STS first time!


Too hot today to walk at lunch, plus the fire alarm went off and we had to walk down 10 flights of stairs to go outside. This morning I did XT bis and tris.

The graduation party turned out great, it was a beautiful day. We ended up hiring a 'hostess' who heated and served all the food and cleaned up things as they came in. DH did a bit of grilling but otherwise we were free to mingle with guests. DD's friends came and stayed most of the afternoon and evening, so she had a nice time. We have a small family and invited a few of the other parents so it was nice to see everyone before kids go off to college. I was exhausted after it was over though!

Carolyn I'm glad at least that you went to the ortho. Can you ice that area at all? I'm not even sure that would help. Swimming sounds like a fabulous idea while you heal.

I have been doing L&G alot lately, no dread factor. It has a bit of a cardio feel to it. She does do lunges and squats but not heavy weights (no barbell) and not too many. She does a great variety of exercises in this one between standing and floor work, but again there is no dread factor at all and Cathe seems in a really good mood.

Now we are busy getting ready for vacation, leaving Fri for 2 weeks at the cape. Can't wait!
Hiya. Worked till 2. I feel mostly caught up. Fleeting, I know.
It is hazy, hot, and humid.:confused:

Mary, the celebration sounded great. What a fab way to wrap up dd's senior year! You guys were smart to hire a helper!
I'm going to put L&G in my rotation. Friday, even. I'll just push off the planned XT Legs till Monday;).

PT soon. She'll prob notice I slacked off many days!:rolleyes:
Good evening....just finished css.... and I'm exhausted! I have to say....never....never....never..... take an entire week with no exercises. ... omg.... its tough getting back in the swing of things....tough i say!!!! I feel like my energy level is lower....hahaha!!! But...I'm not gonna let it win.... tomoorrow is lic.... oh boy....its a tough one I think....hehehehehe.....who am I kidding...all cathe workouts are tough!!!!

I sure wish yall lived close to me.... I have lots of veggies..... just picked 6 tomatos....and I have bunches in house and gave away 6 today..... and I don't like giving my veggies away....but I have too many! Lol.... I would not mind giving veggies to my fit friends though!!!!! to do more chores!!!!

Betty....I'm jealous. ...I wish I got off at 2!!!
Mary....I completwly was 97º today.....aweful....just aweful!!! Weather is predicted to be in high 90s all week and weekend.... :(
Good morning! Grossly airless and humid. It's supposed to start drying out this afternoon with Northern dry breezes. I can't wait. We got some showers overnight. Not long enough.
I did the seated version of qigong. It's super. It rubs your face, neck, and scalp too. My eyes have been so tired and my scalp so itchy. Maybe the improved circulation would help my white hairs.:mad:

Jean, loved your detailed report. Your poor dog. How old is he? Honestly, so many people I know have pets with meds, surgery, disease! Are they just breeding them wantonly so that they are not the healthiest?

bbl for more comments. I need to finish getting ready and go to TJM/M to shop for shorts for ds. This afternoon I'm taking him to his first piano lesson in a year. We both have one, then we'll hit the nearby food stores. He will not be happy!
Good Afternoon....sitting at my desk...with so much to do...but no energy to do it... I just want to close my eyes and take a nap! :confused:

Jean... Awe....take care of your baby.... Tim and I took Summer (dog) for a walk Sunday....and within hours she was limping....she just cant go far.... we only went .25 miles.... but due to her arthritis....she is a couch baby! She is much better after days of rest.... Tim always jokes around...saying...she is your child...with injuries and my (Tim) child....cause we don't exercise....hehehehe On better subjects...hope you enjoyed the beach or pool....I would love to live somewhere with so much to do.... not much to do in the woods...LOL

Carolyn.... I so understand.... Its all I can do to make it though a Cathe workout.... my cardio endurance went threw the floor after 1.5 weeks of nothing... it crazy how fast you lose it! Gotta build it back up though.... its a work in progress.... Did do laps in the pool... that is awesome doc I work for is a massive swimmer...people say he is a lightening bolt in the pool.... just insane!!!!:p

Betty.... I hope it cools off a bit for you.... it was 97 here and steamy....absolutely crazy heat!

Okay.... I better do something....just sitting here....watching clock...and nothing is getting done!!!! Sure hope I have a burst of energy or my Cathe workout is in trouble!


Oh....anyone watching Big Brother????? :eek:
Hi girls, the cool air is blowing through! It feels fab!
I struck gold at TJM. Manuka foam roller, shorts for ds, some facial products I would have bought at Whole Foods, etc.
PT was good. Last week I had to actually cut it short at over the 1-hour mark because I had to leave for the harbor cruise. This week's naturally didn't last an hour! She measured me a couple of weeks ago and I had improved. Yesterday she used straps to pull me as I was sitting up. Most of the time I'm stretched as I'm lying on a bed/cot.
I might add that the shoulder limitations make it hard to do qigong properly!

Missy, I get so drowsy every single afternoon!:eek:
I hope it cools off for you!:confused:
I don't like Julie Chen at all and Big Brother seems like trash TV!:D

Carolyn, had the wind tunnels going yesterday and earlier. So damned loud.
Congrats to dd! Six months is a long time for her to keep it up!:cool:

Jean, the vet actually calculates the dog's age as 60?? Hey, he's the same age as you! Like owner, like dog. Does he look like either one of you? You know how they say that dogs look like their owners?:D
You do indeed have the neatest things going on! I bet that race was fun to watch.
What a lovely evening! We did a family walk.
Ds and I actually had a nice time together this afternoon. Ever notice kids are more talkative when captive in the car?

Carolyn, I'm so happy the Advil is working!

Jean, your life is enviable!
And might I add that's how I'd describe my dh sometimes!:p:mad:
Good gorgeous morning! TGIF, working ladies!
I did L&G. It's an oldie but goodie from the Body Blast series maybe. It's on the same disc as KPC but I rarely did it. But it's got the same moves as some of her current workouts.
Have a great day!
Happy Happy Friday!

Betty I did L&G this morning too, except I skipped the deadlifts, still can't do those. Isn't Cathe cheerful in that one?

Jean I agree with everyone else, it seems like you have a wonderful lifestyle where you are now. I hope for something like that when I retire.

Counting the hours til the end of the day, then we drive to Cape Code tonight after dinner. My brother is picking up my oldest sis from the airport and she will be here for 2 weeks as well. Small crowd this year but I can't wait. Plan to do lots of walking.
Well shoot I might as well get L&G right haha ;) I am craving a new workout!

Working the mom baby unit today. It's slow! I have 2 couplets. One is a first time mom and the other is baby#6...that's a lot of babies ;)

Hmmm I haven't worked out in forever except for walking. Honestly it's been like a week and I feel so gross I can't stand it. No excuses except I was lazy the past 2 days and wanted to just hang with my boys. The couple days before that I was at dh's dad's cabin and so no Cathe then. And before that I worked. Now working again today, tomorrow and Sun. I did take 2- 30m walks.

Oops got to run...getting an admit.
Mary, enjoy the Cape! The weather is supposed fabulous this weekend!
I know what you mean about Cathe being cheerful. She's so peppy in SJP!

Jean, that's a great rotation. Love it! I'm doing legs, legs, and more legs.;):p

Marie, the workout is diff enough from current ones. Ankle wts, high step, which I like.

Worked till 3. I'm french fried!
Good morning....why does the weekend go so fast???? Its sunday already.... but...the good news is...this is a 4 day workweek....whoooohoooo!!!!

Up and on my treadmill.... uesterday I did tons of chores.... today I will finish them....and then rest! Till the evening...cause I'm total body trisets!!! My absolute fav workout!!!!

Carolyn...I read that post too....about heavy bag workout....interesting!!!!

Hope everyone has a lovely sunday! Be back in a bit!
Gorgeous weekend in this neck of the woods! Glorious! This week will be hellish weather-wise, the stuff I loathe.
Yay for a short workweek! My eyeballs could use it.

Mary, we ended up in Chatham yesterday, riding our bikes. When we walked through downtown I looked for you!:D How far are you from downtown? It's such a pretty town! We watched the sea lions on the pier. And found a gem of a seafood place, Chatham Fish & Chips. It just opened on Wednesday! We happened to notice the kitchen had gleaming appliances. We've eaten our share of fried seafood at the Cape from lots of shacks. This one topped our favorite place in Falmouth, Seafood Sam's.

Carolyn, see how the search for a place goes. You might find the perfect one. What's a camp like? A cottage? Nearby or a long drive away? Your kids are a great age to enjoy it. I understand all your concerns though. Someone has to be the voice of reason.
I'm glad you're happy with getting some Cathe in. Don't worry if you don't though. Your healing is important.
I can't do the lying to sit up with the arms in abs workouts. My shoulders. My abs are suffering. I notice my muffin top handles are getting wider; been eating way too much sushi rice.

Jean, my immediate reaction to my mom is irritation:(. She just doesn't get me, nor I her. But she means well. It's a generational, cultural clash. Plus she has zero interest in anything, which is sad since she has a lot of free time. Her mind is closed to eating healthy foods but she's always complaining about her age-related discomforts to me.

My knees feel shredded from Friday's L&G plus the bike-riding.:confused:
Good morning!!! On the treadmilll....I got a little to much sun I'm hot! I just want to take my clothes off and lay on the cool wood ...I'm just a tab bit pink...nothing nad...just warm!

Yesterday. was 99º... it was absolutely aweful....I lounged in the pool after we gave the horses baths....then came in a lounged in air... I did do my tbt worrkout...but it took a lot because it was so hot oitside...I didn't want to get sweaty!!!! But I did!

Jean....that pic is so cute!!! Love it!
Betty....sounds like you had a nice weekend.... short week this week....yipppeeee!!!!
Carolyn....I hope your back is feeling better today!!!! Have yo u been doing laps in pool????

Hello colleen, marie, and mary!!!!

I ordered me a helmet I can go ride with tim on his motorcycle.... :)

Have a nice monday....check back in a bit! always rains on the 4th of july here in the south...but I hope the weather man is wrong! They are most of the time down here! LOL

Jean....hjc is-cruiser helmet.... its really cool... cause the shield slides up into helmet if not needed.... Tim got this one too....he has had it for several weeks and loves it! So I got me one! He is excited....cause he wants me to ride with him on the back roads! :confused: :eek:

IS_Cruiser Solid

I got the matte black.... I like it better than glossy black!
Jean...that's cool.... I went with the half it is too hot in these climates to attempt a full face helmet... I would sweat to death! Do you ever ride with your husband?

Last night after doing the TBT lower body.... it made me remember just how much I love the high step..... Im gonna have to add the high step workout I love so much into my rotation!!! HEHEHEHE :eek:

Back to my paperwork.... End of Month crunch!!!! BBL!!!! :eek:
Hi friends!

Mary enjoy the Cape

Carolyn are you feeling any better?

Missy have you rode with Tim before?

Friday was 4 miles Saturday was ballet body Sunday was 4 miles and today was ballet body. I'm back to ballet body and loving it. DH agreed to a wall mounted ballet bar and mirrors. I so excited.

We are off this week! So excited. Yesterday we went to a baseball game and today we are hanging out at a local pool. Funny stuff.

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