STS first time!

Missy- I like your helmet! DH talks about getting a motorcycle and I do love riding on them but they scare me a bit. Maybe that's part of the thrill.

Jean- Love that saying! How nice of your hubby! Mine painted a couple sayings I love down in my workout area. "You stand in your own light. Make it shine." "I'm never more than one workout away from a good mood." Fun to check them out when I'm feeling less than inspired. Nice job on UY Balance. I have yet to try it and I must admit I'm a bit scared ;)

Carolyn- Glad you were able to do upper body today. Hope the rest comes soon!

I preordered!!! So excited! Thank for the prompt about the end date Jean. I ordered Legs and Glutes too. To my surprise Kick, Punch, and Crunch is on the same DVD, not to mention it was the Deal of the Day so it was pretty much a must have. I'm not a huge kickbox fan but people tend to fave about KPC. It's also long at 67 minutes if I remember right. Looks like they are some shorter premixes though. I can't believe that back in my early 20's my girlfriend would go to the gym and do 2 fitness classes in a row and then go lift. And now I think 67 minutes is long. Oh boy! After every workout we would walk to the TCBY (frozen yogurt place) and get yogurt loaded with toppings and then sit outside and eat and then smoke a cigarette. So gross right?! We had fun though ;) Now I just smell smoke on people and gag. Glad I ended that nasty habit many, many years ago.

Little dude is napping now. We went to an estate sale this morning. The people were definitely hoarders. DH got a couple things. I think we will hit up the park later. Hopefully no rain.

Have a great day everyone :)
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Hi gals, I did a load of laundry before work and it sucked up my posting time!:p Figured I'd run the dryer before work since it's slated to be 90. Worked till 3:15.
I did PRS#1 this morning. Still don't have it down pat, plus I chose a premix that messed it all up.

Jean and Marie, love both inspirational sayings by your dhs. How perfect!

Jean and Missy, I'd love to try sitting once in a motorcycle. If your hubby is careful, there's no need for concern. I love being a passenger of a two-wheeler. Many moons ago we rode mopeds on Nantucket, with me loving being a passenger.
Both helmets are so cool!

Marie, what timing with DOD. I paid $45 for it! Love KPC and used to love the length! I never wanted to skip any parts. Now that I work, not so much.
I need to pre-order before the 15th then! Thanks Jean.
Where's that girlfriend now?

Carolyn, I understand the morning achiness or pain. I wake up feeling it but then the worst of it goes away. What now, after 5 straight days of Advil?
Enjoy family time!

Colleen, enjoy your vacation week! You need it after all the turmoil of moving!

Jean, great job on UY Balance. I remember it's hard and I couldn't do some of the moves.

It's hot but breezy and not too humid yet.:eek:
Good evening....I did lean legs and abs with barre section added.... I've never rode with tim on motorcycle...but I'm excited too....he is a very careful I'm sure I will be safe!

Marie... tim said I had to take off my rubber suit, and live life.....on the wild side....hehehehe....cause I always think things through 125% before I do anything....hehehehe...alwaysbthink about every outcome..... so... this time... I'm gonna be adventurous! !! do suck....but I think you should go to another dr....second opinion....and see what they say....something is obviously not right!!!! I hope you can get some answers soon!!!!

Baking tim a bday cake right now.....his bday is tomorrow!!!!

Good tomorrow!!!
Good morning my fit driends!!!! just read about biggest loser.....I did lose a lot od respect foe the show last year, when that girl looked terribly too finale....and the show didn't do anything...that sent a wrong message to the viewers! ankle is still healing....sore in 1 place....right ontop of ankle still has a pretty thick scab there.... the rest of it the scab has come off.....and is bright pinkish red

As for bootcamp.... I don't think I will be going back.....I'm focusing on cathe workouts right cathe has always helped me lean down.... I did 2 months of bootcamp and lost 0.... plus it was really starting to bother my knee bad....a lot of the exercises was really tough on my knee...and I was afraid I was gonna hurt it worse....I also monitored the girls that have been doing bootcamp for years....and lots of them have gonna be safe! Like tim and my doc I work for say.... do what works for you and be safe....injuries can be life be careful!

Okay....starting today....I'm gonna be really good with diet....who wants to be good with me???? I've been indulging in sweets lately.....and my tummy shows it....gotta get back to clean eating!!!!

Be back in a bit!!!!
Good morning. I couldn't sleep that much later. I seem to wake up around the same time. On work days with dismay that I have to get up so early. On non-work days with dismay that I wake automatically early.:confused: It occurred to me that 6+ hours of my life yesterday went to working! I need to get more stuff done at home! Oh, don't mind me. It will take me a while to adjust after not working for 15 years! Enough depressing musings....
I have an eye appt soon, then will hit some food stores. Plan to take ds out to lunch later.

Missy, I feel even the words "boot camp" shred one's knees!:D It's good to try new and mix things up but we always return to our Cathe, don't we?
Speaking of which, my knees are still in some pain from biking, whenever I bend.

Must. get. off.
It is grotesquely muggy out.:confused:
The eye doc declared my eyes healthy. I guess the added computer time with work doesn't help the aging and drying eyes.:confused:
Better putter around a bit before heading out for lunch. Stop wasting my time online!:p:D;)
Love reading my magazines. I started getting People this year for 6 months for the first time ever. I love it but geez, weekly issues.:eek:
My brother gets magazines all the time, unbidden!
I've only ever received one t-shirt from Cathe, and that was during that promo when she gave it away. I recall they ran small in size.
Ds and I finished a Thai lunch. I'm proud of not stuffing the whole meal in. Leftovers to bring to work!:p
I had onion rings on Saturday, at the seafood place we discovered. Usually we get just fries with a fish & chips. Here we were generously given onion rings also, and they were sublimely crispy.
Better go practice some more, then do qigong. Wild salmon for dinner.
zzzzzz very soon, I'm sure.
Good morning! Muggy and airless. Can't wait for it to pass.
I did XT Legs standing and barre. I know this is harder than LL&A/GG so I selected it.

Jean, you cougar, you!:D How did you land a younger guy?;) Unless it's a typo.
So many people don't do anything till the diagnosis. Hopefully you can help him pick up your habits. Since he is borderline, exercise can ward it off!!!

Carolyn, a painting, a rug, lamp, anything... good luck spending it!

Marie, how gorgeous B is! You do the neatest things with him.
So proud of your FB moratorium.

Wassup this morning, Missy?

Better get ready to go.
Good Morning!!! I was up and running this morning... on the treadmill...couldn't type and run.... I had to push myself...cause this extra weight is pissing me off! LOL.... Tonight is turbo barre.... Im following LIS rotation to the T..... gotta do something..... we shall see!!!!

Then I had to go to Hell-Mart for office....and its I went on way to work.... it was 85 degrees and I was sweating buckets loading everything in my car..... weather man is predicting 99 degrees and humid.... said we are under a heat its gonna feel like 115! OMG...this is awful!!!! Yesterday, it got to 99 also....

OMG....on the news I heard about a middle aged women...I think...out running and someone shot her.... how awful! This is why I am a inside exerciser now.... you just cant trust nobody!!! Terrible!

Carolyn....I have been spending money like crazy I have to be good...and stay home and off ebay! HEHEHEHE

Just tracked my helmet...says it will be here Thursday!!! Yeah.... looks like Tim can take me for a ride this weekend! :) and exercise can turn things around for sure..... my a firm believer in it....

Marie...B is getting so big... OMG...the time is flying!!!! :eek:

Betty.... you get a long weekend too? I am so excited!!!! Cant wait!!!! Gonna just hang out at home and do house stuff and lounge!!!! And of course EXERCISE!!!! Hehehehe

BBL....gotta get busy!!!!
Hi all, very hot here too, but very breezy. I am sweating profusely after watering my parched outdoor plants.
I finished 50 mins of PT this afternoon after working till 2 (my long weekend started, Missy!:)). Leftovers tonight.

Jean, that's fabulous that dh didn't mind that wonderfully healthy breakfast! What a super healthy dinner you have planned! The key is to have him eat whole grains only, avoiding white flour food. And if it gets worse, he may have to watch his overall carb intake, right?
Can he do weights? It'd be great psychologically too. As long as he gets some form of exercise daily. I would think an hour at least, getting his heart rate up.
My dh refuses to do anything besides exercise. He doesn't have any health issues (yet) but he does get regular migraines and refuses to do anything different to isolate or prevent them. He refuses to eat the way I do.

Carolyn, you're not out of shape! You move and do so much. I just think your body isn't used to the particular moves in GG so you were domsy. I'm sure I'll be getting them from the Dixie cups and etc from this morning's workout.
Good morning!!! Its thursday and my last workday this week....yipppeee!!!! But....I have to work front desk today :(

Last night I did turbo barre.... and now I'm on treadmill! !!! :)

its already awful HOT!!! Yucky!!!!

Gotta finish my cardio back soon!
Good cloudy morning, all. Still steamy. I'm not sure when the showers are supposed to come. The Boston Pops and fireworks were moved up to tonight in anticipation of Arthur.
Slept a little later and have been bopping around doing odd and ends. Must pay bills...

Missy, great job on TB. I forget that I have that one sometimes.
I made a couple of doctor's appts today and one lady was so pleasant and chatty! Must be the slowness right before a long holiday weekend.
I'll try to do qigong later but I have so many things to do today.:confused:

Marie, you've been rocking that 4DS set! Nice going!
You haven't tried XT Legs yet?? How's that possible?:D It's great.

Jean, green head flies? Haven't heard of that one. Yuck.
Try honey or maple syrup in your coffee. It's natural and avoids the highly-processed white sugar. No way I can drink mine black! My dh skips the sugar altogether and just uses half & half. Ok, now you make me want a cup!

Carolyn, any luck with PB?

Hi Colleen and Mary!
Jean, hysterical that you sent me a link to the Globe.:D I just love that paper!
I've never heard of those flies, only black flies in Maine.
Potato salad with mayo and eggs would be enough for me. And tiny bits of red onion.
Another story about a man after you! You "what's-the-word", you. Blanking out here.

Carolyn, how perfect! Isn't it great when things fall together? Well, after the customer service headache. (I still have my Broyhill teak table for my bathroom; I haven't found anything that I like that's less expensive.)
Jealous of your rain! It is brightly sunny and steamy!
I hope your pain has abated. My boss is going to a new therapist who is training her to ignore pain (it's all in the brain, not the affected area).

Still haven't gotten to my qigong or arm exercises. Maybe in the next three days.
Happy 4th, everyone! It is grotesquely tropically humid. I could wilt. As long as I don't move I could believe myself comfortable.
What's up for today? I'm just waiting for the rain. Can't do anything but stay still.

Carolyn, I love white beadboard. I don't have that anywhere though. Would love it as wainscoting on walls.
Layers on hair is the most flattering, I always think. Bobs--well, I tried the angular straight one and my hair texture (some waviness) makes it unsuitable; would have needed flat iron daily.

Enjoy a restful holiday weekend!
Hi Ho. The rain and high winds have cooled us off since about mid-aft. Thank goodness!
Been reading a book all day and watched 2 movies.
Have a great cookout, C.
J, hope you had a great one too.
Good morning! Sunny, cool, breezy. Did my qigong yesterday in the wilting humidity. Don't know our plans today yet.

C, ds loathes/fears movies, even at his age, so that's some place you'd never spot us in, a theatre. Sounded like fun for you guys, even if all of NH was there. I hate crowds too.
Hope your pain is less.

J, that was quick for UY Balance to show up again? Unless it was something else you did the other day.

Mi, hope you're enjoying you work-free (office) weekend!
Happy saturday!!!

Hope everyone had a happy 4th!!!

I'm eating lunch at a barbque rest....tim and I meet his best friend that lives out of town.... there chatting...and I'm online as his wife is out of town!!! No prob....I will chat with my true friends!!!

So yesterday. ...I went for a ride with tim on his motorcycle....we had a blast....we are planning a route fun!!!

Yesterday....I meet 2 of my run friends....which all are struggling with knee issues we decided to go bike riding....did 9 miles.... we are planning to ride once a week...and continue to increase we can do the st marks trail.... which is a 30 mile trip.... it I'd a bicycle route that runs from tallahassee to st marks.... the ocean.... its an old railroad track...which is paved!!!

Okay....I bought something for my gym.... a rebounder!!! Hoping it will help my knee.... I can say.... its fun!!! I just got it friday night!!!! I got a jumpsport....our old colleen had one and loved it!!! The bellicon is just so pricey..... so I got the jumpsport.... cause I wasn't sure if I would really use it!!! We shall see!!!

Tonight is lic..... yeah!!! I'm loving being back to the double workouts and following a cathe rotation!!! back in a bit!!! Better be a bit social!!! Lol
Good evening friends.... Tim and I stopped by fruit stand on way back from the big city.... I got some fresh picked blueberries!!!

Here is a link to the trail I want to bike.... it total 32 miles....

I did hard strikes vs lic.... we all know I'm not a big step combo girl.....

I'm exhausted....this heat is really draining me!

Good night!!!!! Hope everyone is having a lovely day!!!!!

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