STS first time!

Well....I came home and ran 3 miles 32 minutes...then cooked dinner...I had grilled chicken breast with spinich, and sliced tomato and cucmber with balsamic vinegarette dressing....delish!!! We shall see what she thinks....but I personally think my diet is healthy. And I'm not really changing it....just doing the extremely intense workouts!
Btw....what's wrong with (3) thin slices of pepporoni....I exercise like a mad person... and I eat no personally I think its a healthier option than a opinion though.....
Good todays workout was freaking awesome!!! So excited....I know these intense workouts will get my legs back lean...for sure! It was absolutely pooring when we got we had to run in pooring rain to car...then drive in pooring rain in the dark....but I made in home....and now off to shower!!! :)
Good cloudy cold morning! Rain on the way:confused:. It's so dark I just want to crawl back into bed.
I only did Extended Stretch today. Yesterday's head and neck issues were due to a perfect storm of ttotm and doing an intense workout.:confused: I felt slightly nauseous at times.
Last night I dreamed I got my arm and shoulder use back.:rolleyes: It's such slow progress for me! Waaah. PT late aft.

Jean, you get the most interesting speakers and activities! When I grow up I want to live there too.

Carolyn, ME is a goody.
Hi friends!

So sorry to be MIA. To say the least it's been hectic with everything we have going on. 5 weeks till we move! The new house is coming along great. My kitchen cabinets got installed yesterday. It so excited to see everything come together with the house.

With preparing our current house for for the move I had a take down my workout room. We did it while we had it on the market. I had taken over the office a few years of ago. And we thought it was best to but it back to a formal office. It's left left me in a bit of a lurch with workouts. So I've just been doing what i can. I started tracy anderson metamorphosis since you don't really need any equipment. So far I'm liking it. She is very different and you hear a lot of controversy around her workout style. But I've also read wonderful results with her method. So we'll see. I can't wait to have my very workout room in the new house!!

DD stomach still isn't any better and she goes in for an endoscopy tomorrow. I hope we figure out what's going on.

Missy so cool with your trainer. Can't wait to hear what she has to say say about your diet. I believe everything in moderation. I've followed DAMY health before and really like her methods for weight loss/nutrition. She has had a balanced approach. I've started her bikini program to try to loss these pesky few pounds I've gained. I tell you stress is terrible on your weight!

Betty. Hope PT goes well tonight and you start to get relief with your shoulder

Carolyn so scary with ds school. How's dd doing lately?

Hi Marie and Mary.
Omg, Carolyn, that is so scary! That thought always frightens me, that we do all we can to protect our kids, but we have no control over what others do. Something needs to happen to that boy's parents.

Colleen, good to hear from you. Good luck with the move, and I hope they figure out what is going on with dd soon.

Carolyn, don't you love it when you pull out an old workout and really enjoy it? I have so many Cathe workouts I haven't done in a while.

Missy your boot camp sounds great! It will be great to get personalized info too.

Betty, good luck with PT this afternoon. Do you feel like it is getting any better?

Hi Jean!

And my workout this morning was LL&A.
OMG, work was insane today!:eek: I got off at 2:45! I could have left at 1:30 but my work wasn't finished. The phones just wouldn't stop ringing! I was in for an hour before I could even finish one invoice.
It is ridiculously cold today!:confused: raw and probably only 40 degrees. The heavy rain starts tonight and goes tomorrow.
My shoulder improvement can be measured in weeks, not days. It's so discouraging. I feel like my right side has gotten worse, like they measured. Whatever my visual was yesterday--calcification or loss of my muscle tone--puts a sad picture on it. I'll ask my PT today.

Hi Colleen, that is fast progress on your new home! Pure excitement all around. Except for the stress of selling, packing, moving. High five on keeping up with workouts.
Sorry about dd's ongoing issue.

Rise and shine!!! I'm up and on glutes and abs hurt so good!!! Hehehe

I got my workout for today....its sprints I'm not sure if I can do this at lunch today or when I get home....just depends on the rain....radar looks mighty wet today.... we are getting too much rain....I just can't believe it! Lots of flooding going on! Crazy!!!!!

hope everyone has a lovely day!!!!
Good morning! It's pouring cats and dogs! Why isn't it Saturday morning??? I could sleep for hours more!
Hi everyone, I eked out GG Extreme just now, even though I felt tired. I thought I was all finished, but then came the floor work--pizza press & hydrants:confused:. My least fave. Just like in LL&A, I don't like the floorwork. Well, my arms & shoulders don't right now.
How can Cathe top these workouts, I keep asking myself? They are so genius! Absolutely love this last set of workouts, esp the legs, glutes, & PRS!

My PT lady really stretched me hard yesterday. Painful. But no side effects this morning. Even on the massage she pressed very hard.:confused: It felt rushed. Just under an hour.;) She's trying to get me a splint for my left side. She had no insight for me on my shoulder cap. I think it's that I've lost all muscle tone. And I'm so slight and thin that my boniness is showing through.
Tuesday is my appt with the orthopedist. I'm sure he'll be pushing the cortisone. Check out this article my sis found yesterday. It's me! Painful
I know mine is exercise-induced but geez.
Ewww, 80 and humid, Jean??:confused:
How exciting for your hummingbirds! They are so beautiful! Last October in my CA sis' mil's front, I stood a couple of feet away from a hummingbird. He was so busy enjoying the sugar water, I didn't scare him away! What do you feed them? Seeds?
Every time I do those leg dvds, I think about getting them for my friends. They are that good and user-friendly.

Leaning toward the shot, but I need to hear ortho's opinion. He's supposed to be keen on patients like me, young, healthy, fit, with no issues to cloud up the shoulder treatment. He might even use a scan of some sort to guide the shot into a precise area.:confused: We'll see. The consult appt is the week before I go to CA with ds1 for his internship. Wait. Did I mention to y'all I'm going for two weeks??:p
It's all a blur but maybe I started noticing something was amiss in February??
I definitely see that cap again--looks hard and inflexible in a normally moving area. Picture a bone cap in the corner of your top shoulder. I'm sure the left side is the same but because of the lighting in the bathroom, I only notice the right.
Piano and food errands this afternoon.
Good Afternoon...well its still raining, so I couldn't do my workout at Im hoping it is dry by 5.....

Bootcamp is M,W,F.... but she texts you a workout for T,T.... and reminders to be good and eat healthy! Loving it! :eek:

Im very sleepy!!!!

Arnt birds so fun and relaxing to watch..... We have a bird feeder outside our living room window....and you can sit/lay in recliner and watch the birds eat and bath in the bird bath! Just love it! I love to see all the different types of birds!!!!

Went to drug store at lunch today, to pick up a few items I needed for the house....and was good and got NO snacks! That's hard to do!!!! :confused: HEHEHEHE.... I kept telling myself, abs are made in the kitchen...abs are made in the kitchen...abs are made in the kitchen!!!! hehehehe

Betty...I believe that you physician should advise you if they think you would benefit or not from the shot.... A lot of people get them....and it helps!

Be back soon!;)
Missy, if only I read your post BEFORE I ate the cupcake frosting! Disgusting. Then after dinner I had a tiny bit of ds' bday ice cream cake. I just need to go the extra step and not put that stuff in my mouth.:confused:
I love your boot camp personal trainer! Way to go!

The sun came out here in late aft too.

Carolyn, smart girl brushing your teeth!
How was your old friend?

Jean, I'm still here. You're just as busy as one who works!

I'll see if I can go back to our January posts to check when I might have mentioned my problem starting. Soon after the Cathe rotation?? I seem to recall being unable to do the hook/unhook first.

Buona notte, mi amici.
Good morning!!! Just got home from bootcamp! Lets just say I am in Love with bootcamp....we all know how much I love intense workouts.....

Todays wotk was:

Warm up.....
Run 3 laps

50, 40, 30, 20, 10 of the following:

Sled push
One legged squats (each leg)
Kettle bell swings
Wall ball (throw med ball 10 pd very high and squat once you catch ball

10 pull ups on the rings
50 burpes throw out workout in 10 reps x5
And the best.... fire hose 100 reps the big rope on BL....oh yeah!!!!

Then run 3 laps....


Drenched and loving it!
Good morning! The sun came out and is gone again! It is quite dark!
I am feeling a bit sore, in a good way. No exercise for me.

Missy, that sounds killer!:confused: Good for you for enjoying it!

Carolyn, as I just said to my CA sis yesterday and will repeat to you: Many people would kill to look like us! Yes, we have hidden muffin tops, flab, squishy spots, but overall, we (translation: you) look amazingly fit and enviable!;)

Need to go shower.
I should clarify that my sis is tall and thin. Prob the same body shape as you. Heck, I would kill for it!:eek:
Must. Chew. Faster.
Where are y'all??
Fried from work again. Worked past 2:30 again. I need a drink. Calgon, take me away. Ha ha, neither of which I do. I will lose myself in a romantic movie instead.
Sun's out and it feels like spring again.
Carolyn, only fit people notice the 'ripped' look. It's one of the first things I see! And envy!:D Oh, how I miss doing UB weights! I loved BS!
Poking around with your friend sounds like so much fun! All my friends work.

Missy, your boot camp sounds like BigL stuff. What will you do on weekends?

I hope everyone gets extra sleep Saturday morning!

Good night!
Hi ho. Not much going on. Dh is mowing.
My arms were achy overnight.
Watched a couple of movies today already. Jean, I really liked About Time. Touchy Feely was the other one.
Morning ladies! I am up early for dd's volleyball tournament - last one.

I did BS Ch,B&Sh yesterday and I have doms this morning. I haven't done that one in months and I have done STS and gym styles in between, so I am surprised about the doms. Must be good to shake things up.

So Sr. prom here is much less a big deal than jr. prom. DD was originally going to go with her friends but some of them had dates so she decided not to go. Then yesterday at 3 she decided to go, and it was last night! She ran around getting things to borrow, and she actually pulled it off. We gathered at her friend's house for pictures, and no one could tell she had only pulled herself together in the last 2 hours. She looked beautiful and I am glad she went.

I had wine last night, and that makes me eat ice cream. I have to stop doing that!

Carolyn, bargain shopping is a great skill to teach your dd!

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