STS first time!

Minestrone Surprise

time: 20 minutes; cooking time 45 minutes
Ingredients: •5 cups chicken or vegetable broth
•1 medium onion, chopped fine
•6 medium sized cloves garlic, chopped
•1 stalk celery, diced (to yield about 1/2 cup)
•2 medium sized carrots, peeled and diced into 1/2-inch pieces (to yield about 1 cup)
•1-1/2 cups finely chopped kale
•1/4 cup diced portabello mushrooms, black gills cut out and discarded
•1 15 oz can diced tomatoes
•1 TBS dried Italian herbs
•2 cups or 1 15 oz can navy beans (no BPA), drained
•salt and black pepper to taste
Directions: 1.Prepare ingredients by chopping and measuring.
2.Heat 1 TBS broth in medium soup pot. Healthy Sauté onion in broth over medium heat for 5 minutes stirring frequently. Add garlic and continue to sauté for another minute.
3.Add broth and rest of ingredients except beans and salt and pepper. Bring to a boil on high heat, reduce heat to low and continue cooking, uncovered for 45 minutes or until vegetables are tender.
4.Add beans, cook for another couple minutes, season with salt and pepper, and serve.
Serves 6

I am getting the Healthiest Foods emails and here is the recipe of the day. I think I will make this omitting the mushrooms. :p

I haven't watched DA . I have so much recorded that I forget about it. I will watch tonight.
I think we are all in a slump because of this weather. You have your beautiful children and loving husband to look forward to everyday. :D It will be better in a few weeks.
Carolyn They usually show the last episode before the new episode. Try to remember to record that one also. I will try to remind you. I like to do that myself.
I am doing laundry also but not eating the house. ;)
Jean, I started UY Yin for a couple of minutes then ejected. Gentle is far better for me.
I can't for the life of me find my Travis Yoga Foundations so I borrowed it from the library again and was just previewing it. I think I'll do #1 or 2 on Thursday.
I watched Blue Jasmine last night. I was entertained the whole time. I can see why Cate Blanchett was nominated for a Golden Globe. Her sister is RPJ's leading lady on Persuasion--when will you get that?

Mary, hang in there. Sunday is Daylight Savings so it'll be way more motivating one week from now.
After Jean watches we can discuss Downton. It is definitely months later at Rose's debutante ball. A lovely change of scenery and some exciting events.

I think my shoulder entered that true pain point. Before I was flirting with it.
I should go vacuum.
Jean, love the recipe! I've saved it and will definitely try it.
I hope UY isn't messing with your shoulders:confused:.
Omg, I am so flecking cold! I never changed out of my dri-fit top after yoga and I can literally feel the cold air going through me under my robe!:mad::mad:
I'm still waiting for my pellet stove part which hopefully should arrive tomorrow but dh has to get off work and install it, which means Wednesday evening's fire is shot. Though I have a mtg at the high school in the evening.

Carolyn, we posted at the same minute earlier!
I vaguely knew about tuna, something I rarely eat, but whenever you mention tuna it makes me want to have some. Read up on Jean's link and eat less, if that's the case.
I would think the rug should stop shedding soon. Give it a couple more months (which means you'll have to vacuum it more often:D).

Jean, I was looking at the DDP Yoga link earlier! If he's a former wrestler then that means boot-camp-style yoga, tough like Zuzka maybe? I like my workouts not too strenuous.:p

I'm hungry now too.
Good morning!!! I will check in when I get to work....have lots to say....too much to type on my phone!

Be back soon.
Crazy crazy.....I'm at front desk for a bit....

First....I got my scale back...and I have some massive work to do.... starting today! No more bad anything!!!!

Also....tim starts a new job on monday....friday is his last day....he turned in a notice a few weeks back....he was so I am super excited for him!!! Back to trucking he shall go!!! Home nightly though!!! Yeah!!! Which means I will have more time for my workouts like before!

Its raining...and predicted all day...then the temps will fall again....:( I'm ready for summer!

Be back in a bit! Patients everywhere!

Carolyn...I feel for you....I would have lost my patience! Lol
Morning, girls! Cloudy and the lightest snow expected today. So dang cold.:mad:
Just finished PRS#2 with the added bonus of #1 combos. Omg, I cannot say enough how much I love this workout. I even LOVE the combos from #1 MORE, so I can't wait to try PRS#1 one day! Fun fun fun!!! (Marie, I just watched the clip on her site and the combos ARE from the main workout of #1. So, yay, I'm learning some already!)
I caught a slight minor cold.:confused: Earth-shattering for me:D since it's infrequent. Here I go with the OCD germophobe stuff.;) Maybe it was from when my mom coughed near me the other evening.:confused:

Missy, Tim didn't like the John Deere place? Was he managing the store, I recall? Is he moving to another JD?
Are you a billing coordinator in your office?
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Carolyn....not sure if you remember....there was 2 owners of the business and one of them commited sucide....he was the only reason Tim took the job....he was therw for the employees....and real company man. Now the business is left with a numbers person. The business is going down hill...tim was stressed about that! As for his trucking....he will be home every trips only....but he will have longer I will be able to workout prior to him coming home most days....he went back to hauling out of sawmill.... he is also...eating much healthier and starting to walk a bit for exercise. He has lost 5 pds! Yeah!!!!

Carolyn....why wouldn't the mother say something???? That's crazy!!!!
Betty....we were posting at same time! I am the office/billing adminstrator and or manager. Tim was service manager at JD....going back to hauling lumber and woodchips from sawmills....

I made a blackeyed peas cucumber salad and it was delish!

Last night I made a tossed salad with roasted chicken breast! Yummy!!! Tim even said it was good.....hehehehe are not a were a concerned parent....I would have freaked out too.

Have fun at the movies! Gosh, its been so ling since Tima nd I went to the movies....I think its because most of the crap they come out with were not interested in! LOL Today is just not the same as the good ole days! LMAO....sounds like im getting old! :confused:

I went to publix at lunch to pick up a few items....$75.00 later....I have a few items in the car! Good items oranages, banannas, raspberries, cottage cheese, and a few more.....

Tonight, we are having chili for dinner. And then I am making a homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner tomorrow...since it is getting cold again!

How many calories do you think is in our energy balls???? hmmm.... im gonna figure it out the next batch i make...and report back! I think there good calories....but should we be eating them as much as we (I) do???? There just so yummy....and I have a few pounds to shed by memorial day!

Be back.....;)
Missy, I wonder about the calories too! I ate two pre-workout. I should limit myself to one because it's not like I cut back on any of my subsequent meals!
How will you figure out the calories?

Jean, I'm making the minestrone surprise in the crockpot right now. I omitted the mushrooms because ds doesn't like them, and anytime I've had minestrone, there are no mushrooms in it.

Carolyn, I have those CO2 thoughts too. How inconsiderate of the family not to let you know; they must know you're a mother hen.;)
Don't read anything into the lady sitting in car; she probably had to run to an appt or something.
Betty.... I will add all calories of the ingrediants together and divide by the number of balls I make.... bam....calories per ball! :p:eek: I am sure its not very good....I mean.... there is some good calories...but.... it is extra calories and we all are trying to lose our "winter" weight! hmmm.... are they worth it???? Well I am just addicted to I am saying yes at the moment....but when I figure out the calories I may have to change my mind! LOL
Jean, where are you today? My soup is smelling great. I added a bit of rotini too soon, then added some orzo now. Kale a little later.

It's as if we've got ourselves conditioned for the nightly sweetie treatie:eek::eek:. Oh heck, why not?? Life's too short. And don't forget the most important part: we are exercise fanatics!
Carolyn, I do the same thing--have a small serving then go for seconds. Or have a big serving and still go for seconds.:eek:

I've got to stop buying corn products. In this country they're genetically modified:confused:. I'm eating Popcorners by the truckload!:eek:
I've only got a small runny nose, but it's a combination of being cold too, I bet. It's overnight when ya feel so crappy.
Honey and green tea for sore throats, my dear.

Missy, I hate that at the market I see fruits from Chile. Can't we grow it in the US in greenhouses? Is there anything growing down south? Probably the polar vortex is killing everything. It's so bitterly cold here.
Hi Ladies. Today we woke up to snow. It snowed on and off all day but by 2 o'clock it was all gone. Today I did "Slow and Heavy" ch , bk , sh. I have never done that one before. It was quite the w/o. I really enjoyed it. I'm glad there was only 8 reps. I don't get how everyone raves about the music on Cathe's w/o's. It does nothing for me. Just saying. Then this afternoon I went to a neighbors house for Stitching club. She was showing everyone her antique ornament wreaths and what to start collecting to make one. There was 8 of us there. It was a lot of fun just talking while they were knitting and crocheting. I have been having problems with my laptop all day. I had to do 3 system restores to get to a place where this thing works good.

The Following was so good last night. I am terrible with names but when the little FBI guy (Mike ) was punching the twin in the face was so intense. I was so happy to see him do that. That Mother is hated by everyone and hating everyone.

I watched Downton. I am assuming that Edith is going back to wherever and get her baby girl and give her to a local family so she can see her. I was surprised she actually gave her up. Mary is as annoying as ever. I know the show was 2 hours but I don't think too much happened.

I ordered a pair of aqua colored jeans and got them today. They are a tad tight so I MUST lose some weight so I can wear them. They are too cute. I signed up for a program online here called "Weigh To Go". They give out prizes every week to random people who weigh in and a bigger prize at the end. So we shall see .

Betty I am so glad you made he soup. How was it? I will make it next week. He sends recipes everyday.

Missy Tell Tim Good Luck with the new job. That is a shame the other job didn't work out. But at least he has another one.

We don't go to the movies because they are so expensive .. Ticket , popcorn, soda . That's is a lot of money.

Carolyn why is he spraying hot water on the ice rink? Are you done with it?
Carolyn, why isn't dh spraying cold water on the rink?? It freezes faster and it doesn't cost money to heat!

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