STS first time!

Carolyn....I'm so sorry to hear of your terrible cramps..... :-(

Btw...I have been having terrible ovarian cramps/pain on left side.... and with deep pe etration it hurts terribly....I have to hold my side with intercourse... I think I have an ovarian cyst....errrr!!! Gotta reseach natural remedy.... any suggestions???

I wonder t if the natural progesterone cream will help???? Hmmmm......
Carolyn...have you ever thought of trying the natural progesterone apply a pea like drop 2x day for part of the helps with cramps and they say it helps with endometrious.... just a thought....research it....the one I used is called restored balance.
Yes....I've had 2 periods .. I have always battled with girl I don't want to go to dr.... they will do pelvic exam and then send for u/s which means "deductible".... yes I'm cheap....don't want to pay hospital any $.... lol

The things is normally they preacribe bc to shrink cyst...and I'm not taking them... so i was wondering if anything else could be natural treatment.... .

I will research in a bit....gotta run!
Good cloudy, damp morning!
Eked out PRS#2 with #1 combos. Loved it! Didn't have time to finish the last one. Will do it later, just because!
Be good while I'm at work! ttyl
Happy Monday . Today is cloudy and 50 and windy. Today's w/o was sts disc 5 back and tris. I will be going to the grocery store and a few errands today. Then home to watch WD.

Carolyn my friend gets email updates from Virgin America Airlines. You should sign up. Last week they were having a 2 day sale and she booked 2 flights to Calif for October and said those were the lowest prices she has ever paid.
Get downstairs and work that BUTT.

Last night I made homemade Cream Cheese Danishes. They were out of this world. My husband said they were so good he could eat the plate. I said did I die and go to heaven.

Missy Before you joined our group you were doing a rotation and said you lost a lot of weight. Was that the LIS rotation? You might want to look back and see what it was that you had such good success with.

Betty Have a fun day at work.
Jean...yes LIS is want got me started.... But I just looked at the April rotation and it looks pretty good.... I may start it tonight!!!

Hope everyone is having a lovely day! :eek:

It was 44 degrees this morning.... brrrr!!!! And it is suppose to get to the mid 70s.... not sure if it is going to make it though.... as its only 64 degrees right now! But the sun is shinning!!!! Come on Mr Sun, bring me some warm temps!!!! :p hehehehe

Carolyn...did you go back to tj and get that beam workout?
Hi girls, it is raw out. Spitty too. No, I said spitty.;)
Carolyn, as ColleenK used to say, during ttotm your joints are different, right?
I have to say that Lipowheat is super sulfurous too. Geez-us.
I would venture that not that many people would want the Beamfit, so it might still be there.

All right, Jean, what's the recipe for the danishes? I do have a block of cream cheese at home. You used puff pastry, right? That in itself is worth eating.
What will dh do about Lowe's? Is it the customer service part he dislikes? There are many other jobs out there. See what he likes to do. If he likes, say, boating, work at a boat store. That sort of thing.

Missy and Carolyn, you should try the Mirena IUD. How can you stand all that bleeding?? I gave many many gallons, vats, of blood in my lifetime. No more. Cramps too? I remember as a teen how painful they were. I would wither up with monthly recurrences.
Sorry, Missy, I don't have any answers for cysts. Check with your gyn whether the progesterone cream would work for it.

Wednesday is a leg workout for me.
Jean, I forgot to tell you that I had a yearning to watch Persuasion yesterday so I indulged it.:p What a hunk RPJ is. Oh and all the males in coat and tails are so drop-dead gorgeous. The clothing makes them so; they're not all necessarily handsome!:p
You have to watch it more than once to see the humor in the excessive vanity of Anne's family. I can't remember exactly how the book was but it's probably what Jane Austen would have liked.
I feel like I'm writing a book report!;)

Re: PRS#1, I pulled it out and re-did all the combos! They're so fun! I got all sweaty again!:confused:
Now I'm previewing the PRS#1 dvd. You've got to hand it to the ladies to have the routines so well-perfected! I can tell that combo #5 is a killer! It's super long and complicated! That and #1 (plus the warmup) are the only ones I have to learn. My feet are all chafed from today's step.:confused:
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Good evening!!!! I started April's rotation.... high reps tonight!!!! I haven't done that one in a while....but it was a fun one....I mean my muscles were on fire!!!!

As for IUD....oh no...not for me....I dont do well with hormones!!!! Funny thing because about the IUD....when first inserted.... there is the string that is inside....and when you have sex....if penetration is deep...the male feels the sharp end of the string..... takes a bit for it to I'm told!

Okay....anyone watch how I met your mother???? Tonight is the sad to see these series was so good!!!!

Can't wait till tomorrow night.....bates!!!! Hehehehe

Be back!!!!
Btw....I made grilled chicken tenders with grilled yellow squash and some beets for was so delish.... but I hu ngry again....must be cause I lifted weights big time tonight with high reps....I mean I could eat anothet meal.....omg...what to do???? Maybe a skinny cow ice cream sandwich will help!!!! Hehehehe
Omg, Missy, I'm reading our thread during the commercial of HIMYM! I caught the very first episode of this season and it has kind of hooked me but I haven't been watching. I should have watched this whole season! I'm big on destiny!
The entire series is on Netflix but I can't see myself watching all 7 or 9 seasons. I think I will watch this season when it becomes available.
The IUD hormones are low dosage, I think.
I feel oinky tonight. Oink.
Missy Are you trying to tell us in so many words that Tim is well endowed? ;)

Carolyn I just watched WD. I can't believe we have to wait until Oct. to see more. I loved when Rick bite that mans neck. That was like Rick was becoming a Zombie. When they were running around the outside part of Terminus dodging bullets , did you hear people in the buildings yelling "help us , get us out of here?" I didn't notice that but my husband watches with closed captioning on and it was on there. Rick was real good on TD tonight. I didn't particularly enjoy the flashbacks but I know they were there for a reason. Do you think that room with the candles and the names was a memorial for the people they ate? Did you notice all of those bones in that caged area? Such a good show.

Betty Mr. Selfridge started last night. :D
Hahahaha....too funny Jean....I was just saying! Lol

Yes the mirena is low dosage.......

Okay.. so I just watched the series finale of how I met your was really good!!!
Missy, the HIMYM finale was so good. Brought tears to my eyes. They didn't show enough about Tracy! And so sad about her.
I think Lily looked the most gorgeous in season 1, with the strawberry blond hair. As the years have gone by, her hair color was so harsh on her. It aged her too.

Jean, did you use the puff pastry equivalent of crescent rolls?
I can't get into Mr. Selfridge; I've caught glimpses of commercials and ?old episodes in the past week.
Good morning.....on elliptical as I. Type!!!

Betty....yes I felt the same about Lilly!it was good....wish they weren't ending the was one of the good shows left...very funny clean wholesome.....its too bad!!! Did you watch Buffy the vampire slayer forever years ago???? Lilly played in that show too....when she was a youngster....

So I figured I would not be able to move my arms this morning after high reps....but I can....they are a little sore....yeah....but I can at least use my hips are sore for sure!!! Which is a good thing!!!!

Its Tuesday.....whoooohoooo! Another day closer to the weekend!!!! Hehehehe

Be back in a bit!!!!
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Betty there are 2 strips of dough in the puff pastry. I only used one and made 4 pastries. I did have leftover cream cheese filling. So if you use both strips you will get 8. You cut the pastry into 4 squares . I heated my other 2 last night in one of those little countertop ovens and they burnt. I can't get into my head that those little ovens actually get that hot.

We are getting our taxes done today at 11 so no w/o for me this morning. Then we are going to Lowes and return a ceiling fan . We forget to make sure it was rated damp. So my husband bought the proper fan , installed it and now that one shakes and he can't get it weighted correctly. So I guess he will be working on that all day today.

Today is sunny and 60 and light winds. Oh what a beautiful day. The grass is turning green.
Good sunny morning, gals! It feels like spring. Finally! We certainly have paid our dues.
Had DD coffee and my muffin for breakfast, instead of my usual quinoa oatmeal:eek:. Horrors, right? Now I'll feel hungry sooner, a double whammy because of caffeine too.

Carolyn, you sound like yourself again!:cool: It's great to hear your voice.
How is your Fitbit?

I keep looking every Tuesday for fares to SF. No luck. A few wks ago I booked a fare for ds1 for CA for the summer (3 months). He has an internship at my b-i-l's company. I didn't want to pay $30 more than his fare to stay for 2 wks; boy, do I regret it now.:confused:
We also have an official invitation for a July Napa wedding! Woohoo! Instead of getting married in Calgary, dh's cousin is doing a destination one. Music to my ears! Two hrs away from my sis'.

I cracked up at Jean's comment too.
Did you roll the puff pastry or just fold it over?
I use my countertop toaster oven SO much. It is indispensable and functions like an oven.

Missy, the gyn says the strings eventually gets coated by a secretion the body makes to soften them. Isn't the body amazing??
Way to go on the HR doms!
(Carolyn, I've not liked this workout; too fast-paced for me.)
Carolyn....It only registers steps....walking/running. You can go to there website and enter other info....I dont use mine much I am back to my weight really is a good tool to get you moving, if you dont do weights....if all you do is cardio....I would definately use it daily! You need is an awesome weight workout.... LOVED it! It is total body...65 minutes!

Betty...the body is amazing...and as long as we continue to live healthy lifestyles we should be okay!

Busy Busy.... Im on hold with medicare....says my hold time is 45 minuntes....errrr!!!!!

Be back!

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