STS first time!

Betty Just go to Google and type in yoga warrier 365 youtube and you will get the clips. You can't afford this program. :rolleyes: It costs $120. :p You only paid $50 for Travis. We were in a lot of plank today . I forgot to wear my lifting gloves. I am anxious to see how my wrists feel. I'm glad your son was able to blow the snow. Make your balls 1st thing in the morning. They don't take long. You can let the dough cool while you exercise.

Missy your dinner sounds horrible: rice and beets. I am not a huge fan of rice and don't even think I will eat a beet. :eek: I'm glad you are enjoying that rotation. You should do her rotation every month.
Jean, I agree about beets--they taste like earth:confused:, but I eat rice ALL the time!
I have a lesson in the morning, then Costco, so UY & energy balls will be in aft. I was going to skip Costco but learned the Popcorners vendor is coming. I've been waiting for months!
I def would wait for rock-bottom prices on YW365:eek::eek::p! I'm patient like that!

Carolyn, I've not seen the wrist wrap (I'd get one) or a small foam roller yet. You have the best stuff up there!
It felt so good to be outside today. It wasn't overly cold and my head and eyes are clearer for it!
I had a quarter of a Klondike bar. Ds insisted on sharing.
I iced my left bicep area.

Colleen, do you have power?? Hope you do. Just heard tons of people near Philly have outages.
Good morning....hope all my friends are warm!!! least Carolyn is in check with beets....I could eat them daily....I just love them.. yum yum for my tum tum!!! Hehehe. ...I'm gonna try and plant some in my garden this spring.....

Ate my white choc energy balls (2).... and now I have energy for my morning cardio!!!!

Tim was watching something on tv last night and the people were plowing snow....and he busted out with....oh hell no....I could never live in those frigid may get horribly hot here....but you don't have to do anything but turn on your air!!! Lol.....I know its what your use too....but southern folk can't handle the cold!!!! This has been the coldest winter in 20 years here....and we almost died last week with the freezing temps/conditions!!! girls are strong women to be shoveling all I'm saying!!! :)

Hope everyone has a lovely thursday.....I have lots of work to do at the office....errrr!!! Btw....I am finally done with my early mornings....we are done with the city exams....yeah!!!!

Tonight's workout is crossfire.... yipeeee!!!
Did you hear about cvs....droping tobacco sales???? I think that's awesome!!! Now if only more stores would....that's one nasty habit people need to kick! Yeah for CVS!!!!
Good day, sunshine!
I'm trying to shake off my fog. Why do I go to bed so late???:confused:
I am craving some yoga, big time! Gentle is not stretchy enough. I'm not sure which yet.

Missy, I just heard about CVS this morning! What a statement! My very first job as a teen was at a CVS. I remember the cigarette sales.

Better get to my oatmeal now. bbl.
Its freezing outside again....37 degrees this morning and I have sandles on....whY?????? did it get cold again....I was enjoying the mid seventies and sunshine.....errrr!!!! :mad:

Carolyn and Betty....enjoy whatever workout you choice....and enjoy that stretching!!!! ;)
Hi Ladies. It is cold , breezy and partly sunny today. Today I did High Reps Upper body only. OMG. If you haven't done that one , you have to give it a try. It is not easy. My barbell was 15 lbs , and hand weights were 3 and 8 lbs. My shoulders are fried. I was surprised to see Amanda and the other girl in this. I thought this was older than that. Amanda is so amazing. Perfect form and it just looks second nature to her. The camera stayed on her most of the time.
I am going to Walmart today and get a few items.

Get Crocked – Slow Cooker Turkey Sloppy Joes

Here is a recipe my friend sent me. I will probably try it this week. I love slow cooker recipes.

Missy I heard about CVS . Someone of t.v. said now they need to stop selling junk food also.

Carolyn I don't have a TJ's so I will have to look on line for the wrist straps. Thanks for that idea.

You ladies be careful driving in all that snow. I would stay home for a week if we got that much snow but I guess you are used to it.
Hello ladies!

I just got back from a brisk walk outside. I was going to walk around the parking lot but happened to notice someone had plowed the walking path, so I did that instead. I could have used sunglasses, it is so bright out with the snow reflecting the sun, but I feel much better for it.

Jean, I haven't done high reps in a while but I do remember feeling wiped out from the upper body, especially the triceps.

I will have to keep an eye out for the wrist wraps as well. Good to know about the wags, I have looked at them before but they are expensive.

I think beets taste like the earth too, but it is one of the only veggies dh likes so I put up with them.

Hope everyone has a great day!
The sun feels absolutely wonderful! After going to 6 places not counting piano I came home to shovel some more and walk the dog. Now's lunch and an hour of yoga. When will I fit in energy balls?? While digesting, I guess.

Jean, thanks for the YouTube idea. I never think to look in there. It shows how I'm not on the YouTube bandwagon. The clips were interesting. Rudy's not anything like Travis, which I knew, and the music and set are not as lush as Travis'. Even Travis' cast is more in sync. I'll wait a year or so for DDD to have a super sale.;)
I remember not liking High Reps, but I believe it's because I didn't know to have the lowest possible weight. I burned out fast!:confused:
Amanda is amazing. And gorgeous. She was dying yesterday in f-b circuit with 10# weights and many, many reps.

Mary, the sun with calm fresh air does wonders! I love that there's no wind. Did you see the crystals in the snow? They were shimmering in the sunlight. Beautiful!
Carolyn...were you good? could have an energy ball...hehehehe :p
Awesome deal on the hat!!!!!

I have to go to hellmart after work today....wish me luck! Then I will go home and tackle CrossFire!!!! And then dinner!!!! Tim said he would make dinner if I would go to Hellmart for him! Not sure if its a fair deal....but I didnt want to drive all the way home and then come back to town, because then I may not have time for my workout....and that is not acceptible! LOL;) I am on a roll this week with my Cathe workouts....and I actually feel better, I feel like my old self...the energizer bunny!!!! Im back!!!! :eek:
Hi Girls. I had a productive shopping day. We went to Walmart and got what we needed. I even got a child's basket for my bike. Then we went to the pet store and got cat food. Then we went to 2 furniture stores and I bought 2 pictures of Blue Heron's. I hung them in my hall. They look really nice.

Carolyn that was a steal on that hat. Are you still watching the Following? It was pretty bloody last night. I thought that woman was one of them. I keep thinking of stopping watching each but I keep on watching. I think Walking Dead comes back this Sunday.

I can't believe Edith is pregnant. She should have told her Mother. She is very understanding. I wonder where her boyfriend is. ( I bet Betty knows) :eek:
Good evening.....just rocked cross fire!

We had chili for dinner!!!! It is 40 degrees and raining....its raw!!!!

Carolyn....I eat a lot of those foods too.....hmmmm.... we must have ripped muscles....our sweets are just hiding them! Lol

BTW....I am baking a valentines cake.... yummy!!!!
Ok, girls, where do I begin? I prepped my energy balls, put them in to chill, then did 71 mins of UY Flexibility. My shoulders have been hurting all week, and today they felt so achy after all the shopping I was doing. But after UY, they actually improved.:cool: Must do more UY! Definitely every Thursday, but maybe some Tuesdays. We'll see.
My balls: (hysterical, don't you think?) After I brought them out and tried to set them, they kept falling apart a bit. So I added more almond butter since I didn't want to add any more sugar with the maple syrup. They're now a little better but still crumbly. It's probably my ingredients. I used hemp seeds for flax, and wheat bran (yes) for coconut flakes; everything else was as indicated. And would you believe I actually have choc-covered cacao nibs from this local chocolate gift box I scored last week at TJM??:cool: I'm eating a ball as I type and it tastes great. The nibs and syrup add just the right amount of sweetness. Would you believe something in my ingredients makes it taste like there are coconut flakes?:eek: One of the grains or the hemp seeds. I'll probably never add chocolate chips because I don't need the added sugar contributing to my muffin top.:eek:
Jean and Missy, any tips you can give would be great since you gals have made them a few times. I have to store mine on a flat dish because if they're thrown together in a bag or tall container, they'll mush up into a mess, I'm guessing.

Carolyn, that was a smokin' deal!:cool: Love that!!!
I would have been tempted to keep the $15 but then I would have blinked and given it back. What an ungrateful woman--she would have been short in her cash register!
You'll have to go to your local TJM/M and buy 3 wrist wraps and send them to me, Jean, Mary. And the rigid foam roller for me. And all those all goodies you find!!!
I believe you're right about it being a Beatles song. It seemed very appropriate this morning.

Jean, see how Edith sees herself as a fallen woman but Mary did the same thing in season 1 with that Mr. Pamuk who died in her bed, yet no one mentioned anything about that! Double standard, don't you think? Well, maybe he died before any hanky panky. I can't remember. Do you know that Netflix has removed Downton from its streaming library??
And Mary is so b!tchy to Edith, just like in season 1.
Doesn't it bother you that Cora always has that scrunched-face expression? She looks down, crinkles her eyes, and puckers her mouth. Annoying.
I just LOVE the English accent. (Not the ones with the lilt the help have.)

Missy, you HAVE been on a roll with Cathe. And posting. High five!

Well, I'm so proud of how many calories all my bustling about today has burned!:rolleyes: Still need to pick ds up at 9 after his club.
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Jean and Missy, are you still watching Big L? I haven't seen the finale yet but I was flipping through two separate tabloidy shows last evening and they blabbed!:confused: Ugh. I thought it would be that person anyway. But still.
Ok, Carolyn, I'm STILL:p laughing! What ingredients did you use?
Yes, that person looked sickly. Apparently, there's controversy surrounding this person's ending weight. Even Dr. Oz has weighed in. Ha! Pun.:D They just roll right out!

Jean, have you heard Travis say 'equanimity' yet? I still haven't looked it up yet!

Have you guys looked at Developed by neuroscientists for the good of the brain. I'll check it out soon.

Must. Get. Off.:confused:
Equanimity - mental calmness , composure , evenness of temper.
I haven't really heard him say that but I will try to listen better. I am so busy trying to do my poses.

I saw those wrist straps at Walmart and they seemed kind of hard. Another female was around when I was trying it and she asked me if they were for lifting. I told her for yoga. She didn't think they would be that good for yoga because they are hard and press into your hand. So I don't know. Yeah , pick me up a pair and mail them to me. :p:rolleyes::D Do you feel they help you with HC? I think it is HC. Those hard dvd's you have that you do a lot of planks. What is the circumference of the foam rollers? I see them that are like 9 inches around? Is that what I should buy?

I put my balls in a flat container with a tight lid and keep in the refrigerator. I use the ingredients the recipe calls for and they stay together pretty well. I do eat mine over the sink incase they fall apart.

Carolyn It sounds like you live in a really nice area with lots of nature and fun things to do. I am new to all these big birds. We did have a Heron in our front yard in the summer. Exciting. Our community has put up 2 Osprey nests down at the bay. I'm looking forward to this summer to see all of our birds. We have a lot of corn fields here and after the farmers plow down the corn , the fields fill up with Snow Geese. That is amazing to see. It is acres of white snow geese. I get excited every time I see them.

Mary of Downton really gets on my nerves. She was so mean to Edith. I can't wait until she finds out Edith is pregnant. How come she is never with her baby?

I watched TBL finale. I was hoping she would win. She was rather thin. Bob and Jillian looked shocked at how thin she was. I wouldn't complain if I was that thin. Anyway she will gain some back eventually. They all do. She lost 60% of her body weight which is more than any other contestant in all 14 seasons.

I see commercials for Luminosity or whatever it's called. You need to do a login.

Brain Games & Brain Training - Lumosity

Missy I'm so glad you're back to your old self. :D I missed you.
You gals with the water wells, do you have to be careful what you put on your lawns so it doesn't end up in your water supply?
Jean, the roller I mentioned my bro has is 13" in length and 5" diameter.
Wow, the birds in your area sound amazing!
Thanks for the definition. New word of the day.
Do you use honey (a superfood, as are cacao nibs)?
You know in merry ole England, nannies and governesses had the kids most of the time.

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