STS first time!

Thanks, everyone. I tend to keep my lips shut until I know the outcome. I've never been one to jinx, just in case.;)
Have a great Monday morning!
Good morning!!! Was extremwly busy this weekend...saturday I did chores and grocery shopping and Tim and I went to dinner in tallahassee....then we had to go pick up tims semi truck to get it ready for this week....he cleaned it all day yeaterday and got his cb and stuff installed.....them we took it back to truck stop after sunday dinner with his parents...exhausted!!!! Tim did clean up around our pond saturday so I could run oufdoors a yeaterday I laced up and ran/walk 3 felt so good!!! I got my watch working with my foot pod...fr70 garmin (got for christmas) its awesome! Just love it!!!

Happy belated birthday Carolyn.....I never got on here this weekend!!! Sorry I missed it!!!!

Betty...congrats on the job.....your gonna love it! I wish I worked close....but I live in the country..... and its a 25 min drive.....but I do love living in the I'm not a city girl! Lol.... can't wait to hear all about it!!! Good luck on your first day!!!!

On the elliptical as I type this.....can we say core work also!!! Heheheeh

Have a lovely back in a bit!

Oh....I did ab circuits yesterday....yeah!!!!
Happy Belated Birthday Carolyn! Spending the day with family sounds like a great way to spend your birthday. I have a fitbit and I love it!

Betty, congratulations on the job, it sounds perfect for you! Part-time and close to home, what a way to get back into working. I am very happy for you and hope you have a wonderful first day!

I hate it being so dark in the morning, but I guess I will appreciate the time change later in the day.

So I looked into my PT options and it looks like most of them want a prescription from a dr. I hated the ortho I went to, it felt like a complete waste of my time. And yet I don't have another dr. Any suggestions girls?
Carolyn....I have the fitbit flex and love it! I have the fitbit app on my cell phone...and it will give you alerts and I receive an email when I need to charge my cool!!!! :p
Good Morning . Today I did UY Crosstrain. It is cloudy and going up to 60 today. I will be going to the grocery store today. I am making the chickpeas with spinach again this week. Carolyn you should give that a try. I really enjoy it .

Betty I hope you are enjoying your 1st day at work. Travis misses you. :p
What is the dress code at work?

Mary Is it possible to go to a different ortho? I would think your ins has more than one on your plan.
Mary.... Do you have a primary care physican? If so.... call them and see if they will refer you to pt? We refer patients all the time for pt.... If no PCP... try another ortho...and or chiro.... PT can not see people without a referral... unfortunately....:confused: It terrible.... we have to spend more money to get the treatment we actually need.....:(
tonight is Bates Motel....hehehhe.... cant wait to watch, but I will be watching tomorrow..... as I am 1 day behind!!!! Because Im cheap and have to wait till the paying people see it...LMAO!!!!!!:p
Hi friends, thanks for the well wishes! I had a fine first day, not overwhelming, not boring. I worked till 1:45.:eek: I was starving by then!:eek: Then I walked the whole block home and had to do my other job--walk the dog.:p
The dress code is very casual. For my first day, I wore non-jeans (first time all winter), a pair of corduroy pants and a fuchsia boatneck wool sweater, with a scarf. I don't like to dress sloppy, but I'll be able to wear jeans the next time, tucked into my leather riding boots, topped with a pretty sweater of some sort. Specific enough for you?;)

I rushed through CSS this morning (forgot there were so many planks/pushups--geez!) because I waited until ds left for school before I began. I barely made it out of the house in time! I don't want to get up earlier than normal to exercise though. Waaa.;)

Mary, I will have the same dilemma then, based on what you gals are saying about insurance always needing a referral for a physical therapist. Could I log into my PCP's portal and request a referral, I wonder? I hope I don't have to go in! Missy, would I actually have to visit my PCP for the referral?

Carolyn, I don't think you jinxed yourself--it just wasn't meant to be. I'm just very private and don't talk about things until they are fait accompli. Didn't tell even my close sisters until I actually got the offer. glad to hear your first day was great!!!! So exciting!!! As for the pcp----depends on your physician and there office policies...we refer patients without appointments sometimes...depends on issues....sometimes they come in and the doctor evaluates and then also depends on insurance...medicare requires office visits in order to do anything these days...we cant even order any dme supplies without an appointment...its b/s...thats what it is!:eek:
Betty It sounds like you looked very pretty and hip on your 1st day of work. Did you see any "plumbers cracks" ? :p I'm glad you had a good 1st day. So are you M,W,F ? How many ofc co-workers do you have? Any potential new friends? Well I am excited for you.

I am now getting my tax stuff together. I don't even have an appointment yet. This year I am going thru AARP with the Senior Center. I think they do them free there. I hate tax time. Last year my husband retired and we bought and sold a house. I don't even know what I can claim. :confused: Any of you guys tax experts? :confused:
Jean, that's so funny!:D The plumbers typically are out on the road doing their calls. But I did meet 2 or 3. Today I met the owners' daughter, whom I'm replacing, who lives in RI and drives here on Monday to work on her day off. There's a male business mgr and a female receptionist (who logs all the calls and work associated). Everyone seems so nice. I'm not sure how we could chat--they need to answer a busy ringing phone all the time, which I'll eventually need to pitch in and do (not looking forward to it).:confused:
We're no tax experts but we use TurboTax, a great software. It should be easy for you to try next year I would think. Seems like you guys would be pretty straightforward. I think you're not taxed on any capital gains from sale of your home up to $200k???....
Betty over in "Open Discussion" there is a topic on Oil Pulling. You must go on there and tell about how much you love it and the benefits you have gotten.
Just finished lean legs and abs....dripping in I ran 3 miles prior..... I may have dead leg tomorrow!!! Lol

This is our pond which I ran around...cause tim cleaned it up for I would be safe.....I love to run/walk on rd....but I get nervous on the back country rds alone...never can be to careful!

As for taxes....turbo tax here....and then I cut a check to the damn government....cause I have to dependents....they screw me every chance they get.....but I will not go down that road! Lol

Tim is still out...the mill was not running he had to get his new truck serviced....he is on way home....should be here in a few hours.... tomorrow the mill be running and he will be haulibg product....yeah!!! Here is a pic of his truck.....


Now I'm all showered and resting these legs!

Have a nice evening!!!
Missy How big is your pond? It looks beautiful. Maybe we should all move to your neck of the woods. I know I would love it there. Does Tim own that truck or does the company he works for own it.? I couldn't imagine driving an 18 wheeler.

Carolyn I watched WD. I didn't think it was that good. Lets see. Beth got kidnapped. Daryl met up with those creepy men. I think that is all that was remarkable to me. It looks like every week they show us one group. Only 3 more episodes till fall. I think everyone is going to be at Termanus on the last episode so we have to wait 6 months to see what happens. What did you think?
Good morning friends....doms in the lower body....yeah!!!!

Jean...tim drives for the company....its too expensive to own your own...the price of diesel and maintance....he got home last night @10....from being in shop getting it worked is out the door..teucking today! And he is soooo happy!!! As for our pond.....if you walk around it 5 times its a mile.....

We do have a lake in town that is 1 mile around....and its nice to go to....but its not worth driving back to town after coming home from I have to come home and take dog outside prior to working to walk out back door and walk/run around my pond. It is challenging as there are elevation changes....not flat....

Today is Tuesday.... gonna call my hair salon today and make an appointment to get my hair trimmed....its much needed...

Better get a move on. Its morning cardio time!
Good tired cloudy morning. Not much going on. Market then some gentle Travis.

Carolyn, that night walk sounded fun. Great extra workout too.
I said Resurrection looks creepy. Dead people coming back years later, right?
Hi Girls. Sunny and 65 today. It smells of Spring. Thursday we are only going up to 38. I took the dogs to the groomer at 8 this morning and just got back from picking them up. We shall see if I get a w/o in today.

Missy That is a good size pond you have. My groomer has 2 horses so we were talking about them today and all they work they are. I told her about all you do for your horses. I think it would be wonderful to look out your window or sit on the porch and see horses.

I guess with Resurrection it was just the people coming back to life. Maybe I will give it a chance next week. Do you think one shows leads into the next or do you think each week would be an individual story?
Where are y'all? It has turned sunny and I have spring fever:eek:. Weathermen keep saying cold/snow this week and more cold still next week.:confused:
Its absolutely beautiful out today...75º.... so I took advanrage and went to the park at lunch and walked 2 miles....

Cherokee lake and the train tracks that run over lake..... 1 lap is 1 mile



Back to work.....

Jean....horses are pretty...but lots of upkeep for sure!

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