STS first time!

Betty, I thought you would get a kick out if this. My mom just emailed it to me.


An elderly Italian man lay dying in his bed. While suffering the agonies of impending death, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite ravioli wafting up the stairs. He gathered his remaining strength, and lifted himself from the bed. Gripping the railing with both hands, he crawled downstairs.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he leaned against the door frame, gazing into the kitchen, where if not for death's agony, he would have thought himself already in heaven. For there, spread out upon waxed paper on the kitchen table, were hundreds of his favorite ravioli.

Was it heaven? Or was it one final act of love from his wife of 60 years, seeing to it that he left this world a happy man? He threw himself towards the table, landing on his knees in a crumpled posture. His parched lips parted, the wondrous taste of the ravioli was already in his mouth.

With a trembling hand he reached up to the edge of the table, when suddenly he was smacked with a wooden spoon by his wife who said:

"Questi sono per il funerale."
(Translation – These are for the funeral).


I'm Italian :) My mom will love this. Showing her while we are on the plane :)
Carolyn, that was a hoot. Can you just picture a house in the Tuscan countryside with such a scene unfolding? And, I could read that Italian phrase:cool:!
I agree that we'd meet at Jean's. Sounds like absolute paradise there.

So true that some people have bodies that defy the odds. Lucky them!
Jean, how exciting for your packages! Sounds like perfect matching. And how about those pedal pushers? You're shopping up a storm!

Missy, nice job on UB!:cool:

Marie, safe travels, awesome trip! B will have loads of fun!
I forgot to say I did Foundations #2 earlier. Loved it. I'll have to return the dvd soon. Waaaah!:(
I was researching D-Mannose earlier as someone posted in the UTI thread. It may be preferable to cranberry extract. It's so hard to research! Apparently it can come from corn and I don't want that. A lot of the products don't indicate the source.
Betty I meant to tell you that when I am doing UY , I always look at the pretty girl in the front row. I wonder if she is Travis's girlfriend/wife. She has hair a tad past her boobs and she wears a bunch of bracelets on her left arm. She is so pretty and she does every move perfectly and she looks like she is really in yoga land. I really wish I could do yoga like her.

Carolyn that joke was so cute. LOL

Just let me know when you want to come to my house. :p We can all put on bathing suits and go to the Ocean. :eek:

Missy We are going to get your rain tomorrow. You can keep it.
Jean, that's Lauren, I think. Idk whether she's his wife. Her form is perfect. And her skin is so youthful. And so toned. And the strength when she's going down on plank. Ah, to be young again.
Speaking of boobs, there's one UY where a gorgeous lady with big eyes has her chest practically showing on a seated forward fold reaching your toes. I forget which one but it's one of the non-strength ones, the ones I've been doing lately. See if you notice it one day.

Carolyn, didn't you get Foundations for under $20 last year? It's $30 now!:eek:
Definitely do it tomorrow!

buona notte.
Good friday morning!!!! Cardio time.....

Can't wait till 5 oclock.... I'm ready for this weekend....its been one long week! Today I'm at front desk! Yucky!!!! yall ever do Cathe yogas?

Btw....its still raining here....its a wet mess outside! Hoping it stops soon so the sun can come out!

Check back soon.....
Good sunny morning, fit gals. Munching on a ball right now. Maybe KM soon.
Carolyn, your body will thank you for some Travis. Else you might peter out over the weekend. Do #2 or 3.
Missy, I have Cathe's yogas. Don't love them though.
Better get going.:rolleyes:
Carolyn that joke was too funny. I'm half Italian my mom is 100%

I have cathes yoga but don't like them. I can't click with them

Over slept today so no workout.
Just finished my oatmeal after KickMax. I love this workout! Well, the high-impact jumping not so much.:confused:

Good for you, Carolyn! You've always loved spinning! Wish I could even enjoy it like you.:p

Missy, all that rain makes you sleepy and glum. A nap in the break room is in order.

Colleen, yes, sleep is waaaay more important!
Good Morning. Today is cold , cloudy , windy and we are getting Missy's rain later today. :( I hope the rain will melt the snow. I am so sick of looking at it. I am so tired today and have no reason for it. :confused: I could go back to bed. But I soldiered on and did "Slow and Heavy" bi, tri , abs. Nothing pumps my arms like that w/o. :D I do have the Cathe yoga's but I have never done them. I believe they are in the Low Impact Series.

“….in a very special serious relationship with Yoga teacher Lauren Eckstrom.”
This is what Travis says about Lauren. And yes she is the one I am speaking of. She is so beautiful.
The next time you see the lady with the boobs , let me know what dvd she is on. I haven't done all of them yet.

O.K. I have to get dressed. I'm freezing.
Carolyn the only adjustment I made to the soup was I didn't add mushrooms. Plus the only kale I could find was in a bag. Make sure you get fresh kale. And you only need about a cup. So try not to get a huge bundle. I can't wait to hear how he family liked it. I also cooked mine in a crock pot.
Carolyn, if memory serves, I omitted the mushrooms, added pasta (don't put it in the soup; make separately since it sucks up all the liquid in leftovers), and did it in the crockpot. It has a lot of leftovers. Everyone will love it!
Maybe mine had a lot of leftovers because I put in the pasta.
Wow, you have all the ingredients?? How serendipitous is that! You were meant to make it. It's quite tasty.
It took 4-5 hrs in the crockpot, the average for anything cooked on High.
I used dry beans so I had to prep them in advance.
Carolyn there will be plenty for 2 adults and 2 children. For the leftover night , I made garlic bread also. :eek: Just ask me how to ruin a healthy meal. :D
Any kale is fine. To prevent overcooking it, I put it in the last 15 mins or so, but any kale in the leftovers was a yucky army green.:p
Because I added pasta, mine ballooned in size so that we ate it over 4 days! That is rare. Both dh and ds said they were sick of it.:rolleyes:
Don't forget your bread, other veggies, croutons, fruit to fill you up during and after.
Carolyn I don't know how much yal eat but I only put in one carton of broth which is 4 cups. I put in extra kale because I had so much. If you picture a cereal bowl , I had about a half and Frank had a whole. Then we had leftovers. I would just make some bread or a side veggie and you will be fine. If they don't like it , you won't have to worry about unused leftovers. If they do like it , then double the recipe next time. You could also add some cooked pasta. At this time , I wouldn't put it in uncooked.

Nothing new here. I have been reading my book which I did finish today. It was so good. I also watched 5 episodes of Big Bang Theory. Love Sheldon. We ate dinner at 3 pm because my husband had to go to work. Now all of the pets have been fed. Tonight is Happy Hour at the community center but I am no where near ready so I will just stay home. It is raining and cold. So you are all caught up on my little life.
Just watched Austenland, Jean. Idk if you like Jane Austen but the lady in the movie is obsessed and goes on a trip to England to live a fantasy. With a little more effort they could have made the movie better.:confused:
Is BigL returning for the spring?

Need to use up my old apples and make an apple crisp. Ds1 returns for spring break tonight!

Mary, you're well?

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