STS first time!

OMG, Carolyn, for you to be saying that, it means you are in a lot of pain. ((((Hugs)))). I feel for you. Hang in there somehow. You need to get a refill before you go away.
Good morning!!!

Betty....I'm a sucker too....but I'm not so sure about it.... I had 1 dvd of hers before and I sold it as I didn't like it....once again...its not cathe!!! So....hmmmm....

Carolyn....I really hope you feel beter....pain is no fun....I agree with betty get some more pain pills to get you through vacation! Did u find out what your pt meant about the exercise????
Hi ladies!

I did Legs&Glutes this morning, and went for a nice walk at lunch. What a gorgeous day here, clear and dry.

Carolyn I am so sorry to read about the pain you are having. It would be so difficult not to bend. Keep taking the Advil, at least that gives you some relief. I hope you can speak to PT before you go on vacation.

Colleen, with the extra responsibilities, do you end up working alot of extra hours? I feel like I don't have enough time as it is.

Betty I forgot you had a wedding in Napa, for some reason I thought you were picking up ds. Enjoy!

My niece in Seattle is due with her first baby next week, but the baby decided she is ready today. Sis flew up there this morning, hoping to make it in time. I am so excited thinking about a new family member (another girl). Wish we all lived closer!

Missy some others were talking about PiYo on another forum, you might take a look. I remember seeing it but had no idea what it was.

Jean you are funny!
Good has been a day here at the office....

I had a 16 yr old boy (250+ pds) pass out in hallway and hit the floor....BOOM!!! I had him lay still till the doc came.... we eventually got him up and feeling a bit okay....moved him into my office to sit in a chair till he was okay....he was talking to me, his color was just coming back....and he said...Mrs Missy I feel weird again and before I could get up he passed out I ran to get doc....yelled for a nurse in my the time I got doc he flipped the chair backwards and hit his head on bookcase.... took 3 of us to move him to floor to lay down flat.... I had to sit with him for 2 hours...monitoring b/p and forcing fluids.... Oh my.... Im tried.... and I am NOT a nurse....I am not really a people person...LOL....but I felt bad for him.... he will now be forever scared of needles! Poor thing....

Jean.... It was literally so hot.... I didn't care...I needed the least amount of clothes on....and yes Tim was enjoying it! LOL

The temp hit 101 yesterday.... I am ready for Fall.... I cant wait to go pumpkin shopping! Hehehehe

I ordered Barreamped DVD today.... Suzanne Bowen.... hmmm....wonder if I will like it????? Have I lost my mind???????:p

Carolyn....yeah for exercising....enjoy some fall air for me!!!!! ;) We still have several more months of heat!:mad:

Be back....gotta run.....
Mary....we were posting at same time..... hmmm.... now you got me second guessing...should I have bout Piyo instead????? OMG.....
Hi girls

Carolyn I am so sorry about your pain. You poor thing. Can you try another doctor or insist on the mri?

Missy. So scary about the boy. I hope he's ok. Suzanne bowen Is a lot like Leah sarago but not as intense. I've heard good things about piyo.

Mary, yes lot of extra hours. Work is bell to bell. Fortunately my company is good with work life balance so I'm able to work from home (when my schedule allows). I also don't have a set work schedule so it helps with flexibility. My schedule is dictated by my meeting schedule. I will also catch up on work after the kids go to bed.

Monday was ballet 2 and today I walked 3 miles and ran 1.25.
Missy, what a day at work! How traumatic for the patient and staff! Insane!

Carolyn, I was going to say what on earth were you doing working legs??? I hope tomorrow brings some relief. I can't believe what you've been going through.

Last evening, dh and ds2 went to Krispy Kreme and bought 20 mini-donuts. OMG, were they delish!:eek: SO good!:p
Tonight 5 of us walked 3+ mi roundtrip to a downtown bakery. Oink. I'm going to have to be rolled out of here! We are just eating our way through. Have not even been scoring anything at TJM/M!

Colleen and Mary, kudos and congrats to both for the additional responsibilities. I hope you both also got a raise.
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Carolyn, what can be done about the sacrotuberous ligament issue?

Mary, congrats on the new baby. How exciting. Hope you get to see her soon.
We don't scare that easy!:p Where on earth is the SL? Oh, never mind. I get the picture.
Glad you're in less pain!!!
Sis and I hit the outlets. And came away empty-handed!:eek: I have not bought a thing yet! Just the food type of baggage!:D
Dh, ds2, and I went to Muir Woods and hiked arduously for 3 hrs:p! We crossed the Golden Gate Bridge. What a sight. SF was chilly!
Bummer about that TJM event, Carolyn. You'll get other opportunities, I'm sure.
I am achy and tired. Off to bed.
Five of us went on a 2.5 mi/39 min walk in evening.
Ds2 has had 5 ramen meals, me 3. So good, but oink!
Going to a Pilates class with sis after a group breakfast.
Leaving on the red-eye Friday night. Boohoo.
Wassup, all?
Good morning....I'm up and on treadmill. ... yesterday I didnt go to work....was sick sick sick.... tummy troubles...lets just say I never want to feel like that again....

Its friday!!!! Yippppeeeee! !!!!

Tonight tim and I are going out to dinner with some friends!!! Should be fun!!! Going to mexican.....gonna try to be good.

Have a safe flight Betty!!! arw u??? Pain free I'm hoping!!!!

Hello Jean, Mary, Colleen and Marie....
Hi all, finished packing but for the stray last-minute items.
Went to Pilates this morning after breakfast. It wasn't too bad. I love those classes. I wasn't planning to go originally so I didn't pack the proper clothes; mine clung when I started sweating. People wear Lululemon to those studios. I don't have any.:p

Missy, sorry about your stomach troubles yesterday. I'm glad you are free of it. Being healthy helps you to recover faster.

Jean, I wish your sil the best of luck in the liver transplant wait.
Congrats on your mom's upcoming bday too. What a milestone!

Carolyn, I'm happy you got a soothing diagnosis from your chiro and your PT.
Have a fab trip at the lake!
What's the latest on the cabin?
You animal lovers! I wouldn't shed a tear for the turtle but I would feel slight sadness.

Marie, are you all right? Haven't heard from you in a while.

On the massage chair for the last time. 2.75 hrs till we leave for the airport.:(
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Hi girls.

Happy Friday.

Carolyn I hope you have a great trip. I hope the kids feel better about letting the turtle go.

Berry so glad you've been enjoying your trip. I hope you have a save trip home.

Missy glad your tummy is feeling better.

Yesterday was 4.25 miles on the treadmill and today was ballet body.

HI Betty and, Marie
Hiho. My flight was delayed 1.5 hrs last night:mad:. And not one of us remembered to check the flight status before we left for the airport!:mad: We didn't take off until after midnight. And, oh, what an uncomfortable night! I couldn't sleep for more than a few minutes at a time!:confused: I napped for a couple of hours after we got home. Then did food shopping. Should hit the hay early today.
I have doms from yesterday's Pilates class. A great feeling.

Jean, you've been getting a lot of rainfall! That's fab. (We had light showers earlier, cloudy later, and temps in the high 60s! For a summer day! I don't mind!:D)
Is dh still keeping up with Cathe?
We watched Frozen (Disney animated) earlier. It's cute. Wanted to see what the hype is about, especially the song. Wish I could see the lead actresses doing the filming and singing. This past decade Disney movies have had clever and different endings from the old-fashioned girl falls for boy/live happily ever after formula. The females are strong and take-charge.
Still have not gotten Winter's Tale.

Carolyn, do you have Internet in your neck of the woods? I'm sure you're in the vacation mode now that you're away. I think your body pains had dampened your enthusiasm. I hope you just take walks as far as exercise goes. No more than that. Enjoy your concentrated family time.
I guess that cabin wasn't meant to be.
I'm sure Tiny is thriving in the habitat.

Time to hang laundry. Plan to do a Cathe tomorrow.;)
Meant to say that I've been experiencing frequent warm flashes recently.:confused: So adding that to the summer heat = not happy camper:rolleyes:
Good morning.... yesterday I was slammed all I have to go get hay and do barn chores....then hope to rest the rest of the day.....fingers crossed.... I'm on treadmill walking right now.....

Carolyn....enjoy your vacation...I need

Dinner was nice with my friend and her boyfriend.... sometimes its nice to go out with another couple....tim is very social...and I'm I find someone I can connect with....I must be

Have a lovely Sunday!!! Bbl....

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