STS first time!

I keep thinking of how to not work any more, but I can't quit. Not if I ever want to get a job later on. Who would hire someone out of work for so long? So I must. I must. I must.:confused::D:p
Good Morning.... so I woke up and my ankle looks nasty.... I rested this morning as I cant put full pressure on my foot as it stretches the skin and tears at the burn....yuck!!!!

Tonight I will just do an upper body..... Maybe Tri Sets Upper??? Or I think Xtrain has a few uppers??? Hmmmm......

No more bootcamp this week as I know my ankle cant handle it. Oh well..... Back to my true love of workouts....CATHE!!!!

Carolyn... I live at TSC....just love there stuff (animals) and there hours, unlike feed only till 5 and till 12 on Saturday....:)

Betty...I understand...I try to justify not working too....but I spend too much, so I have to come to work!:mad:

be back in a few.....
Carolyn....I walk sometimes at lunch and its so peaceful listening to the wind and birds... very relaxing!!!!

I'm thinking of doing a round of lis and then starting either xtrain or xtrain with lis or sts...... hmmmm......
Hi Ladies!!!!

I've missed you all. It's been a crazy few weeks. Not sure the last time I checked in, but we moved into our new house on the 5th. We are pretty much fully unpacked other than the basement. Yesterday I finally got my workout room setup.

It is so nice! I just love it. DH bought me a new treadmill that gets delivered on Friday. I can't wait. I am so ready to get back to a steady routine of working out. I came across a picture on my phone from last summer. Let me tell you it's inspiration to lose a few pounds and start toning up again. Stress and not consistent workouts have taken a toll on me.

No excuses anymore!

I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I hope to catch up on posts soon and start checking in again on a regular bases.

Hope everyone is good!
Colleen, it is SO good to hear from you!
How wonderful it must be to wake up in your new house, and to look forward to workouts in your new space! So happy for you! I can't imagine what a move must take out of you!:p

We humans do need to ground ourselves with nature daily. Great day for it, before the heat and humidity get kicked up a notch.

Work was insanely busy with ringing phones. (Owners were off.) So much so it rattled my coworker, which I rarely see.

Ok, no one is holding me accountable for the abs section. I better go do it, then practice. I need to make my balls one of these days too! I wish I had my SAHM job back!
Jean, it's word-for-word Broadchurch! Sheesh! The detective is the woman from Breaking Bad.
That horse sanctuary sounds incredible! I've only seen wild horses in movies!
Did my 7 mins of abs:D and made my energy balls!
Walked with dh after dinner.

Oh Missy- Your poor ankle! Eek feel better soon.

I'm at work just taking a quick break before my third admit of the shift gets here. It's been insane. First admit was a guy who hit his hand with a hammer...oh man it looks bad! Second was a older lady who fell down the stairs and broke her ankle. Third has a foot ulcer. My fourth patient has cellulitis (infection) of her thumb. IV antibiotics and pain meds for her.

I got a call at 2pm right before I was about to leave asking if I wanted to be on call meaning they call me in if they need me. I really didn't want to go to work so I said yes. A half hour later they called me in. I was so bummed! I did get some extra time to hang out with my main guys and ds and I made energy balls. How funny we both made them on the same day Betty! I haven't made them forever and was really craving them.

Just finished a grilled chicken patty- no bun :) They are super yummy and from Costco of course ;) They have spinach and cheese in them. I had a couple cheese sticks on the side too :) Yum! I can't stop eating today. I want a protein bar now. UGH!

I have the next two days off :) Can't wait to do nothing lol.

Then I work Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun and Mon eve. So sick of working so much. Let's just say I'm really excited for fall so I can get my regular schedule back. I don't know how people work full time.

Alright off to delete posts and wait for my admit.
Jean, add A Case of You to the movie queue. Loved it!

Marie, you're so good with the deleting of posts! I've not done that many since I rarely go on my computer!:p
Great minds think alike on the energy balls! High five!:)

Good night!
Good Morning!!!

Too funny...I hadn't made energy balls in forever, and Sunday I made a batch! :p

yesterday, my leg got worse as the day went on..... it was swelling like the end of the day I could put absolutely NO weight on my foot at all.... I went home and propped it up in the recliner on a pillow with ice. Tim was kind to help and cook dinner and he served me dinner in the it brought tears to my eyes to move. This morning I woke and it is very tender but at the moment I can put slight pressure on my foot....hoping it does not swell like yesterday.... I have it propped up under my we shall see....

No workout as I am disabled! LOL

Marie...I love taking my time off and doing nothing....I just love hanging out with Timothy and watching tv or movies and fun!!!! Were home bodies though....hehehe;)

Fingers crossed my ankle heals quickly.... Im kinda depressed though...I had a 5k to do Saturday....and it seems I will not be attending! :(

Be back soon....have a lovely Tuesday!
Last night I started watching a series on Netflix.... Orange is the new black... is NOT for children eyes.... it is raunchy!!!! But....I have watched 5 episodes.... the show premiered in 2013.... so I'm on season 1.... Tim says its not good...but I like it! But Tim is not into that sort of TV....

Have y'all heard of it???? Like I said it is kind of nasty/dirty! :eek:
Good sunny morning! It rained at 5 am and kickstarted the heat and humidity.

Carolyn, that sounds serious! Make that appt. I pray for you it's not a disc issue!
Congrats on school ending today; I know how much you love your kids at home with you.

Missy, high five on the energy balls! I hope your ankle heals fast. Make sure you rest it and don't start too soon.
I have heard of the OITNB show but don't want to start it. Prison is cruel, and it'd be painful to watch the inside crimes perpetrated on one another.
Dh watches the other NF original, the political drama which I can't think of right now.
Tim is so sweet. We love being homebodies too.:p

I pulled out MMA KB, which to my surprise has a nice core component.:p

Missy and Carolyn. I hope you both feel better soon. Pls get to a doc to see what's going on.

I will post picks of mt workout room once I get the treadmill on Thursday. I don't have my mirrors up yet either. In time. I'm also going to try to get dh to agree to get a wall mounted ballet bar.

Yesterday I did ballet body and today I walked/ran for 3.3 miles outside.

Betty glad you where able to get the stuff done yesterday that you wanted to. I know it's hard try into fit everything in when you work.

Have a great day.
Colleen...its so nice your back, and I cant wait to see you workout room!!!! :eek: I bet you are super excited about having a new workout space!!!!

Betty....I hate it when it rains so early and then you have to deal with the humidity all day!!! Yucky!!!!

Im sleepy....I sure hope this day moves by quickly!!!!
Thanks all for the warm welcome back. I'm glad to be back. Moving is so stressful. Our new house already feel like home and the kids just love it.

Ds and dd spent all weekend in the driveway playing. Our old driveway was on a hill and wasn't conducive to playing on it. They have adjusted very well!
Jean....oh yes...both my docs know about it....cause I could barely walk...I was hobbling around in severe pain yesterday....I am also were flip flops....cause I can't put any strappy sandals or shoes on my feet. ...hehehehe.....says to watch it....but looks okay so far as infection....and they know I hate pills!!!!

As for the far its very interesting.....hehehe.... I've been watching on netflix...but I have I don't have to rent it!

Enjoy the pool....I wish I could lay out and swim...but I'm working!!! :(
Carolyn....I sure hope your back feels better quickly....nothing worse than back pain!!!!

So far ankle is doing better.....we shall see at 5:00..... I'm able to actually apply pressure all the way without tears.....yeah!!!! I will be working out the end of the weak.....yippeee!!!! If I can apply pressure without pain...I will do upper body....but don't want to attempt while in pain with weights.

Check back in a bit!
OMG, the humidity is disgusting!
I've wasted a few hours doing not much but now I'm gung-ho to file and shred. I did manage some more post deletions. Just a few. Unlike Carolyn, who only has over 100 now!:eek:;). Way to go. Sniff sniff

Missy, you'd best take it easy!
Betty....I am....gonna rest tonight and see how I feel tomorrow.... definitely not doing anything crazy!!!! I was in the most pain ever yesterday.....I mean crying.... so I'm being very careful!!!!

It is awfully hot here high 90's.... yucky!!!!!! Why on earth does it need to get this hot???? Just curious!!!!

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