STS first time!

Good morning! Sunny, breezy, comfy!
Yesterday we ended up doing almost 22 miles on the bike. Fab weather for it. Missy, that's what we do, ride on paved-over railroad tracks! Love the smoothness! Only a few minor roads to cross. Very pleasant. Question: how do you ride in the hot and humid Florida weather??:confused::p
A rebounder sounds like a great idea to spare your knee!
Envy you the fresh blueberries!:p

Jean, one movie was Catching Fire. The other one was Welcome to the Punch. I wasn't thrilled with either.
Those two UYs are tough. I must have been reading too fast!
Sighhh, will I ever get my shoulders back to do them??? You're awesome for continuing with your UY rotation!

Carolyn, how was your cookout? The weather was fantastic, no?

Enjoy your day, everyone! Trying not to think about work tomorrow morning.....
Good cloudy morning. Got home SO late last night I didn't get up early to work out. Hope to do it after work.
Sorry about hour insomnia, C.
Have a great day and ttyl.
Hello friends!!! It is a crazy busy day at work.... I have no time to chat....but will catch up tonight!!!! come on 5 oclock.... but by the way the schedule looks...we will be here well past 5! ERRR!!!! :mad:

Chat later!:D
It is sunny and hot here too. I am changed and heading to do GG Extreme or something long. Hope it's not too sweaty. Don't want to shower again.:p

Carolyn, there's a spot on the soles of your feet about 1/3 of the way in from your heel that you press to alleviate insomnia--learned that in qigong. This is part of foot reflexology too, I bet.
I feel like I have anxiety-induced wakings, if not insomnia yet.:p
Any news on doc appt?

Better go.
I did GG Extreme. Oh, the pizza presses, etc:confused: Superb workout! Too bad it can't thin out my less-than-thin legs!
Something brewing here too. Still, humid, rumbling. Want some rain.
Happy you got FT in, C! Great walk too!
The pizza press position is slightly uncomfy for my shoulders, to be sure.

Jean, I started Last Tango in Halifax. Only 30 mins in and I like it.

No rain for us.:(

It's going to be 90 and naturally I had scheduled a haircut in town tomorrow, taking the T in. I'm going to be a sweaty mess.

The beach IS so much work. But your kids enjoy it so it's worth every grain of sand!:D:p:eek:

Sweetie treatie? Yup, I've had lots of those. I don't even restrain myself that much.:confused:

Good night!
Good morning! No exercise for me today but for a lot of commuting:p.
Head to the beach. It's supposed to be the hottest day of the week.
Enjoy your day! I just want to stay in with my friend A/C:D.
Hey :)

Just working with the babies today. I am so happy to be back on this unit. I was on medical this past weekend and I must say it was one of the worst weekends ever! My patients and their families were full of compliants. Not bragging, but they liked me, it was just the past care they had received that they were complaining about and let me tell you I got an earfull. I also had one patient that was 400lbs with uncontrolled diabetes. It was horrible you guys! He would order 2 trays of food and would sneak the stash pf pottarts his wife brought him in. No wonder his blood sugars were in the high 400's. Food would be all over his chest when he gross! He was bedbound. He was missing fingers and toes and had some nasty sores. If he was nice it would have been one thing but he was just a jerk. He was so rude! Just mad at the world I guess. Oh well, it's over now and I get to be with the cute babies :)

I did 4DS Kickbox yesterday. We spent the morning at the beach. B just loves the water and the sand! It was so much fun!

I got my new workout in the mail. I won't be doing anything tonight though since I work. Headed out for my second walk now :)

Have a great day everyone!
Carolyn, what were you thinking doing the bedding in this heat??:p
How did you cook the scallops? Love them!
Your summers sound so fun by the pool. Must be endless towels and bathing suits though.
Awesome on getting LBT in. You'll get back to dixie cups all the way soon.
There was this baby on the train today and I could have just scooped him/her up and just loved him/her to death. So darling!

As for me, what was I thinking, having ramen soup in 90-degree weather! Ds wanted to, and I asked my mom along.
I must have been dehydrated today; had a heavy head. If only I could have lain and watched my dvd and dozed off for a bit.

Jean, I haven't finished episode 1 yet of Season 1 yet!
I do like my haircut; I watched her carefully to make sure she didn't cut, cut, and cut some more without paying attention.

Marie, that patient is grotesque! Pop Tarts! How devoid of nutrition and loaded with sugar!:confused:
I really appreciate you nurses who are caring and compassionate!

I should get to bed earlier!
Good morning.... this week has been so time to do anything. Last night was after burn....and my knee was killing me.... had to put a knee brace on to finish workout! Then I woke up several times last night in pain. ...errrrr..... its been hurting along with my hamstring since I got back on my bike....rode it 3x last weekend.... not sure if i need to just ride slow or give it up.... :(

Why oh why..... must I hurt???

Carolyn....enjoy the pool.... it sure has been hot! It has been so hot here.... I bet my electric bill will be high this month! Oh well.... I like my house cool!

Marie....isn't it sad to see patients that just don't care....I see that everyday....that is what motivates me to eat healthy! It bothers me so much!!!! But I use it as my motivational doc and I chat about it....the doc that is healthy and exercises! !!!

Betty....I need a vacation its not happening.... august 11-22 (2weeks) I will be at front one of receptionist is going on vacation. She uses all her time at once! So I will be really behind next month.... 2 weeks not in my office always makes my work pile up and I panic a bit! Hope you have a lovely day a work!!!

Jean....enjoy the pool/ocean today!!! Hope the hubby is doing well!!!

Hello Mary and Colleen!!!

Chat later!!! I'm on treadmill now...moving slowly as my knee is screaming at me!!!!
Good morning! I did a Kick Max premix. So tired and feel like I can't get anything done.

Missy, easy on the knee! It is so frustrating, as C says!
I so understand about never catching up on your work! I have not caught up since my May vacation! They let me answer phones more (or more like I feel compelled) so every time I take a call it's a 5-10 mins of my time gone. I dread whenever anyone has a vacation day.

Jean, be careful with the shoulders! UY is definitely a contributing factor for me.

Bbl. Have a great day!
Hiya Ladies

Last week was great. We went to a ball game, a local pool and amusement park. Then for the weekend we ended up going to the shore. Back at work this week.

Workouts were sporadic last week but managed to get in about 4 workouts. Mainly walking. Only 1 ballet body.

Monday I did ballet body and yesterday was a 3 mile walk. No workout today as we lost power last night and I got got a horrible nights sleep. Power was out for 8 hours and finally came back on at 3:30 this morning.

Missy carefull of that knee. It very well could be the bike. I don't ride my regular bike much anymore but when I do it irritates my knee. Especially hills.

Carolyn the pool sounds great. How are you feeling?

Betty How was dinner? How many days per week are you working now? Are you adjusting?

Jean. The pool sounds good to me too.

Marie. So sad with the diabetic patient. Enjoy the babies again.
I had PT this afternoon and was measured. Slow improvements continue.:rolleyes:

Colleen, I am still working MWF; 9-2ish, I'm averaging.
Harder to adjust to work sched with ds being home for the summer. Idk, it just feels that way.
I so agree about biking and hills being bad for the knees. I felt it!

Carolyn, your house must feel great. Not to mention you, mentally.
How interesting about your pool!
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Good morning!!! Up and on the treadmill!!!

Last night I did css with my knee compression sleeve....I rocked it....then after I iced my knee!

Betty....any improvements are awesome....we all have our happy yours is getting better!!! Enjoy your thursday!

Carolyn....hehehe....all that cleaning for least your house is spotless....maybe you can relax today!

Last night it stormed like crazy right at 5.... when I was driving..... of course....

tonights workout is tbr upper!

I made some salsa tuesday night and let sit in fridge for a day so all spices could flavor it and last night I made some baked was I was at mexican restaurant. ... yum! Except much healthier! !!!

Okay....must speed up this cardio session....bbl!!! Have a nice thursday!
Good morning! The humidity is mostly gone! Just went outside and realized it!
Poking around while my oatmeal cooks. Lots of food stores and errands this morning. Then piano lessons this afternoon.
I need to preorder by Monday!

Carolyn, I hope your pain has lessened. I had parts of a Klondike bar last night.

Your knee too, Missy! Do you put avocado in your salsa? Love avocado!!!
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Good evening my friends.....

Carolyn....css is so awesome....I just love it!!!! I like shorter intense workouts....sometimes I don't have an hour or its perfect....and funny enough I always feel it the next day!!!! avocado. ... this was true mexican restaurant salsa.... hot and spicey....yummy!!!!

Off to back!!!!
It was a gorgeous afternoon! Should walk this evening! Finally had a few hours to myself so I watched Last Tango. Jean, the old couple is so dull! Their conversations are less than interesting! Sorry.:eek: I finished 3 episodes.
Dh is out for dinner. I still haven't figured out ours. I should have started some laundry! Better go now....
Oh, I had a whole Haagen Dazs bar today:eek:. No exercise either! Yikes!
Jean, I drank in all that scenery though! Yorkshire in North Central England, I think it is. So charming. Such an interesting dialect.
Good morning! Sunny and dry, that's all I care about! Ds and I did walk last evening.
I have to return Tango dvds today!:confused: I have 2.5 more episodes to go!
I did Tabatacise this morning. Lots of jumping around! But I need the cardio. The leg workouts I do are not strong in that, which I don't mind.:eek:
Have a great day! Bbl.
:pHAPPY FRIDAY!!!! :eek:

I walked this morning on the treadmill.... my knee hurts so bad.... I just made a chiro apt for 1:30 today.... hopefully he can help me! :confused:

Carolyn....enjoy pool/family time!

Betty....Awesome workout this morning.... I cant do my Cathe workouts in the morning....cause Im too sleepy to do them.... that's why my treadmill and I are friends...I wake up walking...and then normally slowly work my way into a run.....I literally put my feet on the floor, go pee, get dressed and grab a bottle of water...within 3-4 minutes of my feet hitting the floor I am on the treadmill!!!!

Jean....enjoy I watch some older PBS sitcoms.... Tim and I like the brit coms... they are dry, but comical! Right now.... we have this station on regular tv...that plays oldies but goodies... I watch Welcome Back Kotter every night before bed... I just love that show!!! I also watch petticoat junction every morning while on treadmill. Its the perfect wake up show! I just finished all of Rhoda... Just loved that show.... after they played those seasons...they replaced it with Welcome Back Kotter.... last night I caught an episode of Happy Days!!! I should have been born back then...cause I just love the old lifestyle!!!! The shows back then were so family oriented.... TV today is horrible!

BTW....Marie...just watched all of season 2 of Orange is the New Black...OMG.... cant wait for season 3!!!!

Okay...I will report back after chiro apt!!!!


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