STS first time!

Yal have got to read the post in the General Discussion titled " Anybody Else". Someone put a long post about Pa. It is so funny. I'm sure many people in this world can relate to it.
Hi Again. Today we woke up to a dusting of snow and it was raining. Now the sun is shining and we are going to 50 degrees. So happy. Today I did UY Cardio. I think that is my favorite so far of the ones I have done. I love at the end of these yoga practices , he has you lay still on the ground.
Today I am picking up my friend and we are going to a Salvaged, Recycled and Repurposed store. I hope I can find some good buys.
Good morning! It is cloudy and the sky is getting ready for snow again.
I will do UY Gentle after my oatmeal, I think. My shoulders are more tight and pained, so I must have been holding them stiff during step.
I must stay away from any UY that has strength moves! And not lift up ANY weights, no matter how light! They make my arms worse! I fear I am passing the point of no return with my inflammation so I better tread carefully.:confused::eek:

Jean, the story rings super true and funny! Makes you wonder where she moved from originally. I wouldn't move to FL though--too dang humid and full of bugs!:confused:

Carolyn, relax your jaw and mouth. You don't have to pull/push the entire time. I don't. Just the act of having it in your mouth still works--gargle around too.
Happy birthday to Cuda.

Missy, how exciting on the seedlings! You're giving us a glimpse of hope!
You can do OP while you're on the treadmill. That's what's great about it--you can do it while you're bustling about getting ready.
Oh, Carolyn, I do hate coconut, but only if it's shavings or bits--I can taste it in anything. I like the taste of the coco oil too!

Jean, that place sounds so fun! Let us know what you find!
Jean....thats was so funny....and I could picture myself in that situation....and I would have definately moved south.

Betty....Florida is humid for sure....but not really buggy..... South GA is buggy! The gnats are horrible here.... but I will take gnats anyday over the cold!!!! This week we are having perfect weather....high 40's to low 50's in the morning and mid to high 70's in afternoon (PERFECT) :eek: Im so excited....I know it will not last....but I am going to pertend it will! LOL

As for Oil Pulling on treadmill....yeah that is not going to work when you are sucking air from running! I just started back running this week....alternating excited!!!:p

Going to meet a friend for lunch today!!!

Be back soon....Drs are calling me! Errr:mad:
Hi. I'm back from that shop. It was no big deal. A bunch of vendors with over priced used stuff . Some of the stuff was like old painted dressers. I found a picture I likes but it was over priced so I didn't buy it. It was nice to get out and see my friend. She is the one who had the knee replacement 4 weeks ago. She is walking so good she didn't even need her cane. I was shocked. I thought I was going to have to carry her. :rolleyes: That's it for now.
Boy the snow is coming down fast! I went into work today but came home at lunch, the roads are slippery too. Girls were supposed to go tubing this afternoon but no one wants to drive so they postponed til tomorrow. Now they are bored.

Yesterday I did STS #16 (back&bis). I had the day off - oldest dd had a day of activities at Brown so dh went with her, youngest dd went to mall with friends, so I talked last dd into going snowshoeing with me. I found a place in Salem NH that rents snowshoes and has trails. I liked having an activity outdoors, but at one point dd turned to me and asked if we couldn't just do the same thing in our boots. Maybe it is more fun in open fields without groomed trails?

Betty it sounds like your arms/shoulders are getting worse. Have you been able to rest them? Don't be like me and wait too long to get it checked.

I watched DA last night but my recorder only recorded the first hour. I hope I can find the last half hour somehow, will have to check other stations.

Was laughing at your descriptions of OP, I can't imagine chewing oil, I think I would gag!

Better do some work...
I did Low Max this morning. Yesterday I did Low Impact Circuit. Both are over an hour which seem like forever but I just love both of those workouts.

This morning DS and I went to sky zone trampoline park. Took him a little bit to warm up because there was so much going on but then he loved it and was bouncing all around. Super cute!

Betty- I'm not sure about the premixes on the step workouts but I'm assuming it's from the main workout. Of course I'd be stoked if there was new choreography that I didn't know about :)

Carolyn- Happy belated birthday to Cuda!

Jean- I read that thread in open discussion and could totally relate. I'm going to go back and take a look and check out the new responses.

Missy and Mary- I'm with you on OP. I love coconut oil but the thought of swishing it around in my mouth getting it all mixed with saliva literally makes me gag.
The snow is certainly coming down and sticking! So beautiful out!!! Roads sure are slippery.
Dh worked from home so we took advantage of it since it's school vacation and went out for Thai. There's a bakery nearby so I had to go and get a lobster tail pastry and cupcake (which I have been craving for AGES)!
After, ds and I were walking the dog on my sidewalk. One moment I'm walking, the next I am laying flat on the ground! It happened so fast I only registered the being on the ground part! Landed hard, hitting harder on my, yes, you guessed it, left shoulder! We were both so stunned! I had to wait for my throbbing shoulder pain to subside before I could stand up!:confused::eek:
I ended up doing Yoga Relax this morning. I appreciate more of it now that I've had Travis' insight into it. Cathe incorporated some Yin stuff, twisting, flexibility. I still love Travis' words through the journey. Cathe's words are more athletic.

Mary, next Sunday's Downton will be 1.5 hrs at least. I believe last Sunday's re-airs Tuesdays on 44. Just checked TV Guide app. It's on at 9 tonight.
I forgot about dd going to Brown! How awesome is that. And how fun snowshoeing sounded for you guys.
I rest my shoulders on weekends, and now Tues & Thur. I've got to lay off any arm work.

Carolyn, only 6 gray hairs?? I can see all my whites coming out of my scalp, i.e. the roots.:mad::confused:
It's 20 degrees out so you didn't need to go home and refrigerate all your food before the hairdresser's!
You're absolutely right about the body weight on arms! No power yoga! I've got to lay off altogether.

Jean, that's disappointing about that overpriced place. What a turnoff!

Girls, it's really not that bad with the coco oil in your mouth, no worse than coffee or juice mixing in with your saliva.

I better go do something, anything!
Ugh! My sweet tooth is out of control! I did great til just now.

Breakfast....2 eggs with cheese and coffee...of course ;)

Lunch.....salad with a sprinkle of cheese and these crunchy baked snap peas from Costco. Usually I use olive oil but did a bit of ranch instead. Also had beans and lentils (Costco rules) with some brown rice crackers.

And then......dark chocolate chips with a 100 calorie pack of blonde brownie bites and then went back for seconds of chocolate chips and pecans. Ugh! I must stop now! Florida is coming and my weight is not going down. Darn winter. I need summer and walks to the park and Target.

Ok done talking to myself ;)
Marie, don't feel guilty. We're all craving the sweets. Must be the darn winter! Your workouts keep the weight off you would otherwise gain from sweets. Equalizer.
I haven't dug into my bakery sweets yet!:eek:
Marie, don't feel guilty. We're all craving the sweets. Must be the darn winter! Your workouts keep the weight off you would otherwise gain from sweets. Equalizer.
I haven't dug into my bakery sweets yet!:eek:

Thanks Betty! You are so right!

Omg I hope you are ok from the fall. Sounds terrible!

Ok so awhile back I told DH to start eating coconut oil to help with his GI system. I was so misunderstood about this whole OP thing cuz I had him eat it lol. Oops! There was no swishing...only swallowing.

DS is finally napping. I totally thought he would fall asleep on the ride home but no go. He struggled and I ended up getting him up twice because he was crying. Poor guy! And poor mama it too early for wine?!

Headed to checkout the PRS2 thread. Assuming it is under new workouts?!
Isn't that the truth Carolyn?! I've been at this same weight for too long....too much chocolate no doubt! It does make me feel better that you had some trail mix though so thanks for that.

Get those cozy jams on. I'm wearing yoga pants, a sweatshirt and fuzzy socks. Love it :)

Take care of that knee! No more step for awhile chica! ;)
I can't tell from the PRS2 thread if it is new stuff or not. Guess I'll have to find out by doing it. Reading it though makes me want to buy some new workouts, specifically Amy Bento step. I don't have any but have watched her clips and they look outstanding.
I am all right, thanks, girls. I'll probably feel more sore tomorrow. I've been icing and rolling (tennis ball) my arm almost nightly, when I remember.
Marie, dh can also eat coconut oil; it gets absorbed into the bloodstream fast and acts fast. (I add a tbsp into my hot oatmeal.) The OP swishing prevents all the bacteria in the mouth from going into the body.

Carolyn, I keep meaning to ask about your dh. Is he at a non-acute stage now? Why is he so stubborn? It's his health! I would try anything natural to prevent from going on meds.
I'm sure the knee pain is from step. I get it in the knees and hips.
High five for surviving day 2 of OP!:p
No jammies under the robe yet! When you cook later, the cooking smells will stink up your sleeping clothes!
Betty I'm glad you're alright. That was a scary fall. My husband fell on snow one year and tore his rotator cuff and had to have surgery. You are very lucky. He knew right away that something major had happened. You need to get some of those grippers for the bottom of your boots.
Yes, it has to be OP, if that's not your norm!!!:eek: Blow it all out!
Believe it or not, I've considered wearing a shower cap!
Maybe dh strained a muscle lifting something heavy at work?

Jean, that's a scary thought that I could have broken something!:eek: it was ice under snow!:eek:
Carolyn I just got done watching The Following. That show is very disturbing. You were right about the sexual killing. Every week I say why am I watching this.
I know how you feel about the expandable waist pj's. I am so there.

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