STS first time!

Wow, Marie, that is super early. Your mom is such a trooper too.
I like cauliflower so I'll have to give it a try. We don't make that many homemade pizzas.
If you have to rewind HIS in 4DS, there's no hope for me!

Jean, I am still craving cupcake.:eek: It must have been delish with your espresso at the lunch!
I take the 'subway' when I go into downtown Boston; I hate to drive, plus parking is a bear.

Carolyn, as a food writer said, don't stew at the restaurant. Make yourself be heard, then enjoy what your ordered. Good for you for speaking up.

My first rest Thursday since Xmas week!
Better go to bed. ttyt
Good morning.....omg...I was so crazy yesterday....we had a software update at noon...and lets just say I was running all afternoon with program errors....I w as so tired when I got home.....I just did 45 minutes on elliptical....didn't think I had enough energy to do a cathe dvd!!!! I then showered and prpared and ate dinner. Too tired to even watch tv.

So starting this rainy friday out on the treadmill!!!!

As for the b/c.... I just stopped it???? Oooppppssss!!! We shall see what happens!

Betty....I hope your shoulder is better today!!! Rest is key....I know we don't like to rest....but that's what it takes!

Jean....its so nice you have made friends in your new neighborhood.....I don't mingle much.....I only have a couple of friends I chat with....I'm not much of a people

Carolyn, marie, mary, colleen....hello!!!!

Be back in a bit! Its friday!!! Whooohoooo
TGIF, ladies. Cloudy and calm out. Still mild though, maybe 40s?
I just talked myself out of going to Costco. Maybe first thing Monday morning? My CA sis says that Monday mornings are nice and slow over there. It's probably true after the weekend frenzy.
I just finished IMAX 2. Such an awesome workout, as I've said in the past. The music is spot-on and ever so catchy and fun! My left arm is throbbing from it, even though I didn't do full extensions on anything requiring them.

Missy, you must finish out your pack, at least the hormone part! It might mess up your body somehow. Just double up as if you forgot.
I used to throw out the sugar pills. Do you do that? If not, that's part of the problem.

Carolyn, how old is your niece? Why not have her tag along anyway? Now that all our nieces and nephews are older, few of them do sleepovers any more. It's kind of sad.
Besides the odd groping creep or peeping tom in the T, I'm super leery of all those people crammed together breathing their germs in and out.:eek:
Good Morning. Today is cloudy and mild , going to 62. Then thunder storms , strong winds and cooler temps. The gardening company is outside working on the flower beds taking off some of the old mulch and redoing the trenches. Spring is on the way. Today I did Xtrain disc 2 bis and tris. Such a good w/o.

Marie good for you for getting up early to w/o. Have fun with your Mother.

I wouldn't say I have made friends here , maybe just one really. I just see these women in different settings and you know who they are and you can talk to them. We don't call each other or go places together. As for exercising , I would say no one that I know of does anything like me. One lady goes to the gym to do classes but that is $20 a month and I'm not paying that. One lady is a runner. A lot go to "restorative yoga" classes. I have Elliott which I am sure does a lot more than what they do. I asked one lady if she would be interested in walking and she said yes but I keep forgetting to get her number. So we will see how that works out.

My husband is back to work this afternoon so I get some alone time.
O.K. I watched Downton. I know Bates went to York while his wife was in London. I am assuming he did something to that guy , Green I think his name is. This week not much happened. Edith is going away to have the baby and give it up. I don't think she will give it up. They sure don't pay any attention to the babies. When they brought out the crying baby , the old Grandmama went home. Why on earth do all the men think Mary is so great? She doesn't impress me a bit.

Also back to my lunch yesterday. Her dining table had room for 8 and we had 7. She mentioned 3 people that couldn't make it. So with my extremely low self esteem , I wonder if I was invited only because someone else couldn't make it. Most of these women have known each other at least 5 years and they all go places together with their spouses . So I could have only been invited to fill a chair.
Jean, don't second guess about your new friend. If you had 7 and 3 couldn't make it, that would have been 10 which is a nice round number. And she probably invited you because she has met you a few times and thought it would be nice to get to know you better!

I finally got to watch the last 15 mins of DA. I bet Bates has an alibi and someone else offed Green, if he did that to Anna he probably did something just as bad to someone else. I also have to say Edith looks absolutely beautiful lately, why aren't these men going after her?

I took a rest day today. Such a gloomy day, I have absolutely no energy. Waiting for the workday to end, tick tock tick tock.
Jean, don't sell yourself short. You're thoughtful and considerate, a dear person to have as a friend. If they originally needed you as a seat filler, how lucky for them they've made a new friend. If, however, they are the gossipy, cliquey type, well, forget them.

Carolyn, I just received my lotions today. It turns out they must manually bottle an ounce of the lotion to sell as a trial size. I did think it odd that the Australian site doesn't sell the trial size. But no matter. I will apply tonight and twice a day thereafter and will let everyone know how it works.

Bates would have had to go to London to push Greene into "a bus or lorry" at Piccadilly, as Mary heard from Gillingham. (There are always witnesses to shovings in real life.) What a deserving way for that man to die. I thought the same too, Mary--such a lowlife would undoubtedly have some other enemies.
Edith does look beautiful, especially with all the lovely dresses they've outfitted her with this season. Idk why the producers keep giving her a bum deal when she's nicer than Mary. I loathe how snippy Mary is to her, like a jealous schoolgirl.
Mary is a cold, humorless snob. I don't know why all those men are drooling over her either. Even when she was with Matthew, there was hardly any onscreen excitement.
I forgot to say before, there were only 3 of us home for dinner last night so dh wanted to go out. We have not been out with dd for dinner since she was diagnosed. We went to a 99 close by, they list nutrition info on their website. I could not believe the amount of calories and fats in their foods, even the salads! It really took my appetite away to know that a basic cheeseburger had almost 1000 calories. DD got something from the kid's menu, just to get less carbs.
Ds and I just whipped up a batch of blueberry-banana muffins made with white whole wheat flour and wheat bran, both called for in the recipe, which I happen to have. Will let you know how it tastes.
I'm proud that ds cooked dinner a couple of nights, did the dishes, peeled fruit; and I found a series of books that he's totally hooked on (he hates reading and is super picky)--anything to get him off the screen. It also helps that we limited his time this vacation to 3 hrs a day.

Mary, that's so sobering to realize how many calories the food has. How do we even maintain our weight, since we always end up eating more than a serving size, or pig out on sweets, or.....:eek:
It's actually a great idea to look at nutrition facts; it helps to stop me cold (sometimes)! I'll never ever forget that a slice of white chocolate raspberry cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory is 680 calories or so.:confused:
It's almost Yabba Dabba Doo time!:p
Jean- I'm with the ladies. They wouldn't have invited you of they didn't want you there. You are so sweet and caring to everyone on here and so thoughtful in your responses. Guaranteed you're that way in person as well.

Betty- Mmmmm post that recipe if they're good. They sound amazing.

Carolyn- Beach pizza? What's that? I think I remember you posting about that previously. Anything pizza I'm sure I would like.

Mary- Isn't it insane the amount of calories restaurant food has. I swear sometimes one would be better off eating something other than a salad. But of course you're getting veggies that way and I like to think most the calories comes form the dressing which they always give too much of.

Hi to everyone else :)

I did Circuit Blast this morning....yup at 4 am. Good thing I got up that early because my drive time to work was doubled because of the snow. I only finished about half my education. I'll do it tomorrow on my break.

I always tell my mom what you all say about her. She loves it! She is such a trooper. I love that she loves Cathe :)

Hmm what else?! I ate healthy all day and then got home and chowed too much energy ball dough. I'm addicted to sweets lately. I'm at least maintaining my weight and not gaining but I'd like to lose. Guess I should try harder.
Good evening.... today has been one hell of a day....I watched the weather this morning and they was terrible storms heading my I left my house 10 min early.....which I never do. So I headed to to office and was working away..... and the rain hit.... I mean terrible.....the wind was horrible.....and then boom.....power flashed.....then the computers went nuts!!!! I was trying to get server back up and running....then these aweful notices and boom boom boom.....there went the power for good..... we had no power for 2 hours.....I had flash lights in rooms with they did not was pitch dark. A huge pine fell in our back parking lot....luckily it hit nothing..... the roads were then closed.....from trees falling was terrible....but we survived! It was tornados.....I thought I was back in Florida..... so when I came home.....not a single branch was down in my yard....thank god! Looks like the bad weather stayed away from my house!!!! So I had one busy day..... I finally got the computers working at 2:30..... and the storm hit at 8:30..... crazy!!!!! We lost a battery backup and 1 computer got work!!!! Not bad compared to some peoples damage on that block!!!!

Onto better things..... I came home and did 45 minutes on elliptical and now I'm laying in bed, exhausted!!!! Tomorrow I will pick back up with ca the!!!!
I will catch up tomorrow!!! Good night!
You try the Epsom salts yet? Anyone?
It's so cute how dd is playing with her doll. I wanna girl! Waaaaah! And I couldn't live without pierced ears.
What is it about youngest children and their inability to be persuaded by reason or motivation?:eek:

We had fog all day, then thunder/lightning rain in the aft.

Muffins are good. Will find recipe online; it's a Real Simple one. Watching movies tonight.
Carolyn, I don't think I knew you're the youngest. My ds2 is so stubborn. Nothing works on him.
Dear friend, I should love to be beside you during dd's growing up.
I so hear you on the eating. It's been a long, torturous winter!

Sleep well, all!
I'm up.....and not moving too fast this morning.....after yesterdays running around like a crazy woman....its nice to just rest!

On my ways to town. Tim and I going to lowes and publix!!!!

Have a nice day!
Happy Saturday. The skies are blue , the sun is out going into the low 60's. By Friday we will be back in winter. My husband is off to work and I am doing some cleaning.

Betty What is "Yabba dabba do time"? :confused: Does that mean your husband is coming home? :confused: What was for brunch today?

Missy I have you have a great weekend after your day in hell at work yesterday.

Carolyn how sweet that your daughter still plays with dolls. I had a friend that bought her daughter a doll every Christmas until she was grown. Keep them young as long as you can.

Marie I am tempted to not make the dough into balls anymore. Just grab a chunk and go. :rolleyes: I try to limit myself to 2 balls a day. They sure are good.
Good glorious day, friends! It's supposed to be the nicer of the two weekend days, with warming sunshine and temps in the 40s. It's ugly out with all those dirty banks of snow, but I'll take this. The frigids will return midweek. And my pellet stove is still awaiting a part. It might not get here in time for the freezing cold.:confused:

Jean, do you remember The Flintstones? The beginning ditty had someone pulling a prehistoric bird as a 5:00 bell and Fred yelling Yabba Dabba Doo because it's time to get off work?:D
I made French toast this morning, and bacon. I swear that I can't ever get my coffee perfect. It needs lots of half-and-half and maple syrup. So there's probably very little coffee in my cup.:confused: But I do love the coffee flavor.
Have you watched Stuck on You and The Way Way Back yet?
I envy your 60s. Get thee out there for a walk with the dogs, or a bike ride!

Carolyn, I'm certain you're experiencing benefits from OP! Keep it up! Fabulous job!
Great you have doms. I rarely get serious ones any more.

Family dinner tonight.
Betty I thought you were talking about Fred getting off work.
I love the smell of coffee but it never tastes like it smells.
I added those 2 movies to my Netflix. They look good.
I have become obsessed with The Big Bang Theory on t.v.. Here it is in season 7 and I just started watching last week.

Enjoy your family dinner.
Jean, coincidence you should say that about TBBT--I try to watch it because ppl say it's really funny but I don't find it that funny. But, I started watching How I Met Your Mother. Now that the series is nearing its end. It's been on for about 7 years too. It's on Netflix so I have watched a whopping 2.5 episodes thus far. I was captivated by one episode aired a few weeks ago, of the beginning of the final weeks, so now I will have to watch the whole series.

Carolyn, I tried the lotion last night and today. I like it. No fragrance, it's not greasy, goes on easily. I also emailed the guy last night, and he already replied. He assures me the lotion I received is as advertised. Will keep everyone posted on the condition of my outside skin. But I need to get some collagen and lipowheat and work on the inside structures of my skin.
I like squat digs! Very low impact. Or no impact, as it were.

Missy, what an insane weather day yesterday for you! I'm glad all is well at your house.
It hit 52 degrees!
Missy, I picked up that healthiest foods book today. It looks awesome!
Carolyn, snowshoeing sounds so much fun! Enjoy.

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