STS first time!

Carolyn, my neighbor is a LICSW who's slowly getting her hours of experience in. She's working 20 hrs a week, M-Th. She feels the same way but knows it's the direction she wants to take.
Good cloudy humid morning! It is supposed to pour today. Can't wait!
I did a KPC premix. My head is still feeling heavy.
PT this aft.

Carolyn, that's a licensed social worker.
Great hair/bread story!

Bbl. Have nice day. knee is soso.... but after really walking hard this hip is extremely sore and it wraps into my knee....has to be the it band....:mad:

Betty...OMG....your awesome doing your workout so early!!! I have to do cathe in the evenings! :eek:

Im sleepy!!!!

Jean... what type of mattress topper did you get??? I am gonna look around and see what I can find....
Good Afternoon.... been busy this morning!

Jean...thanks... I am going to look in Tally tonight and see what they have to offer for mattress topper and compare online....we shall see. I give your hubby an A+++ for doing Cathe....fingers crossed he commits to it!

Carolyn...My knee is kinda sore but not bad....but my hip is killing me too. When I stand from sitting...I look like an old person....until I get moving.... :confused:

Why Runners Can't Afford to Skip Core Workouts | ACTIVE

Read this article.... about running
Hiya. PT is getting shorter and shorter. Waaaah.
We had some occasional downpours today.
Honestly, I can't remember what posts I just read to reply! So annoying that the previous posts aren't there!
Carolyn, I went back and looked at my morning post and it said 7:25. I was in the middle of my workout then. It really means 8:25. I lied. The time just changed to 8:25!
Enjoy your girls' night out.

Jean/Missy, a 3" mattress topper is the best! So comfy.

Jean, woohoo to Frank! I'm so proud of him! I'll give him all the credit in the world! Let's hope he sticks with it!
I liked maddiesmum's comments. With respect to Cathe offering something entirely different to challenge our other muscles, I never thought of it that way, but she's absolutely right. (I was just obliviously happy there were few 'hardcore' leg exercises, which I dread.) Loved this perspective.
Better go practice.
Good morning! Got a little more sleep. Yay! But I still opened my eyes at the usual workday time:confused:--dang internal clock.
It is slowly clearing up. Supposed to be far less humidity.
If I work out, I will have 1+ fewer hour to do my stuff around the house. What to do! I can't seem to finish filing and folding laundry. Ds has piano later.

Carolyn, don't be hard on yourself if you're not motivated to exercise. You're in some major pain. I don't even know how you can even think of it. And secondly, kids' summer vacation throws a wrench into it. Thirdly, it's too dang hot! Address the first issue, then worry about exercise. Keep us posted.

Better get moving.
Carolyn/Missy, Travis' CrossTrain (or whatever it's called) is more rigorous than a simple stretch one. The Foundations one goes into all the moves he uses in UY.
I decided to do Foundations 1, starting now.:D
Carolyn, I'm SO sorry for the pain you're experiencing. Are you able to tell dh? You've got to get it looked at pronto! It can't be good that it hurts constantly.
Just enjoy doing summer things with your kids; no guilt at all.:p I stopped eating ice cream this week after the other day because I'm saving up for all the frosted mochas I'll have in CA.
Gosh, 6 am is such an ungodly hour!:confused: But I get up just a half hour later.:confused:
How was your night out?

Jean, did dh have doms? High five for him continuing on. We'll just take it one day at a time.
Don't sweat getting a workout in. You're rocking it, between STS and UY. You guys are role models!
So, Frank isn't that much older than me. He's retired already, which is such an awesome feat. Dh wants that badly!

Missy, how are you feeling today?

After all this time, I wasn't any more improved to tackle Foundations, shoulder-/arm-wise.:confused::mad: I should have stuck with my initial plan to do PRS#1. Trying to save some time didn't work.
I can't stand it. My eyes popped open at 6!:p
Carolyn, how fabulous about your cabinet!:D. Just that little thing could be so uplifting for months!
I did L&G. Oldie but goodie.
I forgot to say that KPC had an ab component and I had doms!:D. My poor underworked abs.

Mary, are you good? Hamstring? Dd?

TGIF, working gals!
Have a great day!
Happy Friday!
This week has been unbelievably busy, and I am exhausted when I get home from work. I am hoping things will settle down a bit at work but can't see that happening in the near term.

I tried to skim through past posts but there were too many. Betty I did see that you were in Chatham at some point, we could have passed each other on the street! Brother's house is on Main between town and beach. We have already made plans to go back next weekend (we have to plan ahead so dd can get time off from work).

I agree on the KPC abs, that's a good one!

I did not stretch my hamstring while I was on vacation and now I am paying for it. It is so tight, and it wraps up around my hip. I am trying to get back to my pt exercises but it has been tough. There is so much less structure at home during the summer, which is good, but I'd rather talk to my girls in the evening than do my exercises. Oldest dd has a boyfriend now and is hardly home, so I am spending more time with twins which is nice.

Youngest dd is doing well, although monitoring her levels is a constant activity.

Carolyn, please call someone today about your pain. I learned the hard way it is not going to get better on its own. And I would gladly send you my copy of High Reps, I really don't care for that type of training.

Jean, you and your dh seem very young to be retired. I am happy for you that you found such a nice community. And kudos to dh for starting Cathe!
Super, Carolyn! Hope you get a plan of action and some understanding! Keep us posted!

Mary, how did you feel when dd came home with a boyfriend? I think of that with mixed feelings.
Yes, we could have walked by each other on Chatham streets. I looked for twin girls first:D!
Just work back up to your hamstring stretches. Don't feel bad; life gets in the way! Take my shoulder exercises; if we go out in evening, it's hard to get them done (my own fault since I procrastinate till evening). I am dismayed this morning when I still can't reach any higher to put away my showerhead or clothes hook.:(
Carolyn, that's good news about seeing your PT guy! I am interested to hear what he does for/with you, since I have had issues with the same area.

Betty, it was funny about dd and boyfriend. She has talked about him for a while and said he was one of her best friends, but I think he was interested in one of her friends. I guess that didn't work out because he showed up while we were on vacation and stayed a few days! We talked to his parents so it was ok, but we were all wondering what was going on. I do miss her though, she is never home!
I got tons of filing done. What a great feeling!!!!:)

Jean, I just finished ..Tango...Halifax. What a different storyline! I liked it! What was very moving was seeing how kind and sensitive Caroline's two boys were. So refreshing and inspiring to see! Did you ever watch The Paradise? I think you did. Caroline played a big role in that. She impresses me as an actress, with these two miniseries.What a range for her to play. Her lady friend Kate was in the miniseries Silk, which I also loved.

Mary, how interesting about dd and boyfriend. Thus it begins. How exciting for her to be in love!:cool:

Carolyn, phew, what a huge relief! For all of us!:D So thrilled to have an action plan in place!:eek:

Marie, Colleen, how are you?
Oh, and Jean, if I had a nickel for every time they said "I'll put t'kettle on"!:D

Good night, friends! Sleep well!
Carolyn, your injury sounds so much like mine. I did have a bit of a reveal when the 1st PT did ultrasound on that area, but the ultrasound did not end up helping. Maybe yours will do something different?

Funny, dd was up at the crack of dawn, got picked up by boyfriend to go hiking in NH. If I asked her to go hiking it would never happen. He seems like a nice kid anyways. He is going to school in Vermont so this probably won't be long term, which is fine with me.

I wanted a different workout this morning so I did Slow&Heavy chest and back. That really took a lot out of me! I did go a little heavier than Cathe on some of the exercises, and I was trembling a few times.

We are off for blueberry picking before it gets too hot. Have a great day!
Hi y'all. A friend's BBQ later. Ds is at his friend's for the day. It's overcast and not too hot. But there is humidity in the air, for sure.:p

Jean, just the filing of mail and bills. I should just do them as they come in but no, I procrastinate, so they pile up.
How amazing that dh is enjoying Cathe.;)

Mary, so true about kids liking something they might have not enjoyed doing with their family. It's so much better with a friend.;)
How great you did S&H.
Blueberry picking sounds so fun!

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