STS first time!

I am up at 6:30 every day:confused: but my appt isn't until 11:30. Piano at 9:30.;)
How great you'll see your sis!
Ok, scarfing my lunch now. My PT eval went well. I can't be as enthusiastic about my therapist as Carolyn was. She made me wait 15 mins, and I arrived 10 mins early. She chewed gum the entire time. (Think of the gas in your stomach, besides the unprofessionalism.) I picked her and another therapist for their number of yrs of experience and because they will alternate with me.
I have a lot to process. It's great to hear definitive instructions though. I can continue my cardio but don't do any lifting, which I had stopped. But don't do kickboxing arms either, which I was doing.:eek: I should also massage the whole area to get the circulation going to flush out any inflammation toxins and loosen the tightness; I wish I had known this--I could have been doing this all along.
I have twice/wk appts going forward (at $30 copay per:confused:), but she says in her 14 yrs of experience she's seen a lot of frozen shoulders, and we can plod along for a couple of months and may not gain that much progress, unless I get an injection and an orthopedist's opinion to speed things along. I'm not keen on either but we'll see. I begin my PT appts tomorrow and Monday afternoon. I hope I like the other lady better; they're both with her.

Jean, what's going on with your lungs? You're not ill so don't worry. But do be aware that power yoga can be strenuous. All those planks and chaturangas could be making your chest sore. I believe we are the same frame size (slight build) and Travis could be too much for us, plus you also have UB going on. Tracing back I do believe UY began it all for me. Remember my forearm issues first?

It is 55 and sunny. So glorious to feel.
Bleghhh, I'm having some leftover Swiss chard and it tastes like soil. (There literally probably is some soil in there; bad washing job.:confused:)

Marie, we haven't heard from you in a while.

Need to go pay bills now.
Good afternoon...I'm off I've been busy...I cleaned my entire house...scrubbed from top to bottom....then I did b&g .... now laying out in 85 and beautiful!!!

Carolyn....maybe that's my band...cause my hip hurts like a pinched nerve and thats when my knee acts up t oo....

I did make time for y&r...hehehehe....I sure wish I could stay home everyday!!!! I get so much done!!!!

Be back!
Dr oz time!!!! He he he

Betty.....I hope therapy gets better or you....yes therapy is very expensive, because you have to go so much!!!! That's why slot of patients don't heal properly cause they can't go like terrible!!! may want to go to a Dr to make sure everything is okay!!! Hope you feel better!!!! Maybe rest will help!!!!
Betty You may have seen this from your post on OD but Yoga Warrior 365 is on sale for 35% off using code "gratitude" . I think that brings it down to $80. That is too bad your PT lady was chewing gum. That is unprofessional. I hope she can help your shoulder . That is what is important. Let us know tomorrow what exercises they have you doing. I find it interesting you could pick which therapists you wanted.

I have a Dr. appt on May 9 for my yearly. It takes a long time to get an appt with a new Dr. . I feel better now so hopefully tomorrow I will be fine. I think tomorrow afternoon I am going to start my painting project for my laundry room.
I realized in the evening I never even thought about exercising today!:p It took me forever to pay the bills, then I ran to my bro's to see if I could show my elderly mother how to use her new cellphone. I asked my bro what he was thinking getting her a touch-screen phone with scrolling! How does one teach this technology to people who don't understand any technology??:eek:
Then ran home to prep franks and beans:rolleyes:, which is what dh wanted for dinner! Not much prep, lucky for me!

The PT lady said I am very tight on my left side--no surprise there. I hope dh will be helpful when I enlist him tonight to help me knead my shoulder areas. He hasn't been in the past when I've asked for massages--so insensitive, painful, and could care less. But he's going to be a part of helping me heal!
She said it's part of her profession to go the conservative route, but from what she has seen in her experience, the shot might jump-start the healing. The ortho might recommend an MRI. I never even had a chance to call insurance to check where I can go to an ortho.

Jean, I didn't see that thread on OD but I think I should stay away from more yoga videos, even though they are SO appealing to me!
Good morning!!! I just finished cardio core circuit....omg I am drenched!!! Btw....I'm off today too!!! I'm taking Tim a picnic lunch today at work!!! I'm so sweet! Lol

I had not done ccc workout in over a year.....not one of my favorites...but it sure left me I can say I liked it! Lol.... I think it was not a davorite cause no weights are involved....I don't know...sounds pretty good though!!!

Carolyn....omg....that's awesome loose pants....super exciting.....I'm waiting on that to happen...and it will...I just know this rotation will do it!!! Btw...this rotation is really loving it!!!!

Jean....glad to hear youe feeling a bit better.......hopefully today you will feel great!!! Good luck with your painting project. I am working on a throw....started cutting fabric yesterday.....will work on it more today. .. got lots of patterns to I have days of cutting before I can put together....but it will be beautiful when I'm done!!! Its a quilt throw for my living room....

Betty...did you get a massage last night????

Have any of you heard of a rolfer??? Its a type of muscle tighting, alignment massage????

Okay off to shower....
Carolyn..... I have a lot of vacation time....I get 14 days plus all the extra time for going in early to do city exams on I like to occasionally take long weekends....

I'm off 2 days in may also....and then...not sure whenn I'm taking the rest....I'm saving 1 week....just in case I decide to take a week off???? Not sure.... after my days in may I still have 9 days to go.... so we shall see how I use them! But it sure is nicw to have a few days off....I always rake a long weekend...if I staet to feel stressed at work...that way I can go back relaxed....and move on!

Tim is enjoying his job....he has to get use to the not knowing....cause one minute everything is great and the next it is hectic....crazy!!!!

Carolyn...congrats on the loss...that's so exciting!!!!
Good morning! I was just going to go to bed last night when my cuz called. I was on for an hour!
It's sunny--yay!
I did AOLIH with Core #1! Haven't touched it in ages! It was great!
I don't think my muffin top will ever go away--it's permanent!

Missy, me no likey CCC. Too high impact, I think.
I did my own massage. I was on the phone so late dh had already started his book.

Carolyn, by Friday, the sleep deprivation is at its height. I usually catch up on weekends but this Sat & Sun we have to get up at a not-too-early hour.
Congrats on your looseness in the pants/firming up on the thigh:eek:!:eek::cool:

Hi Everyone. Today I had to go and give some info for my taxes. Then I came home and prepped and started painting my laundry room. Then I fixed dinner and now I am getting ready to go to Happy hour at our community center. Tomorrow the guy is coming to start prepping our back yard for the patio.

Carolyn It sounds like you and DH had a fun day today. I really enjoy antique stores even though I am not a collector. Congrats on the loose pants. :D

Betty What book is your husband reading? That is funny that your brother got your Mother a difficult phone to operate. All she needs are buttons and numbers to dial. :p

Missy It's good to hear you are enjoying that rotation. CCC was too high impact for me.
Carolyn, how FUN! Lucky you! A fun date! I love the idea of antiquing.

I worked till 2 today. The owners left today for Aruba for a week so I feel a little pressure to answer the phones. I started on my own last week picking up some here and there. Sometimes when the phone rings, it rings all at once. I'm nervous answering but I shouldn't be--it's not rocket science. But I just have that immediate reaction, ya know?:rolleyes::p
Next week I'm going in all week so I can help out.:confused: I don't mind but when do I get my hair cut and colored, do my food shopping, lay around on the couch eating bon bons, etc??
Just got back from my first PT appt! The other lady I selected (piece of gum in mouth but not actively chewing;)) I like marginally better. She worked on me good! She pulled my arms, massaged, stretched, iced, lasered (photolight therapy), and showed me some exercises. I've got my assignment now and will do my homework assiduously.:cool:
I've got such tension in my UB today; I felt it at work. I wonder if it's from my workout. So sleepy and tired too. I just lit the fire. It's cloudy and chilly out. I have a cafe mocha nearby too.

Jean, I was wondering where you were.
Dh is reading a Brad Thor book, I think. It's upstairs right now and I'm too lazy.
How's your chest?
Do they dance at happy hour too? I love those line dances like Electric Slide and Cha Cha Slide (don't know how to do them though).

Mary, I hope you're hanging in there.
You must have had another PT appt by now.
I'll definitely read this, Carolyn! I'll let you know what I think after.
I too feel the way you do about dh's and my conversation always being about the kids. What on earth will we talk about when they move out?? Our conversations certainly do not flow as excitingly as the ones with my girlfriends do! I just wish he would have an ounce of sentimentality or affection. If he did, he would think back to when we were teens and how hot and bothered he was about me.:p He might even ask me about things I'm interested in.
I've mentioned my once-a-year dinner and a movie, and even that I have to coordinate and dh shows hardly any interest in. This year is our 25th! To him it's just another day. Notice I didn't say another anniversary. Although they're the same thing to him. He always says marriage is hard work but I don't think he even tries to think of the tiny, tiny things that would please me. I want to be taken to a hugely fancy restaurant but you think he would suggest that?? No. Or be surprised by some sort of bling? No. He says I should pick it out myself. What's the fun in that???????? Because I would have HUGE guilt getting something for myself!
Don't mean to bum anyone out. Especially myself!:D

My PT is done with two therapists, whichever is available on the days I select. They will tag-team my care. I believe a computer system is used to keep extensive notes. She was totally familiar with my case when I came in. She took me early and I was there over an hour! I'm determined to prove them wrong about how long it'll take, and the needing of the cortisone injection.
At work I've not taken appts on the phone yet, or know how to answer plumbing questions. It's scary how good, fast, effective, knowledgeable (she comes from the supply side of plumbing warehouse or something) and workaholic the lady I work with is. She can probably answer all the phones by herself but the office picks up ringing phones asap. I think the owners are super lucky to have us two.;) Seriously.:cool::eek::rolleyes:
You should make dd go. Kids are always afraid but once they go, they'll enjoy themselves. Ds2 is so afraid of everything!
I feel really bad for the senior citizens having to learn all this modern technology. My mom is literally in a tizzy with confusion. It is very disorienting for her.
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Betty you are not the only one with a husband like yours. It is sad to hear you talk like that but I would think after 25 years you would be used to it and it wouldn't bother you so much. Did he buy you bling and take you to nice restaurants and make reservations before you were married? I would say more men are probably like your husband than not. I think most women would like a man to treat them like you want. I would love to have that myself. My husband never wants to do anything , he complains about how much stuff costs. He is really boring to me. We dated 3 years before marriage and he changed for the first the day I moved in with him. It doesn't bother me anymore. So I feel for you and I know how you feel. Marriage can be a lonely life. We need to just date someone who lives next door our whole lives.

The happy hour was fun. There was about 40 people there. I met a lot of new neighbors. There is no dancing or music. It's BYOB and people bring appetizer's and you stand or sit around and talk.
Hello ladies,

I have been sticking with Gym Styles (upper only), so today will be GS B,Sh, bis. I know we are supposed to increase our weights each week but I don't think I can do it with GS, it is tough as it is.

Carolyn I enjoy reading articles like that and I think it is true. I used to do mainly cardio when I was younger, running most days. It wasn't until I started lifting weights that I noticed a real change in my body. I am so tempted to try Nia's program but I have to wait for my lower half to heal.

I did not have PT this week, couldn't get an appt. til Monday, and I so need it. I was feeling really good and tried quarter squats, and feel like I set myself back again. This is a really frustrating injury. I have been doing mostly walking for cardio but my endurance is definitely not what it was. I wonder if I will ever do Cathe cardio again.

This diabetes is really a constant journey/challenge. For ex., dd made the jv softball team, which is great for her. But they have these away games where they might travel by bus right after school to a town 45 minutes away. That means she has to bring her insulin for the day and also for the travel part. And we have to think of food she can bring for later in the day. And where can she do an injection on a softball field? And the team has pasta dinners twice a week, and pasta is horrible for her blood sugar so she has to be really careful with it. Understandably she wants to eat whatever she wants like everyone else. It is such a lifestyle change and we are not adapted to it yet. And I am such a worrier I can drive myself nuts.

I don't like to think about what happens after the kids move out. I have to think we will fill our time with other activities and find things to talk about. Betty my dh sounds like yours, but I think I am just used to it and don't expect alot in that dept.

Jean, sounds like you moved to a great place, I am so glad you are enjoying it!
Good morning fit friends!

Betty and Jean..hugs to husband is pretty good...we are best friends.(but we have been together since I was 17)...we do everything together and he always makes me smile....I am very blessed and greatful....I never take him for granted.... but I have a lot of people I know that have very similar husbands....and they sometimes are very unhappy.....I hope they will come around.....

Mary....I am so sorry about your daughter....I really hope she can enjoy ball....and feel like a normal child....because she is....she just has a health concern to manage....between the two of will figure it out...TOGETHER!!!!!

I just finished bodymax 2....lets just say I'm not a step I did the entire workout excwpt the circuit section....I had to skip it cause I had already had enough step.....but when done I was drenched.... and now its shower time and then lunch!!!!

Check back in a bit!
sts first time

Maryk Diabetes is a real challenge to deal with! My youngest son was diagnosed at age three. He was a good athlete; excelling in football. I would be on the sidelines monitoring his blood sugar dispensing apple juice, candy bars or insulin, what ever was needed. He went on to play division 1 football and manage the disease on his own very well, but wow!! it was a challenge With todays quicker acting insulin the management has become easier with less night time reactions...gotta really hate those!! Good can do it!:D:D
Hi Girls. Not much going on here. The men arrived at 8 am to start digging and forming the patio. Just got done at 3 pm. I had to take the dogs out front and for walks every 2 hours. It wasn't too bad . I went to my neighbors house across the street and saw her new house now that it is decorated. She has fabulous decorating ideas. Stuff everywhere. My house doesn't look like that because I don't want to dust and clean all of that stuff. But it looks really good. My décor is colorful and beachie. Her décor is white , black and sophisticated. She is going to hire a cleaning person. I can't afford that. Todays weather is 60 and breezy but the skies are blue and beautiful. I cleaned 2 bathrooms today.

Carolyn I wouldn't complain if my butt looked like hers in picture 1. :confused:

Ladies after your kids move out you start complaining about who they are dating and they are not good enough for your child. You worry more because they are out of sight on their own and you can't tell them what to do. Then comes the grandchildren filling your home. You and your spouses find new interests and things to talk about. It's all good. You guys will be fine. :D

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