STS first time!

It is very dark overhead. Hopefully we'll get some showers. The humidity is through the roof!:mad: Everything here is covered with pollen too. Gross. ?Cottonwood junk floating everywhere too.
Just got back from taking ds to his ortho checkup. He forgot to bring his retainer! Good thing it wasn't a deal-breaker.
Ds is done with school on Friday the 20th.
I'm making spag and meatballs. Kale on the side.
Going to quickly practice before cooking.;)
Good sunny morning! It seems cooler and drier.:)
I did X38 (low impact and step). I am STILL achy from Monday's XT Legs. Between that and step yesterday I was too fatigued to give it my all. I haven't felt like this in a while.

Mary, how was graduation? Have you had a family celebration? You must be so proud. Dd is very accomplished.
How are younger dd's levels? I hope they've achieved stability. How is she handling all the ups and downs?

I felt gypped last evening. Only a couple of drops of rain while just down the road they had a downpour. The pollen is clinging to everything.
Good Morning. Today is cloudy , rainy and humid. Todays w/o was disc 15 back and biceps. I don't know what I will be doing today because of the weather.

Betty 2 guys who are moving in here have a baby grand piano. I'm glad they aren't next door to me. I can imagine that could be loud. It will be interesting to go by their house and see If I can hear them playing.

Have a nice day everyone.
Jean, that's neat--I love baby grands!:p. Pianos make such lovely music!
We watched Her (what was all the hype about?) and Closed Circuit (did I already mention this?) the other day.

We have a refreshing cool breeze today! What a relief.:)
PT very soon.
Good afternoon....I tried posting this morning...but my phone was being funny...and would not post????

Today I went to bootcamp and kicked butt!!!! hehehehe

Tim did take the job.... he starts in a few weeks.... same pay..... but only 5 days a week and only 8 hours a day.... so it was a no brainer.... 40 hrs vs. 60 plus a week for same money.... Im excited cause this means he will be home more!!!!

Im so excited..... my new shoes came in today.... I just got the phone going after work to get them!!!! hehehehe.... so excited!!!! I bought them through my local running store....I like to support them....

I will catch up in a lots to finish before 5....and Im running behind! LOL

BBL!!!! :p
I got my 2 leg dvd's today. I guess that means I have to do them. :rolleyes::confused::p

Betty I have "Her" on my list. Is it really that bad? I have to check out "Closed Circuit". How was that?

The temps have cooled down.
Hi Ladies!
Graduation was wonderful, I felt sad a couple of times but held it together. I really am so excited for dd, she has such a wonderful future ahead, but can't help feeling sad that she will be going out on her own. There are so many graduation parties, we are having ours in another week so as not to conflict.

So I told you all that a couple of people left my team at work, including my manager. Well they promoted me to take over. I did not really want it but could not say no, so things are super crazy now.

DDs levels seem to be getting back under control, but she ended up getting a stomach bug yesterday and was sick to her stomach and that threw everything off. She bounced back though and seems much better today.

Jean, you will like the leg dvds, as Carolyn says, there is no dread factor with those. Enjoy!
Good evening!!!!

Mary....congrats!!!! And I'm glad that dd is doing better with levels....that's really great news!!!!

Jean...yeah!!!! New workouts are always awesome!!!!

Went and got my shoes!!!! Super excited!!!!! Look em up.... brooks ghost 7 ..... I got pink ones!!!! I will post pic soon!!!!
Missy I looked at your shoes. They are really cute and they look like good quality. If I was a runner I would get a pair. They look really nice.

Mary Congratulations on your promotion. What a whirlwind of events happening in your life this week.

I went to Social Committee tonight. We are having a 4th of July cookout and potluck. Also on the 4th we are having a "DooDaa" parade. Whoever wants to can decorate their golf carts , bikes , pets , baby strollers. Then have a parade throughout the community. Everyone will vote on their favorites and the winner will get a plastic trophy with a golf cart on it. Then we will watch fireworks at night from the pool. They say you can see the fireworks over the bay . So that should be fun.
Mary- Congrats on your promotion! Very exciting. You deserve all that comes with it.

Missy- Yay for new shoes. Nothing better ;)

Jean- Eek! I can't wait to be pregnant. I love when you mention it :)

Oh Betty :) :) I did PRS1 this morning. Love love love!

Hi Carolyn- Omg you're a Catheite! I'm jealous hehehe! I need to get on with deleting posts. I use an iPad though so it takes forever and a day.

We went to dinner at a friend's house tonight. Her and I and the kids met at storytime awhile back and have been hanging out weekly since. The boys are a week apart. Our husbands had never met until tonight and they got along great. I was super happy. Figured they would but ya never know. I'm excited to have a couple friend with a kid we can hang out with. We really don't do much with friends unfortunately. I'm not that social and we just have so much family stuff going on we like to spend our time alone just as a little family. Tonight was great though and I'm excited to do it again.
Last edited:
I'm back lol!

I decided to stop going on Facebook so I'll be hanging out over here more now :) It's been 4 days now. I was becoming obsessed with it. Never good. I love my life but we all have bad days and when that happened I would see how "perfect" everyone else's life "looked" on Facebook and then kind of get upset. I needed to realize that nobody, or shall I say most, are not going to post the bad stuff that happens. That and people complaining about things that don't matter. I would find myself checking my newsfeed as DS was playing. I know it's good for him to be able to entertain himself but it's like why don't I just watch him play instead of having my head in my phone or iPad. They grow up all too fast. I don't want to miss it. Not to mention he's getting to that age where he sees mom and dad on our phones and wants to play with them. I want to set strong limits with it comes to the tech world and how could I do that when he sees mama on her phone. Carolyn- I see my family playing board games like you do. I love that you do that. So anyways, no more Facebook for me. I told myself I could check it once a month but that's all. Cathe posts clips from the Live Steam workouts which I'll want to see. Plus random stuff like checking in with friends from high school that I never see. Missy- I'm glad you're on the forums cuz I'd miss you. Ok rant done lol! Sorry that was a bit wordy.

Hmmm which workout should I do tomorrow? I'm trying to do more weights and workouts haven't done a lot before. Maybe XTrain Legs. I've never done that one.
Good Morning!!!

Carolyn...I have been running in Brooks Ghost for years.... I buy 2 different pairs a year.... Last year was the pink and blue green (6)... This year I bought pink and around Christmas I will get the blue ones.... hehehehe.... the ghost fit my feet perfectly...I have never had trouble with my arches since I switched from saucony and mizunos to brooks!!!!

Marie.... I am on facebook...but I don't do much on there.... I just have trouble finding time! not a very social person! LOL

I also do not like people reading our stuff...I just have had no time to sit down much leach work on deleteing post....errr!!!!!

Tonight Tim and I are going to a Mexican restaurant we love and haven't been in about a year!!! So I will definitely need bootcamp in the morning!!!! :eek:

At work....lots to do.... I will be back soon!
Good Morning. As usual today is cloudy and chance of rain. I miss the sun. Today's w/o was Lean legs and abs. I had to pause once because my heart rate was way up. Plus I didn't use weights but I will next time. I love the firewalkers. I didn't realize there was a bonus barre so I will add that in next time. But this feel very doable for me.

Marie How nice to have a new friend with a baby B's age.

Missy Enjoy your dinner date with Tim.
Hiya. Did the standing qigong this morning. It is slightly meditative, if you tell your brain to shut up!:p. Loved it. Need to do sitting another time. Now I've finished some food shopping. Stopping in to practice, lunch, walk the dog before my piano lesson and more food shopping.

Mary, congrats to you!!! How awesome! You deserve it! Reading back to our oldest posts, when you first joined this group you had Fridays off. I can't even remember that! I hope this means more money to go with more responsibility.:p How many will you manage?

Jean, congrats on finally doing LL&A. Which part raised your HR? It's not as bad as her other leg workouts that do that. It is indeed very doable.
Closed Circuit was suspenseful, you could say. Modern terrorism in London.

Marie, congrats on breaking the FB tether! You are so right and kudos to you for self-reflecting and seeing the behavior! I also cringe to put too many personal things out there, even to my own FB family and friends so I only read every few weeks or so; good thing I forget to. Loved your Catheite joke! I can't believe how few posts Carolyn has out there; she is a woman with a mission.

Carolyn, wassup?

Missy, I can't remember what Tim was up for; must look back at your old posts. Sounds like a no-brainer for him though! Congrats!

Cloudy and humid. But coolish.
Better get moving.
Hey hey :)

Carolyn- I was a big quoter and I will definitely delete everyone's posts that I wrote on. Now I just need to find a computer to delete them on. I'm only on a computer at work but I guess even deleting a few here and there helps.

I did STS Plyo Legs Disc 26 this morning. I'm so proud of myself for doing more weight workouts. This one is great. I really don't see myself doing the full on STS program again but the leg workouts alone are worth keeping it.

DS and I had a playdate at the library with a friend today. It has a great play area although some parents just tend to leave their kids alone in it. It drives me nuts!!! DS is at the age where he will just go up to someone and stare. So cute! Anyways he was watching this little boy, around 4 years old, playing with some toy cars. He didn't touch them but was just watching the little boy play with them. Next thing I know this little kid slapped my baby across the face. No joke, his face flung to the side. DS I think was in shock. He just stood there, didn't cry or anything. I of course race over expecting this little boy's mom to come over too, but nope she was no where to be found. I don't usually discipline others people's kids but when their parents are no where to be found someone needs to do something. I told him he can't hit people and that wasn't nice. I snuggled DS and took him away. The boy's mom was still no where near him. Ugh! I couldn't believe it!

DS is napping now. Costco with my boys later. Their new ad starts today :) Eek! Costco freak here :)
Marie, I'm SO outraged for you!:mad: That little puke! He must have seen that sort of thing modeled at home!
Nice job with Plyo Legs! Not my fave:rolleyes:.

Carolyn, how much are you cutting off??

Tuscan White Bean Soup for dinner.
Rain tomorrow.:eek:
Thanks Betty! I just couldn't believe it. Like I understand little kids hit but to slap across the face is a whole different thing. Unreal!

Your soup sounds good :) Enjoy!

Carolyn- That will feel nice to get your hair chopped. I'm sure it will be super cute. And refreshing!
I signed DS up for a open swim at a local pool. It's for an hour before it opens to the public. Ages 0-6. It lets them get used to all the spray things and such. Lets just say ds doesn't need getting used to lol. He LOVES the water! It should be fun though. I'm bumming though because tomorrow is supposed to be 60 degrees around the time the class is. Way too cold for the pool as far as I'm concerned.
Good morning friends!!!

First question of day..... rowing machine vs bike? Which is best???? I did some looking back....these past two months all I have done is inches or pds lost.....and my eating has been spot on....I even stopped eating looking back.... I had best results with cathe in evening and cardio cardio cardio.....I can't run like I use too....most I can do is 4 miles....but then I'm in lots of aching in my I want to get another form of cardio to alternate my running with to do along cathe to get these 12 pds off......I don't want to kill my knee....

Didn't go to bootcamp this morning as my knee is bothering me 2....errrr!!!! Gotta be good to my I have a 5k on next sat!!!!

Carolyn....I feel ya on hair change....I had mine cut 2 months ago...and some days I like it and others I hate it....hehehehe....oh grows back....right??

As for sticking up for yourself....its a must...especially in todays world! Its a terrible place....not like when I was a kid!!!! And kids can be so mean....terrible!

Tonight....I'm gonna do lean legs!!!! I just LOVE that workout!!!!

Check back in a bit!!!!

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