STS first time!

Here are a few tidbits for you, Jean and Mary:
It takes 13 days to film one 60-minute episode of Downton!
The most difficult scenes to film are the ones in the dining room, when they need to recreate the same scenes over and over and film the perspective of diff people's conversations. The actor who plays Carson jokes that it feels like he has spent 14 years of his life filming in that dining room.
There's an airfield near Highclere Castle; also, the gravel on the castle's driveway makes so much noise--both factors that need to be mitigated when filming.
Betty If you want to work , you should put your resume out there and see who snatches you up. I never got any of those language skills you speak of either but you certainly have a good personality. And you're witty too. :D
Those are interesting tidbits about DA. You would never know it takes that long to film.
How much snow are yal expecting? Maybe you can get away without shoveling . It might be melted by the time your husband gets home. :p Or get your son out there. :eek: He is young and healthy.
We just got back from Joslin, and I feel much better. The dr. said we are doing well, it is just very difficult to regulate a 14 yr old's body, so that is why they have us check so often. And dd's pancreas is still working somewhat, because she is only taking half the amount of insulin that they would expect for someone her age. That poor pancreas will stop producing insulin at some point. And she was more relaxed about the target numbers we should aim for, they gave us a range to be in but it is very difficult to get there, always too high or too low, and then we have to correct, and then it goes back the other way. Anyways, we go back in a month and also see the nutritionist. I am making dh go to that with us because he has the worst ideas about food and nutrition. And now we only have to check once in the night instead of twice - yay.

Didn't appreciate the snow while trying to get out of Boston, it doesn't take much to make a mess. It sounds like Wed. will be worse so I am glad we are done today.

Betty, you should apply for some positions near your home, you never know what will happen. Honestly, younger people have a different work ethic these days (not in a good way).

My quads are very sore today and I couldn't figure out why, then I remembered I did some stretching from Lastics yesterday. I have only done a bit from that dvd but I find it difficult.

Betty I can't believe you finished DA! I will try to watch the next episode tonight.
Good evening....I rocked Rockout Knockout.....I was a sweaty mess when done....soaked from head to that! It makes me think I had an awesome calorie blast!

Mary...that's wonderful news....soon, as she should get easier....she's so lucky to have a great mom who is there for her, in every way possible! Not all children would have the love and support! Hugs, my fit friend!!!!

Off to bed I go....exhausted!!!!

BTW...I just ate a piece of angel food cake....
Hi ho. We have a blanket of a few inches of snow.
I had leftover soup too. I'm stuffed. No sweetie treatie tonight for me. Just grapefruit.

Mary, that's a wonderful report, so validating for the ups and downs you've been experiencing. Keep going with one foot in front of the other. Perhaps by spring you'll feel some sense of normalcy.

We have the same forecast of snow, including the Sun/Mon one. Can't remember whether we had one or two days already. Two! Very early January and a couple of weeks ago.

This is what we moms do, Carolyn. We drive all over to get healthy food to nourish our families. I'm not sure that some dhs appreciate it. Mine would just be happy eating processed, canned, with nitrates, etc. Seriously. He doesn't say so but he doesn't mind just buying white bread, deli ham, ordinary stuff I go out of my way to avoid. It's a constant internal struggle for me.

You gals are right about sending out my resume, but that would mean lots of interviews. I'm so out of it that I'm squeaky rusty. I don't convey myself very well. There's something to be said about talking to many people everyday, which I don't do that much of. I'm by myself most of the time! Yikes.
Good morning....up and on the treadmill!!!

Tonights workout is xtrain bis and tris....looking forward to it!!! Yeah!!!!

Betty....your sweets....your one strong women!!! My husband never cared about healthy choices.....but now he does....he has finally gotten on the health wagon....if only he would exercise....but I think that is one battle I will never wi n! Guess one is better than none. As for interviewing...noone is good at just wing can do it....I'm sure of it! I am not a people I don't do well in those circumstances either....I like to be to myself! Go figure.... I sit in a office.....oh yeah!

I'm trying to drink more water these days....I've been doing it for 2 weeks now....and I think it is helping me! Do yall drink a lot of water like we are suppose to?

Check back in a bit.....gotta get moving...I'm all warmed up! Have a lovely tuesday!
Good sunny morning. Oh, why did I go to bed so late last night?? So tired.
A light layer of snow for me to clear later, then another wallop beginning overnight. Ugh. I'm so sick of winter already.

Missy, I forgot to list cell salts as a supplement I've recently purchased.
Drinking more water is a daily battle for me. I start out strong, peter out in late afternoon and evening, then try to make up for it near bedtime--ridiculous because then you have to go all night. How much more are you drinking? I don't keep count, but more than the 8 cups. As they say, judge by your urine color.

Mary, does the pancreas eventually stop altogether? Is that what diabetes stems from?

Carolyn, as the mother of two younger kids and two dogs, I seriously doubt you hardly move. Use me as your yardstick. I seriously hardly move! No joke--there's less for me to do now that the kids are older. Bustling about burns calories and I don't do enough of that nowadays.
Nice modest sweetie treatie!

Plan on GG as soon as I shake off some of this sleep fog.:confused:
Betty....I get up in the morming and grab a bottle of water and 2 energy balls and hit the treadmill.... I am trying to drink a bottle while walking. Then I make a glass of unsweet tea to drink for with breakfast and I bring a glass to work. At lunch I go to Dunkin DOnuts and get a large unsweet tea, which I consume all afternoon. Then when I go home I have unsweet tea with dinner and then try to drink 1 bottle with my evening workout, and then 1 bottle after I shower and while relaxing.... But I struggle getting the last bottle in.... But before I was not drinking any water....just tea. :confused: The reason I started drinking more fluids is because I watched a Dr Oz.... on what water is needed and what it was about your poop...yucky.... but they said you can also tell dehydration from the shape of it along with color of urine....:confused::eek: Good Ole...Dr OZ!!!! I just love him! If I could watch his show daily I would.... but I am at work when it comes on.... thats probably a good thing though.... husband says the same thing....I walk alot at work....hehehe
Oh....I have the fitbit flex and love it! If you get one....we can be friends on the fit website and we can compare distance and stuff.... kinda cool! It definately makes you realize how little we move....I am trying to increase my distance too cause I sit all day at my desk....

Okay...better get going...lots to do today! Check in later!
Carolyn....we were posting at the same time....hehehe....get to the basement and do your workout!!! Sanp snap! hehehe:p And I completely am with you....I am in bed at 9:30 and sleeping by 10, if not I drag my but the next day!
I was typing a post and it disappeared.:mad:
I just finished GG Extreme and it felt great, both for starting early and the doability of the mat work, unlike the ones in LL&A which I can barely do.

Missy, think of water as being vital for brain function and your skin. You and Carolyn seem to drink plenty. I tend to sip at dinner. Must force an entire cup. That way I control how much I eat too.

Carolyn, who wants to clean everyday? We're not maids. I only clean if I absolutely have to. I hate having that hang over me so I push it out of my mind, and turn a blind eye to dust and dirt.;)

I stopped being a slave to a pedometer. Again.
You haven't started exercising yet??;)
Ok, which Lipowheat did you get? Today I felt like my knees were a bit more cushioned. I wonder if it's because I had a whopping 3 collagen pills last week and am taking Hydraplenish a bit more closer to daily.:D
The other day I linked EWG's Skin Deep database, but did you know this organization is a huge advocate and pusher of other health things like publishing the dirty dozen of produce affected by pesticides, lobbying the government to legislate more transparent labeling, etc.?
You can become an armchair activist by subscribing to EWG via email (no cost). They on your behalf send emails to your representatives, Congressmen, and Senators. Simplest thing ever to let your voice be heard. I've been doing it for several years and it's painless, with no junk mail to your inbox, no harrassment, etc. Check it out.
Take Action | Environmental Working Group
Carolyn...I think we all have our winter weight on....but it is gonna come off....we have to try and be good....its just so hard.... I want to eat....:p

I went to publix at lunch today and got a angel food cake! hehehehe But I also got apples and banannas....then I went to farmers market and got plums, grapefruit, and I think all of my fruits and veggies make up for 1 bad....hehehehe :eek:

Tim asked me to make energy balls with white choc and NO thats on my agenda to do!;)

Back to work I go!
Missy, you do so many things that you are constantly scorching calories! Crafts, barn chores, cleaning, cooking for the week, etc. I wouldn't worry.
Yesterday's bite of angel food cake hooked you in, eh? Know the feeling. I'd run out to the bakery now if my gut isn't hanging over too.:confused:
I second Tim's request. LOVE white choc, HATE coconut flakes!

Carolyn, I must start my laundry now that I'm home. Went to TJM/M to return a couple of things, and of course I come home with more that I don't need! I found an adorable dk green peacoat tapered peplum waist for 29. Had to buy it and decide later.
I saw some of the Nike sports bras that Missy bought, but really, how many do I need?? However, if they had been on clearance, I would have squelched that nagging voice.;) And some Moving Comfort ones for 17 but they were XS. Who can squeeze into one of those??
That's a super price for Hydraplenish! What's the brand on Lipowheat? Or should I look at the show clip again?
I absolutely love dates! They are super sweet! I usually buy pumpkin seeds raw; they're pretty bland. I bet roasted tastes better.
You'll be happy to know I shoveled the snow on my sidewalks. My driveway being black was mostly melted by the time I came home.
It feels very nice out in the sun right now.
Better go eat and do a load. are too funny....but, I researched the nike sports bra after I fell in love with the one I scored at Marshalls.... and then I many do I need? first thought was 1 in every color....and then I realized....I didnt need one in every color...because you cant see them under shirts anyways...LOL..... As for the xs...yeah....I will never squeeze into that size! LOL....

Thanks for the nice comments on my calories burning busy body....funny thing is....I am still able to gain weight if Im not careful with my is truely a diet and exercise combo to keeping in check! Thats why there are so many hefty ones out there!!!:confused: It is a lifestyle for sure! ;)

With that being said...I am truely grateful for our friendship....each one of us, bring a different light to our group....and it keeps us in least for me! I feel better and make better choices when I check in with my "FIT FRIENDS"
Hi Girls. Nothing much to post. No w/o. I went to the grocery store , drug store and gas station. My neighbor gave me some really nice antique seltzer bottles. If you remember the 3 Stooges , they were always squirting each other with these bottles. Anyway they gave me 6 . 2 are blue and 4 are clear. I need to figure out a place to put them. I watched my movie today which was "Blue Jasmine". It wasn't very good and kind of stupid. Tonight is Canasta. I'm looking forward to some laughs with the ladies. I made more energy balls on Saturday. They are so good. Today I bought Butterscotch and chocolate chips to put in my next batch. They are so convenient . I just take one out when I want something sweet.

Carolyn I buy milled flax seed. I know it is healthier if you ground them yourself but I am not going to do that. I figure it is better milled than none at all. Plus there are so many healthy recipes to make with flax seed. You should try making the energy balls with the original recipe. They are so good.

Betty I have my beans soaking to make your recipe again tomorrow night. That was really good. It is now on my meal rotation.

Hi Missy. You're so cute.

What is Hydraplenish and why do you take it? Maybe I need some also.
Hello ladies,

I get so confused by all the skin care products I don't know what to do. Even Olay and Neutrogena have multiple lines of products - what is the difference between them? Right now my skin is so dry and dull,I can't stand it. I need to exfoliate but I am really lazy in that area.

Betty, type 1 diabetes is an auto-immune disease, and the body attacks the pancreas so it can no longer make insulin. She still has some good cells left but eventually those will be gone as well.

I watched DA last night and enjoyed it. Poor Edith, what will she do? And I think I saw a preview that Lord G. will be coming back with his valet - poor Anna having to face him again.

I have a fitbit mini thing, I forget what it is called. But I love knowing how many steps I take in a regular day (not so much now that it is winter). But when I am out walking I know how many steps I have taken and can push myself to take more. You ladies will be surprised how many steps you take if you use it.

I am always impressed with you ladies on this forum. Think about all the things you do for work and your families, and manage to fit in awesome workouts as well!

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