STS first time!

Happy March! Had our usual very late huge brunch (crepes). Heading out for a little bit. Bbl to respond.
Still feeling grumpy from my damn cold. Nose runs, the nasal drip makes me cough, the cough makes my eyes water and nose drip some more.:mad::mad::mad:
My shoulder hasn't gotten any better but I think I've got to reduce the inflammation.
I will read OD on cranberry powder, thanks! Still haven't ordered any yet since I'm waiting to need other supplies first.

Marie, happy anniversary! Congrats!

Carolyn, I hope you're feeling a little less blue. That must be awful, what you're experiencing. Your hormones sure are doozies, with the monthly insomnia.
Hi girls!

Marie happy belated anniversary. I didn't think you were old enough to be married that long. :)

Carolyn I hope your ok. I can get the same way.

Betty brunch sounds wonderful!

Today DD and ds both has soccer games. They are now watching TV and I just did 30 min p57 workout.

Nothing sounds good for dinner. Maybe some breakfast...

So I'm loving my new hair cut. I can't remember If I told you gals or not but I also got a keratin treatment (all natural one). I have to tell you it's amazing!!!! My hair is so soft and shiny and the best part is its not frizzy anymore. After I dry it I don't even have to flat iron it. I had to flat iron my hair before or I won look hideous.
Colleen, we posted at the same time! Your keratin treatment sounds amazing! My hair needs a flat iron to get rid of the frizzies too. I only pull it out infrequently though, so you can imagine the daily look:confused:;).

Carolyn, see if you can read this. I want an update on OP!


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Good morning! Cloudy glum day. Still feel like crap. My cold and my shoulders.:mad: Our forum thread is about as upbeat as I feel. Not! So quiet here.
Like Jean said, another snowstorm expected. Tomorrow.
But things are looking up for me--going out with my girlfriends in a bit.
Good Afternoon. It is a beautiful day today. We are going into the high 50's. It's hard to believe we are expecting 8 inches of snow tomorrow. I went to the grocery store today. I think I will read my book and watch today's movie. My husband won't be home till late tonight. They have a meeting at work from 7 to 9 pm.

Betty Have a wonderful day with your friends. Hopefully that will make you feel better.

Carolyn Hopefully you can get your life back on track tomorrow when everyone goes back to school and work.
I never got a chance to check in with my workout yesterday. Work was busy busy busy. Quite the opposite of tonight. It's going soooo slow.

Yesterday I did Step Blast and Core 1. Florida is motivating me to work my abs more.

Today was 4DS Double Cardio fun that one :) And I did Core 2.

Hmmm alright time to pass 8pm meds.

Hopefully I'll be back soon ;)
What are we starting tomorrow? Eating well? I'm in. I think.:eek:
I had a fab time today, a leisurely ramen lunch, then we walked through a natural foods market, then we went to a bakery for dessert and a mocha.
I feel mentally better after spending time catching up with my friends.

Fab job, Marie, balancing your workouts!

Carolyn, those pages were about OP.
Don't fret about Florida. Rethink it later and see if you're still anxious about the idea.

Jean, we will now only be getting a coating of snow, and none will reach NH. Thank goodness. But the stinking cold temps are lingering.

Anyone watching the Oscars? Love looking at the gowns!

We are on page 999 of posts!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Hello ladies!
Carolyn, so sorry about the lack of sleep and cramps, not a good start to a Monday. I hope the advil kicks in soon.

I am on the final week of Meso2 which has drop sets. I am finding them very challenging. I think my weights went up after meso 3 so that is my excuse.

My dd had a volleyball tournament all day yesterday, she had to be there at 8:30. They ended up winning the whole thing which was great for them but we were there til 6. I need another day!

I am glad there was no snow today, now if we could only get rid of what is on the ground. And so cold!

I am going to try to eat better too. There are so many temptations here at work though, seems everyone has candy or cookies on their desks. If I don't crack and have that first one I am usually ok.
Good cloudy cold morning, friends. Today March does look like 'in like a lion' because I see the trees swaying from the gusts of wind.
I'm not sure what I'll do yet--either legs or step.
I feel like going back to sleep now that I'm so exhausted from my coughing up and blowing out this morning.:confused: Talking so much yesterday gave me a raw throat, which in turn gives me fits of coughing:mad:.

Mary, congrats to dd and her team!
We are having the worst winter cold! So relentless.:mad::confused:
Me three regarding if I don't have the first candy or cookie or sweetie treatie I'm all set.

Carolyn, I feel terrible for you:(. That bracing cold air will do you some good!

I better go work out. Lately I've been delaying it past nine.:eek:
Mary- isn't that the truth about people always having sweets around at work. There is always stuff at the nursing stations. Last night it was chocolate covered cherries. Let's just say I was good. And speaking of, I'm on my 4th of good eating. Doing well with the low sugar. Still craving it but hoping that goes away soon. Lol I wish! So yes ladies let's do this and eat great. We can do it and motivate each other.

I need to get motivated to workout. Ds and I just finished breakfast....eggs, turkey sausage, broccoli and cheese. Sipping coffee now. Ds is playing with his new favorite truck. Workout next. Storytime at 10:30 so I best get a wiggle on right Carolyn ;)
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B just wanted to send a message ;)
Good Morning fit friends and Good Morning to B (thanks for the message)!!!!;)

Page 1000 :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
We have to be the longest thread!!!!

I stuck with my cardio all weekend....but was so busy, no time to check in. I was trying to get all of Tims stuff ready! Then we went to lunch in Tally that was 2 hrs travel time....but well worth it....we went to panera bread....yummy! I had the classic salad with grilled chicken! It was so freaking good!!!!:p

Today Tim drove to Florida for safety training for 2 days....he will be back tomorrow....thank heavens..... I do not like when Tim is not at is too quiet! Some people like for there spouses to leave....but Im not one of them....I love my time with Tim!!! So tonight Mr Boots will be the man of the house!!! hehehe

Okay...its a new month....and Yes we are eating very healthy this month!!!!

What rotation are you doing????:)
Hi girls.
Marie, that was absolutely adorable of you and B! He wrote some real words. So smart! (For a moment I thought you butt-posted.:D)
You're so good to get veggies in your bkfast. I rarely ever.
Great job on your sugar cut-back! High ten! We will all do it! We will all do it! We will all do it!
So what does it mean, exactly?:D No sweetie treaties? Or more than that?

Carolyn, more power back at you for not wallowing in your PMS misery.:cool: Nothing like some fresh air and then a workout to get through that.
I shouldn't complain about my stupid cold. Just wonder how the heck I would feel if I had it worse, like the flu or something. I just feel everything so damn acutely.:confused:

Missy, page 1000 indeed!:eek::eek::eek: We've GOT to be the longest thread! Ever! High five, my bffs!
Panera is so delish! I love it too!

I just finished XT Legs. Getting my oatmeal ready. My fingers are so cold too as I type!:mad:
Missy, no rotation for me. Still resting my shoulder, plus I find that rotations are too intense for me.

Five more posts and someone will have the 10,000th post!!!
Hi Girls. It is windy , cold and snowing. I think we might have 2 inches so far. Yesterdays movie was "A cool , dry place" from 1998 with Vince Vaughn. He was certainly young then. The movie was pretty good.
Todays w/o was Slow and Heavy bi , tri, abs. I think this slow and heavy is a very hard w/o. I can't imagine what the legs portion is like. :eek:

Hi B tijg thrrr tujgdffs u tthrue iut jpijhgfd t e w m.

Missy No rotation for me. I am enjoying rotating yoga and weights every other day. You are putting a lot of responsibility on Mr. Boots. :p
It is bitterly cold out!:mad: Why can't we get a prolonged break?! It's time for spring!:mad:
Having a giant serving of baby greens with a slab of smoked salmon and some pesto dollops.:cool: See the halo on my head?:D

Jean, I've not heard of that movie. VV cracks me up.
Betty your lunch sounds delicious! We have not been getting any good seafood since our local fish market closed.

Ok, I kid you not, I went to get a cup of tea and a very nice co-worker put a Lindor chocolate on my desk while I was gone. I did not have the heart to give it back but I did not eat it!

Carolyn, I hope it works with the warm weather! It was too cold and gray for me to walk today.
Good afternoon....just went to lumch with my friends I use to walk with....she told me she is getting a sad!!!! She said she also needs to start back walking because she is getting chunky! I said we all need to get back to out skinny bodies....summer is right around the corner!!!! And this chick will be wearing a bikini! LOL I got salad bar....I made a yummy salad!:p

Trying to think of what I will prepare for dinner tonight....hmmm....something super healthy! I was thinking of starting a rotation....but not sure....I have gotten back to elliptical....I realize much it really tones the legs!!! But I do need Cathe...just not sure if I want to do 5 or 6 days a week of many decisions....or do I just want to pick and choose what workouts I want to do daily.... I think we do better when Cathe telling us what to do!!!!;) Not you can tell!!!!

Spring is excited!!!! Im ready!!!!

Tonight Bates Motel is on.... Excited...but not sure if I will be able to watch or wait till season comes out as I do not have A&E..... :( I want to watch it right now!!!! I was so loving that show!!!!

Oh...BTW....are we continueing with the energy balls?????They are so yummy.... I think I might, as long as I dont cheat with any other snacks!!!!

Gotta back soon!!!!! ;)
Carolyn, you are the winner! 10,000 posts!
Missy, you hit 2,000 today!
Mary, you have some iron willpower! Those Lindt truffles are sooo good. Keep that willpower up during the triple witching hour--end of workday, before dinner's ready, after-dinner dessert!;)

Do you guys remember my story about what I had to lug home from CA last October? An entire bag of frozen smoked Alaskan salmon? B-i-l has an uncle in Alaska who provided them. I kept a couple and finally defrosted one pack recently. Never had them before and I enjoyed it. Inside this particular pack, the salmon was cut up into 4 lunch-size pieces.

Missy, I'm definitely continuing wih the energy balls. I have two left from the last batch.
Don't burn out from doing too many workouts during your week.
I definitely prefer to pick a workout depending on how my body feels and what I feel like doing for the day.

Geez, Carolyn, you just reminded me I have some laundry to fold today. Maybe I'll wait till the batch I washed today dries and fold them all tomorrow.;)

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