STS first time!

Buenos dias, mi amigas! A mushy, slushy mess out there, but mild! 40 in my backyard right now.
I might do the entire KickMax, with the leg conditioning drills as well.
Good Morning. Happy Valentines Day. Today I did UY Crosstrain. We got a dusting of snow last night. No big deal. We are going to be in the 40's today. By Thursday they are calling for 60. I hope so. I think I will do some much need cleaning today.
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Jean, we haven't heard much from you these past few days. How is UY working out for you?
Happy Valentine's Day. Totally forgot. No surprises here. You gals?
Who else has KM? Marie and Mary? 73 minutes! The leg drills are nearly 20 mins long! Love the leg-kick parts.
The tastiest part of my balls are the choc-covered cacao nibs!:p
Jean, just getting to The Paradise. (Is this set in Scotland?). Don't you think the owner of the store looks a little too much like Jeremy Piven of Selfridge's?? The premise is the same too, isn't it? Sheesh!
Winds are gusty and it's cold now! But the sun is peeking through.
Betty I am loving yoga. My breathing isn't like it is supposed to be but when he reminds me , I do o.k.. How do you like "Breath of Fire"? I think that is what it is called. That is kind of weird.
I think this weather is bringing me down. I get depressed very easy. So then I just lay around.
You aren't watching Selfridges are you? That is coming back soon. I like both shows and I think they are different story lines. I don't know if it is in Scotland.
Jean, hang in there! Spring is right around the corner. Soak up some sunshine in the meantime--go out for a daily walk. And omega 3s, which are good for mood.
I wasn't interested in Selfridge's but I might change my mind.
I think the breath of fire is strange. Weirder still is the one that blocks off each nostril. Or is that the same thing?? I do rather enjoy the breathing and counting sequences with Travis though.
Soon after I asked whether the show is based in Scotland they showed a London newspaper so that answers it.
I just love the formality of those days, the way the men (especially in Downton) wear tuxes and tails for dinners.:eek:, the way they talk, not just the accent but the way they phrase everything. And the gallantry of the gentlemen! Love it! Don't care for the stuck-up class system, though. But that'll never change.

Carolyn, where are you today??
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I was watching "Notting Hill " and noticed Huge Bonneville (Lord Grantham) was in it.
I too enjoy the breathing sequences with Travis. Sometimes I wonder how long we are going to do it. I really enjoy all aspects of Travis.
The realtor for the builder in this community is from England. I think all of his female buyers are in love with him. That English accent gets the ladies every time.
My husband has left for work and I have a nice clean house to enjoy all by myself. :p
Hugh Bonneville must have been super young!
I just watched this amazing movie, Finding Forrester. So great! Just love movies as inspiring as this one. You must watch it. It's 13 yrs old.
That English realtor must get that a lot! I hate to be so cliched, or whatever the term is .:eek:
I watched most of the episodes for The Paradise today.:eek: I did NOTHING!

Carolyn, does dh have cholesterol or HBP? I had to laugh at your joke. It's definitely worrisome. There will be a tipping point after which he will agree to go see a doctor. Men!
That's last minute there for buying your candy!
Awesome V-Day present for yourself, the jammies.
Dh came home with roses! (And a headache.)
Are you girls getting more snow? I keep reading that yal are expecting 8 to 10 more inches. Does it ever melt up there? We are getting rain today. I have been on the internet all morning looking for shade loving plants. I am in Spring mode.

Betty my friend has a son and dil who live in L.A. and they were at a restaurant and sitting next to them was Jeremy Piven. Speaking of the devil.

Missy I hope you are o.k.. We haven't heard from you in a few days.
I feel like such a shut-in with this weather. My brother was supposed to come for dinner but cancelled because of the snow, and I don't feel like going anywhere either. So dull!

I did STS #16 (Ch,Sh,tris) this morning. M2 seems harder for some reason after M3.

I got the name of another mom of a student with type1 from the school nurse so I gave her a call. I felt so much better after talking to her, her daughter was diagnosed at age 7 but is now a freshman in hs. She said it took a while but it is no longer the focus of their lives. It may take a year but I can't wait to get to that point.

Hope everyone is warm and dry!
Jean, we posted at the same time. I think Missy was taking some time off with Tim. And yes, we are getting more snow today, but it is supposed to warm up later in the week.
Mary I know how you feel even though you have a lot of snow and we don't. I hate winter and cold weather. That is encouraging news you got from the Mother of a classmate. Hopefully soon it will be more relaxed.

We are getting a dusting of snow now and it is windy. Very depressing.

Carolyn I hope your sister can make it tomorrow. I know you always look forward to her visits. Didn't you have some kind of appt. that is going to prevent you from seeing her as much?

I wonder where Betty is. She hasn't checked in today and she always reports what she made for brunch. I hope she didn't lose power.
Hi girls, I'm fine. Love all the posts! Made pancakes for bkfast. By the time we eat it's nearly noon, and after, I realized, yikes I have one more Paradise episode before I return the dvds today.
Then we had to do errands before the snow started, but we were late going out anyway. We will get up to 10". It's so pretty out.
Jean, I'm surprised you only rated that movie a 2-star. It's a 5-star in my book.
Hostas for shade? Is that too boring?

Mary, I'm so relieved for you to be able to connect with someone who has had this experience. Better yet, she's ahead of you!

bbl. Dh is starting Last Vegas!
Good evening.....ive been so busy on my days off....Thursday....Tim and I spent all day together at home doing home stuff, I did squeeze my workouts in. Yesterday....I ran a few errands, and rested. Today, I got up bright and early and go my workout in....then left at 9am....went and hung out with a very dear friend, we went to outback for lunch. Then headed home around 3. I got this awesome book at the bookstore....the worlds healthiest foods by George Mateljan..... its huge and full of food was a must have!!!!!!

Now....I'm resting and watching TV with Tim!!!!

Be back to catch up in a bit!!!!
Carolyn, how do your jammies fit?
I hope your sis' flight doesn't get cancelled.

Jean, what a funny coincidence. Honestly, I really think that man Moray looks so similar to Jeremy Piven. I didn't even notice his lisp until the 3rd episode.
What I liked the most about The Paradise is how kind everyone was to one another, except for the snippy/jealous shop girl Clara and the spoiled rich girl Katherine. They all talked things through and knew one another's character/personalities; so rare. And what a cliffhanger!

Last Vegas was funny. I picked up a bunch of comedies today.
I guess Cape Cod is supposed to be hit very hard by the snow. Ours will be more like Carolyn's, 4-8".
The Grand Budapest Hotel | Fox Searchlight

Betty Here is a movie that I am going to add to my Netflix. It looks interesting.

I think Moray is more handsome but yes they resemble each other. I love all these Masterpiece classic shows.

Hostas for shade are very boring. I like things are different and no one else has.

Missy I am glad you're o.k.. You stay so busy. That's a good thing.
Jean, I read that The Paradise has been cancelled after season 2. If you want spoilers about it, google it.
That's a new movie you linked, right? Do you add movies when they come out in theaters? That would be cool.
Carolyn You are NOT too old for anything !!!!!!!!!!! If you like your hair the length it is , then leave it that way and enjoy it. Look at Jane Seymour. Her hair is real long and she is 64 yrs young and modeled in a bikini on a magazine cover. Age is just a number. Just live your life the way that makes you happy and doesn't hurt other people.

Betty I am sorry to hear Paradise is cancelled. I don't want any spoilers. I add movies to my Netflix even before they hit the theatres. I still don't get them any earlier. They just stay on there at the bottom until they are released. But that way I don't forget about them.

We are going to be in the 30's with wind today so it will feel like the 20's. By the end of the week , in the 60's.
Carolyn You make me LOL. Have you ever been diagnosed with Rosacia?
I have gained a lot of weight in the past year from this move. This weather does not help me want to exercise. I need cardio so badly and can't bring myself to get on the elliptical. I need to go to the comm. center and get on the treadmill. Our temps are warming up this week so maybe I can get some walks in. I can remember the hip bones sticking out. How I miss them. :(
Everyone has things they hate about themselves . You just verbalize yours. You have so much going for you and I am sure you realize that. I think you are more down because you aren't running. You used to be so up and happy then. Get on your spin bike or go for a walk. You will feel better. We need to get you back on the cardio wagon. You have always looked very attractive in all the pics you have posted. And you look so cute in those outfits you wear.

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