta and chowda.:p
No workout for me today, and I've been getting home so late the past 2 evenings that I have not had time to do my PT exercises.:confused:

Mary, congrats to getting promoted to a manager. It is indeed how you describe. Meetings, paperwork, reviews, and on top of all that, more work! You're a great multi-tasker and you'll be fab as a manager.

Marie, loved it when my kids were in nirvana with their bottles. No rush to hurry B off. He'll push it away eventually.
Loved your nurse's assurance for Missy!:D

Colleen, love that you are back! I totally agree about spinning and the knees! You must be so excited to be getting your treadmill soon! It's great to hear you're doing some running too.

Jean, you've been keeping up with STS, UY, and now the new legs workouts! High five!
Keep up with the legs ones. They'll get easier.

Missy, I hope your leg is improving daily. Don't worry if you need to rest it another day. We'll hold you accountable for your exercising but only when you're ready.

Carolyn, how fun your family time sounded.
The heat and humidity clung on yesterday, even though it was promised the latter would start diminishing by mid-aft. Today feels better.
Enjoy Ziggy Marley!:)
Good froday morning!!! I'm off today!!! Whooohooo!!!

Tim and I are out running errands....then this afternoon we can lounge.....yeah!!!!

Management is not what its cracked up to be...too much work....the increase in pay I don't think is worth it in the end!!! Too much stress.....but as I say this....I am off and still have to make sure I have my phone on me in case there is issues at the office.... it b/s! Hehehehee

Today my ankle is feeling great....just a little sore when I first got out of looks so much better....the swelling is almost its just got to heal....

Gonna attempt a upper body workout later!!! yeah!!!!

Colleen......did you get your treadmill???? Can't wait to see your room!!!! So excited for you! I remember when I got wood floors in my make me the happiest girl on the planet....

Bbl!!! Have a nice friday!!!
Good morning.

Carolyn glad you had a time last night. Sounds like a ton of fun

Missy enjoy our day off. Glad your ankle is feeling better.

Today was ballet body and I ran a mile to test out the treadmill.

Here's a pic of workout room. It's in the basement.

I'm sharing the finished basement with my kids. Here's their room in the basement. The couch is the dividing line between their playroom and my workout room.

I'm just trilled!

Hi all, dh took the day off and ds finished school today so we enjoyed the beautiful day. So gorgeous!

Colleen, your exercise room is to die for!!!!:eek: Love the ballet barre, treadmill, rebounder, carpeting, room divider, kids on the other side! How perfect! Even your own set of french doors!:eek: Did you say you had this home built?

Missy, that's super news on the healing. Take it easy tomorrow! Glad you had a vacation day with Tim. What will his new responsibilities be again?

Carolyn, the concert sounded so special. Great to share it with your kids!
I'm glad you have an appt set with the ortho! Remind me again how this all began (the pain)?
I'm right there with you on the embarrassment! That's a not-oft-exposed area. I'm never comfortable exposing so much. Like in the summer if I wear short-shorts, I'm self-conscious of my thighs.:confused:

Jean, your day yesterday sounded so much fun! You probably have a real cute Schwinn leisure bike or something.
Have I mentioned Delivery Man movie to you already? I watched in CA, then again with dh.

TGIF, all!:D

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