STS first time!

Yes. For real she acts that way. Just tonight she came home from soccer and started acting crazy over us asking her to take a shower. When she gets this way she acts younger than our 5 year old son. We are seriously considering taking her to see a therapist.
Hi girls, my right arm is just throbbing now. I think my sitting at the computer at work all the hours I'm there does it. Plus my selection of workouts involves weights, though today I only held. At PT, I basically got the same treatment as the other day, with the original therapist. (I still don't like her that much.) They push you just past your pain point. She said my upper back is very knotty and kneaded it. I love the 'massaging' I get. Today I got heat on the upper back section; I love heat. No icing. I iced it myself tonight.
I ordered that pulley, which is so inexpensive, but the shipping was $7!:mad:

Hi Colleen! How's your house selling and building going?
I hope dd's issue is only acid reflux. Fingers crossed.

My CA niece, who's 8, has the same theatrics that you gals describe. Recently, on a sleepover, she woke up her friend and took her downstairs in the middle of the night to look through my sister's pantry for candy! She is so bold and defiant, deliberately disobeying. (Love her to bits.) Her behavior doesn't make sense either. My sis enlisted the school psychiatrist but she was no help. I thought her behavior was due to my sister's overly-strict and my niece's over-scheduled daily life (my sis and bil are wicked tiger parents). My dh sees something in her personality.
I've seen my bro's daughter (the twin) stare down her mother in defiance when she was a couple of years old! The audacity.

Missy, I hope you feel better. How does it spontaneously rupture?

Marie, LOVE his lashes! So sweet! Is he a lefty? From his hand position it looks like a he's south paw. Is that how you say it?

I am utterly, utterly exhausted! And it's only Wednesday.:confused:
Morning fit friends...... no cardio this Morning.... sitting in recliner with heating pad on rummy as my left side is killing me.....

Last night I was able to do most of css....then tim took me out for as delish grilled ckn salad ... it was yummy!!!! Then I c as me home and rested.....

Lots to do today at work....hope this pain goes away soon.....the dc I work for ssid it could take up to 2 weeks..... hmmmm...... I'm not sure why it ruptured....gonna call dc back today with a few questions......

I wish yall lots of luck with the temper tantrums with your little ones....I'm no help there......but I'm a hear to listen.. .

Check ba ck in a bit
Hi ho! Good sunny morning! Almost off to work.
I was wondering if Jean had to suddenly head to her sister's.
We do the same. It's useless to talk to her when she's in her mood. We just walk away and hope that she will calm herself down. This mornings battle was about shorts. She Went crazy because we didn't want her too because it was only 38 out out this am. We decided it wasn't a battle to pick since we were dropping her off at at achool this morning. Despite her behavior she pulled straight A's this quarter! Very proud of her!!!! We think with our dd it's anxiety that sets her off.

One of the reasons we are moving is to be deep in a bigger development where dd (and ds) has more friend and can easily have access to friends. She can become a hermit and we desperately want her to become more social. Dh and I are not not and we too need need to become more social as well. It's good good for the kids and us too.
Good Afternoon....quick check in.... I have a meeting this afternoon..... so not much time to chat....

I feel incredibly my tummy is bloated!!!! Yuck...I look yucky! :confused::mad:

Hopefully I will feel better so I can workout later....AB on schedule.... so I may not feel that good....hmmmm.... that's pretty intense! We shall see!

Be back soon to catch up!
I understand the age gap. Mine are almost 4 years apart. When they do play is usually dd bossing ds around. We struggle all the time with DD looking like a hobo. All she wants to wear in sweatpants. We just let her and last week she said she doesn't like wearing them now as she looks sloppy (our plan woreked). I took her out on Sunday to go clothes shopping. We had a great time and she picked out some very cute things. She was so excited on Monday. When she got home she was so upset because her friends said who dressed you, your Mom? Girls can be so mean. pain meds....just dealing with it....

Hoping my doc will hurry up and finish up with these patients as I want to go home.....
Hi friends,
It's a beautiful day with plenty of sunshine and high 50s. Finally an afternoon with no outside obligations!
I've been wearing my belted flared gray trench the past couple of weeks and boy is it maddening to put on!:mad: I cannot tell you how frustrating it is!:mad::mad::mad: Anything I put on always bunches up near the top of the left shoulder, where I cannot reach. Sometimes I'm literally stuck midway, cannot move one way or another, and feel like I'm in a straitjacket! I can barely put on anything that has no stretch or give, and I have to put on left side first. Regardless, it takes so much time!!! We take so much for granted when our bodies work perfectly. Dh says I'm his old lady.
Speaking of dh, today is our 25th! We will do a movie and dinner on Saturday.

Colleen, girls can be so mean and spiteful! I wonder if it's when they're jealous. Girls grow up to be the extreme opposite so I dislike that they do that when they're 'maturing'.

Carolyn, it has been THE longest week ever!

It's really scary that nursing mis-dosed your mom twice, Jean! How does that happen??
I hope you're feeling much better! What a stinker to happen to you!
I wouldn't exercise with people so close to the windows either!
Missy, you should take off early. It's certainly warranted. Go home and put a heating pad over your belly and just lie back and watch tv or relax.
Good morning....last nigjt I left office at 5.... came home took a warm bath and crawled in recliner.... when Tim called to let me know he was on way home...around 7.... I cooked a light dinner and then got back in recliner....this morning I feel a little better....still slightly crampy with motion....bit not nauseated at the moment. .... we shall see how today goes....

Tgif.....this has been a week....ready for weekend so I can rest up!!!!

Hope everyone has a lovely day!!!!

Check back on a bit!
TGIF! OMG, I'm tired all over. I did my absolute fave PRS2 with #1 combos.
Thanks, Carolyn!
Can't figure out lunch so I'm boiling a couple of eggs. No time for that even!
Good Afternoon.... so I am going to sell my elliptical....I have mixed emotions...but I know it aggravates my knee/hamstring.... so I told my friend I would sell to her..... she is going through a divorse so I told her it could stay at my house till she is ready for it. Im so nice....LOL

Carolyn...that's too funny...but sometimes Tim will be like...oh another new outfit....oh no.... this isn't too new...hehehehe... deep down he doesn't care...he just likes to pick on me!!!

Btw.... next month....Tim and I will be together 14 yrs! OMG.... What to do for our anniversary???? Prob, go fishing at the coast or something.... That would be so much fun for the both of us! Its just such a long we would have to come home same day..... due to the farm! LOL

Betty... its Friday....whooohoooo..... I know you are excited!!!!! Happy anniversary!

Hello jean, marie, colleen, and mary!!!

Hope everyone is having a nice day!
Carolyn, I got your vibes today! I randomly thought of Boot Camp this morning! No surprise from dh. But he did say to pick something out myself (what's the fun in that) if I want. Which is very different than saying, "honey, go pick something out for our 25th. anything.":rolleyes:
I hope dh feels better. Stress.

Missy, sorry about your baby (elliptical). I know how much you loved it. And got such good use out of it. I can see how one's knee can get wonky using them though.
I hope you feel better.
Big-time TGIF.

Catching up on all my crap (well, more like trying to make a dent), then need to make dinner.
Betty.... So what are you going to get??? I like surprises as everyone does....but also nice to go shopping and the men not complain about it.... So take advantage and get yourself something really nice.... BTW...its your gift..... get what you want! ;)

As for making it through the week...I knew you would! Cause your awesome!!!! Now you can rest this weekend....hopefully!:p

Im still at office..... got another hour or so to go! :(

Carolyn....hope your honey feels better.... but glad you were able to spend some time together....Barn sales sound fun!

Tonight, we are having homemade pizza...yummy!!!! With black olives, tomato's, and pepperoni! Tims favorite!!!!! He has had a very stressful week...and is working lots of a nice relaxing evening will be great for him! He has been pulling 13 hr days.... and working 6 days a week for 2 weeks.... he is exhausted..... he has been coming home...and trying to stay awake and watch tv with me.... and he normally falls asleep....that is not like him.... so I am praying he does not have to work tomorrow...he is run down and I don't want him to get sick!

BTW.... I think im feeling a little better this afternoon....:D...but my period is coming mid next I will feel crappy again real soon....:(...but then I will be going back on the pill....I will just have to work my ass off in my gym.... The pills really did healp all my problems.... They made me have no pain with intercourse, no pelvic pain, minimal menstral cramps, and cut my period in half, and took away the black spotting that I was having....which came back last month.... so Dr says my ovaries do best when they are shut down....LOL, so gonna give it another shot! Must watch every calorie!!!!! But....Im still not getting on is the monster...and makes me very ill! LOL

Be back...gotta run....
Jean....fingers crossed they finish up....on the patio!!! It was 80º here today was gorgeous!!!! I also am not a fan of petco.....

Here are some pics of my garden.....

Lettace....which I will begin harvesting will grow for months!

This is big pic...of most of my garden.

Sugar snap peas....

So I have planted....tomatos, cherry tomatos, cucumber, yellow squash, lettace, beets, onions, carrots, sugar snap peas.... yummy!!!!

My squash flowered this morning and it has a baby squash growing....super excited....I just love growing my own food!!!!

Jean...I am sad to let it I enjoyed both...elliptical and treadmill....I used the elliptical for resistance to help with building my leg endurance for I may think about a recumbent bike to use around races....but not sure....

Carolyn....I need to check out that websitte...will do afyer cardio session.... was gonna do cathe workout...but I still have slight discomfort on left don't want to rush Im leasure walking tonight on treadmill....will hit cathe hard tomorrow morning!!!! Yipppeeee!!!! glad its finally over....that is my workday!!! I'm ready for a relaxing weekend!

Be back soon.....
Missy, so jealous of your veggie garden!:p I love the farm-to-table concept. So healthy and green.
You and Tim need a good night's rest to ease your feet off the gas pedal of this week!
Try a different brand of bcp. And there is no way around the weight gain side effect but at least you are very proactive so I wouldn't worry.
I don't know what I will get. I think I'll wait till my MA sis gets something, if she does. Her 25th is this July.
It doesn't take much of a leap to please me but alas....

Carolyn, I used to LOVE it when baseball was cancelled due to rain!:p Enjoy your newfound couple of hrs!!!
I, too, will look at Sierra. I see some Lands End stuff?? REI's sale and clearance site is no fun any more.

Jean, you're funny. If dh had a secretary, he would be some sort of exec. He is not.:p
Hello Everyone!

I did GS Ch&Tris this morning. I think after this week it is time to move on from Gym styles.

What a beautiful day! I had to be up early to get dds to volleyball and softball, and dd has a track meet this afternoon so I will be there. It will be good to be outside and enjoying the sunshine. We have a volleyball tournament tomorrow so there is my weekend!

Betty, Happy Anniversary! I hope you enjoy your celebration! You reminded me that my anniversary is this week, we are usually away over spring vacation but we are not going anywhere this year.

Carolyn, I would have been happy that baseball was cancelled too, it is like getting time back. Hope DH is feeling better.

Missy, your garden looks great. Our trees are still bare! And I hope you are feeling better, it sounds like a miserable thing to go through. It is bad enough having regular cramps and bloating.

Enjoy your day!
Good afternoon fit friends.... I got up this morning did 45 min on treadmill....then went to publix and got groceries.... wr are noe on the road....going to meet Tims good friend for lunch at texas roadhouse...about 1 1/2 hrs from the house.... were meeting half way..... since Tim is off today....he is having a nice relaxing fun day!!! Yeah!!!

On our way home...I think I may stop at acedmey sports and look at barbell/ weights....I need a new I sold my set cause it had screw on ends...and I want the clamp ends...for easier accessibility....

We had to stop at chrome shop...and tim was like a kid in a candy cute!!!

Hope everyone has a lovely saturday!!!

Btw...jean....a garden is a lot of work...but definately worth it....I will garden as long ad I can....the taste is just so much better than anything bought at store....and you know they are not gassed like they do on way to store.....

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