STS first time!

Hi friends, it is frigid today. I come home from work starving, I have to walk the dog, and it is absolutely freezing in the house! God!;)
This morning I had to cut my workout short and only did the standing and disc portions of GG. After I chow my lunch and defrost myself I need to finish the rest. I'm doing the Extreme-inator!!:)
Oh, and I ate like garbage yesterday too.:confused:
Hi Girls. We got about 7 inches of unwanted snow. Luckily the temps are supposed to be above freezing this week so hopefully it will disappear quickly.
Today w/o was Gym Styles bk , sh , bis .
I am going to get dressed and watch WD. My husband said everyone on Talking Dead was crying. I think I know what happened but we shall see.
I fell asleep during resurrection so I will re-watch it. It is a continuation story. It looks pretty good if I can stay awake.

Marie welcome home. It sounds like you had a great vacation.

Carolyn I think it is good that you are doing Brett's program again. You seemed to like it last time.
7", Jean! Ridiculous! Enough already!

At work my head spins from all those customer names that I can't keep straight. Or remember--no sooner do my eyes leave the computer screen that I forget.:confused:

At home I have so much busy work to do! Not to mention exercise and practice:eek:. Better whittle away...
Betty I know what you mean about memory loss. You might get better at remembering names after you are more familiar with the job. I guess you are enjoying working and keeping busy.

I watched WD. I saw nothing that made me tear up. I thought it was a shame Lizzie killed Mika. But I didn't care for her anyway. I was ecstatic when Carol shot Lizzie. I don't really like the child characters on this show.

It is still snowing here but no more accumulation. Tomorrow is going up to 41.
Thanks, friends, for the encouragement. I am feeling tired and bummed today. Nothing a good night's sleep won't cure. Sophomores have MCAS tomorrow so all other grades get to go in late--we can sleep a little later!:p
Carolyn, I did finish GG late this afternoon. Wow, it was a-burnin' me.
High five for being so good all day! I ate dinner with ds2 (ds1 went back to school yesterday evening), dropped him off at his club mtg, then came home and had veggie sticks and popcorn.:confused: Now I'm eyeing something sweet. But I will stay away from the whipped cream cake, which I had double servings of yesterday.:eek:
I do get hungry at work, but I don't want to snack. I think what keeps me from doing it is being a germaphobe:eek::eek:. Eating with my fingers which have touched the keyboard and other surfaces that others have touched:eek::eek:. I'll have to bring things that have wrapping or require a utensil. I forgot to grab a banana this morning in my rush.
It has already crossed my mind what'll happen when someone is sick. It's a small office.
I bought some greek yogurt to eat so I can restore some probiotics that I probably killed off with two courses of antibiotics. I didn't buy a giant jug though; ds1 picked up a couple of fruity ones, which means sugar!:confused::eek: I used to eat plain greek yogurt M-F after my workouts, then when I decided to drastically cut dairy, I stopped. I know I'm missing out on a lot of beneficial things:(. I've had coconut yogurt a few times but they only sell those sugary.:mad:
Better resume practice...
Afterburn this morning! Oh how I love that one. DS just loves it too. He dances right along side me and plays on the discs. Cute little guy!

Betty- I must have missed the post about you working. What kind of job is it? Congrats!

DS is sleeping in my arms right now. Awww best feeling ever!

I was hoping to eat good today but so much for that. I started off good but then came home this afternoon just starving and chowed way too many rice crackers and cheese and then had a chocolate chip cookie. Ugh I feel gross!

Hope everyone had a great Monday!
Still haven't made it to practice. Because it did occur to me that I forgot to say that I rcvd my Lipowheat today (I think). I haven't had a chance to open the box yet!

Marie, a couple of wks ago I called around to the two local businesses down the street inquiring about part-time vacancies. Only one answered the phone and to my utter shock said, yes, they "happen to have a vacancy, part-time mother's hours, doing bookkeeping using QuickBooks and administrative duties. And how did you hear about it?"
Would you believe those were the very duties I was looking for!?
Within a few days, mostly transacted via email except when I briefly met with the co-owner, she emailed me the offer with the finalized details last Sunday afternoon. I started last Monday!
It's at a family-owned plumbing place, and I have been working 4-5 hrs on M, W, F. I'm excited and nervous. As you can imagine, I'm all sorts of rusty! Me, who has not worked for nearly 15 years!!! And: I WALK a block to work! So unreal!
I agree that one cookie is not bad at all. I, like Mary and Carolyn, should not start, otherwise I don't stop. You have willpower, girl!
How fabulous to have a sleeping child in your arms. I miss that so! Sniff him, drink him in!;)
That's so great Betty! How exciting! I'm sure you're doing a great job. I'd be clueless on that kind of stuff ;)

So yup at the time I posted I had one cookie. DH came home and we finished off the rest. I made a batch last night. I froze half the dough or else I would have ate them all. I have no willpower and must stay away from all sweets. Sugar is addicting!!! Tomorrow is a new day so I'll try again ;) At least the cookies are gone lol.

DH went to bed early and I just put DS down so I think I'll head to bed too. DS and I have a zoo date tomorrow with some friends :)
How beautiful! BOTH of you!
Sugar is a poisonous addiction!:eek:

Ok, people, you must post more!

Carolyn, any noticeable improvement on your facial skin? I have been using that lotion I mentioned with the niaminicide. I love how it feels, no oiliness, no pukey scent, no toxins slathered on my face, my skin feels clean and smooth after. I haven't noticed my wrinkles disappear yet but I need to add Lipowheat for the internal action.;)

Good night, friends! Early bedtime for moi.
Good morning!!! Elliptical time!

Marie...that is a beautiful pic!!!

Betty...I'm so happy that your working for a family owned means your more than a #.... they will take good care of you!!!

Carolyn....I know how you night I want to eat the ...and I will say I'm just gonna have 1....and that's NEVER the case!!! Last night. ...I brushed my teeth and went to the bedroom to watch tv....had to remove myself from kitchen!!! Lol

It rained all night last is absolutely soggy....yucky!!! I hope the sunshine comes back....

Bbl!!! Happy tuesday! !!
I have a quick question....

What type of face moisturizing cream should I use???? I've never applied facial I'm not sure....I am in the sun a lot....and don't want to get I am getting older....I think I need to start.....any suggestions or advise?
Carolyn...yeah for DOMS.... my calfs are sore this morning!!!

As for SPF....I do use sunscreen when I go it the sun because I am so fair skinned.... I have too! I usually use SPT 30 or higher.... I never really tan much.... but I at least try to get a little sun so I dont feel so uncomertable in shorts due to my ghostly white legs! LOL :eek:

DS and I have been up since 6am. I should have gotten up early to do a workout because now it's all I can think about and I'm dreading it. Thinking yoga during his nap.

Missy- I use coconut oil on my face but on my trip I used Aveeno moisturizer that had 30spf in it. I also applied that brand of face sunscreen. And then of course 50spf to my body. I like the warmth of the sun but I love the shade. I am so particular about applying sunscreen every couple hours. B especially was caked with it the entire trip. Don't forget to apply to your ears. I wore a hat most of the trip too. My dad has some skin cancer spots which makes my extra nervous to take care of my skin.

Alright time to read The Nose Book and Ponies :) Cuddle time!

Be back later to report my workout.
Good morning!
This morning I did GS Ch&tris - that one always slays me! It amazes me how hard GS is, especially after doing STS.

Marie, great picture! Enjoy your cuddle time. And don't feel guilty about skipping your workout this morning.

Betty, I enjoy greek yogurt but now that I am reading food labels I am amazed at how much sugar is in the yogurt I get. I tried plain greek yogurt and added some banana but I really didn't like it. What do you add to yours? Did you have any trouble getting used to the taste?

I also use Olay moisturizer but with this constant winter weather my skin is still really dry. Missy where you are younger I agree that the most important thing is sunscreen.
Hi Girls. The skies are grey today. The snow is slowly melting. Today's w/o was UY Strength. That's a tough one. I always sweat doing yoga.

Marie That is a nice picture. Such a loving Mother. You've got some good shoulder definition. :D

Missy You probably already wear sunglasses but that is also good to keep the wrinkles away.

Carolyn I will be watching TF today.
Hmmmm ok well b napped and so did I. Yes in his crib with him haha! It's just so cozy!!!! There goes my plans for yoga during his nap. Hello lazy day!

Enjoy your walks :)

Mary- You will get used to the taste. Like Carolyn I used to like the fruit ones and now can't stand the taste. I add cinnamon to my plain stuff. Yummy!
Ahhh, it is pure bliss napping with your little boy. Cherish it all! And I'm talking the sights, sounds, smells, warmth!

I might not do any yoga today.:eek: So caught up in tackling the mail tray. I have the best intention of handling the mail right when it comes in. That lasts about a day! Now I have a month's worth or more!:confused:

Missy, definitely wear sunscreen on your face daily. You have an extra decade of prevention! Look at EWG's skincare database for low toxicity moisturizers with SPF.

Mary, plain or plain greek yogurt does take getting used to but it'll happen fast when you realize how virtuous you are eating that.:p Greek yogurt esp has such high protein content. Add nuts, fresh or dried fruits, a splash of maple syrup or honey if that helps, a few pinches of granola or your favorite cereal.
I'm thinking I should get a jug of plain greek yogurt to eat through. I need the probiotics and protection it offers.
Don't get me started on how the food industry has turned healthy yogurt into unhealthy by adding SO much unnecessary sugar. Thereby also conditioning the American public to eat that much sugar on a regular basis and accepting it as normal. Disgusting.:mad:
How often will you go to the PT?

I am having half a raisin bagel (white flour anyone??) slathered with strawberry cream cheese (so utterly delicious), an over-medium egg, and a few red pepper slices.
Carolyn, how do you make your turkey cutlet? Love avocado.
Must be your workout making you so ravenous. I am never beyond starving.

Jean, great job keeping up with your UB & UY rotation!

In retrospect, doing the TRX workouts with the straps at my bro's gym while my sis was here, then starting the January rotation immediately after were the nail to the coffin for my shoulders. I felt no pain on any of those workouts at the time though. Maybe no rest? And too close together.
I just got back from my first PT appt. Dare I say I feel better? She did a quick eval and said my hips have already started leveling out, apparently I have been overcompensating for the pain and it has eased up now that she told me to stop holding my stretches. Anyway, she used some tools over both up my upper legs, not just my hamstrings but quads and sides, and then pulled and stretched them in various positions. The big difference is she doesn't hold the stretches but releases them quickly. I feel really stretched out in a good way, I just hope I am not in pain tomorrow. She is having me come once a week.

Now that I really have to examine food labels, it is disgusting how much sugar is added to everything.

Betty, did you get an appt. with a PT yet?

Marie, do enjoy this time with B and do not feel guilty about missing a workout.

Carolyn, your lunch sounds really healthy. I think it will be warmer tomorrow so I plan a walk at lunch.

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