STS first time!

Good morning..... workout room is awesome!!! Your really gonna enjoy it!!!

Betty....glad yall had a nice day off!!!

I'm sitting at motorcycle shop....waiting on I can follow him home on his new toy....he is chatting with the mechanics....yack yack

Tims dutirs will kinda be a little of everything...from deliveries, shop work, and more.....will know more next week...but he is excited!!!! So I'm happy for him....

Hoping I can workout today....I couldn't do the 5k ....but hoping I can bust out a cathe workout later.....

I t is miserably is aweful!

Hope everyone has a lovely saturday!
What a beautiful day today! I did XT Ch, B&Sh this morning, plus core #2. That is a tough ab workout!

Colleen, your workout room looks great, so excited for you! Especially having room for the kids right there.

Missy, so glad you are feeling better.

Carolyn, you must really be in pain to go to ortho. I'm glad you were able to get an appt so soon and hope they can figure out what is going on. The concert sounded great.

Betty, is your company gone? How is ds1 doing?

We have dd's graduation party tomorrow so lots to do both indoors and out. We are having some of the food catered and we got a person to serve, so maybe we can actually enjoy some of the party!
Hiya. I'm a little late but happy Summer Solstice. Had dh's family over all day. Canadian cousin is here till Tuesday. We grilled, slow-cooked ribs all night and day, did a firepit... Weather was superb!

Mary, enjoy dd's graduation! You must be so proud of her, and it shows what successful parenting you and dh accomplished!
Ds1 is actually in Anaheim this weekend for a video gaming thing:confused: so he must be ecstatic. Or the addiction part of his brain is.:p

Oh Carolyn, I'm so sorry you're experiencing such pain! It sounds too much to endure!

I've been too ridiculously busy to do my exercises!:eek::eek::confused:
I should go to bed. It's almost 1:30 am. Some are still watching a movie.
Good morning! Gorgeous day!
Getting ready for work. Rushing as usual. I did a GG premix.
Worker bees, have a great day! SAHM, enjoy your day!
Bbl for personals.
Good morning!!! So I'm starting nack with exercise today....slowly.... I'm walking on treadmill right now....I have my old shoes on which are a lower cut...saucony's.... I have my sock folded under and the tounge of shoe folded it doesn't rub my burn.... then my knee hurts on opposite I have a patella strap on.... I'm just a mess....but I'm giving it a shot!

Carolyn....I hope your back is feeling u go to ortho today??? It was miserably hot yesterday and then we had evening thundershowers!

Jean....that bike is so cute....have fun!! Tims motorcycle is a kawaski Vulcan 900.

Betty....its back to work for me today....hope your day goes quickly too!!!

Hello Marie and Mary! !!
Morning girls!

Jean your bike is too cute!

Carolyn hope you start feeling better soon. How's dd lately?

Betty sounds like lots of fami fun going on. Are you working this week? Yes we had the house built. It was a local builder but we got to pick out everything and did some customizations to the house. We just love it. My blinds should be in this Friday!

Missy. Hope your ankle does well today.

Mary how was the party?

Today was ballet body and 20 min run on the treadmill. We sold the spin bike this weekend. My knee hurt for 2 days after 30 min a the other day. :-( I'm loving the treadmill. No workouts this weekend. We went to visit my parents. It had been way to long since we saw them.

Happy Monday!
Good Afternoon.... it has been a hectic Monday....and its not even over yet!

Colleen.... I just love my treadmill... it makes me a happy person each morning.... I sold my spin bike awhile ago too due to knee pain.... I just couldn't handle it!

Tonight is Afterburn!!!!

Marie...OMG....Orange is getting were right...Im in season 2!!!! It is too funny....I am always so busy...with no time for this injury has got me back to TV Land!!!! HEHEHE... but I have to hit my workout first...then I can squeeze in some Orange!!! :p

Hope everyone is okay....very quite today!!!! :D
Hi all :)

Working a quick 4 hour shift on the mom baby unit. It's pretty slow. I discharged a mom baby right away and this other set just had their baby this afternoon. Baby needs a bath but mommy and daddy have been delaying it because they want to have some time alone with their baby. It's their first. They have had visitors since the baby was born. I figured the bath can wait. More important to have bonding time right now. Although I really want to get my hands on the cutie lol ;)

No workout today. Well I guess we did go for a long walk. It was at least 6 joke! We walked around the entire lake plus some. We stayed at dh's dad's house last night. They have a nice place on the lake. We are staying tonight too so I'll be headed there after I get off. I really don't like to be away from home. I like my own bed. And I can't do Cathe :( Oh well! It has been relaxing.

Ok off to delete. It's been awaile.
Hiya. Sitting at my splint before we head out, typing one-fingered.
Fab day with no humidity, about 80.
I worked till 3:confused:. For a Monday it was miraculously calm! There was a humongous pile of filing staring at me for many days and I had to get to it.

Colleen, your house sounds so dreamy! I'm so happy for you!
The spin bike never felt right, did it? But I'm not so sure about running, either!:p

Carolyn, I'm so there with ds being moody. Mine is unrecognizable. Wish I could film and replay for him his irrational glory! I couldn't even dream up something like this.

Jean, I'd love to watch that movie if only to see the Italian Riviera! Not too keen on the cast though.
I enjoyed Labor Day last night!

Mary, hope the grad party was a big success!

Missy, good luck with AB. How's your ankle?

Marie, 6 miles is awesome!:cool:
Yikes, I have 1200 posts and it hasn't been a year yet!:confused:
Good I just finished ab.... wow...I haven't done that one in a while..... my ankle is doing well.... no pain...just an awful thick scab.... not sure how long it will take to heal....if I bump it bleeds and liquid squirts out...yucky.... so I did my workout my shoe doesn't rub it!

Marie....snuggle with those babies!!!! I hear ya on the being in your own bed.... I'm not really a traveler....I just love my home!

Betty.....I am jealous of the not crazy Monday....that's a never in my world! Ha!

Off to shower!

Missy glad you are able to workout. I'm I'm impressed that you were able to do after burn. Great job.

Betty. Thanks. We are really loving the new place. Oddly enough running hasn't bothered me knee. But I take it slow and alternate with walking. Plus lots of stretching. I do love spinning but you're right bike doesn't feel right on my knee. Do you still use yours?

Today was 3 mile run and 1 mile walk on the treadmill.

Carolyn good luck at the doctors today.
Good morning! I'm bleary-eyed as I type this. We didn't leave sil's till midnight last night. I hate late nights; I'm getting so old! Cousin's departing this afternoon. These late nights with him and family are killers.
I think I will do qigong today. I need to stretch too.
I haven't touched my spin bike in many months, since my last UTI.:confused: Dh was using it nightly, but I notice he doesn't get on when he walks at work nowadays. I wasn't that keen on him sitting on it for an hour right before bed anyway. Colleen, how did you sell yours?
Anyone know when the pre-sale is over? I'm in no rush to get it and will wait till the absolute last moment.
Carolyn, are you all right? We didn't hear from you yesterday.:( Good luck at your orthopedist appt! Let us know asap.
Sunny and hopefully the same as the previous few days with low humidity!
Good to know about the presale. Thanks Jean! I need to still order too Betty. I kind of want to get something else too with the double free shipping but not sure I need anything. What does everything think of Legs and Glutes?

Glad you got to do AB Missy! Love that one. I've done it barefoot too.

Lazy morning here at the lake. Ate egg bake for breakfast. Yum! Would love to go get some activity in but it seems no one is motivated.

Alright time for my second cup of coffee :) Loving the Kerig they have here :)
Still haven't moved. It's so humid. I kind of want to swim across the lake. I'm more afraid of snapping turtles than my lack of swimming skills. No one here will go with me though so it won't be happening.

Colleen- Aww your treadmill. How nice to have that!!!! I LOVE your workout area too!

Carolyn- Hope the dr is going well.

Back to being lazy! They called me to work today but I didn't answer. Sat by the campfire after work last night and ate cookies :)
Good evening..... busy at work today!!!!

Carolyn....where are you???.... its not like you not to check in.... I hope everything is okay!!!! We miss you!!!!! How did the or tho go?????

Marie.... I don't blame you....I would have relaxed and ignored the phone too!

I'm just resting tonight.....
I wonder too about Carolyn. Hope all is all right!
It was a sunny and low humidity day today, with breezes. I'm grateful.:D
Marie, I don't blame you one whit.
Good morning!!! Wednesday is my favorite day of the work week.... because we only have 1 doc and he never makes us work late.....last night I didn't leave office till 5:40....errrr!!!!

Up and on treadmill.... my monthly monster is here to I'm moving a tab bit slow....but I'm moving! Tonight is css!!! I started lis rotation monday.... gonna do it, then next month I will either repeat or move onto another rotation!!!! But I'm motivated!!! glad to hear from ya! Isn't that the way....finally break down and go....and not be in as much pain
...which is good...but bad at same time....I hope the advil helps.... was so hot here go outside and you just sweat immediately. ... aweful!!! This is the few must stay indoors in the ac...

Okay....better get a move on.... bbl!!!!
Good morning! Will be humid the next couple of days. We took advantage of the nice weather and went for a walk last evening.
I just finished a FT premix. Used 3# the whole workout. I miss heavy weights!

Marie, L&G is a good one. I've rarely done it so maybe Carolyn or Mary can speak to what it contains. I'm sure there are endless barbell squats and such dreaded things!

Missy, I couldn't survive in your climate. I'd run screaming and never look back!
Wednesday is hump day.

Carolyn, I'm glad you have something of a diagnosis. Just lay off the exercise if that's what it takes. You'll be all right with your funk. You can swim 100 laps daily for your exercise; how's that?
I have a funky tailbone area that makes situps very hard.

Have a great day. It's supposed to be near 90 and humid here.:confused:

Rest day today. I'm on the same schedule as you Missy. I was too beat with TOTM so I decided to rest and sleep in.

Carolyn rest up and enjoy. Hopefully the doc is right and is a few day the inflammation will go down.

Happy hump day.

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