STS first time!

Carolyn I just watched Walking Dead. OMG I thought Rick died. I'm so glad he didn't. I was so hoping Carl would get bit. I really can't stand him. Hopefully since he realized he is scared and needs his Dad , he will stop acting like an idiot. And how about the Michone zombie. That was funny. I thought it was a good episode this week. I'm glad it's back.
Good morning!!! Omg....I watched the last 2 episodes last night of Bates motel!!! It is the best show....I just love stuff like that!!! Omg....can't wait for season 2 which starts March 3rd!!!!

I have not watched tv in so long....busy busy....but now I am making time to watch a little in the evening after my workouts and dinner....I am now picking back up where I left off with army wives.....I'm on episode 109..... that is another one of my absolute favorite shows.....

Tonight's workout is Burn sets Upper body!!!!

Yesterday I felt like I could eat anything and everything too!!!@ wth???? Oh well....gonna try and be good today!

Check back in, in a bit!!! Have a lovely tuesday!!!!
Good morning, friends. It's sunny and freezing.
Since last evening I couldn't post in the forum. I keep logging on 'successfully' but the screen keeps reverting to the login screen. Thought whatever the issue was would resolve itself come morning, but nope. I've had to log in via my computer. I think maybe I'll try deleting the Cathe app and reinstalling it.
I've been looking all over for my Travis Yoga Foundations. Craving something short. I'm not sure I will do legs today. I must keep it up though!
My knees were achy from step, and my shoulders throb. Waaaah.

Carolyn, my kids have had sealants here and there. I've never questioned what it's made of.:confused: The dentist just did them. Don't sweat it. Consider this. My numerous fillings, which are in for probably over ten years at a time, have a microscopic amount of mercury in them.:confused:
My 'winter coat' just keeps getting bigger in size!:rolleyes:
Ooh, Betty, watch out for your shoulder. Maybe some step? I could not get onto the forums earlier today at all.

I went for a quick walk yesterday at lunch, but then I was chilled to the bone for the rest of the afternoon. Probably something to do with forgetting my hat. It is supposed to be even colder today so I will stay at my desk - yuck.

I think my dentist just did the sealants as well, I like my dentist and figured he knows best. If you are not sure ask your dentist.

This morning I repeated just the chest exercises from D13. I think those incorporate alot of the smaller shoulder and tri muscles anyways. My hamstring is still an issue, I have to take baby steps when I want to add an exercise. I can't do squats so when I do L&G I mostly skip the standing part until she puts the leg weights on.

I really enjoyed DA this week, it was nice to see Mary loosen up a bit and have some fun. How horrible for Anna to have to face that man again. And I don't know about Edith, I don't know how an unwed mother would survive in that time and in her class. Seems like they would have to ship her off somewhere for 9 months.
What was I saying? It's not my Cathe app that's problematic. I'm using my browser on my tablet and I can't get on!
I ended up popping in Yoga Relax. For a minute. Then subbing UY Detox. I couldn't bear not doing Travis. It felt sooooo good! It was just what I needed. (Mostly).
I know how you feel about being chilled to the bone, Mary. I'm freezing so I've hardly moved today, and have done NOTHING!:eek:

Carolyn, that sounds gross, the toenails.:p
Hi All. It is sooooo cold today. Today I did UY mountain Pose and Pranayama meditation . It was very relaxing. I thought I was going to fall asleep. It's funny every time we go to put on my Chihuahua's pee belt he goes into a down doooggggggggggg. It is so cute. I need to make more energy balls today.
DA is going to be good next week because I think Bates is suspecting that guy is the rapist . Also that new maid needs to get the scoop for (I forgot his name). I'm terrible with names. I'm so glad Edith didn't abort. I hope we find out what where her fiancé is.

Time to get warm.
I had to burn some major calories this morning from all the food I ate yesterday. I ended up going to bed at 8:30 last night just so I would quit going to the fridge. I need to be good today. To crush some of those calories anyways I did To The Max.

DS and I went to the mall for Toddler Tuesday. There was a childrens' entertainer that sang and the kids danced. DS was being shy and just kind of hung out by mama which is no big deal of course. We then made a quick run through Sealife, the big aquarium that's there. He's napping now and then we're meeting some friends at the zoo at 2:30. We usually like to keep our activities to the morning only but I just couldn't say no to the zoo.

Goal for today- eat healthy! So far so good :)

Carolyn I had sealants when I was a kid and never had one cavity until my adult life. I don't know if they eventually wore off or what the deal was, but for the past five years or so I feel like every time I go to the dentist I have a cavity. It's absolutely ridiculous and frustrating because I brush at least twice a day and floss daily. Actually the past two times I've gone I haven't had any issues so maybe it was just a phase or something.

Anyways that's all for now. Great job on the workouts everyone :)
I finally had a smidge of motivation after noon and have been buzzing about a bit filing and tidying. Hardly earth-shattering but it does clutter up the brain.:p

Boy, am I glad my kids are no longer in elementary school! When I think of the amount of work and things that are constantly needed, I don't miss it! Remember the 100-day project? And Valentine's cards are such a colossal useless wasteful pasttime! And pickup! Avoiding those manic mothers in their large SUVs (oops, definitely not you, Carolyn!;)) It just means and I'm getting older and crabby.

Downton: Yes, there is finally some life in the household! Much more interesting this week! Whenever I see that arrogant Greene, I want to reach out and knife him in the groin.:eek: Make that ax!

Hang in there with the healthy eating, Marie! I'm rooting for you! Today for lunch I had half a sweet potato and some almonds and sunflower seeds with a cup of chamomile!:cool:
That MoA is enviable! Aquarium, zoo, etc. I've been to the Edmonton Mall.
Hi friends!!!!!

We finally got power back late Friday night. We came home Saturday. It felt so good to get home.

We lost all our food in the fridge and freezer.

I've been keeping up with ballet body. I even did it Thursday and Friday since they are downloads.

Today I did some abs and a 3 mile walk. Yesterday was ballet body.

Dh got me a personal size gluten free cake for my birthday and it was oh so yummy! I keep saying I need to watch what I eat. During the week I'm so good but ear horrible on the weekends.

I agree it's the Winter layer. We need to start taking it off!
They sounds delish Carolyn! I want to try. I will make with peanut butter since I'm allergic to almonds.

My birthday was the 1st. But our family get to getting together was this past Sunday (When I finally got my cake) the cake was chocolate cake with dark chocolate gnash with a peanut butter filling! It was amazing. Dh liked it he kept asking if I was feeling OK. He said there is not way it is gluten free and vegan! It was by dia dolce she won cupcake wars and is from my area.
Colleen, happy belated birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry we didn't remember.
Your cake sounds so delish! It makes me want some:eek::eek::eek:! Now!:eek: I want to try a place that makes gluten-free and vegan and want to be wowed.
I'm glad you're home. You were so good to keep up with your workouts!
Weekends are bad for me too. And evenings, when the sweets monster rears its cravings.

Carolyn, those bars sound great. How professional the recipe and content breakdown are!
I haven't had salmon in forever! I don't want to buy the farmed ones, which have color added and whatnot. You're making me want some!:eek:
I still have about 10 balls left. I eat one before my workouts.
Carolyn we watched TF tonight. It wasn't as bloody as usual. It was pretty good this week. I was glad when it was over so I don't think it has my attention 100%. But I will stay with it.
I always pay extra for fresh caught fish. It is supposed to be healthier.
I finally figured out what was wrong with my tablet--some dumb setting! Ugh.

Carolyn, in your earlier comment, I agree that Hydraplenish is, shall we say, sulfurous!:eek:
Bummer about your jammies! A shelf bra for pajamas is so necessary. I hate going without. It's the most repulsive feeling! I could never wear a tank to bed in the winter time though!
It's only a dollar difference with your salmon??

Colleen, I'm craving cupcakes and/or frosting now!!!!

Good night!
Good morning! Happy wednesday!!! I am off thursday and friday!!! Yeah!!! Tim is off too....

Happy birthday glad your back in your house!!!!

Carolyn....oh no....sorry your jammies didn't fit! :( well....I guess this gives you a reason to go shopping again!!! Hehehe

I did burn sets last night....upper body...79 minutes.....can you say my arms were toast!!!! Loved it!

On the treadmill, getting ready to tackle another day at the office...errrr!!!

Check back later, have a nice day!
Hi Girls. As usual it's another cold day. We are getting 1 to 3 inches of snow tonight. So tired of the cold.
Today I did Burn Sets ch, bk, sh.
I think we will go out and run some errands today.

I think TF is going to start getting better now that Joe is with the rest of that group. I am wondering what they are up to. I did notice the boy touching his Mothers arm. The other twin looked a little jealous. I think she favors the one twin. Then there is the ex-FBI girl who gave Joe a lot of food and her friend is the real FBI lady. Something is going to happen there.

Missy enjoy your 4 day weekend. What kind of weather are you having?
Hello. I just finished LL&A with barre. Love this workout!!! I started out with LB doms from UY.
I've now done abs twice this week.:p

Missy, how fab you have a 4-day weekend! Enjoy. The US should have regular 3-day weekends.

Carolyn, how about spin? You haven't done that in a while.

It's freeeeeezing and I'm so sick of it. But sunny. We're expecting another snowstorm tomorrow during daylight hours so I better hit the markets.
Hello.... its raining buckets right now! It is suppose to rain all day and the temps will be falling again....errrr :mad: I want my high 70's and sun!!!!!

I am ready for spring/summer....I want to go out side in shorts and a tank and be comfy!

I ate my last energy ball this morning....should I make more??? I love them!!!! :D

I can really tell a difference in my upper body strength.... tonight is lower body....which is where I need help...LOL...that is where I hold my weight....I m ready for my winter weight to leave me!!!!;)

Have fun at Kohls...Carolyn!!!!

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