STS first time!

Oh no, Carolyn!:confused: Is your back ok?? Do you need to gently stretch it or ice it?
Your day with the kids and neighbors (and evening) sounds so much fun! How marvelous! You have the best activities!
I'm mustering up the desire to get up at 6:15 tomorrow to exercise before work. After work I have a late PT.
Good:confused:morning:confused:! OMG, it's so early.:confused: I know in the winter time when it's so dark I won't be able to handle getting up so early to exercise. Heck, I can't handle it now.
Thinking of PRS #2.

Missy, where are you, early bird?

Jean, we posted at the same minute last night!
How fabulous your bike ride sounded. I bet spring is the best season there!

Carolyn, how fun and delish your sundae sounded. Glad you enjoyed it with no guilt and with dd. These are the times that you work out for.:p;):D
Try your foam roller or a tennis ball in that spot on your back.
Good morning!

Betty I hope you are up and working out this morning! That was how I switched to morning workouts, I realized there were too many interruptions later in the day and it was the only time I could get it done.

I had to take a rest day today. I had some minor gum surgery yesterday afternoon and I need the rest. Also, dh is away this week and the kids are on vacation, so it has been a little crazy.

I had my PT appt on Monday and I really feel I am making progress. She massaged every little muscle and found the tender spots and I was much more flexible when I left. She wants me to ease into squats again, only doing 5 quarter squats, and see how I do. This is where patience really comes into play, I usually do too many and have a set back.

Carolyn, I hope your back feels better this morning. You are setting a great example for your kids with all the activities you do with them.

Jean you are funny when you talk about your dh. I'm glad his shoulder is better.
Good morning....monday evening we had plumbing yesterday I stayed home from work while workers came to fix our problem....ended up being septic issues....once I got that all handled....I sat done to watch y&r.....then fell asleep in recliner afterwards....I then got up and cleaned entire house....scrubed bathrooms, etc......then cooked dinner and Tim was home....I was extremely busy! I'm up and doing my cardio....and then off to the office! :(

Carolyn.... I hope your back feels better!!! That happened to me doing To the max....once....made me leary of that I modify like crazy with that one!!!

Hope everyone has a fantastic wednesday!
Hi ho, friends. The sun was peeking when I was working out but didn't intend to stay. It has been raining all day.

Mary, that is indeed great progress! How fab. Those massages are an absolute must, and no one at home can do that for you.
Must you do any squats at all, or is that necessary to train your hamstring at this point?
I hope your gums are healing nicely.

Missy, I hope you don't have to pump your septic.:eek:
You sure made the best of your day off. Nothing like a clean house!

I did PRS #1 and simply skipped the two parts I've never done. Just so fun!
Finishing my pear and leaving for PT soon...
OMG, Carolyn, your back twinge sounds very serious! (As limiting as mine. I can hardly dress myself or remove tops.) Take care of it.
My ?tendons are twinging with pain after PT. Today I did a mile on the seated stepper, lifted a weighted pulley, was stretched with straps, massaged, stretched with hands, given phototherapy, and was heated. Phew.
I can totally relate with your friend falling asleep! And I'm not tempted by popcorn or candy at the theatre. Good job not caving!
Good morning! Thinking I need to go see my hip is killing me...and now its radiating down to knee. .... errrr!!!! I couldn't even workout last night... seems like we are all falling apart!
Good sunny morning! Super gusty winds today! Only in the 50s.

Missy, do you have an appt with the chiro yet? I hope you get seen today. Is this a treadmill injury? You got rid of your elliptical, so that's not it. No more spin either. Those machines!:eek:

Carolyn, how's your back this morning? Has it calmed down some? I hope so.
Do you notice how maddening long it takes to dress? I could go insane. It took me minutes, not seconds, to remove my drenched sports bra yesterday. And that's after all the pulling and stretching made some tearing noises (prob the threads)!:confused:

I'm eating my oatmeal rather late. Started a load of laundry first then got caught up with other related stuff.
Soon ds and I will head out on the T for a ramen lunch. Yum.
Betty...I haven't had time to call yet....I will this afternoon....I started having this pain on elliptical....that's why I stopped....

Be back in a few....
Hi friends, I am wiped out. From the wind gusts blowing me around, a huge lunch, and then running for the bus on the way home. Ds and I literally ran off the train all the way to the bus stop just as the bus was coming up to the stop. If we hadn't run, we would have missed it! I almost died from the exertion!:p Cathlete, you say??:eek::eek:

Jean, authentic Japanese ramen is so delicious! What you describe is not even close to the true flavor. Picture broth cooked with chicken and pork for over 10 hrs, then, when ready to serve, add ramen yellow noodles, a perfectly cooked egg, and some other toppings. OMG, it's so good. In CA there's a place my sis took me to that's out of this world. The egg yolk in the CA place looks like the one in this pic, but the bowl we had today resembles this in all respects but the yolk: Hokkaido Ramen

Oh, Carolyn, I feel for you! How terrible. Does this require a trip to the chiro or doc?
How funny and fun for your muffin tops! :eek: Live it up, girl!

DS and I had a fun week. We had a playdate with friends on Monday. It was nice so we went for a long walk. Tuesday was a chill day at home. My dad came over to visit. Wed was a fun day at the zoo with friends and then today was ECFE.

I did an awesome variety of workouts this week too. Mon x37. Tue was Tracy Anderson Dance Cardio one. I have been wanting to learn this routine so bad but always tend to pick Cathe over her because I have to do the breakdown DVD before attempting the actual workout. The choreography is so complex. I loved it but it was really confusing. Once I get it it will be a blast though. Wed was UY Crosstrain. I really need to do these more often, I felt so good all day. Today I did TTM!

Little man is napping now and then I think we will take an evening walk. It's been rainy and cold these past two days but it has currently stopped raining for the moment at least.

Alright off to read posts. I love hearing what everyone is up to.
Good morning fit friends!!! Its finally friday....I work front desk today.....but we get off at noon today because its Rose show in our most small business close early....even the I took advantage and sched my horse vet to come this afternoon....its time for shots....hoping she shows up on time so I can then go for a run afterwards....we shall see..... trying to run a few days prior to monday.....cause that's when bootcamp starts!

I hope everyone has a lovely friday!!!
Good morning! I got up at 6:confused::confused:; am OP'ing right now. So tired. Planning on a KickMax premix shortly.

Missy, your hip is ok?

Have a great day, everyone! TGIF.
Happy Friday! I am taking today off, we are planning a trip to Newburyport to poke around and have lunch. They still have sports practice this am and I am hoping they finish early.

I can't get to my morning workout yet because dd has a friend sleeping over and they sleep where I workout. Oh well, I'll just sit and drink my coffee.

Betty I am so impressed with you getting up early to get your workouts in!

Missy is your hip better? It sounded very painful.

Carolyn I am glad you had fun with dd.

I did my 10 squats and 10 lunges yesterday, and today I only feel tightness but no pain, so definitely making progress. I could live without doing actual squats but Cathe uses that motion in so many of her cardio workouts, especially her low impact ones.

Have a great day everyone!
Mary and Betty....I did not go to chiro yesterday as I was swamped from moment I walked in back door till after 5.... Its been pretty crazy at work....but yesterday it was not as bad....this morning I can definately feel it....dang it! It hurts when you get up and sit down....not sure why....errr! Must be out of alignment.....

Betty....uou are awesome from gw tting up early and squezzing in your workouts! glad to hear your making progress with the hamstring....yeah!!!!
Mary, your day sounds like it will be picturesque and charming. I've never been there but would love to see it, as well as Rockport, Marblehead. Hope you enjoy your day off with dds.
So glad of your hamstring progress!
Dh told me last night that he noticed my PT office bills $300+ per visit to insurance:eek::confused: This week I already switched to 1 appt a week but this makes me re-think it! It's outrageous.

Carolyn, I love the yolk like that. It's perfect. I rarely see it the orange color though, not even from the eggs I buy from a poultry farm.
I went out with ds2 yesterday. It was great one-on-one time. I saw glimpses of my sweet child I remember. Once he gets on the computer, or dh needles him (which is a lot), he turns into a different person.
I hope your back is better!
How awful for ds (and you). Is he improved by now? Glad that dh had a day off with dd.

Jean, you used to get up at 3:00???:confused::eek: What an ungodly hour!
Were you an installer too?

I am getting up at 6 right now but know that come winter, it'll be impossible. That room is practically unheated so it'll be freezing. I can't figure out the best time to exercise yet. There is no great solution! And this is the part I wish I didn't have a job for--so that I can work out at 8:30 or 9 am, not rush through that and my shower and breakfast. I don't even give enough thought to my workouts; I should plan them to alternate body parts or something organized like that.

After work I went to pick up ds' bday ice cream cake. His 15th is tomorrow.
Good morning. Rain and raw all day. The next 7 days will be 40s/50s and somewhat rainy.:confused:
Heading out for lunch with my gal pals in a while.:)
Thanks, Jean.

Enjoy your day.
I was thinking of your side of cow recently! Ugh, I can't imagine!
We had a small piece of rib roast last night. It was fatty, and a bit too pink for me. I love when the fat on top crisps up like bacon.:p
My copays are $30, which I think are so high. It was $20 with a previous insurer, and $0 with the last insurer, so this one is painful. Yours, even more painful!

Jean, I can't believe you have a tank top on. It is 45 and raw here.
Not able to lift his arm all the way? Sounds like me. Have him do the stretches you showed me online. They are standard.

I rarely clean my fridge.:eek:

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