STS first time!

Mary, poor dd! Is she taking it in stride? Why avoid those activities for a concussion? Interesting.
Is oldest dd in love and seeing hearts and stars?

Carolyn, what's the scoop from your PT? Do tell all. (This the usual hour I'm at PT. I wonder if she misses me.:p)

We hit the mall briefly then came home for some down time, so I sewed some shorts more narrowly. Sewing=stress for me. But I wanted more fitted legs on a couple of longer shorts.
Hi ladies!

Mary I am so sorry to hear about dd poor thing. How's the new position going at work? I was just handed more responsibility as well. So needs less to say work is crazy busy. Plus we are in budget season. Planning for 2015.

Carolyn so glad you got to see your favorite PT. Sounds like the appointment went well.

Betty ca sounds great. Enjoy your vacation. I was thinking about you today as I had to go to the doctor for a UTI. Just came out of the blue.

Jean good for Dh. I bet you are proud of him for changing his eating habits.

Missy. Sounds like you've been busy. Get some rest.

I've been keep up with ballet body and walking.

Ok. Off to bed.
Oh, Colleen, how awful! I hope it feels better soon! I feel for you. (I keep a bottle of cranberry supplement nearby, just in case.)

Carolyn, sorry you weren't able to get an appt. Did you put yourself in the cancellations list? I'm happy you have a plan in place.

Four of us walked this lovely evening. We had dinner from various food trucks at an event. One truck sold creme brulees.:p

Can't remember what else you guys posted--whatever was done to eliminate the history is so annoying.
Jean, the t-storms sound refreshing. I think it was hot and humid in Boston. it is hot here today, in low 90s! Heading to Napa now. It is inland and will be hot this weekend!:confused:

Carolyn, if it was meant to be, it'll sort itself out! Fingers crossed for you guys!
Good morning!!! Up and on the treadmill!!!

Carolyn...have fun...hopefully everything will fall into place and yall will either pass on the camping or love it!!! Enjoy the trip!!!

Betty....have fun....the weather here is gonna be hot and humid this weekend....yuck!

Today....I have to work front desk for about an hour... yucky!!! Hehehehe....I'm thinking aboit leaving work early today....but haven't decided yet! I have so much to do....and I'm busy all evening tonight and all day tomorrow helping tim with his would be nice to get a head start on a few chores....I may leave at lunch????? If everything is going smoothly!

Jean...hopefully the rain cooled it off a bit!!! Or that's what we wish for when it was the ice cream????

Mary...hope your daighter is feeling better....bless her heart!

Hello Marie!!!!

Be back soon....happy friday!!!!
Hi everyone, the Napa wedding was intimate and beautiful! BUT! Scorching hot, 100 degrees, barely any shade! We just stand there and we drip sweat! We are now back in our air-conditioned room. Have no energy to go out. We'll just surf and watch tv for a bit. Then I must do my arm exercises. I skipped last night:confused:.
Good morning!!! Up and on treadmill....I did take yesterday afternoon off and did all my today I will help tim construct his shed....and hopefully tomorrow I can relax....fingers crossed!!!

Betty... the heat is insane....that's how it is here in ga....but it never cools down at night....this year I'm really looking forward to fall.....fall is always my favorite time of year... I love the fall colors....leaves changing colors and the brisk air....wish it would be fall year round!!!

So....I've been doing pretty good this week....with diet and exercise....I feel like I'm getting back to my old self prior to injuries....I'm still strugling with the pinched nerve....but its not holding me back too much!!! Were planning on going to the Canyon here in ga like we did a few years back. ....second saturday in should be beautiful!!!! So I'm trying to lean down for that....always such a nice place for photos!

Okay....better get a wiggle on as carolyn would say....hehehehe....have a nice saturday!!! Bbl!!!!
Hey y'all. Another warm day dawning but closer to 94 degrees. Ds1 and dh will do a bike winery tour so I worry about them burning or passing out from the heat.

Missy, great job maintaining consistency with your workouts. Mind the pinched nerve for sure.
How will you be able to work outdoors in this heat?? You're amazing.

Carolyn probably has no internet in the woods:p!

Leaving Napa tonight. There's not much to see or do here, as far as I'm concerned. I don't enjoy wine.:p. Will never forget this experience though.

Have a great Saturday!
No kidding! Is this the same issue you went to him for before? Or that was your knee?
Does he mean he doesn't want you to extend your legs?
Good morning....I'm cardio this morning....gotta go to publix and get nack tim and I can finish his shed....we worked on it non stop from 10 am till 9:00 pm yesterday....with exception of stopping for lunch and dinner... it was absolutely insane hot....I had my bikini on all afternoon....I was sweating like a beast! We only have the trip and doors left to do....hopefully by noon we can be done.....fingers crossed!!!

Carolyn....that is disappointing. ...I know when drs have students follow them they are different for sure...did they give you the option to let her sit in.... cause we always do....some patients do not like it!!! Do not do any exercise ti u talk with him not want to set yourself back... how was the campsite????

Jean.....enjoy the beach...I've been so busy.... we haven't even went to any beaches yet this year!!!! Maybe soon .... safely!!!

Gotta back soon!!!!
Carolyn....the students are normally there learning....we let 1 student come a year from the college...and they actually have to discuss treatment with doctor. they can learn how to diagnois and treat outside of a text book.... I would opt out....if I was you....because you are more a sports injury....not a medical patient....just my opinion... As for the camp....I understand...I wouldn't want something ypu could only use in summer....cause technically you have a pool for that!!!

Just got back from grocery store... bbl!!!! Lots to do!!!!
Missy, I'll give you credit for working in the heat on the shed. I couldn't do it.

Carolyn, let dh have his cabin. I know it doesn't make sense but if it makes him happy....
How fun, a storm!

I'm back to my sis' town but I am still hot. Must be hot flashes:p. Or just plain ole summer.
The 8 of us went out for bkfast, then the farmers mkt. Now we're in for a bit before heading out for dinner. Oink.
Bbl. I have laundry to finish, vacuuming, practice....
Good morning....monday already???? Why oh why???? I need a vacation!!! Lol

Betty....all I can I'm so ready for some cool fall air!!! I'm done with this heat!!! Err!!! I sweated enough for all of us for a month!!! Discusting!!!

Caro lyn.... I hope y ou are feeling better.... I geel like I'm falling apart too... I think I had another cyst rupture..... felt just like last time....severe ovarian cramps and slight bleeding post intercourse. ... but there's nothing they do....and I'm not taking bc....I feel so much better mentally when I don't take it! Oh well....pushing forward....I will say my back is sore this morning!!!! Oh....when do u go back to therapy????

I'm exhausted....

Hope everyone has a nice day!!!!
Carolyn, how's that pain today? It's not a heart attack or anything like that, is it?:eek:
Any news on the cabin? Can it be easily fitted with a heating system? Or a wood-burning stove? Just think of the coziness. And it's by a lake? How beautiful that must be!

Missy, why don't you just work 4 days permanently? I bet your docs would accommodate you. You can do 4 10-hour days!
Sorry about your pain too. Why does it keep happening!?

Colleen, Marie, Mary, Jean, how are you?
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Jean, the winery bike tour took them to 2 wineries. Samplings are $20-30 additional. They bought some wine.:p
Good Afternoon....oh the almost 100.... with heat index of 108.... its absolutely awful!!!!

Carolyn.... the shed is complete...its a barn style enclosed shed. It matches our house perfectly!!!! Tim is happy his motorcycle is safe from weather and my outside cats!!!! hehehe

Betty...I would love to work 4 days, but my docs want me here when patients are....since I help with more than just managing office and insurance.... I am a serious multi tasker!!!!

Has anyone seen this? PiYo Workout is Coming! -

Ive never done any beachbody workouts.....but this one caught my I am so NOT flexible!!! And I have such a hard time doing an entire yoga dvd...I get board holding poses!!!!

Oh, Carolyn, I can't believe your pain. It must be excruciating. Are you on the cancellations list for your PT guy? People cancel all the time.
Missy, the PiYo looks interesting! I'm a sucker for the promises of workouts!:p
I own one BB set and am not that thrilled with it. (Nobody is as professional and thorough as our Cathe.:cool:). Hopefully, they've improved with experience!:rolleyes:

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