STS first time!

Good morning.... I have been so time to sit down at all....last night I came in from doing yard work at 9..... showered and hit the pillow.....

I'm so stiff when I got out of bed this morning......

I think I have a pinched nerve....but working past it....for now!

Carolyn....I feel for you will the pool issues....we had an above ground pool....but it seems like all we did was put money into it...and it was never warm due to all the was a never ending battle!!!! Errrr.....

Off to get on treadmill....for morning cardio.... be back in a bit....gonna try to rest today!
Good cloudy, humid day. Not hot at all, but then I'm still inside.
I enjoyed some sangria yesterday. Anyone like that? It was made with chardonnay and was so sweet from the fruit. Delish.

Carolyn, how interesting you have a saltwater pool. I've never heard of that. Did you choose this to avoid chlorinated pools? How is the upkeep different? Is it more or less expensive? How much is a truckload of water? It's better for your skin, I know.

Continuing on about filing and mail, do you guys opt out of mailings when possible? I do and yet the piles of junk mail fill up so fast! You get rid of being on these mailing lists, then somebody else gets a hold of your address and you get a bunch of junk from those. It's an endless battle! I do feel strongly about minimizing junk mail, if not for sanity, for environmental reasons.

Jean, how is vinegar working on your weeds?
Crabgrass has invaded one veggie bed but I don't have the time or energy to pull them.:confused:

Ds researched and made these amazingly crispy waffles so we had those with bacon and eggs.:p

I'll do a workout tomorrow morning before our mid-afternoon flight. Not going to work.:p
It turned out to be such a nice day! So pleasant, breezy, sunny, no uncomfortable humidity!
It's a pleasure to take my time packing too!
Thanks, my friends! Will stay in touch, of course!:p;)

Carolyn, does the pool use regular table salt?
Fingers crossed for you.
We recycle fanatically too. You fill your whole bin?? As that book I read said, don't even get it into your house. More demand means more production!
I even got work to recycle paper, which I bring home. Businesses don't get recycle pickup.

The three of us walked this evening. Can you see a pattern? No humidity=walk.

Dh and I weeded some today. Stuff is creeping up through sidewalk cracks, etc. Just endless.

Just a restful day and couldn't have asked for a better way to pack. Naturally I'm not done! Toiletries are still outstanding! Hope I'm not forgetting anything.

Sweet dreams!
Wah, how can it be Monday already?! It is hard to get up and come into work when my kids are home.

Betty have a safe trip. Are you traveling by yourself?

Carolyn, good luck with the pool issues. Today is a good day for the beach. Have you tried ice for your pain?

I did LIC this morning. The step seemed to aggravate my hip, not sure what is going on there.

I do not know how to opt out of all the junk mail we get, but most of it goes right into the recycling bin.
Hiya. Sitting at airport. Got here super duper early because dh didn't want to take any chances. We took public transportation.
Three of us are flying. Kicking ds1 out of 'my' room at my sis':D
Just had a sandwich and am soooooo sleepy. zzzzz

Mary, my sis says step aggravates her hip too. This was never an issue for you. It may be you're just needing to get back into the working out groove.

Carolyn, beach in Maine sounds great! I've yet to be to one in that state!

Boarding in about 45 mins.
Have a great day, all.
Good afternoon.... busy all day....sitting here waiting on last patient to leave!

Last night we did not get done till after 9... then showered Tim scrambled some eggs and watched a few minutes of tv....and then hit the bed. This morning my alarm was going off for a half hour before it woke me up.... I was exhausted.... so I only got to do 30 minutes of walking this morning! :confused: But I shall try to fit in a workout this evening!!!! My monthly monster has stopped by for a visit too.... so Im starving!!!!!!!!!!!

We have several more things to do to get ready for our next big project....Tims motorcycle shed.... we ordered a kit and it will be here Thursday this weekend...we will be building his shed! He is so excited!!!! And I am too.... cause I like to build me crazy....I know!!!!! then after we get that done.... in a few weeks we are going to put in a fire pit in our back yard.... Im really excited about that...nothing better than having a fire on a fall or winter evening with a few beverages!!!! So relaxing!

Betty...have a safe trip!!! are you feeling? My hip still kills me....but Im still pushing forward....hmm....

I will catch up tonight...after I workout and eat! Too tired to do anything else! LOL

Be back!!!!
Where is everyone?? I leave and the place falls apart!:D
We had a great flight to my home away from home. Reunited with ds1. (Jean, we hug.)
Tomorrow, we chow!:p
Good morning...dragging my butt again....but up and on treadmill....woke up a bit late...but still have 30 min for cardio....

Last night after dinner we did some more work in the yard....getting the ground prepped for tims new shed...

Have a lovely tuesday!!!
Good day, all!
Missy, I'm reading between the lines and hearing that you're tired and not getting enough down time! Rest and take it easy!

I forgot to say that I did a GG premix before we left for the airport yesterday.:p
Nothing new to report. The dynamics are a little different with 2 more people here. It's hard to coordinate, especially with two wicked sluggish teens. :confused:Dh, ds2, and I are just hanging a bit while sis works out. We plan on ramen for lunch.

Enjoy your day!
Good afternoon!

Betty...Im on my period...which makes me sluggish! I have to get my workouts in...cause I am truly trying to lose a few pounds that I gained! Tim and I have just been busy getting things ready for his new shed....we had to move one shed and re-design it...for my kitties...its there winter we couldn't get rid of it...but didn't need it as that was last weekend....and then we had to move it.... which means....muscles....but we managed! So glad Tim is handy! Last night we started leveling the ground, and tonight we will finish..... so tomorrow night should be a rest night! Once this weekend is yard should look pretty again! Yeah!!!!

Ive been busy with work for sure!!!! The company that send our statements out had a glitch and it didn't print any info on the everyone is calling saying they received a blank bill with just a total owed....errrr!!!!! :mad:

Carolyn....have you tried the yoga yet??? I haven't ordered yet....still thinking about it....

Hello everyone!!!!!

Be back in a bit!:p
Oh..... Did I tell you Saturday I ran for 50 minutes???? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

But...I haven't since...cause I am still battling this pinched nerve..... :mad: gave me the best feeling in the world!!! Runners high is the absolute best!!!! I m thinking maybe if I can be good all week....maybe 1 run a week....maybe my body can handle it??? We shall see!!!!!!!! ;) I mean...its only 1!!!!!!!!!! :confused:
Good evening.... just finished afterburn.... and showered.... now were going to grilled some chicken and veggies!!! are apot on about vets. ...can live wothout them...but have to read between the lines....can't do everything they recommend....or we would be broke for sure! I am very lucky tim is handy...he fixes most everything....he does not like strangers at our house...

Off to do a few chores then gonna rest....not much to do I'm tired! And tim wants to rest too! :)

Be back in a bit!!!

Oh btw.... I get depressed too when I can't buy ice cream...cause I have no self control when it comes to blue bell!!!! So I completely understand! !!! Hehehe!!!!
Hiho. Gorgeous day here. Two raindrops even came down. That never happens. The evening is so cool and breezy. Just fantastic.
Jean, I wonder which part of CA your friend goes to. Central and Southern CA get very hot. And sustained hot. At my sis' we get some hot days here and there.
Dh, ds1, ds2 headed to an Oakland As game. I stayed back. Sis and I walked for 35 mins or so. That's my exercise for the day. Walked off only a fraction of that frosted mocha I enjoyed.:p
Good morning fit friends!!! proud of you for getting in some exercises. ... but....its vacation....enjoy!!!

Carolyn....u okay? Haven't heard from u. ...

I'm up late again....tim is working me to death....but only a few more days....tonight we build the platform/floor of the shed....and tomorrow all we do is go pick up the kit (shed).... so tomorrow is really a rest day!!! Yipppeee!!!!

Weatherman says its gonna be a hot one!

Be back on a bit....have a lovely wednesday!
Carolyn....I know how u feel....I skipped many workouts and got flabby and decided I would eat cookies, ice cream, cakes....Whatever.... and now I'm trying to get those pds off and its not easy!!! I get a few off and then they find me discouraging. .... err!!!

Maybe after your appt you will have a better outlook.....hopefully he will help u! I'm still strugling with the pinched nerve....but I'm still pushing forward....

Everytime I go to Chiro...its $45.... and it adds up quickly!!!!

We went out for breakfast. I had pancakes, bacon, eggs.:p
What a gorgeous day. It's chilly first thing, then it slowly warms up. It's noon and 73 degrees. How marvy is that??

Carolyn, your beach day sounded fun!

Missy, work, work, as Cathe would say.
Betty that weather sounds fabulous and I would gladly take it. I needed to let some steam off today so I went for a walk at lunch, but it felt like an oven outside.

Carolyn I hope PT went well and he has some ideas for you. I still haven't gotten rid of my own issues completely, although I have healed somewhat.

Missy, you definitely get workouts from all of your activities. Putting a shed together has to help whittle down the pounds.

On sunday we went to a friends' cookout, they have a house on a lake. Our friend took a bunch of kids out on the boat to do knee-boarding. Youngest dd loves that kind of stuff, but she fell off at some point and banged her head. She had a bad headache the next day so we took her to the pediatrician, she has a mild concussion. So no tv, no computer, no reading, for at least 2 weeks. Poor thing, that's on top of not being able to eat what she wants. I have been reading to her in the evening but she is so bored.

I did Legs&glutes this morning, and S&H shoulders yesterday. Feels like a long week again.

Hi Jean and Colleen!

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