STS first time!

Good morning! This morning I did CSS with the added step section, worked up quite a sweat.

Yesterday we went to a send-off party for one of DD's closest friends, she leaves Tues. for a school in the south. DD has had most of the same friends since kindergarten so it is kind of sad to see her go, and it is just the start. DD and I have plans today to go shopping for college stuff, bedding, towels and all that.

Betty, welcome back!

Carolyn, enjoy vacation, it is always good to get away from one's routine and spend time just with family.
Hiho. Relaxing day. Ds went to a friend's for many hrs. Dh mowed. I did PRS #1.

Mary, that's a fun thing to do with dd! I imagine you must be treasuring the time you're spending together. Don't worry--you'll somehow survive her leaving for college.
I just read an article on how kids nowadays shop for roommates.

Carolyn, what fun your vacation sounds. Particularly for dh, having time off.
Good planning on the meatballs!
Sorry about the pain. Hang in there!
Good morning! Heading off to work soon. Bills after work. KPC premix earlier. Have a great day, all!
Hey fit friends!

Sorry it's been so long but since we got back from camping I've been working like crazy. I worked 16 hours on Sat and then stayed overnight at the hospital because I had to punch back in in less than 8 hours for a day shift. I love my job but lets just say I'm excited for fall so I can go back to being home M-F with my little dude. We are signing him up for ECFE classes again and swimming. Excited mama!

Camping was great! We did lots of hiking. B did great in the Ergo carrier but his favorite thing to do was throw rocks in the lake. It was fun to get away and just focus on the three of us.

I did Low Impact Challenge today. Love that one but it's not as fun as PRS.

I had a whole long post written this morning but then it disappeared somehow and now I can't remember what else I had written.

Hi to everyone. I have lots to catch up on.
Hiya. Work wasn't as bad as I dreaded, but I still worked till 2:15. Nothing much else to report.

Marie, where are you?? Oh, there you are!

Colleen, how was the UTI?
Work wasn't bad at all. Not all piled up. I started afresh today.
Interesting that your family fishes at night. How much can you see?
Do you have stores nearby to buy food or a book?
Veddy creative, your exercise!
How funny about Ellie.
Betty - Glad work was good!

Carolyn - That place sounds lovely. Your workout was refreshing... Love those types :) Love American Ninja Warriors!

X10 Low Impact today. Short and sweet! There a mistake in it. Touchdown lunges. Jai starts and then transfers to Amanda and then Marlo. My mom caught it. She loves that whole disc.
Hiya. This week my local sis is still on vaca so I thought we could get together today. Then I realized it's my mom's bday, so we took her out for Thai lunch, then shopping with us. After, mom wanted a pizza from down the block so we did. I have eaten out twice in one day again. With no exercise.:p
My house is a mess because we haven't really put away our piles after the trip.
It is grotesquely muggy out without one lick of a breeze right now. Tried to water my plants but ran home because I was wilting.:confused:
Marie, I'll go put on X10 LI to check it out.:D
Marie, I watched all of X10 LI and it was flawless, as far as I could tell! Where is it?
Carolyn, viewing B&G's Leg Blast premix right now. What's with it not containing a warmup??:confused: Decided I'm not going to do B&G in am.
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Carolyn- Oh I would so love to mess around on that course. I love stuff like that. What about that salmon ladder?!!! Insane! Sounds like a cool restaurant.

Betty- It's where you should be doing a lunge then kick. Jai, Amanda and Marlo do that but they put their hand down to the ground. It's funny because Jai starts it and then Amanda must see her doing it and starts it. Jai goes to the correct form and then Marlo messes up and Amanda goes to the correct form. Chain reaction. I'm a dork, I love stuff like that.

Mexican for dinner. SO good but so stuffed.
Good morning! Just keep thinking I don't know how I'll be able to get up at 6:30 when it is dark and cold out this fall and winter:p!
I did XT Legs standing with barre. Must keep going with legs and glutes! Takes ages to be perfect!

Jean, I got notification that Last Tango season 2 is in! Yikes! This on top of 6 other dvds that are in.:confused: Why do they always come in at once like that?! Murphy's Law is wicked. I don't have enough hours to watch all that!

I would never be able to do something like Ninja Warriors! Too much of a wimp.:eek:. I loathe stuff like that too.

Carolyn, no guilt about no exercise. It's your vacation, after all! Soak up the fun!:)
I wish we'd get some soaking rain here.

Marie, I enjoy catching glitches like that too.:)
My beautiful dds turn 15 today, I cannot believe it! I baked the cake last night but I was too tired to frost it, so I made the frosting this morning and frosted it. Will have to decorate it when I get home tonight. They want to go into Boston for dinner so I hope the weather cooperates.

I did TB this morning. I need to do that one more often, it works muscles in a different way.

Carolyn, no guilt about exercise, you are injured and you are on vacation. Sounds like a wonderful time with your family.

Marie, it sounds like you had a great vacation too. Its great to start building those family memories.

Jeanne, I am sorry about your sil, how very sad that she went so quickly (although maybe it was better for her?). I hope your Mom is doing ok. So she keeps in touch with your daughter?

I think I saw one episode of Last Tango, I turned on pbs and it was on. There seemed to be so much drama I was hooked for the episode, but I couldn't really figure out all that was going on. There was a big reveal at the end of the epi, where the 2 ladies were getting drunk.

Betty, welcome back! I was thinking about getting up in the winter as well, I get up at 5:15 and I noticed it is much darker in the morning these days. I don't like it!
Jean, I'm so sorry about your sil! May she rest in peace.
I'm sorry about your daughter's impending divorce too. Was the husband the problem?
I didn't know that Tango aired on PBS already!

Mary, congrats on your twins' bdays! Don't you feel wistful and all sorts of things?
How is the new workload?
Funny you mention TB! Just this am I was thinking I should do it again.

My computer keyboard was acting up at work. It is only 2 months old! The w and 1 keys were not working.:mad:
Bbl. PT.
Hello.....I've been super busy lately....between not feeling well and work.....errr!!!!

I'm sitting at vw dealership. ... getting my tires rotated and balanced.... took afternoon off....cause dealerahip is 1 hr from 2 hr round trip.....and service dept is only open m-f..... but they are so noce....I'm really glad I bought my car!!!! I just love it!!!!!

Tonight I'm planning on starting a new rotation....but haven't decided which one yet..... its between lis, lis and xtrain, or xtrain..... hmmm....

I went to hobby lobby and academy sports on the way to dealership. ...hehehe

Bought a pair of capri compression pants and a pair of shorts.....

Funny thing is....I have enought workout clothes for all of us....and not many everyday clothes....hahaha....I just feel more comfy in workout clothes!!!!! sorry about sil and daughter!!!!

Betty....since keyboard is broke....does that mean you can't

Carolyn.....have fun....

Its hot.... 101º.... omg!!!!!

Be back....
PRS1 for me today. Thought of you Betty as I was on combo 5 :) I did core 1 too.

Been lazy around here today. Besides working out and then playing we haven't done much. DS is napping and DH went to school to get some last minutes odds and ends taken care of. That leaves me with a quiet house. Very peaceful!

Jean- I'm so sorry to hear about your SIL, may she rest in peace, and your daughter's divorce. That is really hard. Is your mother taking Coumadin? That's a long time for a nose to bleed. Whenever I take out an IV I check to see if the patient is on Coumadin because those patient tend to bleed for what seems like forever.

Missy- Hi! 101 dang! That's hot baby lol ;) Speaking of rotations I've been contemplating doing UY. Am I nuts?! I know it would be a huge challenge to stick to yoga for 108 days but I'm sure I'd feel awesome at the end. Jean you should join me ;)

Betty- XTrain Legs....DOMS will be calling your name tomorrow :)

Mary- HBD to your lovely girls :) Have a wonderful time celebrating.

Carolyn- Enjoy every minute of your vacation. Screw working out. There will always be time for that later.

Hmm not much else. Storytime is on the schedule for Fri and then the park. Tomorrow my dad is coming for a visit. Just enjoying our last days before DH heads back to school M-F and I work S and S. I just ate an energy ball. I need some veggies. Off to make a salad.
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Enjoy your book Carolyn!

Jean I keep meaning to ask you if you ever do the meditation with ultimate yoga? I've probably asked before but I'm so forgetful sometimes. Is there a DVD that comes with the set you follow along with?

Ds is taking a bath right now. Got to get him out in a couple minutes.
Marie, you ARE watching B in the tub right? Sounds like you're in another room!:D. Totally yanking your chain!
You sound like a homebody like me. Love spending time alone with self or immediate family.

We walked for a half hour in the evening. Which could only have happened if the humidity reduced. Thank you, Mother Nature!

Jean, watched Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit.
I hope you and mom are enjoying your together time.

Carolyn, your vacation sounds so fun! You guys do the neatest things!

Missy, I had to work around the faulty keys! I swear there's some electrical or magnetic interference with my electronics at work.:confused: My phone, headset, computer all have been problematic!
Oh, at PT, I can visually see improvements in upward reach when she stretched both arms (at home it seems like the same ole limitations).

Mary, how did dds like the cake? I'm sure it was delicious since it was infused with love;).

Missy, how nice for the afternoon off.

Does anyone else find this not being able to see previous posts when typing a response annoying??

Marie, weave UY in with some Cathe. Then you can't lose!;)
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Good morning....last nifht I brought bbq home from big city for dinner....tim was so excited! Then I did a few house chores amd the css.... gotta love that one....

Okay.....please help me decide on a rotation..... glad to hear pt is helping....exciting!!!! When I post I can't see past messages on my phone... its hard to remwmbwr everything....

Carolyn....enjoy your book. ... I love fishing.

Has anyone ever wore vibram five fingers??? I'm looking for some very light shoes to wear when I d o cathe dvds...
As I normally am barefoot....but doing some moves I need a bit of cushion...but not running shoes are there too bulky! Lol

I also ran accross the nike wraps for yoga....thwy might work....hmmm....

Mary....hope the bday cake was awesome!!!

Marie....I'm a home girl too.... love being at home with tim and my babies.... we don't venture our to much....cause I just love home!!!!!

Gotta pick up my pace....have a nice Thursday!

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