STS first time!

Good morning!!!

I watched Bates last night.....omg...its getting deep!!!! :-D

Jean...hugs!!! I don't have a close relationship with my I'm on the other side of your relationship....but its okay...we are strong and we have each other....I mean we are all family on here!

Carolyn....I complwtely understand...I don't take my dog with me either...she thinks she must stiff everything! Lol

Colleen...hope your baby feels better! Fingers crossed for here!

Betty...speaking of shopping...I went to Bealls store like tj.... o scored a mini muffin pan, collendar, and a nike running skort with compression shorts excited!!!! Whooohooo!!! Did the pt ever call???? is your hamstring???? I have to really be careful after I hurt mine....not sure why....maybe it is not as strong as it use to be???? Hmmmm..... do you struggle with that?

Hello Marie....

Check back in a bit!!!!
Good super super windy morning. Cloudy but no snow! Phew. Rushing to finish oatmeal and leave. I did LL&A, minus the floor stuff. Maybe I'll do later. But my mom will come over in afternoon, so maybe not. It's just 4 mins though.
I must do LL&A more. It's such an awesome workout.
Better go. Have a great one!
Thanks girls for yiur kind words

Betty so proud of you for getting your workout on before work.

This morning I did 2 30 min p57 workouts. I had to cut the last one short since I was running late.

So as it turns out in November we had blood work done for dd and they did a celiac but never looked at the celiac results. Her levels are elevated. We are taking her in on Friday to a GI. My heart is breaking for her.
Hi Everyone. We got 6 inches of snow. :( The sun is out and it is 40 degrees so it has started melting. I think we are going up to 70 on Friday. :confused: Todays w/o was UY Vitality. I used my ceiling fan today which was very cooling. :rolleyes:

Betty You didn't upset me. I am fine with the whole situation. So no worries. :D I looked at LL&A and put it on my wish list. It doesn't look as hard as STS legs.

Missy I haven't watched BM yet. I will report in later. I wish I could wear a skort. I bet you look cute. :D

Carolyn TF is so violent. When the cat part came on , I went to the bathroom. I told my husband , it's funny I can sit and watch the people get killed but when it comes to animals I can't watch. So I didn't watch that part. I don't like the reporter lady either. And Clare has always been a PIA. Every week I think no more but it keeps sucking me in. I am not watching Resurrection because it coincides with 2 other shows I record . I could stay in bed for a week and still not watch everything I have recorded.
Just got back from a quick walk, boy it is windy out there. Even so, it felt great to get some fresh air.

I did LL&A this morning as well, but I can't do the compound section so it is very short. I wish the chair section was longer.

My PT appt. yesterday was really good, she gives my hamstring and tendon areas a gentle massage and it feels so much better. I had absolutely no pain yesterday so she thinks I am close to being done. I don't want to be done, it feels so good. And the part that is not done is rebuilding my hamstring muscles, which goes to your point Missy. Any time the tendon is damaged, the related muscles naturally weaken. I can't do alot of hamstring exercises that I used to be able to do, and the tricky part is, if I attempt them I can re-aggravate the injury. She said to start really slow and stop if I feel any pain, but it is sort of a guess as to whether something will aggravate the situation. So I know squats cause pain, so she told me to do quarter squats with no weight. If I can tolerate that, then I can gradually progress to full squats. This has been such an aggravating injury and I have to force myself to go slowly.

I also sympathize with the dd situations, I have been and am still going through that. It is completely exhausting.

Colleen, I hope your dd is feeling better, gas can be so painful but I hope that is all that is it.
Hi everyone. I rcvd my very first paycheck today!:D So excited!
I came home and finished my 4 mins of lying down leg band work. I find them SO difficult to do. Does anyone else?
Jean, LL&A is one of THE best leg workouts to me. So innovative and creative, and yet different from her other stuff. (To think I could have missed it if I didn't preorder!) And I have huge dread with STS legs. (If you happen to see LL&A at a great discount--which I'm guessing won't be until past 1 yr old--, let me know. I still want to get this and GG for my girlfriends. I've hardly checked the DOTD.
Mary, I really enjoyed the compound leg work. I used light weights and mostly didn't lift upward.
I called the PT office back only to find out that they won't treat me unless I have a doctor's orders. Even though my insurance doesn't require a 'referral', I need a script.:mad: Anyway, not five mins after I hung up, my PCP's office called! They were supposed to call me over 2 wks ago. So now I'm going tomorrow to see her quickly.
Though we got no snow (poor Cape Cod got a blizzard), we've had blizzard-like gusts of wind and it's still howling non-stop!

Mary, I'm so happy you're chugging along with your PT progress. You make me want my PT appt right. NOW.

Colleen, my thoughts are with you and dd. I'm sorry for what you guys are going through.

Speaking of trashy tv, you ever flip through the channels and catch a glimpse of those lowlifes on all those court programs!:confused:
Carolyn, I sit in the same office with the wife co-owner. It's a walled-up room with a door and the type of sliding windows you see in doctor's offices. I'm basically using her computer. As you can imagine, if she gets sick, it's too tight a space.
She's very neat and organized and it inspires me to do the same!;)
I hope dd is feeling better today.
Missy, I just remembered your mention of that store and the skort. I've bought 3 Nike skorts over the past couple of years and ended up returning them all. The hem lands at the fattest part of my thigh and it's SO unflattering.:confused: I had another one in my hands yesterday! But resisted!
I've never heard of that store but it sure sounds fun!
Have a good night, all!
Good I have come to the conclussion....I have to make an eye appt....I am steuggling with occassional headaches...but more struggles with seeing while has been 2 yrs since I had an I better go....I just hate to go cause my eyes are so normally is very very $500-$600....and I'm

As for bealls outlet its a southern store.... Bealls is the "florida" store....and the outlets I think are only in florida and south ga....its just like tj....but a tad smaller.

Colleen....I hope you baby is feeling better....good luck with this journey....I am sure you will do every thing she needs and more....cause your a wonderful mom!

Betty....good luck with dr appt and make sure you get your pt referral!

Okay....I tried something new this morning....I woke up and said I'm gonna do cathe this I did half of leannlegs and abs....and now I'm on elliptical.... I just felt like I have more energy for those workouts in the evening....guess I'm more of a cardio girl in the morning.....its funny cause I can push my cardio hard....but I felt unsteady with the dvd this morning....oh well....I finish it tonight! Hehehe

Its day closer to friday!!! Yipppeee!!!!

Check in later...have a lovely day!
I forgot to mention....last night I did a yoga (jillian micharls) workout....yes...I know it was prob good for me...but left me unsweaty...and I feel like I wasted my time....and since I didn't sweat....the scale went up! Why oh why???

Btw....doing some of the yoga left leg was screaming at me... (hamstring) very it may never heal????

My knee is okay was very sore post 5k walk....strange cause normally running on grass doesn't bother my knee...

Crazy leg of mine!!!
Good Morning All. Today is sunny and 45. Todays w/o was disc 4 , ch,sh,bi. I was feeling a little weak today but I was able to do the weights on my sheet. Nothing fun on the agenda today.

Carolyn I hope you are feeling better today. Maybe you should crawl back in bed. It might be just what you need.

Betty my Mother loves Judge Judy. She watches her everyday. She used to watch every judge show they had on.
Was your husband excited about your 1st paycheck? :D It feels good to be bringing in a check to pay for some personal items.
Drumroll, please! My PCP diagnosed me with bilateral rotator cuff tendinitis. As soon as I chat with you gals and start the laundry, I'll call the PT office!
Carolyn, what's going on? Can you trace back to what it could be? I'm sorry you're feeling like this:(! Are you feeling any better now? Any hunger?
I can sympathize. Last week for many days my head felt funny; still don't know what caused it but I didn't feel right those days.
Are the headaches hormonal? Were you taking pills on an empty stomach maybe?
I do have MSM in my Hydraplenish. It is sulfurous, so since you felt that way without MSM, it's not caused by MSM.
I can't believe you found those Larabars for next to nothing!:eek::eek: I'm down to my last two bars. I was just thinking of you this morning at Costco--wanting to ask if Kind is as few ingredients as Larabars.
I'm freezing and wearing my robe. Was it frigid out this morning--holy! Waiting for hot water for my tea. I'm wiped after being out for so many hours. I still need to do some yoga!
Jean, dh didn't say. I suppose he might feel a tiny bit less pressure from the noose around his neck, like a drop of water to a bucket.;)
I said my paycheck pays for the groceries.

Ok, I have my PT evaluation appt for next Thursday! Yippee!
Betty We have a local show here called Delmarva Life and this afternoon they did a piece on Oil Pulling. They didn't say anything new. But I really need to do it. I can't believe you have been doing it for a year. I read up on your injury. I hope PT can fix you up. Since you didn't get any imaging , is it possible you could have a tear? I can't wait to hear how it goes next Thursday.
Hello. I forgot to say that my doc also suggested I go see an ortho, perhaps for a steroid injection. I won't be going. She thinks I could also get imaging there but I'll hold off to see how PT goes. I'm booked for all of April already, about 2 visits a week!
I did UY Gentle late in the aft.:p After demo'ing my arm for my doc, it was sore during yoga.

Carolyn, I verily hope you're all right! Check in, my friend. Or maybe you've begun a good night's rest. Be well.

Jean, that's great that the program makes OP known. Indeed, what are you waiting for??:p

Colleen, I hope dd's all right.
Good morning....I was extremely busy yesterday!!!

On the knee was a little sore last night....not sure why???? So I'm just walking this morning!!!

Carolyn....I hope you feel better!!!!

Its suppose to rain this afternoon....and then we grt a break for a bit and then rain saturday! Then the temps drop a bit again....errrrr!!!!

Last night I walked 5 miles with my friend....tonight I plan on doing a upper body workout!!! glad your going to pt.....hopefully that will help your shoulder.

Be back soon!!!!

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