STS first time!

Good sunny morning, friends. Today will be a yoga day for me. Later.

Missy, I know how you feel when Tim's away. I don't like it too much when dh's away but it was worse when the kids were little.

Jean, I feel for you with all that snow you were getting. Ick. We might have escaped this one but the cold punishes on.

Carolyn, I meant to say be mentally prepared if you ever have to sneeze during OP!;) The past two days I haven't been able to maintain the 20 mins due to the stupid nasal drip making me cough.
Hi . Today we are going up to 30 degrees with some sun. I did Uy Vitality today. I can really feel myself getting better at these poses. Today I started noticing when we go from Chaturanga to Cobra to Downward dog that I am using my ab muscles more to get up there. Then when we did the Plow pose , my feet were able to touch the ground. That made me feel like a child again. :p Tonight is Canasta but I don't know if I am going. I hate this weather.
I joined this online weigh in with the local paper and today is my first weigh in. :eek: I think it is 10 weeks and they want you to lose 10 pounds. I guess I better get my fat a$$ on the elliptical. :rolleyes:

Missy How do you roast the asparagus? That sounds good. I need more fresh veggies in my diet.
Hi everyone, I just finished Foundations #1. It's sad how I can't stretch my left arm all the way. But these gentle yoga dvds should be as strenous as I do.
I can feel my legs/butt doms as I do yoga. Nothing like those dixie cups!
Having the same lunch as yesterday right now. Along with some yoga-mat plastic in my croutons: Nearly 500 ways to make a yoga mat sandwich | Environmental Working Group
Do you guys subscribe to EWG yet?

Carolyn, wow, 35#! I'm sure I can't do that. I have the boniest hands and wrists.

Jean, you're making inroads! I can't remember if my toes touch the floor on Plow but I do know Plow always seems to transition to Shoulder Stand and I can't do my legs straight up.
Your weigh-in will be great for accountability. Good luck!
Good Afternoon....I am so sleepy!!!!! ERRRR!!!!

But, so much to do!

Jean.... Buy fresh asperagas.... wash and snap them.... place on a baking tray.... drizle with olive oil , salt, and pepper. Bake in oven for 25 minutes at 400 degrees. As for your weigh in....YEAH!!! We all know I love the scale!!! HEHEHEHE :p

Carolyn...Impressive... 35#... your a trooper! AWESOME!!!!

Betty....I sure wish I could like yoga....I just cant do it... I feel like if I dont sweat, that I have wasted my time.... And I know its not true...but if I do yoga...I always feel like I need to follow it with a massive cardio session>??????? I know....CRAZY!!!;)

Be back soon....crazy at work!
Carolyn do you have a weight vest? That helps take the weight out of your hands. You always had higher weight numbers than me. :(
You are going to feel that w/o tomorrow.

Missy Thanks for the recipe. I will cook that next week.

Betty That EWG was a little too much for me. My legs don't go straight up on the shoulder stand either but I think if I keep this up they will.
To The Max this morning :)

Then shopping for a hat for the little man. I was hoping to get a swimsuit and some tanks at Kohl's but I didn't like anything so we had to go to the mall. Two hours later I bought a swimsuit and one tank. This is why I hate shopping. I hate looking and trying on. I just want the item to come to and then I'll buy it.

Ok so swimsuits...I have two but wanted to bring three. One is a cheaper one from Target. It's fine but I just like the way the more expensive ones fit better. I have a nice one from like ten years ago and it still looks great. The top is now a bit ill fitting. My boobs have changed since breastfeeding. Tmi ;) not for you girls though right ;) So I go to the swimsuit place at the mall and of course tried on a billion before getting a black bottom and teal top. The sales lady kept bringing me different sizes and more ideas. She was super helpful. But one top she brought me was $92!!!!! Just the top!!!! Omg I paid $38 for each top and bottom and thought that was too much but 92 just for the top. My goodness!!! Anyways just had to share. I must admit it fit perfect and I was tempted for half a millisecond ;)

Alright ds is almost home. Better fold the laundry.
Marie I feel $92 is a lot for a bathing suit top. I probably would pay $92 for a whole bathing suit.

Carolyn I can't wait to hear how your salad comes out.

Betty I can't believe 5 cobras has your arm throbbing. You really should see a doctor. Just resting isn't going to heal something like that.

I'm going to Canasta tonight. Every time I want to go out , I get so sleepy.
Canasta was a lot of laughs tonight. We had 2 tables of 4 women. Our table laughed the whole time. The other table was kind of somber. It's all in who you sit with.

I haven't watched either show yet. We are having a marathon t.v. day tomorrow.

Enjoy your DOMS tomorrow.

My husband was really impressed with my yoga moves today. He saw me doing something and he said "is that her"? He couldn't believe I could do that. So that was nice to hear. I really feel progress with my yoga. Tomorrow is ch ,bk ,sh .
Thanks, my good friend, icing as we speak.
Oh, I just saw your earlier post.:eek:
Good night, all.
Got to OP.
Good morning!!! My hubby is home!!! Yeah!!! Slept like a baby last night!

I watched BM last night! Hehehehe I was able to watch it on whoooohoooo!!!! better go get your shoulder checked....if you hurt don't want it to heal medical care!!!! Don't want you to be in pain forever!

I need to get my hair cut....but what do I want to do with it??? The ends are all split......I have been so time for me....what to do??? I have to take cate of my hair this weekend???? Hmmmm.....

Be back soon....
Carolyn...treadmill this morning....and my legs are sore too.....hehehehe..... yes...rockout knockout is fun! And it will have you pooring sweat!!!! Do it...and let me know what you think!
As for my hair....I always do long layers.... and that's always what I do...a few inches...hehehehe....too funny!!!!
Beets with Fennel Yogurt Sauce
Beets with Fennel Yogurt Sauce
Prep and Cook Time: 20 minutes
Ingredients: •4 small whole beets, cut into quarters

•½ cup plain nonfat yogurt
•1 TBS dijon mustard
•3 medium cloves garlic, pressed
•1 tsp fennel seed
•1 tsp fresh lemon juice
•2 TBS ground sunflower seeds
•2 TBS olive oil
•salt & pepper to taste
Directions: 1.Fill the bottom of a steamer with 2 inches of water.
2.While the water is coming to a boil, wash beets, leaving 2 inches of tap root and 1 inch of the stem on the beets. Cut beets into quarters. Do not peel.
3.Steam covered for 15 minutes. Beets are cooked when you can easily insert a fork on the tip of a knife into the beet. Although some of their colorful phytonutrients are lost to the steaming water, there is plenty of color and nutrients left in the beets.
4.While beets are cooking, press or chop garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to bring out their health-promoting properties.
5.After garlic has sat for 5 minutes, put all sauce ingredients except olive oil in blender. While blending drizzle olive oil slowly to emulsify.
6.Set beets aside to cool enough to handle.
7.Peel, and cut beets into bite size pieces. Toss beets with dressing and serve.
Serves 2-4

Carolyn and Missy . Here is todays healthiest beet recipe.
Good morning! Cloudy and gloomy. And, you guessed it--frigid.
Carolyn, go for it! That would be so out of the ordinary for you! How painful are your doms??:p:D
I find that Cathe'slatest two KB have too many jumping jacks; I prefer her traditional older ones, so I might do KM on Friday (it also has a great leg conditioning section). Today is PRS#2, baby!
Missy, long layers, shoulder length. Hey, want to try a modern bob? Whenever I see it on celebrities, it looks so good!
Jean, I noticed you addressed the beet recipe to Carolyn and Missy!:p:D
Just finished some almond butter pre-workout. I'm all out of balls. Must make some today!
Carolyn...RK has alot, and I mean alot of I may be alot on sore legs....

Jean...thanks for the beets receipe....I am not sure of the taste of fennel seeds....but I did read that they can be an appitite supp.... but never tried them.

Betty----As for short hair...thats a NO.... I cant do it! I like long hair, and my husband would KILL me if I cut it off! LOL... Plus if I cant pull it back for my workouts I would go insane! I cant stand anything in my sweaty face! :eek::p

Weather update....its raining and cold...40 degrees this morning and pooring rain= raw!!!! Not a fan!!!! Weather man says it should rain all day :(
Morning girls!!

It's cold here today but that doesn't seem to be anything new.

Sunday, Monday and yesterday I did p57 workouts. Today I was exhausted to I slept in.

Have a great day. BBL.
Hi everyone. It's cloudy and 40 today. My w/o was Slow and Heavy ch , bk , sh.

Betty do your arms feel any better today?
Carolyn P57 is a combo of barre , pilates and yoga. Kelly Ripa says that is how she transformed her body. You can see a snippet on youtube. It has great reviews on Amazon.
Physique57 is more barre workouts. Just as Jean described. I'm loving them. Def has more cardio effect than barre3.

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