STS first time!

Jean, how exciting for your new draperies!!! So much better when you love them!!!
Here's the recipe: Strawberry Cream Cake, Recipe from Everyday Food, July 2008
It looks pretty decent. Taste, I don't know yet. Tomorrow. The only thing I wasn't that thrilled about was how I sliced the cake round in half. I should have done better but it was maybe my second time doing something like that. You can't tell anyway. I'll try to post a pic tomorrow.
I need to remember that chickpea recipe more often. I should look at it. Soon.
No Fargo for me. Still need to practice.

Chicken cordon bleu was spelled perfectly. How do you make that??
Sending you a slice full of berries and whipped cream!

I watched 2 episodes of Broadchurch. I liked it! Mostly the fact that it was so modern and fresh. Bristish stuff can be so, shall we say, less pretty than US'. I loved how beautiful that seaside town is. I want to go visit!
Jean, I made that cake last year, but just one layer. It tasted great. Who doesn't love whipped cream??:eek: I love any Martha easy recipes. I am a Martha believer.

I love their accents and can follow them. Mostly. What I cannot distinguish is Scottish or Welsh. Irish, I think I can tell.
Good morning....its very cold here....40º....brrr!!!

I stayed in bed this morning and didn't do cardio cause I don't feel good...severe cramping in my legs....

Have you watched bates motel???? Omg....don't want to spoil it...but its getting intense....cant wait for next week.....

I so wish I could stay home today....but can't....have lots to do as I was at front desk I'm behind.....

Check back in a bit!!!!
Good morning! The sleet was banging at my windows all night! The ground is mostly white this morning:confused:! I think the sun is peeking out, thank goodness.
Continuing my week of rest. PT this afternoon.
I saw my long-standing Stop & Shop cashier yesterday who had had a shoulder injury at work a couple of years ago. She said she got the cortisone shot, and it didn't help her at all. She still has remaining pain.:confused: (Her injury is not the same as mine.) Is that my future??:confused:
I must remain firm with the therapists, the first one who will continue to push it.

Missy, I feel for you!

Jean.....NOOOOOO....only 3 episodes left...OMG...what are we going to do?

Carolyn....if you go to Sandras (HC) is a coupon code for 20% entire order.... LOVEHC

Be back...going to lunch with my friend!:D away!!! 20 % is awesome!!!!! any of you have the squat discs for sts? I have asked before....but cant remember..... getting old! LOL I was wondering...cause I am like Carolyn....I like lifting and love to work lower body....and I don't have them...... hmmm......
Omg...cathe is going to daytona beach in florida for road trip.....I want to go!!!!! But I'm not much of a I prob won't! Lol
Carolyn.... I was trying to fins info on them....and I read it is basically all the same just shorter and longer rest..... so I guess I shall pass.... I just saw them on ebay pretty cheap and got excited! LOL

Ebay junkie that I am....LOL

Did you look at Sandras website?
Hey :)

B and I did my favorite Afterburn this morning. He just loves working out with his mama! His favorite is disc work ;)

We went to an indoor park with a friend later in the morning. It was really fun! Slides, things to climb, balls galore. B was loving every second.

Missy- I totally saw the post about the roadtrip. Eek! I so want to go but I won't either. B's second bday is that weekend and I can't miss that. Honestly though don't worry about not being social. I'm not even close to social and I had a blast at the one I went to. I met a few girls that I ended up being friends on Facebook with. There was always something to talk about because of the common love of Cathe. I'm always the quiet one in a group because I feel it's hard to get a word in sometimes but that's ok. No one minds at all plus you're working out most of the time anyways and ya can't talk then ;) I'll go to another one sometime hopefully.

Alright B is in the bath and splashing away. Time to get him out.
Hi ho.
Missy, you MUST go to the road trip. Marie is right. You'll have plenty of subject matter and won't be able to stop talking. (I didn't get an email on that.:()
PT was great. I had a newly-graduated person who has been there 7 weeks. Therapists now get a doctorate! Six and 1/2 yrs of schooling! I feel more supple. My manager today said she had something similar; she says the shot helped her. I still won't jump into it prematurely. Look at this article: New alternative to surgery for shoulder pain? - Health & wellness - The Boston Globe
The rest week is helping my shoulders calm down.
I have a chicken pot pie in the oven for dh's bday. It's his fave. We'll have the cake after. I can't finish decorating it with the strawberries until just before eating so I might be taking a pic after the sun has set.

Carolyn, can you do the bookkeeping for dh's shop??
I haven't heard of any of those shows with the exception of 24. Looking forward to it. Although in the last season or two of the series, I was so sick of the Middle East terrorists storylines that I stopped watching.

Jean, the danish tab is still open on my tablet. Have not made it yet. Maybe next week. But I did buy a baguette to have with the chickpea dish, which I will cook on Friday.

It was only mid-40s today. So cold. I just lit the fire.
Good morning fit friends....last night I did cardio leg blast....

Carolyn....I completely understand not working with husband.....I feel you need time apart....and when you work together...the work stress comes home and then there is always tension....not worth it! Tjat was a great deal on the squat set....

As for road trip....I would definately go...but I don't have anyone to go with....and I will not travel that far away alone.....I just don't trust anyone...and I would be to nervous....too bad my friend doesn't workout hard like us....but she only does cardio....she's a

Weather man says its suppose to rain again tomorrow....wth?.... we have had enough!

On back! was posted in open discussion I think.....I wish you would go with would be a blast! Yes the flood came.....yeaterday I was bleeding enough for 3 people....having to chamge every 1.5 hrs....very heavy.....not sure if that's because of the cyst rupture or not???? Hmmmmm.....the cramps are not as bad...but still mild cramping.....

Tonight is cathes Bootcamp! Yippppeeeee!!!!
Good sunny morning! I have my lesson, then rush home to catch public transp to go into Boston for a haircut. I need one badly. A bob doesn't look good on my hair texture unless I use a flat iron every day. Who has time for that?? I just have frizzy hair that needs a lot of blowing out to smooth it. Back to more layers.
Poor dh. On the way home from work (and to his homemade bday dinner & cake;)) he got a flat tire!:( I told him under no circumstances should he try to change it himself. He could get killed! It happens so often nowadays! We called the State Police and AAA. Of all days! And it was freezing out. What an evening.:confused:

Carolyn, I have done Boot Camp many times and do love those oblique moves, but certainly don't recall feeling as domsy as you!:p

Missy, I feel for you with all that bleeding. Been there, done that.
I'm excited to do Bootcamp....why....I'm not sure....prob because Carolyn hurt for days.....and we all know I love doms...I am hoping my lower body feels okay when I get home....its cramping pretty badly at the moment.....not good!

Yes...I'm still following April's rotation.... except last week....I did nothing....and my eating habit got off I'm trying to get them back in check! Trying is the key word!
Jean and Mary, the suspects on my list, in no particular order: the vicar, the 11 y.o. friend Tom, the trailer park lady, Nige (the plumber's assistant). It's a long list, isn't it?
I love how beautiful the place is, and all the homes are fresh and modern, very American-like, actually.
It was positively wintry today!:confused:
My hair is much shorter and layered than I'd want. But it'll be easier to manage.
Miss my workouts but it's a much needed rest.
School vacation begins. Too bad I can't sleep late on MWF!
Not much else to report.
Happy Friday!

Girls are off today and next week, I am working. I did CSS this morning, felt great! I am finding relief for my hip by rolling it on a tennis ball.

I was so cold yesterday, I made a fire when I got home.

Betty, your list of suspects will change with each episode. I really enjoyed that series. They are supposed to do another one but I haven't heard any more about it. Even my dds would watch it with me.

We're not doing much for Easter. We usually do an Easter egg hunt with friends, but I don't want all that candy so I said it was time to stop. The kids are older anyways. I got a small amt of candy for baskets, dd can have some as long as she does insulin and I don't want her to feel so excluded. I got mostly dark chocolate, that seems a bit better.

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow, can't wait!

Have a great day!
Good Morning....I got up and ran on the treadmill this morning...oh it felt good.... and I am going to be 100% good today..... well I'm going to try any way!!!!

Last night I did BC....and lets just say OMG.... I thought she was going to kill me.... those terminator thrusts....hehehehe....loved those!!! (when I was done) LOL

We aren't doing much for Easter either....probably dinner with Tim's parents....

Tonight....I am going to do Lean Legs and Abs.... I am starting today...getting back serious with diet and exercise..... no more being lazy!:confused:

It is raining and they say its going to rain all day into tonight.... predicting 4-6 inches of rain.... I just hope it is done by tomorrow cause I have a 5k tomorrow at 8:30am.....Fingers crossed!!!!

Be back soon....Have a wonderful Friday!
Good at lunch I went and bought a really cute bright pink rain jacket! Rain or shine...Im doing this 5k tomorrow!!!!! :p

Guess what..... I am pumped.... April 28th I start a bootcamp at 5:30 am.... It is a month program...and you renew monthly.... It is 3x week... 5:30-6:30am mon, wed, and fri.... they only accept advanced women.... you must be able to run 2 miles, and do Cathe style workouts.... It is sorta a private program... not advertised it what I mean... I have always wanted to go to this program... and the owner contacted me, stating she finally had 1 opening in the bootcamp program.... it is a new session starting 4/28/14.... so of course I was so pumped and excited!!!! I just cant wait to get my ass kicked!!!! I told her of my hamstring injury and she was okay with it...and said she would help me strengthen it. She also gives nutrition advise.... so I am so freaking excited!!!! She is a nutrition coach, Personal trainer and specializes in sports rehabilation..... I think this will really help me since I am a stubborn person and never seeks professional help!!!!


OMG....I have not been this excited in forever!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

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